[Genabel-commits] r1235 - pkg/GenABEL/src/GAlib

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu May 30 13:22:33 CEST 2013

Author: lckarssen
Date: 2013-05-30 13:22:32 +0200 (Thu, 30 May 2013)
New Revision: 1235

GenABEL's export.plink C++ function: cleaned up code layout; only white space changes.

Modified: pkg/GenABEL/src/GAlib/export_plink.cpp
--- pkg/GenABEL/src/GAlib/export_plink.cpp	2013-05-30 11:12:18 UTC (rev 1234)
+++ pkg/GenABEL/src/GAlib/export_plink.cpp	2013-05-30 11:22:32 UTC (rev 1235)
@@ -7,215 +7,231 @@
 std::string* getGenotype(std::string coding,std::string sep)
-	std::string* Genotype = new (std::nothrow) std::string [4];
-	std::string Letter0 = coding.substr(0,1);
-	std::string Letter1 = coding.substr(1,1);
-	Genotype[0] = "0"+sep+"0";
-	Genotype[1] = Letter0+sep+Letter0;
-	Genotype[2] = Letter0+sep+Letter1;
-	Genotype[3] = Letter1+sep+Letter1;
-	return Genotype;
+    std::string* Genotype = new (std::nothrow) std::string [4];
+    std::string Letter0 = coding.substr(0,1);
+    std::string Letter1 = coding.substr(1,1);
+    Genotype[0] = "0"+sep+"0";
+    Genotype[1] = Letter0+sep+Letter0;
+    Genotype[2] = Letter0+sep+Letter1;
+    Genotype[3] = Letter1+sep+Letter1;
+    return Genotype;
-SEXP export_plink(SEXP Ids, SEXP Snpdata, SEXP Nsnps, SEXP NidsTotal, SEXP Coding, SEXP From, SEXP To,
-		SEXP Male, SEXP Traits, SEXP Pedfilename, SEXP Plink, SEXP Append)
+SEXP export_plink(SEXP Ids, SEXP Snpdata, SEXP Nsnps, SEXP NidsTotal,
+                  SEXP Coding, SEXP From, SEXP To, SEXP Male, SEXP Traits,
+                  SEXP Pedfilename, SEXP Plink, SEXP Append)
+    int from = INTEGER(From)[0];
+    int to = INTEGER(To)[0];
+    std::vector<unsigned short int> sex;
+    sex.clear();
+    unsigned short int sx;
+    for(unsigned int i=(from - 1); i<to; i++) {
+        sx = INTEGER(Male)[i];
+        if (sx==0) sx=2;
+        //Rprintf("%d %d\n",i,sx);
+        sex.push_back(sx);
+    }
+    std::vector<std::string> ids;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Ids)); i++)
+        ids.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Ids,i)));
-	int from = INTEGER(From)[0];
-	int to = INTEGER(To)[0];
-	std::vector<unsigned short int> sex;
-	sex.clear();
-	unsigned short int sx;
-	for(unsigned int i=(from - 1);i<to;i++) {
-		sx = INTEGER(Male)[i];
-		if (sx==0) sx=2;
-		//Rprintf("%d %d\n",i,sx);
-		sex.push_back(sx);
-	}
-	std::vector<std::string> ids;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Ids));i++)
-		ids.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Ids,i)));
+    std::vector<std::string> coding;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Coding)); i++)
+        coding.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Coding,i)));
-	std::vector<std::string> coding;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Coding));i++)
-		coding.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Coding,i)));
+    //Rprintf("0\n");
+    unsigned int nsnps = INTEGER(Nsnps)[0];
+    int nids = to - from + 1;
+    int nidsTotal = INTEGER(NidsTotal)[0];
+    int ntraits = INTEGER(Traits)[0];
+    bool append = LOGICAL(Append)[0];
+    bool plink = LOGICAL(Plink)[0];
+    std::string filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Pedfilename,0));
+    std::ofstream fileWoA;
+    int ieq1 = 1;
+    char * snpdata = (char *) RAW(Snpdata);
-	//Rprintf("0\n");
-	unsigned int nsnps = INTEGER(Nsnps)[0];
-	int nids = to - from + 1;
-	int nidsTotal = INTEGER(NidsTotal)[0];
-	int ntraits = INTEGER(Traits)[0];
-	bool append = LOGICAL(Append)[0];
-	bool plink = LOGICAL(Plink)[0];
-	std::string filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Pedfilename,0));
