[Genabel-commits] r1653 - pkg/ProbABEL/doc
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Thu Mar 20 00:07:24 CET 2014
Author: lckarssen
Date: 2014-03-20 00:07:22 +0100 (Thu, 20 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 1653
Fixed bug #5403: "The ProbABEL manual doesn't contain any information on
how to install ProbABEL" by adding a section on obtaining and installing ProbABEL.
I also started to use the lstlisting LaTeX package to display the commands and their output. This needs to be followed up for the rest of the document.
Modified: pkg/ProbABEL/doc/ProbABEL_manual.tex
--- pkg/ProbABEL/doc/ProbABEL_manual.tex 2014-03-19 17:11:01 UTC (rev 1652)
+++ pkg/ProbABEL/doc/ProbABEL_manual.tex 2014-03-19 23:07:22 UTC (rev 1653)
@@ -11,13 +11,47 @@
$^{2}${\small Erasmus MC, Rotterdam}\\
$^{3}${\small Institute of Cytology and Genetics SD RAS, Novosibirsk}
-\date{January 30, 2014}
+\date{March 19, 2014}
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@@ -29,7 +63,7 @@
pdfhighlight=/O, %hyperfootnotes=true,%nesting=true,%frenchlinks,%
pdfauthor={\textcopyright\ Y.~Aulchenko, M.~Struchalin, L.C.~Karssen},
pdfsubject={ProbABEL manual},
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+ colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=webgreen %
% get the links to the figures and tables right:
\usepackage[all]{hypcap} % to be loaded after hyperref package
@@ -109,6 +143,141 @@
GenABEL project bug tracker at
+\section{Obtaining and installing \PA}
+\PA{} is a tool that is mostly used on computers running the Linux
+operating system. We try to publish binary packages for Windows as
+well, but these aren't tested. We strongly suggest using \PA{} on
+\subsection{Precompiled packages}
+\PA{} can be obtained in several ways:
+\item If you are using Ubuntu Linux and have administrative rights on
+ the machine you can add the GenABEL PPA to your APT configuration
+ and install it from there. The PPA can be found at
+ \url{https://launchpad.net/~l.c.karssen/+archive/genabel-ppa}. Instructions
+ on how to add the PPA can also be found there.
+\item If your computer runs Debian Linux\footnote{At the moment \PA{}
+ is only available in Debian testing and unstable.} (and you have
+ administrative rights on it), you can install ProbABEL like this:
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+user at server:~$ apt-get install probabel
+ \end{lstlisting}
+\item Zip files with pre-compiled binaries (if available) can be found
+ on the ProbABEL web page
+ (\url{http://www.genabel.org/packages/ProbABEL}).
+\item If you don't fall in any of the aforementioned
+ categories\footnote{We know that many people have use Red Hat Linux,
+ CentOS, Scientific Linux or any other Red Hat
+ derivative. Unfortunately we haven't got \texttt{rpm} files
+ yet. Any help in creating those will be highly appreciated}, you
+ can install \PA{} manually by downloading the source code of the
+ latest version from the website and compiling it yourself. This will
+ be explained in section~\ref{sec:obtain}.
+\subsection{Obtaining the source code and compiling it yourself}
+If you can't use any of the aforementioned pre-compiled packages, you
+can download the source code of \PA{} yourself, compile it and run it
+from your own home directory. This section details the steps you need
+to take. More information can be found in the \texttt{doc/INSTALL}.
