[Genabel-commits] r1651 - in pkg/DatABEL: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Mar 18 16:25:07 CET 2014

Author: lckarssen
Date: 2014-03-18 16:25:06 +0100 (Tue, 18 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 1651

Added @export roxygen tags to a bunch of DatABEL functions so that they end up in the NAMESPACE file. Also added @useDynLib to the databel_class.R file. The NAMESPACE file generated automatically by devtools::document() is now much closer to the hand-made one, but not completely ready yet.

Modified: pkg/DatABEL/R/apply2dfo.R
--- pkg/DatABEL/R/apply2dfo.R	2014-03-18 12:18:43 UTC (rev 1650)
+++ pkg/DatABEL/R/apply2dfo.R	2014-03-18 15:25:06 UTC (rev 1651)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 #' applying the function
 #' @author Yurii Aulchenko
+#' @export
 #' @examples
 #' a <- matrix(rnorm(50), 10, 5)
 #' rownames(a) <- paste("id", 1:10, sep="")

Modified: pkg/DatABEL/R/databel.R
--- pkg/DatABEL/R/databel.R	2014-03-18 12:18:43 UTC (rev 1650)
+++ pkg/DatABEL/R/databel.R	2014-03-18 15:25:06 UTC (rev 1651)
@@ -1,25 +1,27 @@
 #' initiates databel object
-#' this is a simple wrapper for "new" function 
-#' creating databel object
+#' this is a simple wrapper for the "new" function
+#' creating a databel object
 #' @param baseobject name of the file or \link{databel-class} object
 #' @param cachesizeMb cache size (amount of RAM) to be used
 #' @param readonly readonly flag
 #' @author Yurii Aulchenko
+#' @export
-databel <- function(baseobject,cachesizeMb=64,readonly=TRUE)
+databel <- function(baseobject, cachesizeMb=64, readonly=TRUE)
 #	if (missing(cachesizeMb)) {
-#		if (is(baseobject,"databel")) 
+#		if (is(baseobject,"databel"))
 #		{
 #			cachesizeMb <- cachesizeMb(baseobject)
 #		} else if (is(baseobject,"character")) {
 #			cachesizeMb <- 64
 #		}
 #	}
-    ret <- new(Class="databel",baseobject=baseobject,cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb,readonly=readonly);
-	return(ret)
+    ret <- new(Class="databel", baseobject=baseobject,
+               cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb, readonly=readonly);
+    return(ret)

Modified: pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2matrix.R
--- pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2matrix.R	2014-03-18 12:18:43 UTC (rev 1650)
+++ pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2matrix.R	2014-03-18 15:25:06 UTC (rev 1651)
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #' @return object of \code{\linkS4class{matrix}} class
 #' @author Stepan Yakovenko
+#' @export
 databel2matrix <- function(from, rows, cols) {

Modified: pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2text.R
--- pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2text.R	2014-03-18 12:18:43 UTC (rev 1650)
+++ pkg/DatABEL/R/databel2text.R	2014-03-18 15:25:06 UTC (rev 1651)
@@ -10,10 +10,15 @@
 #' @param transpose whether the matrix should be transposed
 #' @author Stepan Yakovenko
+#' @export
-databel2text <- function(databel, file, NAString = "NA", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, transpose = FALSE) {
+databel2text <- function(databel, file, NAString = "NA",
+                         row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE, transpose =
+                         FALSE) {
     if (!is.character(file)) stop("databel save_as: file argument should be character")
-	if (!.Call("saveAsText",databel at data, file,c(row.names, col.names,transpose),NAString))
-			stop("can not databel2text(): saveAsText failed")
-	return(databel)
+    if (!.Call("saveAsText", databel at data, file,c(row.names,
+                                                  col.names,transpose), NAString))
+        stop("can not databel2text(): saveAsText failed")
+    return(databel)

Modified: pkg/DatABEL/R/databel_class.R
--- pkg/DatABEL/R/databel_class.R	2014-03-18 12:18:43 UTC (rev 1650)
+++ pkg/DatABEL/R/databel_class.R	2014-03-18 15:25:06 UTC (rev 1651)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #' DatABEL class
-#' @section Slots: 
+#' @section Slots:
 #'  \describe{
