[Genabel-commits] r2053 - in pkg/MultiABEL: . R src

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Sat May 7 15:24:56 CEST 2016

Author: shenxia
Date: 2016-05-07 15:24:56 +0200 (Sat, 07 May 2016)
New Revision: 2053

Update to 1.1-5. See ChangeLog for details.

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/ChangeLog
--- pkg/MultiABEL/ChangeLog	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/ChangeLog	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -1,5 +1,22 @@
-2015-02-25 15:52 xia
+2016-05-07 14:16 xia
+    * Updated to version 1.1-5
+    * MultiSummary() updated:
+      option type = 'direct' gives only p-values
+      with very fast calculation;
+      'outbred', 'inbred', or 'precise' will
+      estimate the conditional genetic effects
+      for each of the traits
+    * load.summary() fixedN bug fixed
+2016-04-16 21:41 xia
+    * load.summary() updated by Yurii to allow
+      flexible input file column names and fixable
+      sample size by the user
+2016-02-25 15:52 xia
     * Updated to version 1.1-4
     * MultiSummary() implemented using T-stats
       as option type = 'direct'
@@ -14,7 +31,7 @@
     * MultiSummary() coefficients standard errors
       provided for outbred HWE populations;
       Traits can be partially selected for multi-
-      trait scans.
+      trait scans
 2015-07-31 15:54 xia
@@ -24,7 +41,7 @@
       where the former loads individual-level
       data and reports detailed single-trait
       summary statistics, and the latter calls
-      MultiSummary(type = 'precise') procedure. 
+      MultiSummary(type = 'precise') procedure
 2015-06-05 02:01  xia

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/R/MultiSummary.R
--- pkg/MultiABEL/R/MultiSummary.R	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/R/MultiSummary.R	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -23,14 +23,12 @@
 #' @author Xia Shen
 #' @references 
-#' Xia Shen, Zheng Ning, Yakov Tsepilov, Masoud Shirali,  
-#' Generation Scotland, Blair H. Smith, Lynne J. Hocking, Sandosh Padmanabhan, Caroline Hayward, 
-#' David J. Porteous, Yudi Pawitan, Chris S. Haley, Yurii S. Aulchenko (2015).
-#' Simple multi-trait analysis identifies novel loci 
-#' associated with growth and obesity measures. \emph{Submitted}.
+#' Xia Shen, Zheng Ning, Yakov Tsepilov, Peter K. Joshi,
+#' James F. Wilson, Yudi Pawitan, Chris S. Haley, Yurii S. Aulchenko (2016).
+#' Fast pleiotropic meta-analysis for genetic studies. \emph{Submitted}.
 #' @seealso 
-#' \code{load.summary}, \code{Multivariate}
+#' \code{load.summary}
 #' @examples 
 #' \dontrun{
@@ -58,7 +56,7 @@
 #' @aliases MultiSummary, multi.summary
 #' @keywords multivariate, meta-analysis
-`MultiSummary` <- function(x, index = NULL,  type = 'outbred', vars = NULL) {
+`MultiSummary` <- function(x, index = NULL,  type = 'direct', vars = NULL) {
 	if (class(x) != 'multi.summary') {
 		stop('Wrong data type!')
@@ -76,42 +74,81 @@
 	betamat <- x$gwa[,seq(1, 2*m, 2)]
 	semat <- x$gwa[,seq(2, 2*m, 2)]
 	tmat <- betamat/semat
+	bad <- which(rowSums(is.na(tmat)) > 0)
+	if (length(bad) > 0) {
+		betamat <- betamat[-bad,]
+		semat <- semat[-bad,]
+		tmat <- tmat[-bad,]
+		x$gwa <- x$gwa[-bad,]
+		k <- nrow(x$gwa)
+	}
 	dimnames(betamat) <- list(NULL, NULL)
-	res <- data.frame(Marker = rownames(x$gwa), Freq = f, N = n, Beta.S = NA, SE = NA, P = NA)
+	res <- data.frame(marker = rownames(x$gwa), freq = f, n = n)
 	rownames(res) <- rownames(x$gwa)
+	if (type != 'direct') {
+		bnames <- paste0('beta.cond.', rownames(x$cor.pheno))
+		snames <- paste0('se.cond.', rownames(x$cor.pheno))
+		pnames <- paste0('p.cond.', rownames(x$cor.pheno))
+		cns <- rep(NA, m*3)
+		cns[seq(1, m*3, 3)] <- bnames
+		cns[seq(2, m*3, 3)] <- snames
+		cns[seq(3, m*3, 3)] <- pnames
+		res3 <- matrix(NA, k, m*3)
+		colnames(res3) <- cns
+	}
 	if (type == 'outbred') {
-		scan <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoop', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
-			f = as.numeric(f), betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
-			E0 = diag(m), H = diag(m), invE0 = diag(m), D = diag(m), s = betamat, coef = betamat, 
-			pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan1 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopDirect', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				tmat = tmat, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
+				pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan2 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoop', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				f = as.numeric(f), betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), D = matrix(0, m, m),
+				sdY = diag(sqrt(x$var.pheno)), invsdY = diag(1/sqrt(x$var.pheno)), sY = sqrt(x$var.pheno), 
+				b = betamat, s = betamat, pil = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		res2 <- data.frame(p = pf(scan1$fstat, m, n - m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
+		                   beta.score = scan2$pil)
+		res2$se.score <- res2$beta.score/sqrt(qchisq(res2$p, 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
