[Genabel-commits] r1158 - in pkg/OmicABEL: . doc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Mar 19 16:42:12 CET 2013

Author: dfabregat
Date: 2013-03-19 16:42:11 +0100 (Tue, 19 Mar 2013)
New Revision: 1158

HowTo renamed to HOWTO
Fixed some details in the documentation

Modified: pkg/OmicABEL/DISCLAIMER.Linux
--- pkg/OmicABEL/DISCLAIMER.Linux	2013-03-18 10:08:45 UTC (rev 1157)
+++ pkg/OmicABEL/DISCLAIMER.Linux	2013-03-19 15:42:11 UTC (rev 1158)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-The Linux precompiled binary for CLAK-GWAS provided in this package
-includes libraries distributed under their respective licenses. 
-This is the case for the Intel (R) Math Kernel Library (MKL). 
-Under the terms of the Intel MKL License we redistribute 
-computational portions of Intel MKL with our software to 
+The CLAK-GWAS precompiled binary (for Linux) provided in this package
+includes libraries distributed under their respective licenses.
+This is the case for the Intel (R) Math Kernel Library (MKL).
+Under the terms of the Intel MKL License, we redistribute
+computational portions of Intel MKL with our software to
 improve the user experience.

Modified: pkg/OmicABEL/README
--- pkg/OmicABEL/README	2013-03-18 10:08:45 UTC (rev 1157)
+++ pkg/OmicABEL/README	2013-03-19 15:42:11 UTC (rev 1158)
@@ -13,14 +13,16 @@
-Please see the doc/INSTALL file (only necessary if you didn't download a 
-precompiled version).
+Please see the doc/INSTALL file. 
+Note that if you downloaded one of the binary versions, no 
+installation is needed.
-Please see the doc/HowTo file.
+Please see the doc/HOWTO file.
@@ -32,15 +34,15 @@
      ( fabregat [at] aices [dot] rwth-aachen [dot] de ); we will attend 
      your request as soon as possible.
-3.2  Currently, we only support input data in DenABEL (filevector) data format
-     and double precision datatype. We are working on the support for
-	 more datatypes.
+3.2  Currently, the input data must consist of double precision entries, 
+     organized according to the DatABEL (filevector) data format.
+     We are working on the support for more datatypes.
-For any question, request, suggestion, or comment, please free to contact us:
+For any question, request, suggestion, or comment, please contact us:
 Diego Fabregat Traver,  fabregat [at] aices [dot] rwth-aachen [dot] de
 Paolo Bientinesi,       pauldj   [at] aices [dot] rwth-aachen [dot] de

Added: pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HOWTO
--- pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HOWTO	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HOWTO	2013-03-19 15:42:11 UTC (rev 1158)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+1. Who is Whom
+In the directory bin/, you find the following executables:
+* CLAK-GWAS: the program to run GWAS analyses (through CLAK-Chol or CLAK-Eig)
+* reshuffle: the program to extract the output of CLAK-GWAS into text format
+The output produced by CLAK-GWAS is kept in a compact binary format
+for performance reasons. The user can then use "reshuffle" to
+extract the desired information. Since the output may be very large,
+reshuffle allows the selection of specific ranges of SNPs and traits.
+2. Preparing your data
+Currently, as input CLAK-GWAS only accepts data files in the DatABEL
+(filevector) format. Examples of how to transform your data into 
+filevector are given in the tutorial available at
+If you need help, please contact us, or use the GenABEL project forum
+3. Running GWAS analyses
+The tutorial available at
+also provides a basic example on the use of OmicABEL to run GWAS analyses.
+Here we detail the options of CLAK-GWAS. The complete list of options is 
+available through the command
+The example in the tutorial also provides a basic example on using OmicABEL
+to run your GWAS analyses. Here we detail the options of CLAK-GWAS. 
+The complete list of options for CLAK-GWAS is avaliable through the command
+Usage: CLAK-GWAS <arguments> [options]
+Following arguments are mandatory:
+  -cov <path>    base path to the file containing the covariates
+  -phi <path>    base path to the file containing the relationship matrix
+  -snp <path>    base path to the file containing the SNPs
+  -pheno <path>  base path to the file containing the phenotypes
+  -out <path>    base path to the file where the output will be stored
+Following options might be given:
+  -var [chol | eigen] Default is chol.
+  -nths <num>         Default is 1 thread.
+  -thres <num>        Default is 95(%).
+  -h                  Show this help and exit
+* The option "-var" selects the algorithm to use:
+   "chol" forces CLAK-GWAS to use the CLAK-Chol algorithm (recommended for 
+          single-phenotype GWAS).
+   "eigen" forces CLAK-GWAS to use the CLAK-Eig algorithms (recommended for
+          multiple-phenotype GWAS).
+* "-cov", "-phi", "-snp", "-pheno" are used to specify the input files
+          for the analysis. If the covariates are stored in the pair of
+          file "covs.fvd" and "covs.fvi", the option -cov
+          is used as: "-cov covs". Same for the other three options.
+* "-out" is used to specify the output file(s)
+* "-nths" allows the user to specify how many cores to use.
+* "-thres" is used to specify the acceptable proportion of missing values. 
+           It must be an integer value between 1 and 100.
+           (the missing values are imputed by means, therefore our suggestion 
+		   is to keep this threshold at 95 at minimum).
+For a detailed description of "reshuffle", please refer to doc/README-reshuffle