 #'    \item{\code{usedRowIndex}:}{\code{"integer"}}
 #'    \item{\code{usedColIndex}:}{\code{"integer"}}
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
 #' @aliases databel-class
 #' @exportClass databel
 #' @author Yurii Aulchenko
-#' '
+#' @useDynLib DatABEL
 # databel  R class
 # (C) 2009, 2010, Yurii Aulchenko, EMCR
-# This class works with datable_cpp object using direct access 
+# This class works with datable_cpp object using direct access
@@ -58,524 +59,581 @@
-		Class = "databel",
-		representation = representation(
-				usedRowIndex = "integer",	
-				usedColIndex = "integer",	
-				uninames = "list", 
-				backingfilename = "character",	
-				cachesizeMb = "integer",	
-				data = "externalptr" 
-		),
-		package = "DatABEL"
+    Class = "databel",
+    representation = representation(
+        usedRowIndex = "integer",
+        usedColIndex = "integer",
+        uninames = "list",
+        backingfilename = "character",
+        cachesizeMb = "integer",
+        data = "externalptr"
+        ),
+    package = "DatABEL"
+    );
-		f = "initialize",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(.Object,baseobject,cachesizeMb=64,readonly=TRUE)
-		{
+    f = "initialize",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(.Object, baseobject, cachesizeMb=64, readonly=TRUE)
+    {
 #			cat("----- databel ini start -----\n");
-			if (!(is(baseobject,"character") || is(baseobject,"databel"))) 
-				stop("databel initialize: baseobject should be of character (filename) or databel class");			
-			if (!is.numeric(cachesizeMb)) 
-				stop("databel initialize: cache size must be numeric")
-			readonly <- as(readonly,"logical")
-			cachesizeMb <- as(cachesizeMb,"integer")
-			if (cachesizeMb<0) 
-				stop(paste("databel initialize: cache size must be positive integer; now",cachesizeMb))
-			if (is(baseobject,"character")){
-				address <- .Call("open_FilteredMatrix_R",
-						fname = baseobject, 
-						csize = cachesizeMb,
-						rof = readonly,
-						PACKAGE="DatABEL"); 
-				if (is(address,"null")) stop("databel initialize: can not create databel object at step 1, NULL pointer returned")
-				.Object at data <- address
-				nrows <- .Call("get_nobs_R",.Object at data,PACKAGE="DatABEL")
-				ncols <- .Call("get_nvars_R",.Object at data,PACKAGE="DatABEL")
-				.Object at usedRowIndex <- c(1:nrows)
-				.Object at usedColIndex <- c(1:ncols)
-				.Object at uninames <- uninames(.Object at data)
-				.Object at backingfilename <- baseobject
-				.Object at cachesizeMb <- cachesizeMb
-			} else if (is(baseobject,"databel")) {
-				for (sn in slotNames(baseobject))
-					slot(.Object,sn) <- slot(baseobject,sn)
-				address <- .Call("open_FilteredMatrix_R",
-						fname = backingfilename(baseobject), 
-						csize = cachesizeMb,
-						rof = readonly,
-						PACKAGE="DatABEL"); 
-				if (is(address,"null")) stop("databel initialize: can not create databel object at step 2-1, NULL pointer returned")
-				.Object at data <- address
-				.Object at data <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R",.Object at data,.Object at usedColIndex,.Object at usedRowIndex);				
-			} else {
-				stop("databel initialize: unreachable statement -- baseobject should be of databel class of FV-file name");
-			}
-#			cat("----- databel ini end -------\n");
-			return(.Object)
-		}
+        if (!(is(baseobject, "character") || is(baseobject, "databel"))) {
+            stop("databel initialize: baseobject should be of character (filename) or databel class");
+        }
+        if (!is.numeric(cachesizeMb)) {
+            stop("databel initialize: cache size must be numeric")
+        }
+        readonly <- as(readonly, "logical")
+        cachesizeMb <- as(cachesizeMb, "integer")
+        if (cachesizeMb < 0) {
+            stop(paste("databel initialize: cache size must be positive integer; now",
+                       cachesizeMb))
+        }
+        if (is(baseobject, "character")){
+            address <- .Call("open_FilteredMatrix_R",
+                             fname = baseobject,