+	    res3[,seq(1, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$b
+		res3[,seq(2, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$s
+		res3[,seq(3, m*3, 3)] <- pchisq(scan2$b**2/scan2$s**2, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
+		res <- cbind(res, res2, res3)
 	} else if (type == 'inbred') {
-		scan <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopInbred', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = n, 
-			f = f, betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
-			E0 = diag(m), H = diag(m), coef = betamat, 
-			pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan1 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopDirect', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				tmat = tmat, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
+				pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan2 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopInbred', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				f = as.numeric(f), betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), D = matrix(0, m, m),
+				sdY = diag(sqrt(x$var.pheno)), invsdY = diag(1/sqrt(x$var.pheno)), sY = sqrt(x$var.pheno), 
+				b = betamat, s = betamat, pil = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		res2 <- data.frame(p = pf(scan1$fstat, m, n - m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
+				beta.score = scan2$pil)
+		res2$se.score <- res2$beta.score/sqrt(qchisq(res2$p, 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
+		res3[,seq(1, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$b
+		res3[,seq(2, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$s
+		res3[,seq(3, m*3, 3)] <- pchisq(scan2$b**2/scan2$s**2, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
+		res <- cbind(res, res2, res3)
 	} else if (type == 'precise' & !is.null(vars)) {
-		scan <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopPrecise', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = n, 
-			betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
-			E0 = diag(m), H = diag(m), coef = betamat, 
-			pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), vg = vars, PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan1 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopDirect', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				tmat = tmat, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
+				pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		scan2 <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopPrecise', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
+				varg = vars, betamat = betamat, R = x$cor.pheno, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), D = matrix(0, m, m),
+				sdY = diag(sqrt(x$var.pheno)), invsdY = diag(1/sqrt(x$var.pheno)), sY = sqrt(x$var.pheno), 
+				b = betamat, s = betamat, pil = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		res2 <- data.frame(p = pf(scan1$fstat, m, n - m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE),
+				beta.score = scan2$pil)
+		res2$se.score <- res2$beta.score/sqrt(qchisq(res2$p, 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
+		res3[,seq(1, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$b
+		res3[,seq(2, m*3, 3)] <- scan2$s
+		res3[,seq(3, m*3, 3)] <- pchisq(scan2$b**2/scan2$s**2, 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
+		res <- cbind(res, res2, res3)
 	} else if (type == 'direct') {
 		scan <- .Fortran('MultiSummaryLoopDirect', k = as.integer(k), m = as.integer(m), nn = as.numeric(n), 
 				tmat = tmat, invR = solve(x$cor.pheno), 
 				pil = numeric(k), fstat = numeric(k), PACKAGE = "MultiABEL")
+		res$p <- pf(scan$fstat, m, n - m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
 	}else {
 		stop('Wrong type of analysis!')
-	res$Beta.S <- scan$pil
-	res$P <- pf(scan$fstat, m, n - m - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
-	res$SE <- res$Beta.S/sqrt(qchisq(res$P, 1, lower.tail = FALSE))
-	if (type != 'direct') {
-		coef <- matrix(NA, k, m*2)
-		coef[,seq(1, 2*m, 2)] <- scan$coef
-		coef[,seq(2, 2*m, 2)] <- sqrt(scan$s)
-		colnames(coef) <- colnames(x$gwa)[1:(2*m)]
-		return(data.frame(res, coef))
-	} else {
-		return(res)
-	}
+	return(res)

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/R/load.summary.R
--- pkg/MultiABEL/R/load.summary.R	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/R/load.summary.R	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -20,22 +20,17 @@
 #' @param est.var A logical value. If \code{FALSE}, each phenotypic variance is assumed to be known as 1. 
 #' If \code{TRUE}, each phenotypic variance will be estimated to adjust the summary statistics, so that
 #' the corresponding phenoypic variance is 1.
-#' @param type A string gives the type of analysis. Default is \code{"outbred"}, referring to 
-#' general outbred populations, following Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. \code{"inbred"} refers to 
-#' inbred populations, where no heterzygotes exists, namely, allele frequency = genotype frequency.
