[GenABEL-dev] bed format

Yurii S. Aulchenko i.aoultchenko at erasmusmc.nl
Mon Dec 6 16:11:07 CET 2010

> Stepan does not know this format, but he can do it jointly with Tagir
> (he knows this format)
> if you would like.

probably would be good to file in feature request for that at


with short description ('ability to output snp-lists, e.g. top snps  
from gwa scans, in bed format for better compatibility with...') and a  
link to specification of the 'bed' format, so we do not forget that  
when it comes that we have time to do that

Stepan, could you do that, probably together with Tagir?

best regards,

PS will send the first draft 'iterator' problem description in 1-2  
days I hope

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