+                             csize = cachesizeMb,
+                             rof = readonly,
+                             PACKAGE="DatABEL");
+            if (is(address, "null")) {
+                stop("databel initialize: can not create databel object at step 1, NULL pointer returned")
+            }
+            .Object at data <- address
+            nrows <- .Call("get_nobs_R", .Object at data, PACKAGE="DatABEL")
+            ncols <- .Call("get_nvars_R", .Object at data, PACKAGE="DatABEL")
+            .Object at usedRowIndex <- c(1:nrows)
+            .Object at usedColIndex <- c(1:ncols)
+            .Object at uninames <- uninames(.Object at data)
+            .Object at backingfilename <- baseobject
+            .Object at cachesizeMb <- cachesizeMb
+        } else if (is(baseobject, "databel")) {
+            for (sn in slotNames(baseobject))
+                slot(.Object, sn) <- slot(baseobject, sn)
+            address <- .Call("open_FilteredMatrix_R",
+                             fname = backingfilename(baseobject),
+                             csize = cachesizeMb,
+                             rof = readonly,
+                             PACKAGE="DatABEL");
+            if (is(address, "null")) {
+                stop("databel initialize: can not create databel object at step 2-1, NULL pointer returned")
+            }
+            .Object at data <- address
+            .Object at data <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R",
+                                  .Object at data,
+                                  .Object at usedColIndex,
+                                  .Object at usedRowIndex);
+        } else {
+            stop("databel initialize: unreachable statement -- baseobject should be of databel class of FV-file name");
+        }
+        #			cat("----- databel ini end -------\n");
+        return(.Object)
+    }
+    );
 # replace standard methods
+#' @export
-		f = "show",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(object,reconnect=TRUE)
-			cat("uninames$unique.names =",object at uninames$unique.names,"\n")
-			cat("uninames$unique.rownames =",object at uninames$unique.rownames,"\n")
-			cat("uninames$unique.colnames =",object at uninames$unique.colnames,"\n")
-			cat("backingfilename =",object at backingfilename,"\n")
-			cat("cachesizeMb =",object at cachesizeMb,"\n")
-			cat("number of columns (variables) = ",ncol(object),"\n");
-			cat("number of rows (observations) = ",nrow(object),"\n");
-			toCol <- 10
-			toRow <- 5
-			if (ncol(object)<toCol) toCol <- ncol(object)
-			if (nrow(object)<toRow) toRow <- nrow(object)
-			cat("usedRowIndex: ")
-			for (i in 1:toRow) cat(object at usedRowIndex[i]," ")
-			if (toRow<dim(object)[1]) cat("...")
-			cat("\n")
-			cat("usedColIndex: ")
-			for (i in 1:toCol) cat(object at usedColIndex[i]," ")
-			if (toCol<dim(object)[2]) cat("...")
-			cat("\n")
-			if (!connected) {
-				cat("databel show: object is not connected\n")
-				return();
-			}
-			cat("Upper-left",toCol,"columns and ",toRow,"rows:\n")
-			showout <- as(object[1:toRow,1:toCol],"matrix")
-			print(showout)
-		}
+    f = "show",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(object)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(object, reconnect=TRUE)
+        cat("uninames$unique.names =", object at uninames$unique.names, "\n")
+        cat("uninames$unique.rownames =", object at uninames$unique.rownames, "\n")
+        cat("uninames$unique.colnames =", object at uninames$unique.colnames, "\n")
+        cat("backingfilename =", object at backingfilename, "\n")
+        cat("cachesizeMb =", object at cachesizeMb, "\n")
+        cat("number of columns (variables) = ", ncol(object), "\n");
+        cat("number of rows (observations) = ", nrow(object), "\n");
+        toCol <- 10
+        toRow <- 5
+        if (ncol(object)<toCol) toCol <- ncol(object)
+        if (nrow(object)<toRow) toRow <- nrow(object)
+        cat("usedRowIndex: ")
+        for (i in 1:toRow) cat(object at usedRowIndex[i], " ")
+        if (toRow<dim(object)[1]) cat("...")