-#' \code{"precise"} refers to precise genotypic variance, especially when the individual-level data 
-#' are available, for which the argument \code{vars} has to be given. 
-#' @param vars A numeric vector gives the variance of the genotypes at each SNP, e.g. coded as 0, 1 and 2.
-#' Only used when \code{type = "precise"}.
 #' @param columnNames A vector with names of columns containing necessary information in the input file;
-#' default values are c('snp','a1','freq','beta','se','n'). The values are case-insensitive. 
+#' default values are c('snp','a1','freq','beta','se','n'). The values are case-insensitive. Note: check
+#' your allele definitions for different traits are based on the same strand!
 #' @param fixedN sample size to assume across all analyses, when provided, this number will be used
 #' (instead of the ones specified in the input files)
 #' @return The function returns a list of class \code{multi.summary}, containing two elements: \code{gwa}
-#' (the cleaned data to be processed in multi-trait GWAS) and \code{cor.pheno} (user input or estimated).
+#' (the cleaned data to be processed in multi-trait GWAS), \code{cor.pheno} (user input or estimated), and 
+#' \code{var.pheno} (default or estimated).
-#' @author Xia Shen, Yurii Aulchenko
+#' @author Xia Shen, Yurii S. Aulchenko
 #' @references 
 #' Xia Shen, Zheng Ning, Yakov Tsepilov, Masoud Shirali, 
@@ -71,8 +66,8 @@
 #' @aliases load.summary
 #' @keywords multivariate, meta-analysis
-`load.summary` <- function(files, cor.pheno = NULL, indep.snps = NULL, est.var = FALSE, type = 'outbred', vars = NULL,
-                           columnNames = c ('snp','a1','freq','beta','se','n'), fixedN = NULL ) {
+`load.summary` <- function(files, cor.pheno = NULL, indep.snps = NULL, est.var = FALSE, 
+		                   columnNames = c('snp', 'a1', 'freq', 'beta', 'se', 'n'), fixedN = NULL) {
 	if (!all(is.character(files))) {
 		stop('files should be given as strings!')
@@ -88,30 +83,30 @@
 			stop('wrong dimensions of cor.pheno!')
-        columnNames <- tolower( columnNames)
-        if (!is.null( fixedN )) if (fixedN <= 0) {
-            stop('fixedN should be a positive number')
-        }
-        if (is.null(fixedN)) { colNamLen = 6 } else { colNamLen = 5 }
-        if (!is.character(columnNames)) {
-            stop('columnNames should be character')
-        }
-        if (length( columnNames ) != colNamLen) {
-            cat('columnNames should be a vector with',colNamLen,'elements')
-            stop('... exiting')
-        }
-        if ( length(unique(columnNames)) != colNamLen ) {
-            stop('elements of columnNames must be unique')
-        }
-        # column Names Translation
-        cNT = list(
-            'snp' = columnNames[1],
-            'a1'  = columnNames[2],
-            'freq'= columnNames[3],
-            'beta'= columnNames[4],
-            'se'  = columnNames[5],
-            'n'   = columnNames[6]
-            )
+	columnNames <- tolower(columnNames)
+	if (!is.null(fixedN)) if (fixedN <= 0) {
+			stop('fixedN should be a positive number')
+		}
+	if (is.null(fixedN)) { colNamLen = 6 } else { colNamLen = 5 }
+	if (!is.character(columnNames)) {
+		stop('columnNames should be character')
+	}
+	if (length(columnNames) != colNamLen) {
+		cat('columnNames should be a vector with',colNamLen,'elements')
+		stop('... exiting')
+	}
+	if (length(unique(columnNames)) != colNamLen) {
+		stop('elements of columnNames must be unique')
+	}
+	# column Names Translation
+	cNT = list(
+		'snp' = columnNames[1],
+		'a1'  = columnNames[2],
+		'freq'= columnNames[3],
+		'beta'= columnNames[4],
+		'se'  = columnNames[5],
+		'n'   = columnNames[6]
+	)
 	cat('loading data ...\n')
 	data <- c()
 	fn <- files # rev(files)
@@ -119,27 +114,26 @@
 	for (i in m:1) {
 		dd <- read.table(fn[i], header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
 		colnames(dd) <- tolower(colnames(dd))
-                currentColNames <- colnames(dd)
-                if ( any( !( columnNames %in% currentColNames ) ) ) {
-                    cat('file column names do not match columnNames in ',fn[i],'... ')
-                    stop('exiting')
-                }
-		idx <- which(duplicated(dd[, cNT[['snp']] ]))
+		currentColNames <- colnames(dd)
+		if (any(!(columnNames %in% currentColNames))) {
+			stop('file column names do not match columnNames in ', fn[i], '... exiting!')