-	std::ofstream fileWoA;
-	int ieq1 = 1;
-	char * snpdata = (char *) RAW(Snpdata);
+    //	int gtint[nidsTotal];
+    int *gtint = new (std::nothrow) int[nidsTotal];
-	//	int gtint[nidsTotal];
-	int *gtint = new (std::nothrow) int[nidsTotal];
+    //Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
+    //Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
+    //Rprintf("to=%d\n", to);
+    //Rprintf("from=%d\n", from);
-	//Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
-	//Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
-	//Rprintf("to=%d\n", to);
-	//Rprintf("from=%d\n", from);
+    //char gtMatrix[nids][nsnps];
+    char **gtMatrix = new (std::nothrow) char*[nids];
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<nids; i++) {
+        gtMatrix[i] = new (std::nothrow) char[nsnps];
+    }
-	//char gtMatrix[nids][nsnps];
-	char **gtMatrix = new (std::nothrow) char*[nids];
-	for (unsigned int i=0;i<nids;i++) gtMatrix[i] = new (std::nothrow) char[nsnps];
+    //Rprintf("1\n");
+    std::string* Genotype;
+    std::string sep="/";
+    int nbytes;
-	//Rprintf("1\n");
-	std::string* Genotype;
-	std::string sep="/";
-	int nbytes;
+    //Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
+    //Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
-	//Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
-	//Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
+    if ((nids % 4) == 0) {
+        nbytes = nidsTotal/4;
+    }
+    else {
+        nbytes = ceil(1.*nidsTotal/4.);
+    }
-	if ((nids % 4) == 0) nbytes = nidsTotal/4; else nbytes = ceil(1.*nidsTotal/4.);
+    if (plink) sep=" ";
-	if (plink) sep=" ";
+    if (append)
+        fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(),std::fstream::app);
+    else
+        fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(),std::fstream::trunc);
-	if (append)
-		fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(),std::fstream::app);
-	else
-		fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(),std::fstream::trunc);
+    //Rprintf("A\n");
+    for (unsigned int csnp=0; csnp<nsnps; csnp++) {
+        // collect SNP data
+        get_snps_many(snpdata+nbytes*csnp, &nidsTotal, &ieq1, gtint);
+        for (int iii=from-1; iii<to; iii++) {
+            //Rprintf(" %d",gtint[iii]);
+            gtMatrix[iii-from+1][csnp] = gtint[iii];
+        }
+        //Rprintf("\n");
+    }
-	//Rprintf("A\n");
-	for (unsigned int csnp=0;csnp<nsnps;csnp++) {
-		// collect SNP data
-		get_snps_many(snpdata+nbytes*csnp, &nidsTotal, &ieq1, gtint);
-		for (int iii=from-1;iii<to;iii++) {
-			//Rprintf(" %d",gtint[iii]);
-			gtMatrix[iii-from+1][csnp]=gtint[iii];
-		}
-		//Rprintf("\n");
-	}
-	//Rprintf("B\n");
-	for (int i=0;i<nids;i++) {
-		fileWoA << i+from << " " << ids[i] << " 0 0 " << sex[i];
+    //Rprintf("B\n");
+    for (int i=0; i<nids; i++) {
+        fileWoA << i+from << " " << ids[i] << " 0 0 " << sex[i];
-		for (int j=0;j<ntraits;j++) fileWoA << " " << 0;
-		// unwrap genotypes
-		for (unsigned int csnp=0;csnp<nsnps;csnp++) {
-			Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp],sep);
-			// figure out the coding
-			fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtMatrix[i][csnp]];
-			//fileWoA << " x" << Letter0 << Letter1 << Genotype[0] << Genotype[1] << Genotype[2] << Genotype[3];
-		}
-		// end unwrap
-		fileWoA << "\n";
-	}
-	//Rprintf("C\n");
-	fileWoA.close();
+        for (int j=0; j<ntraits; j++) fileWoA << " " << 0;
+        // unwrap genotypes
+        for (unsigned int csnp=0; csnp<nsnps; csnp++) {
+            Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp], sep);