+        cat("\n")
+        cat("usedColIndex: ")
+        for (i in 1:toCol) cat(object at usedColIndex[i], " ")
+        if (toCol<dim(object)[2]) cat("...")
+        cat("\n")
+        if (!connected) {
+            cat("databel show: object is not connected\n")
+            return();
+        }
+        cat("Upper-left", toCol, "columns and ", toRow, "rows:\n")
+        showout <- as(object[1:toRow, 1:toCol], "matrix")
+        print(showout)
+    }
+    );
-		f = "dim",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(x);
-			if (!connected) stop("databel dim: databel_check failed")
-			return(c(length(x at usedRowIndex),length(x at usedColIndex)))
-		}
+    f = "dim",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(x);
+        if (!connected) stop("databel dim: databel_check failed")
+        return(c(length(x at usedRowIndex), length(x at usedColIndex)))
+    }
+    );
-		f = "length",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("databel length: databel_check failed")
-			dm <- dim(x)
-			return(dm[1]*dm[2])
-		}
+    f = "length",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("databel length: databel_check failed")
+        dm <- dim(x)
+        return(dm[1]*dm[2])
+    }
+    );
-		f = "dimnames",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("databel dimnames: databel_check failed")
-			if (x at uninames$unique.names) {
-				return(get_dimnames(x))
-			} else if (x at uninames$unique.rownames) {
-				return(list(get_dimnames(x)[[1]],NULL))
-			} else if (x at uninames$unique.colnames) {
-				return(list(NULL,get_dimnames(x)[[2]]))
-			} else {
-				return(NULL)
-			}
-		}
+    f = "dimnames",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("databel dimnames: databel_check failed")
+        if (x at uninames$unique.names) {
+            return(get_dimnames(x))
+        } else if (x at uninames$unique.rownames) {
+            return(list(get_dimnames(x)[[1]], NULL))
+        } else if (x at uninames$unique.colnames) {
+            return(list(NULL, get_dimnames(x)[[2]]))
+        } else {
+            return(NULL)
+        }
+    }
+    );
-		f = "dimnames<-",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,value)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("databel dimnames<-: databel_check failed")
-			if (anyDuplicated(value[[1]])) stop("non-unigue names in dim [[1]] (use set_dimnames?)")
-			if (anyDuplicated(value[[2]])) stop("non-unigue names in dim [[2]] (use set_dimnames?)")
-			set_dimnames(x) <- value
-			x at uninames <- uninames(x at data)
-			return(x)
-		}
+    f = "dimnames<-",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, value)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("databel dimnames<-: databel_check failed")
+        if (anyDuplicated(value[[1]])) stop("non-unigue names in dim [[1]] (use set_dimnames?)")
+        if (anyDuplicated(value[[2]])) stop("non-unigue names in dim [[2]] (use set_dimnames?)")