+		}
+		idx <- which(duplicated(dd[, cNT$snp]))
 		if (length(idx) > 0) {
 			data[[i]] <- dd[-idx,]
-			rownames(data[[i]]) <- dd[ -idx , cNT[['snp']] ]
+			rownames(data[[i]]) <- dd[ -idx , cNT$snp]
 		} else {
 			data[[i]] <- dd
-			rownames(data[[i]]) <- dd[, cNT[['snp']] ]
+			rownames(data[[i]]) <- dd[, cNT$snp]
 		if (est.var) {
-                        if (!is.null(fixedN)) {
-                            D <-  dd[, cNT[['n']] ]*2*dd[, cNT[['freq']] ]*(1 - dd[, cNT[['freq']] ])
-                            vy <- D*dd[ , cNT[['se']] ]**2 + D*dd[, cNT[['beta']] ]**2/(dd[, cNT[['n']] ] - 1)
-                        } else {
-                            D <-  fixedN*2*dd[, cNT[['freq']] ]*(1 - dd[, cNT[['freq']] ])
-                            vy <- D*dd[ , cNT[['se']] ]**2 + D*dd[, cNT[['beta']] ]**2/( fixedN - 1)
-                        }
+			if (is.null(fixedN)) {
+				D <-  dd[,cNT$n]*2*dd[, cNT$freq]*(1 - dd[, cNT$freq])
+				vy <- D*dd[ , cNT$se]**2 + D*dd[, cNT$beta]**2/(dd[, cNT$n] - 1)
+			} else {
+				D <-  fixedN*2*dd[, cNT$freq]*(1 - dd[, cNT$freq])
+				vy <- D*dd[ , cNT$se]**2 + D*dd[, cNT$beta]**2/(fixedN - 1)
+			}
 			dvy <- density(na.omit(vy))
 			vys[i] <- dvy$x[which.max(dvy$y)] #median(vy, na.rm = TRUE)
@@ -148,9 +142,9 @@
 	if (est.var) cat('phenotypic variances are:', vys, '\n')
 	cat('checking markers ...\n')
-	snps <- data[[1]][, cNT[['snp']] ]
+	snps <- data[[1]][, cNT$snp]
 	for (i in 2:m) {
-		snps <- data[[i]][ data[[i]][, cNT[['snp']] ] %in% snps, cNT[['snp']] ]
+		snps <- data[[i]][ data[[i]][, cNT$snp] %in% snps, cNT$snp]
 	snps <- unique(snps)
@@ -163,25 +157,25 @@
 	cat('correcting parameters ...\n')
 	for (i in 2:m) {
-		if (any( data[[i]][, cNT[['a1']] ] != data[[1]][, cNT[['a1']] ] )) {
-			adj <- 2*as.numeric( data[[i]][, cNT[['a1']] ] == data[[1]][, cNT[['a1']] ] ) - 1
-			data[[i]][, cNT$beta ] <- data[[i]][, cNT$beta ]*adj
-			data[[i]][, cNT$freq ] <- (adj == 1)*data[[i]][, cNT$freq] + (adj == -1)*(1 - data[[i]][,cNT$freq])
+		if (any(data[[i]][, cNT[['a1']]] != data[[1]][, cNT[['a1']]])) {
+			adj <- 2*as.numeric(data[[i]][, cNT[['a1']]] == data[[1]][, cNT[['a1']]]) - 1
+			data[[i]][, cNT$beta] <- data[[i]][, cNT$beta]*adj
+			data[[i]][, cNT$freq] <- (adj == 1)*data[[i]][, cNT$freq] + (adj == -1)*(1 - data[[i]][,cNT$freq])
 	cat('adjusting sample size ... ')
 	n0 <- matrix(NA, nrow(data[[1]]), m)
-        if (is.null(fixedN)) {
-            for (i in 1:m) {
-		n0[,i] <- data[[i]][,cNT$n]
-            }
-        } else {
-            for (i in 1:m) {
-		n0[,i] <- fixedN
-            }            
-        }
+	if (is.null(fixedN)) {
+		for (i in 1:m) {
+			n0[,i] <- data[[i]][,cNT$n]
+		}
+	} else {
+		for (i in 1:m) {
+			n0[,i] <- fixedN
+		}            
+	}
 	n <- apply(n0, 1, "min")
 	cat('finalizing summary statistics ...\n')
@@ -219,7 +213,7 @@
 	dimnames(cor.pheno) <- list(files, files)
 	gwanames <- c(paste(rep(files, each = 2), rep(c('.beta', '.se'), m), sep = ''), 'f', 'n')
 	colnames(gwa0) <- gwanames
-	dd <- list(gwa = gwa0, cor.pheno = cor.pheno)
+	dd <- list(gwa = gwa0, cor.pheno = cor.pheno, var.pheno = vys)
 	class(dd) <- 'multi.summary'

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoop.f90
--- pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoop.f90	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoop.f90	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -1,49 +1,173 @@
 !	MultiSummaryLoop.f90	
-!	Created by Xia Shen on 5/29/15.