+            // figure out the coding
+            fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtMatrix[i][csnp]];
+            //fileWoA << " x" << Letter0 << Letter1 << Genotype[0] << Genotype[1] << Genotype[2] << Genotype[3];
+        }
+        // end unwrap
+        fileWoA << "\n";
+    }
+    //Rprintf("C\n");
+    fileWoA.close();
-	//Rprintf("oooo!" );
-	//for (int i=0;i<10;i++) Rprintf("%d ",sex[i]);
-	//Rprintf("oooo!\n" );
+    //Rprintf("oooo!" );
+    //for (int i=0; i<10; i++) Rprintf("%d ",sex[i]);
+    //Rprintf("oooo!\n" );
-	sex.clear();
-	delete [] gtMatrix;
-	delete [] Genotype;
-	delete [] gtint;
+    sex.clear();
+    delete [] gtMatrix;
+    delete [] Genotype;
+    delete [] gtint;
-	return R_NilValue;
+    return R_NilValue;
 SEXP export_plink_tped(SEXP Snpnames, SEXP Chromosomes, SEXP Map,
-		SEXP Snpdata, SEXP Nsnps, SEXP Nids, SEXP Coding, SEXP Pedfilename,
-		SEXP ExportNumeric)
+                       SEXP Snpdata, SEXP Nsnps, SEXP Nids, SEXP Coding,
+                       SEXP Pedfilename, SEXP ExportNumeric)
-	std::vector<std::string> snpName;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Snpnames));i++)
-		snpName.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Snpnames,i)));
+    std::vector<std::string> snpName;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Snpnames)); i++)
+        snpName.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Snpnames,i)));
-	std::vector<std::string> coding;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Coding));i++)
-		coding.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Coding,i)));
+    std::vector<std::string> coding;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Coding)); i++)
+        coding.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Coding,i)));
-	std::vector<std::string> chromosome;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Chromosomes));i++)
-		chromosome.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Chromosomes,i)));
+    std::vector<std::string> chromosome;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Chromosomes)); i++)
+        chromosome.push_back(CHAR(STRING_ELT(Chromosomes,i)));
-	std::vector<double> position;
-	for(unsigned int i=0;i<((unsigned int) length(Map));i++)
-		position.push_back(REAL(Map)[i]);
+    std::vector<double> position;
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<((unsigned int) length(Map)); i++)
+        position.push_back(REAL(Map)[i]);
-	//Rprintf("0\n");
-	unsigned int nsnps = INTEGER(Nsnps)[0];
-	int nids = INTEGER(Nids)[0];
-	bool exportNumeric = LOGICAL(ExportNumeric)[0];
-	std::string filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Pedfilename,0));
-	std::ofstream fileWoA;
-	int ieq1 = 1;
-	char * snpdata = (char *) RAW(Snpdata);
+    //Rprintf("0\n");
+    unsigned int nsnps = INTEGER(Nsnps)[0];
+    int nids = INTEGER(Nids)[0];
+    bool exportNumeric = LOGICAL(ExportNumeric)[0];
+    std::string filename = CHAR(STRING_ELT(Pedfilename,0));
+    std::ofstream fileWoA;
+    int ieq1 = 1;
+    char * snpdata = (char *) RAW(Snpdata);
-	//	int gtint[nids];
-	int *gtint = new (std::nothrow) int[nids];
+    //	int gtint[nids];
+    int *gtint = new (std::nothrow) int[nids];
-	//Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
-	//Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
+    //Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
+    //Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
-	//Rprintf("1\n");
-	std::string* Genotype;
-	std::string sep=" ";
-	int nbytes;
+    //Rprintf("1\n");
+    std::string* Genotype;
+    std::string sep=" ";
+    int nbytes;