+        set_dimnames(x) <- value
+        x at uninames <- uninames(x at data)
+        return(x)
+    }
+    );
-		f = "[",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,i,j,drop)
-		{
-#			print("[ started")
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("databel [: object is not connected")
-			if (missing(drop)) drop = FALSE;
-			newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(i,x,1)
-			newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(j,x,2)
-			out <- databel(x)
-#			print(c("out dims orig are",dim(out)))
-			out at usedRowIndex <- out at usedRowIndex[newi]
-			out at usedColIndex <- out at usedColIndex[newj]
-			out at data <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R",out at data,out at usedColIndex,out at usedRowIndex);
-#			print(c("out dims after are",dim(out)))
-			out at uninames <- uninames(out at data)
-#			print("[ ended")
-			return(out);
-		}
+    f = "[",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, i, j, drop)
+    {
+        #			print("[ started")
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("databel [: object is not connected")
+        if (missing(drop)) drop = FALSE;
+        newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(i, x, 1)
+        newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(j, x, 2)
+        out <- databel(x)
+        #			print(c("out dims orig are", dim(out)))
+        out at usedRowIndex <- out at usedRowIndex[newi]
+        out at usedColIndex <- out at usedColIndex[newj]
+        out at data <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R", out at data,
+                          out at usedColIndex, out at usedRowIndex);
+        #			print(c("out dims after are", dim(out)))
+        out at uninames <- uninames(out at data)
+        #			print("[ ended")
+        return(out);
+    }
+    );
-		f = "[<-",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,i,j,value)
-		{
-#			print("started [<-")
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("databel [<-: databel_check failed")
+    f = "[<-",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, i, j, value)
+    {
+                                        #			print("started [<-")
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("databel [<-: databel_check failed")
-			newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(i,x,1)
-			newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(j,x,2)
+        newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(i, x, 1)
+        newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(j, x, 2)
-			if (length(value) != length(newi)*length(newj)) stop("databel [<-: dimensions of i,j,value do not match")
-#			value <- matrix(value,ncol=length(newj),nrow=length(newi))
-#            print(newi);
-#            print(newj);
+        if (length(value) != length(newi)*length(newj)) {
+            stop("databel [<-: dimensions of i, j, value do not match")
+        }
-			if(!.Call("assignDoubleMatrix", x at data, newi, newj, as.double(value),as.integer(0)))
-			    stop("databel [<-: can't write variable.");
-#			print("finished [<-")
-			return(x)
-		}
+        #			value <- matrix(value, ncol=length(newj), nrow=length(newi))
+        #            print(newi);
+        #            print(newj);
+        if(!.Call("assignDoubleMatrix", x at data, newi, newj,
+                  as.double(value), as.integer(0))) {
+            stop("databel [<-: can't write variable.");
+        }
+        #			print("finished [<-")
+        return(x)
+    }
+    );
 # IS
 setGeneric('is.databel', function(x) standardGeneric('is.databel'))
 setMethod('is.databel', signature(x='databel'),
-		function(x) return(TRUE))
+          function(x) return(TRUE))
 setMethod('is.databel', definition=function(x) return(FALSE))
-# setAs
+                                        # setAs
-as.matrix.databel <- function(x, ... ) 
+as.matrix.databel <- function(x, ... )
-	return(as(x,"matrix"))
+    return(as(x, "matrix"))
-as.vector.databel <- function(x, ... ) 
+as.vector.databel <- function(x, ... )
-	return(as(x,"vector"))
+    return(as(x, "vector"))
-as.double.databel <- function(x, ... ) 
+#' @export
+as.double.databel <- function(x, ... )
-	to <- as(x,"matrix")
-	return(as(to,"double"))
+    to <- as(x, "matrix")
+    return(as(to, "double"))
-		function(from) {
-			to <- as(from,"matrix")
-			return(as(to,"vector"))
-		}
+setAs("databel", "vector",
+      function(from) {
+          to <- as(from, "matrix")
+          return(as(to, "vector"))
+      }
+      );
-		function(from) {
-	        connected <- databel_check(from)
-   			if (!connected) stop("setAs('databel','matrix'): check_connected failed")
-			return(databel2matrix(from))
-		}
+setAs("databel", "matrix",
+      function(from) {