+!	Created by Xia Shen on 06/04/16.
-subroutine MultiSummaryLoop(k, m, nn, f, betamat, R, invR, E0, H, invE0, D, s, coef, pil, fstat)
+subroutine MultiSummaryLoop(k, m, nn, f, betamat, R, invR, D, sdY, invsdY, sY, b, s, pil)
   implicit none
-  integer :: i, j, k, m
-  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: R, invR, E0, H, HinvE0, D, invE0
-  double precision, dimension(1, m) :: beta, b
-  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: tmp
-  double precision, dimension(k) :: nn, f, pil, fstat
-  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, coef, s
+  integer :: ii, i, j, k, m
+  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: sdY, invsdY, R, invR, H, HinvE0, D, A, invA
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, m - 1) :: zz, sdY1, R1
+  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: zg, beta, ab, alphabeta, sY
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, 1) :: beta1, alpha, sY1, cor1
+  double precision, dimension(1, m - 1) :: tbeta1  
+  double precision, dimension(k) :: nn, f, pil
+  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, b, s
   double precision, dimension(m) :: lambda
-  double precision, dimension(1, 1) :: bDbeta0
-  double precision :: vg, gg, bDbeta
+  double precision, dimension(1, 1) :: abDalphabeta0, Vb
+  double precision :: tmp, vg, abDalphabeta
   do j = 1, k
      vg = 2*f(j)*(1 - f(j))
-     E0 = nn(j)*R
-     invE0 = invR/nn(j)
      do i = 1, m
-        beta(1,i) = betamat(j,i)
-        D(i,i) = E0(i,i)
+        beta(i,1) = betamat(j,i)
      end do
-     tmp = matmul(invR, transpose(beta))*vg
      do i = 1, m
-        coef(j,i) = tmp(i,1)
-        b(1,i) = tmp(i,1)
+        if (i == 1) then
+           R1 = R(2:m,2:m)
+           sdY1 = sdY(2:m,2:m)
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(2:m,1)
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(2:m,1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(2:m,1)
+        else if (i == m) then
+           R1 = R(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           sdY1 = sdY(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(1:(m - 1),1) 
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(1:(m - 1),1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(1:(m - 1),m) 
+        else
+           R1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           R1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           R1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           R1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           beta1(1:(i - 1),1) = beta(1:(i - 1),1)
+           beta1(i:(m - 1),1) = beta((i + 1):m,1) 
+           sY1(1:(i - 1),1) = sY(1:(i - 1),1)
+           sY1(i:(m - 1),1) = sY((i + 1):m,1) 
+           cor1(1:(i - 1),1) = R(1:(i - 1),i)
+           cor1(i:(m - 1),1) = R((i + 1):m,i) 
+        end if
+        zg = beta1*vg
+        zz = matmul(matmul(sdY1, R1), sdY1)
+        tmp = sdY(i,i)
+        do ii = 1, m - 1
+           alpha(ii,1) = cor1(ii,1)/sY1(ii,1)*tmp
+        end do
+        alphabeta(1:(m - 1),1) = alpha(1:(m - 1),1)
+        alphabeta(m,1) = beta(i,1)
+        A(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1)) = zz(1:(m - 1), 1:(m - 1))
+        A(1:(m - 1),m) = beta1(1:(m - 1), 1)*vg
+        tbeta1 =  transpose(beta1)
+        A(m,1:(m - 1)) = tbeta1(1,1:(m - 1))*vg
+        A(m,m) = vg
+        do ii = 1, m
+           D(ii,ii) = A(ii,ii)
+        end do
+        invA = inverse(A, m)
+        ab = matmul(matmul(invA, D), alphabeta)
+        abDalphabeta0 = matmul(matmul(transpose(ab), D), alphabeta)
+        abDalphabeta = abDalphabeta0(1,1)
+        Vb = (sdY(i,i)**2 - abDalphabeta)/(nn(j) - 3)*invA(m, m)  
+        b(j,i) = ab(m,1)
+        s(j,i) = sqrt(Vb(1,1))
      end do
-     gg = vg*nn(j)
-     bDbeta0 = matmul(matmul(b, D), transpose(beta))
-     bDbeta = bDbeta0(1,1)*vg
+     H = matmul(beta, transpose(beta))*nn(j)*vg
+     HinvE0 = matmul(matmul(H, invsdY), matmul(invR, invsdY))/nn(j)
      do i = 1, m
-        s(j,i) = (gg - bDbeta)/(nn(j) - m)*invE0(i,i)
-     end do
-     H = matmul(transpose(beta), beta)*nn(j)*vg
-     HinvE0 = matmul(H, invR)/nn(j)
-     do i = 1, m
         lambda(i) = HinvE0(i,i)
      end do
      pil(j) = sum(lambda)
-     fstat(j) = pil(j)/m/(1 - pil(j))*(nn(j) - m - 1)
   end do
+function inverse(a, n)
+! Inverse matrix
+! Method: Based on Doolittle LU factorization for Ax=b
+! Alex G. December 2009
+! input ...
