[GenABEL-dev] web-server todo's

Yurii Aulchenko yurii.aulchenko at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 14:44:36 CET 2011

I am sending a short description of web-server todo's to keep things documented

The 'test' version is installed at http://test.genabel.org/, and we
try to use Drupal as CMS (http://test.genabel.org/drupal6/).
Eventually, the web-server will be accessible through www.genabel.org
(now this redirects to MGA site). Content of web pages is stored at
R-forge SCM, https://r-forge.r-project.org/scm/viewvc.php/pkg/webpages/?root=genabel.

Here are the things we need to do about web-server (add more and join
into discussion :) )

* Solve links (will tell more about that below)

* Solve HTML documentation (will tell more about that below)

* Ask PredictA and ParallA developers to generate HTML -- this will be
handy if they include this bit as a part of their package update
process (Yurii) We will also need to write instructions on how to do
that and put @developers' pages (other primary link at
www.genabel.org? R-forge?)

* Check integrity -- all links work, and bring to right place

* Figure out the way that 'known issues' link in packages brings to
'open' bugs (see http://test.genabel.org/drupal6/?q=node/6, link "see
our bug tracker"), now shows also closed/fixed, which makes bad
impression :)

* Ask people listed at "People" page if they are ok with that, and ask
people to comment on the web-site (Yurii)

* After one week, move test.genabel.org -> www.genabel.org

* Replace MGA *ABEL pages with something, which re-directs the traffic
to www.genabel.org

* Announce (forum, mail-list, social networks)

Now some more details about 'problems'

(*) Solve links

Primary links look like http://test.genabel.org/drupal6/?q=node/6
(this is to Packages section). Can we have something more
human-readable? I believe Lennart figured what module we need to
enable, but doing so was not so trivial...

(*) Solve HTML documentation

We need to keep HTML documentation for packages, and eventually
update, keeping the link stable.

This is a bad one, though there is workaround. What we have figured
out with Lennart about htmlimport module, is that if you import html
pages (e.g. from dir http://test.genabel.org/old/htmlMetA/), the
delete it in drupal, and then try to import again, it will not work.
So now trying to import http://test.genabel.org/old/htmlMetA/
generates crap, and that's it. The workaround is to say rename
htmlMetA to say htmlMetA1, then import, -- it will work. But! It will
bring htmlMetA1 into the link's name, so the link to 'updated' version

So, for the moment I just put all docs to http://test.genabel.org/old/
and make links to there. It is kind of ok, but two problems here I
believe: (a) search engines will eventually index 'old', and people
will land @ old without noticing we have this beautiful web-site :)
(b) just esthetically would prefer to see docs appearing "within"
drupal frame, see example

in old: http://test.genabel.org/old/htmlDatA/00Index.html

how it should be:
http://test.genabel.org/drupal6/?q=htmlDatA/00Index, and it should be
linked from http://test.genabel.org/drupal6/?q=node/84

I wonder -- if you just try to import updated page, without prior
delete of pages to be updated, would that work just fine solving the

If nothing works, would that be reason good enough to try other CMS or
even go to very simple plain HTML site?...

best wishes,

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