+          connected <- databel_check(from)
+          if (!connected) stop("setAs('databel', 'matrix'): check_connected failed")
+          return(databel2matrix(from))
+      }
+      );
-		function(from) {
-		    #print("as matrix->databel begin");
-			if (!is.numeric(from)) stop("from must be numeric (integer or double)")
-			type <- "DOUBLE"
-			tmpfilename <- get_temporary_file_name();
-			to <- matrix2databel(from,filename=tmpfilename,cachesizeMb=64,type=type)
-			cat("coersion from 'matrix' to 'databel' of type",type,"; object connected to file",tmpfilename,"\n")
-			#print("as matrix->databel end");
-			return(to)
-		}
+setAs("matrix", "databel",
+      function(from) {
+                                        #print("as matrix->databel begin");
+          if (!is.numeric(from)) stop("from must be numeric (integer or double)")
+          type <- "DOUBLE"
+          tmpfilename <- get_temporary_file_name();
+          to <- matrix2databel(from, filename=tmpfilename, cachesizeMb=64, type=type)
+          cat("coersion from 'matrix' to 'databel' of type", type, "; object connected to file", tmpfilename, "\n")
+                                        #print("as matrix->databel end");
+          return(to)
+      }
+      );
 ### new generics
+#' @export
-		name = "get_dimnames",
-		def = function(object) {standardGeneric("get_dimnames");}
+    name = "get_dimnames",
+    def = function(object) {standardGeneric("get_dimnames");}
+    );
-		f = "get_dimnames",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object) 
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(object)
-			if (!connected) stop("object is not connected",immediate.=TRUE)
-			return(list(.Call("get_all_obsnames_R",object at data,PACKAGE="DatABEL"),.Call("get_all_varnames_R",object at data,PACKAGE="DatABEL")))
-		}
+    f = "get_dimnames",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(object)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(object)
+        if (!connected) stop("object is not connected", immediate.=TRUE)
+        return(list(.Call("get_all_obsnames_R", object at data,
+                          PACKAGE="DatABEL"),
+                    .Call("get_all_varnames_R", object at data,
+                          PACKAGE="DatABEL")))
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "set_dimnames<-",
-		def = function(x,value) {standardGeneric("set_dimnames<-");}
+    name = "set_dimnames<-",
+    def = function(x, value) {standardGeneric("set_dimnames<-");}
+    );
-		f = "set_dimnames<-",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,value)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(x);
-			if (!connected) stop("set_dimnames<-: databel_check failed")
-			if (!is.list(value)) stop("set_dimnames<-: value is not a list")
-			if (length(value)!=2) stop("set_dimnames<-: value should be a list with two vectors")
-			if (length(value[[1]]) != dim(x)[1]) {
-				if (is.null(value[[1]])) {
-					value[[1]] <- as.character(c(1:dim(x)[1]))
-				} else {
-					stop("set_dimnames<-: dimention 1 of x and lengthof list[[1]] do not match")
-				}
-			}
-			if (length(value[[2]]) != dim(x)[2]) {
-				if (is.null(value[[2]])) {
-					value[[2]] <- as.character(c(1:dim(x)[2]))
-				} else {
-					stop("set_dimnames<-: dimention 2 of x and lengthof list[[2]] do not match")
-				}
-			} 
-			if (!is.character(value[[1]])) stop("set_dimnames<-: colnames must be characters")
-			if (!is.character(value[[2]])) stop("set_dimnames<-: rownames must be characters")
-			if (!is.null(value[[2]]))
-				r1 <- .Call("set_all_varnames_R",x at data,as.character(value[[2]]))
-			if (!is.null(value[[1]]))
-				r2 <- .Call("set_all_obsnames_R",x at data,as.character(value[[1]]))
-			x at uninames <- uninames(x at data)
-#			if (length(unique(value[[1]]))==dim(x)[1]) 
-#				x at uninames$unique.rownames <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.rownames <- FALSE
-#			if (length(unique(value[[2]]))==dim(x)[2]) 
-#				x at uninames$unique.colnames <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.colnames <- FALSE
-#			if (x at uninames$unique.colnames && x at uninames$unique.rownames) 
-#				x at uninames$unique.names <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.names <- FALSE
-			return(x)
-		}
+    f = "set_dimnames<-",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, value)
+    {
+        connected <- databel_check(x);
+        if (!connected) stop("set_dimnames<-: databel_check failed")
+        if (!is.list(value)) stop("set_dimnames<-: value is not a list")
+        if (length(value)!=2) {
+            stop("set_dimnames<-: value should be a list with two vectors")
+        }
+        if (length(value[[1]]) != dim(x)[1]) {
+            if (is.null(value[[1]])) {
+                value[[1]] <- as.character(c(1:dim(x)[1]))