+! a(n,n) - array of coefficients for matrix A
+! n      - dimension
+! output ...
+! c(n,n) - inverse matrix of A
+! comments ...
+! the original matrix a(n,n) will be destroyed 
+! during the calculation
+implicit none 
+integer :: n
+double precision :: a(n,n)
+double precision :: c(n,n), inverse(n, n)
+double precision :: L(n,n), U(n,n), b(n), d(n), x(n)
+double precision :: coeff
+integer :: i, j, k
+! step 0: initialization for matrices L and U and b
+! Fortran 90/95 aloows such operations on matrices
+! step 1: forward elimination
+do k=1, n-1
+   do i=k+1,n
+      coeff=a(i,k)/a(k,k)
+      L(i,k) = coeff
+      do j=k+1,n
+         a(i,j) = a(i,j)-coeff*a(k,j)
+      end do
+   end do
+end do
+! Step 2: prepare L and U matrices 
+! L matrix is a matrix of the elimination coefficient
+! + the diagonal elements are 1.0
+do i=1,n
+  L(i,i) = 1.0
+end do
+! U matrix is the upper triangular part of A
+do j=1,n
+  do i=1,j
+    U(i,j) = a(i,j)
+  end do
+end do
+! Step 3: compute columns of the inverse matrix C
+do k=1,n
+  b(k)=1.0
+  d(1) = b(1)
+! Step 3a: Solve Ld=b using the forward substitution
+  do i=2,n
+    d(i)=b(i)
+    do j=1,i-1
+      d(i) = d(i) - L(i,j)*d(j)
+    end do
+  end do
+! Step 3b: Solve Ux=d using the back substitution
+  x(n)=d(n)/U(n,n)
+  do i = n-1,1,-1
+    x(i) = d(i)
+    do j=n,i+1,-1
+      x(i)=x(i)-U(i,j)*x(j)
+    end do
+    x(i) = x(i)/u(i,i)
+  end do
+! Step 3c: fill the solutions x(n) into column k of C
+  do i=1,n
+    c(i,k) = x(i)
+  end do
+  b(k)=0.0
+end do
+inverse = c
+end function inverse
 end subroutine MultiSummaryLoop

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopInbred.f90
--- pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopInbred.f90	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopInbred.f90	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -1,38 +1,172 @@
-!	MultiSummaryLoop.f90	
+!	MultiSummaryLoopInbred.f90	
-!	Created by Xia Shen on 5/29/15.
+!	Created by Xia Shen on 07/04/16.
-subroutine MultiSummaryLoopInbred(k, m, nn, f, betamat, R, invR, E0, H, coef, pil, fstat)
+subroutine MultiSummaryLoopInbred(k, m, nn, f, betamat, R, invR, D, sdY, invsdY, sY, b, s, pil)
   implicit none
-  integer :: i, j, k, m
-  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: R, invR, E0, H, HinvE0
-  double precision, dimension(1, m) :: beta
-  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: tmp
-  double precision, dimension(k) :: nn, f, pil, fstat
-  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, coef
+  integer :: ii, i, j, k, m
+  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: sdY, invsdY, R, invR, H, HinvE0, D, A, invA
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, m - 1) :: zz, sdY1, R1
+  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: zg, beta, ab, alphabeta, sY
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, 1) :: beta1, alpha, sY1, cor1
+  double precision, dimension(1, m - 1) :: tbeta1  
+  double precision, dimension(k) :: nn, f, pil
+  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, b, s
   double precision, dimension(m) :: lambda
-  double precision :: vg
+  double precision, dimension(1, 1) :: abDalphabeta0, Vb
+  double precision :: tmp, vg, abDalphabeta
   do j = 1, k
      vg = f(j)*(1 - f(j))
-     E0 = nn(j)*R
      do i = 1, m
-        beta(1,i) = betamat(j,i)
+        beta(i,1) = betamat(j,i)
      end do
-     tmp = matmul(invR, transpose(beta))*vg
      do i = 1, m
-        coef(j,i) = tmp(i,1)
+        if (i == 1) then
+           R1 = R(2:m,2:m)
+           sdY1 = sdY(2:m,2:m)
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(2:m,1)
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(2:m,1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(2:m,1)
+        else if (i == m) then
+           R1 = R(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           sdY1 = sdY(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(1:(m - 1),1) 
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(1:(m - 1),1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(1:(m - 1),m) 