+On the \href{http://www.genabel.org/packages/probabel}{\PA{}} website
+you can find the link to the latest version of the source code of \PA{}
+in a \texttt{tar.gz} file\footnote{The \texttt{tar.gz} file archive
+ format is the most commonly used format for distributing source code
+ on Linux/UNIX systems. These are compressed files, similar to
+ \texttt{zip} files.}. A \texttt{.asc} file with the same base name
+as the source code archive is also provided. This file contains a
+so-called GPG signature of the \texttt{tar.gz} file. Using this file
+and the \texttt{gpg} tool you can verify the authenticity of the
+source code by typing this command on the command line of a Linux
+shell\footnote{The \$ sign indicates the end of the command line
+ prompt. You don't need to type it.}:
+user at server:~$ gpg --verify probabel-0.4.3.tar.gz.asc
+gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 2 02:38:25 2014 CET using DSA key ID DA9CD509
+gpg: Good signature from "L.C. Karssen (GPG key for personal stuff) <lennart at karssen.org>"
+gpg: aka "L.C. Karssen (My GMail address) <l.c.karssen at gmail.com>"
+Notice the ``Good signature'' message and the fact that the package was
+signed by Lennart Karssen, the ProbABEL maintainer. If a malicious
+hacker would have replaced the source code file (for example with one
+including a virus), he won't be able to sign the package using the
+same key (with key ID DA9CD509). If, for some reason, the
+\texttt{tar.gz} file has changed (e.g.~by such a hacker or because
+the file didn't get downloaded correctly) you will see output like
+this (notice the ``BAD signature'' message):
+user at server:~$ gpg --verify probabel-0.4.2.tar.gz.asc
+gpg: Signature made Thu Jan 2 02:38:25 2014 CET using DSA key ID DA9CD509
+gpg: BAD signature from "L.C. Karssen (GPG key for personal stuff) <lennart at karssen.org>"
+user at server:~$
+Before continuing, it is important to mention that \PA{} can make use
+of the EIGEN library\footnote{EIGEN is a library for fast matrix
+ multiplication.}. We strongly recommend compiling \PA with EIGEN as
+it will speed up your analyses considerably. Moreover, we plan to
+remove the non-EIGEN part of the code in a future release. So, go to
+\url{http://eigen.tuxfamily.org} and download the \texttt{tar.gz} file
+of the latest version of EIGEN (3.2.1 at the time of writing). Extract
+the files:
+user at server:~$ tar -xzf 3.2.1.tar.gz
+This will create a directory called \texttt{eigen-eigen} followed by a
+series of letters and digits. For simplicity we rename it to EIGEN
+user at server:~$ mv eigen-eigen-6b38706d90a9 EIGEN
+Now it's time to extract the \PA{} source code and move into the
+directory that is created:
+user at server:~$ tar -xzf probabel-0.4.3.tar.gz
+user at server:~$ cd probabel-0.4.3
+With the following command we will indicate where the EIGEN files can
+be found and where we want to install \PA{}. Let's install in a
+subdirectory of your home directory,
+user at server:~$ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/home/yourusername/ProbABEL/ \
+ --with-eigen-include-path=/home/yourusername/EIGEN
+This will be followed by a series of checks to see if all tools
+required for compilation and installation are present on your
+system. If you don't see any warnings you can continue to
+compile\footnote{Compilation is the process of converting the source
+ files containing human readable program code to a files with machine
+ readable instructions.} the code using the \texttt{make}
+command\footnote{If you work on a machine with multiple processors (or
+ processor cores), which should be the case on modern servers, but
+ also on most PCs, you can speed up the process by adding this number
+ to the \texttt{-j} option. For example for four cores run
+ \texttt{make -j4}.} The next step will check the compiled code,
+after wich you install the program, documentation and examples to the
+directory you specified previously with the \texttt{--prefix} argument
+to the \texttt{./configure} command.
+user at server:~$ make
+user at server:~$ make check
+user at server:~$ make install
+Note that each of these steps will scroll a lot of output on the
+screen. Please watch it for any warnings or errors. Please ask any
+questions on \href{http://forum.genabel.org/}{our support forum}.
+If all went well you will find the executable programs
+(\texttt{palinear}, \texttt{palogist}, and \texttt{pacoxph}) in the
+directory \texttt{/home/yourusername/ProbABEL/bin/}. You are now ready
+to analyse your data!
\section{Input files}
\PA{} takes three files as input: a file containing SNP
information (e.g.~the MLINFO file of MaCH), a file with genome- or
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