+            } else {
+                stop("set_dimnames<-: dimention 1 of x and lengthof list[[1]] do not match")
+            }
+        }
+        if (length(value[[2]]) != dim(x)[2]) {
+            if (is.null(value[[2]])) {
+                value[[2]] <- as.character(c(1:dim(x)[2]))
+            } else {
+                stop("set_dimnames<-: dimention 2 of x and lengthof list[[2]] do not match")
+            }
+        }
+        if (!is.character(value[[1]])) {
+            stop("set_dimnames<-: colnames must be characters")
+        }
+        if (!is.character(value[[2]])) {
+            stop("set_dimnames<-: rownames must be characters")
+        }
+        if (!is.null(value[[2]])) {
+            r1 <- .Call("set_all_varnames_R", x at data,
+                        as.character(value[[2]]))
+        }
+        if (!is.null(value[[1]])) {
+            r2 <- .Call("set_all_obsnames_R", x at data,
+                        as.character(value[[1]]))
+        }
+        x at uninames <- uninames(x at data)
+        # if (length(unique(value[[1]]))==dim(x)[1])
+        # x at uninames$unique.rownames <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.rownames <- FALSE
+        # if (length(unique(value[[2]]))==dim(x)[2])
+        # x at uninames$unique.colnames <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.colnames <- FALSE
+        # if (x at uninames$unique.colnames && x at uninames$unique.rownames)
+        # x at uninames$unique.names <- TRUE else x at uninames$unique.names <- FALSE
+        return(x)
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "backingfilename",
-		def = function(object) {standardGeneric("backingfilename");}
+    name = "backingfilename",
+    def = function(object) {standardGeneric("backingfilename");}
+    );
-		f = "backingfilename",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object) 
-		{
-			return(object at backingfilename)
-		}
+    f = "backingfilename",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(object)
+    {
+        return(object at backingfilename)
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "cachesizeMb",
-		def = function(object) {standardGeneric("cachesizeMb");}
+    name = "cachesizeMb",
+    def = function(object) {standardGeneric("cachesizeMb");}
+    );
-		f = "cachesizeMb",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object) 
-		{
-			return(object at cachesizeMb)
-		}
+    f = "cachesizeMb",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(object)
+    {
+        return(object at cachesizeMb)
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "cachesizeMb<-",
-		def = function(x,value) {standardGeneric("cachesizeMb<-");}
+    name = "cachesizeMb<-",
+    def = function(x, value) {standardGeneric("cachesizeMb<-");}
+    );
-		f = "cachesizeMb<-",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,value) 
-		{
-#			cat("set_cachesizeMb not implemented yet, leaving cachesizeMb unchanged\n")
-			connected <- databel_check(x)
-			if (!connected) stop("cachesizeMb<-: databel_check failed")
-			if (!is.numeric(value)) stop("value must be numeric")
-			value <- as.integer(value)
-			if (value<0) stop("can not set cachesizeMb to <0")
-			.Call("set_cachesizeMb_R",x at data,value)
-			x at cachesizeMb <- .Call("get_cachesizeMb_R",x at data)
-			return(x)
-		}
+    f = "cachesizeMb<-",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, value)
+    {
+        # cat("set_cachesizeMb not implemented yet, leaving cachesizeMb unchanged\n")
+        connected <- databel_check(x)
+        if (!connected) stop("cachesizeMb<-: databel_check failed")
+        if (!is.numeric(value)) stop("value must be numeric")
+        value <- as.integer(value)
+        if (value < 0) stop("can not set cachesizeMb to <0")
+        .Call("set_cachesizeMb_R", x at data, value)
+        x at cachesizeMb <- .Call("get_cachesizeMb_R", x at data)
+        return(x)
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "save_as",
-		def = function(x,rows,cols,file,cachesizeMb=64,readonly=TRUE) {standardGeneric("save_as");}
+    name = "save_as",
+    def = function(x, rows, cols, file, cachesizeMb=64, readonly=TRUE)
+    {
+        standardGeneric("save_as");
+    }
+    );
-		f = "save_as",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(x,rows,cols,file,cachesizeMb=64,readonly=TRUE) 
-		{
-			#allowd_types <- c("databel","text")
-			if (!is.character(file)) stop("databel save_as: file argument should be character")
-			if (!missing(rows)) {
-				newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(rows,x,1)
-			} else {
-				newi <- 1:dim(x)[1]
-			}
-			if (!missing(cols)) {
-				newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(cols,x,2)
-			} else {
-				newj <- 1:dim(x)[2]
-			}
-			### check order!!!