+        else
+           R1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           R1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           R1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           R1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           beta1(1:(i - 1),1) = beta(1:(i - 1),1)
+           beta1(i:(m - 1),1) = beta((i + 1):m,1) 
+           sY1(1:(i - 1),1) = sY(1:(i - 1),1)
+           sY1(i:(m - 1),1) = sY((i + 1):m,1) 
+           cor1(1:(i - 1),1) = R(1:(i - 1),i)
+           cor1(i:(m - 1),1) = R((i + 1):m,i) 
+        end if
+        zg = beta1*vg
+        zz = matmul(matmul(sdY1, R1), sdY1)
+        tmp = sdY(i,i)
+        do ii = 1, m - 1
+           alpha(ii,1) = cor1(ii,1)/sY1(ii,1)*tmp
+        end do
+        alphabeta(1:(m - 1),1) = alpha(1:(m - 1),1)
+        alphabeta(m,1) = beta(i,1)
+        A(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1)) = zz(1:(m - 1), 1:(m - 1))
+        A(1:(m - 1),m) = beta1(1:(m - 1), 1)*vg
+        tbeta1 =  transpose(beta1)
+        A(m,1:(m - 1)) = tbeta1(1,1:(m - 1))*vg
+        A(m,m) = vg
+        do ii = 1, m
+           D(ii,ii) = A(ii,ii)
+        end do
+        invA = inverse(A, m)
+        ab = matmul(matmul(invA, D), alphabeta)
+        abDalphabeta0 = matmul(matmul(transpose(ab), D), alphabeta)
+        abDalphabeta = abDalphabeta0(1,1)
+        Vb = (sdY(i,i)**2 - abDalphabeta)/(nn(j) - 3)*invA(m, m)  
+        b(j,i) = ab(m,1)
+        s(j,i) = sqrt(Vb(1,1))
      end do
-     H = matmul(transpose(beta), beta)*nn(j)*vg
-     HinvE0 = matmul(H, invR)/nn(j)
+     H = matmul(beta, transpose(beta))*nn(j)*vg
+     HinvE0 = matmul(matmul(H, invsdY), matmul(invR, invsdY))/nn(j)
      do i = 1, m
         lambda(i) = HinvE0(i,i)
      end do
      pil(j) = sum(lambda)
-     fstat(j) = pil(j)/m/(1 - pil(j))*(nn(j) - m - 1)
   end do
+function inverse(a, n)
+! Inverse matrix
+! Method: Based on Doolittle LU factorization for Ax=b
+! Alex G. December 2009
+! input ...
+! a(n,n) - array of coefficients for matrix A
+! n      - dimension
+! output ...
+! c(n,n) - inverse matrix of A
+! comments ...
+! the original matrix a(n,n) will be destroyed 
+! during the calculation
+implicit none 
+integer :: n
+double precision :: a(n,n)
+double precision :: c(n,n), inverse(n, n)
+double precision :: L(n,n), U(n,n), b(n), d(n), x(n)
+double precision :: coeff
+integer :: i, j, k
+! step 0: initialization for matrices L and U and b
+! Fortran 90/95 aloows such operations on matrices
+! step 1: forward elimination
+do k=1, n-1
+   do i=k+1,n
+      coeff=a(i,k)/a(k,k)
+      L(i,k) = coeff
+      do j=k+1,n
+         a(i,j) = a(i,j)-coeff*a(k,j)
+      end do
+   end do
+end do
+! Step 2: prepare L and U matrices 
+! L matrix is a matrix of the elimination coefficient
+! + the diagonal elements are 1.0
+do i=1,n
+  L(i,i) = 1.0
+end do
+! U matrix is the upper triangular part of A
+do j=1,n
+  do i=1,j
+    U(i,j) = a(i,j)
+  end do
+end do
+! Step 3: compute columns of the inverse matrix C
+do k=1,n
+  b(k)=1.0
+  d(1) = b(1)
+! Step 3a: Solve Ld=b using the forward substitution
+  do i=2,n
+    d(i)=b(i)
+    do j=1,i-1
+      d(i) = d(i) - L(i,j)*d(j)
+    end do
+  end do
+! Step 3b: Solve Ux=d using the back substitution
+  x(n)=d(n)/U(n,n)
+  do i = n-1,1,-1
+    x(i) = d(i)
+    do j=n,i+1,-1
+      x(i)=x(i)-U(i,j)*x(j)
+    end do
+    x(i) = x(i)/u(i,i)
+  end do
+! Step 3c: fill the solutions x(n) into column k of C
+  do i=1,n
+    c(i,k) = x(i)
+  end do
+  b(k)=0.0
+end do
+inverse = c
+end function inverse
 end subroutine MultiSummaryLoopInbred

Modified: pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopPrecise.f90
--- pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopPrecise.f90	2016-04-16 20:39:42 UTC (rev 2052)
+++ pkg/MultiABEL/src/MultiSummaryLoopPrecise.f90	2016-05-07 13:24:56 UTC (rev 2053)
@@ -1,40 +1,174 @@
-!	MultiSummaryLoop.f90	
+!	MultiSummaryLoopPrecise.f90	
-!	Created by Xia Shen on 5/29/15.