Deleted: pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HowTo
--- pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HowTo	2013-03-18 10:08:45 UTC (rev 1157)
+++ pkg/OmicABEL/doc/HowTo	2013-03-19 15:42:11 UTC (rev 1158)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-1. Who is Who
-In the bin/ directory you can find the following executables:
-* CLAK-GWAS: the program to run GWAS analyses (through CLAK-Chol or CLAK-Eig)
-* reshuffle: the program to extract the output of CLAK-GWAS into text format
-The output produced by CLAK-GWAS is kept in a compact binary format
-for performance reasons. The user can then use "reshuffle" to
-extract the desired information. Since the output may be very large,
-reshuffle allows the selection of specific ranges of SNPs and traits.
-2. Preparing your data
-Currently, CLAK-GWAS only accepts as input data files in DenABEL 
-(filevector) format.
-In the tutorial available in the project's webpage:
-you can find an example of how to transform your data into filevector.
-If you need help, don't hesitate contacting us or ask for help at the 
-GenABEL project forum
-3. Running GWAS analyses
-The example in the tutorial also provides a basic example on using OmicABEL
-to run your GWAS analyses. Here we detail the options of CLAK-GWAS. 
-The complete list of options for CLAK-GWAS is avaliable through the command
-Usage: CLAK-GWAS [options]
-Following options may be given:
-  -var     [chol | eigen] Default is chol.
-  -cov     base path to covariates file 
-  -phi     base path to kinship matrix file 
-  -snp     base path to SNPs file 
-  -pheno   base path to phenotypes file 
-  -out     base path to output file 
-  -nths    # Default is 1 thread.
-  -thres   # Default is 95%.
-  -h       Show this help and exit
-* The option "-var" selects the algorithm to use:
-   "chol" forces CLAK-GWAS to use the CLAK-Chol algorithm (recommended for 
-          single-phenotype GWAS).
-   "eigen" forces CLAK-GWAS to use the CLAK-Eig algorithms (recommended for
-          multiple-phenotype GWAS).
-* "-cov", "-phi", "-snp", "-pheno" are used to indicate the input files
-          for the analysis. If the covariates are stored in the pair of
-          file "covs.fvd" and "covs.fvi", the option -cov
-          is used as: "-cov covs". Same for the other three options.
-* "-out" is used to indicate the output file(s)
-* "-nths" allows the user to indicate how many cores to use.
-* "-thres" is the acceptable proportion of missing values 
-           (these are imputed by means, therefore our suggestion 
-		   is to keep this threshold at 95 at minimum).
-Options without a default value (-cov, -phi, -snp, -pheno, -out)
-are mandatory.
-For a detail description of the options for "reshuffle", please
-see doc/README-reshuffle

Modified: pkg/OmicABEL/doc/INSTALL
--- pkg/OmicABEL/doc/INSTALL	2013-03-18 10:08:45 UTC (rev 1157)
+++ pkg/OmicABEL/doc/INSTALL	2013-03-19 15:42:11 UTC (rev 1158)
@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
 1. Pre-requisites
-  Our software requires the availability of the BLAS and LAPACK
-  libraries. If you do not have them installed in your system,
-  you can freely downloaded them from:
+  Our software requires the BLAS and LAPACK. If they are not available
+  in your system, you can freely download them, for example, from:
   * BLAS: http://xianyi.github.com/OpenBLAS/
   * LAPACK: http://netlib.org/lapack/#_software
   Their installation is typically rather straightforward.
+  Please, keep in mind that it is important to install an optimized
+  version of BLAS, be it OpenBLAS or a different one.
 2. Compiling
-  The file make.inc sets a number of environment variables
-  necessary for the compilation. We provide a number of examples
-  of this file in the inc/ directory, for different combinations
-  of architectures, compilers, and libraries. You can choose the
-  most suitable and overwrite the file make.inc with it.
-  For instance, if you chose to install the BLAS and LAPACK libraries 
-  linked above in a linux machine, select the file "make.inc.gnu-goto".
-  You will need to set the paths to the aforementioned libraries
-  in your system.
+  The file make.inc sets a number of environment variables necessary
+  for the compilation. The directory inc/ contains several versions of
+  make.inc, customized for different combinations of architectures, 
+  compilers, and libraries. Choose the most suitable one for you, and 
+  overwrite the file make.inc with it. For instance, if you chose to 
+  install the BLAS and LAPACK libraries linked above in a linux 
+  machine, select the file "make.inc.gnu-goto". You will need to set 
+  the paths to the aforementioned libraries in your system.
-  Once the make.inc file is ready, you can compile the code.
-  Simply type "make" and it will create the binaries "CLAK-GWAS"
-  and "reshuffle" in the bin/ directory.
+  Once the make.inc file is ready, you can compile the code. Simply 
+  type "make" and it will create the binaries "CLAK-GWAS" and 
+  "reshuffle" in the bin/ directory.

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