-#			print(newj)
-#			print(newi)
-			intpar <- as.integer(c(length(newj),length(newi),(newj-1),(newi-1)))
-#			print(intpar)
-			if (!.Call("save_R",file,intpar,x at data)) 
-				stop("can not save_as(): save_R failed")
-			newobj <- databel(file,cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb,readonly=readonly)
-			return(newobj)
-		}
+    f = "save_as",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(x, rows, cols, file, cachesizeMb=64, readonly=TRUE)
+    {
+                                        #allowd_types <- c("databel", "text")
+        if (!is.character(file)) {
+            stop("databel save_as: file argument should be character")
+        }
+        if (!missing(rows)) {
+            newi <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(rows, x, 1)
+        } else {
+            newi <- 1:dim(x)[1]
+        }
+        if (!missing(cols)) {
+            newj <- convert_intlogcha_index_to_int(cols, x, 2)
+        } else {
+            newj <- 1:dim(x)[2]
+        }
+### check order!!!
+        # print(newj)
+        # print(newi)
+        intpar <- as.integer(c(length(newj), length(newi), (newj-1), (newi-1)))
+        # print(intpar)
+        if (!.Call("save_R", file, intpar, x at data)) {
+            stop("can not save_as(): save_R failed")
+        }
+        newobj <- databel(file, cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb, readonly=readonly)
+        return(newobj)
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "connect",
-		def = function(object,readonly=TRUE) {standardGeneric("connect");}
+    name = "connect",
+    def = function(object, readonly=TRUE) {standardGeneric("connect");}
+    );
-		f = "connect",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object,readonly=TRUE) 
-		{
-#			print("connect for databel started")
-			connected <- databel_check(object, reconnect = FALSE, stop_on_error = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
-			if (connected) {
-#				print("connect for databel finished")
-				warning("object already connected, nothing done") #,immediate. = TRUE)
-				return();
-			} else {
-				new_obj <- databel(backingfilename(object), cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb(object),readonly=readonly)
-				new_obj at usedColIndex <- object at usedColIndex
-				new_obj at usedRowIndex <- object at usedRowIndex
-				res <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R",new_obj at data,object at usedColIndex,object at usedRowIndex);
-#				print("after setFilteredArea_R in connect")
-#				print("before eval.parent(sub...")
-				eval.parent(substitute(object <- new_obj));
-#				print("after eval.parent(sub...")
-			}
-#			print("connect for databel finished")
-		}
+    f = "connect",
+    signature = "databel",
+    definition = function(object, readonly=TRUE)
+    {
+        # print("connect for databel started")
+        connected <- databel_check(object, reconnect = FALSE,
+                                   stop_on_error = FALSE, quiet =
+                                   TRUE)
+        if (connected) {
+            # print("connect for databel finished")
+            warning("object already connected, nothing done") #, immediate. = TRUE)
+            return();
+        } else {
+            new_obj <- databel(backingfilename(object),
+                               cachesizeMb=cachesizeMb(object),
+                               readonly=readonly)
+            new_obj at usedColIndex <- object at usedColIndex
+            new_obj at usedRowIndex <- object at usedRowIndex
+            res <- .Call("setFilteredArea_R", new_obj at data,
+                         object at usedColIndex, object at usedRowIndex);
+            # print("after setFilteredArea_R in connect")
+            # print("before eval.parent(sub...")
+            eval.parent(substitute(object <- new_obj));
+            # print("after eval.parent(sub...")
+        }
+        # print("connect for databel finished")
+    }
+    );
+#' @export
-		name = "disconnect",
-		def = function(object) {standardGeneric("disconnect");}
+    name = "disconnect",
+    def = function(object) {standardGeneric("disconnect");}
+    );
-		f = "disconnect",
-		signature = "databel",
-		definition = function(object)
-		{
-			connected <- databel_check(object, reconnect = FALSE, stop_on_error = FALSE)
-			if (!connected) {
-				warning("object is already disconnected")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/genabel -r 1651

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