+!	Created by Xia Shen on 07/04/16.
-subroutine MultiSummaryLoopPrecise(k, m, nn, betamat, R, invR, E0, H, coef, pil, fstat, vg)
+subroutine MultiSummaryLoopPrecise(k, m, nn, varg, betamat, R, invR, D, sdY, invsdY, sY, b, s, pil)
   implicit none
-  integer :: i, j, k, m
-  integer, dimension(k) :: nn
-  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: R, invR, E0, H, HinvE0
-  double precision, dimension(1, m) :: beta
-  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: tmp
-  double precision, dimension(k) :: pil, fstat, vg
-  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, coef
+  integer :: ii, i, j, k, m
+  double precision, dimension(m, m) :: sdY, invsdY, R, invR, H, HinvE0, D, A, invA
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, m - 1) :: zz, sdY1, R1
+  double precision, dimension(m, 1) :: zg, beta, ab, alphabeta, sY
+  double precision, dimension(m - 1, 1) :: beta1, alpha, sY1, cor1
+  double precision, dimension(1, m - 1) :: tbeta1  
+  double precision, dimension(k) :: nn, varg, pil
+  double precision, dimension(k, m) :: betamat, b, s
   double precision, dimension(m) :: lambda
+  double precision, dimension(1, 1) :: abDalphabeta0, Vb
+  double precision :: tmp, vg, abDalphabeta
   do j = 1, k
-     !if (j < 2) then
-     !   write(*,*) nn(j)
-     !end if
-     E0 = nn(j)*R
+     vg = varg(j)
      do i = 1, m
-        beta(1,i) = betamat(j,i)
+        beta(i,1) = betamat(j,i)
      end do
-     tmp = matmul(invR, transpose(beta))*vg(j)
      do i = 1, m
-        coef(j,i) = tmp(i,1)
+        if (i == 1) then
+           R1 = R(2:m,2:m)
+           sdY1 = sdY(2:m,2:m)
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(2:m,1)
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(2:m,1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(2:m,1)
+        else if (i == m) then
+           R1 = R(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           sdY1 = sdY(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1))
+           beta1(1:(m - 1),1) = beta(1:(m - 1),1) 
+           sY1(1:(m - 1),1) = sY(1:(m - 1),1)
+           cor1(1:(m - 1),1) = R(1:(m - 1),m) 
+        else
+           R1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           R1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           R1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = R(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           R1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = R((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),1:(i - 1))
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(1:(i - 1),i:(m - 1)) = sdY(1:(i - 1),(i + 1):m)
+           sdY1(i:(m - 1),1:(i - 1)) = sdY((i + 1):m,1:(i - 1))
+           beta1(1:(i - 1),1) = beta(1:(i - 1),1)
+           beta1(i:(m - 1),1) = beta((i + 1):m,1) 
+           sY1(1:(i - 1),1) = sY(1:(i - 1),1)
+           sY1(i:(m - 1),1) = sY((i + 1):m,1) 
+           cor1(1:(i - 1),1) = R(1:(i - 1),i)
+           cor1(i:(m - 1),1) = R((i + 1):m,i) 
+        end if
+        zg = beta1*vg
+        zz = matmul(matmul(sdY1, R1), sdY1)
+        tmp = sdY(i,i)
+        do ii = 1, m - 1
+           alpha(ii,1) = cor1(ii,1)/sY1(ii,1)*tmp
+        end do
+        alphabeta(1:(m - 1),1) = alpha(1:(m - 1),1)
+        alphabeta(m,1) = beta(i,1)
+        A(1:(m - 1),1:(m - 1)) = zz(1:(m - 1), 1:(m - 1))
+        A(1:(m - 1),m) = beta1(1:(m - 1), 1)*vg
+        tbeta1 =  transpose(beta1)
+        A(m,1:(m - 1)) = tbeta1(1,1:(m - 1))*vg

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/genabel -r 2053

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