-	//Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
-	//Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
+    //Rprintf("nsnps=%d\n",nsnps);
+    //Rprintf("nids=%d\n",nids);
-	if ((nids % 4) == 0) nbytes = nids/4; else nbytes = ceil(1.*nids/4.);
+    if ((nids % 4) == 0) {
+        nbytes = nids/4;
+    }
+    else {
+        nbytes = ceil(1.*nids/4.);
+    }
-	fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(),std::fstream::trunc);
+    fileWoA.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::trunc);
-	//Rprintf("A\n");
-	for (unsigned int csnp=0;csnp<nsnps;csnp++) {
-		// collect SNP data
-		get_snps_many(snpdata+nbytes*csnp, &nids, &ieq1, gtint);
-		Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp],sep);
-		fileWoA << chromosome[csnp] << " " << snpName[csnp] << " 0 " << (unsigned long int) position[csnp];
-		if (!exportNumeric) {
-			for (int i=0;i<nids;i++) {
-				fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtint[i]];
-			}
-		} else {
-			for (int i=0;i<nids;i++) {
-				if (gtint[i]==0)
-					fileWoA << " NA";
-				else
-					fileWoA << " " << (gtint[i]-1);
-			}
-		}
-		fileWoA << "\n";
-		//Rprintf("\n");
-	}
-	//Rprintf("B\n");
-	/**
-	for (int i=0;i<nids;i++) {
-		fileWoA << i+from << " " << ids[i] << " 0 0 " << sex[i];
-		for (int j=0;j<ntraits;j++) fileWoA << " " << 0;
-		// unwrap genotypes
-		for (unsigned int csnp=0;csnp<nsnps;csnp++) {
-			Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp],sep);
-			// figure out the coding
-			fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtMatrix[i][csnp]];
-			//fileWoA << " x" << Letter0 << Letter1 << Genotype[0] << Genotype[1] << Genotype[2] << Genotype[3];
-		}
-		// end unwrap
-		fileWoA << "\n";
-	}
-	 **/
-	//Rprintf("C\n");
-	fileWoA.close();
+    //Rprintf("A\n");
+    for (unsigned int csnp=0; csnp<nsnps; csnp++) {
+        // collect SNP data
+        get_snps_many(snpdata+nbytes*csnp, &nids, &ieq1, gtint);
+        Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp], sep);
+        fileWoA << chromosome[csnp] << " " << snpName[csnp]
+                << " 0 " << (unsigned long int) position[csnp];
-	//Rprintf("oooo!" );
-	//for (int i=0;i<10;i++) Rprintf("%d ",sex[i]);
-	//Rprintf("oooo!\n" );
+        if (!exportNumeric) {
+            for (int i=0; i<nids; i++) {
+                fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtint[i]];
+            }
+        } else {
+            for (int i=0; i<nids; i++) {
+                if (gtint[i]==0)
+                    fileWoA << " NA";
+                else
+                    fileWoA << " " << (gtint[i]-1);
+            }
+        }
+        fileWoA << "\n";
+        //Rprintf("\n");
+    }
+    //Rprintf("B\n");
+    /**
+       for (int i=0; i<nids; i++) {
+       fileWoA << i+from << " " << ids[i] << " 0 0 " << sex[i];
+       for (int j=0; j<ntraits; j++) fileWoA << " " << 0;
+       // unwrap genotypes
+       for (unsigned int csnp=0; csnp<nsnps; csnp++) {
+       Genotype = getGenotype(coding[csnp],sep);
+       // figure out the coding
+       fileWoA << " " << Genotype[gtMatrix[i][csnp]];
+       //fileWoA << " x" << Letter0 << Letter1 << Genotype[0] << Genotype[1] << Genotype[2] << Genotype[3];
+       }
+       // end unwrap
+       fileWoA << "\n";
+       }
+    **/
+    //Rprintf("C\n");
+    fileWoA.close();
-	delete [] Genotype;
-	delete [] gtint;
+    //Rprintf("oooo!" );
+    //for (int i=0; i<10; i++) Rprintf("%d ",sex[i]);
+    //Rprintf("oooo!\n" );
-	return R_NilValue;
+    delete [] Genotype;
+    delete [] gtint;
+    return R_NilValue;
 #ifdef __cplusplus

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