[Genabel-commits] r1470 - in pkg/OmicABELnoMM: . doc examples src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Dec 16 09:40:26 CET 2013

Author: lckarssen
Date: 2013-12-16 09:40:25 +0100 (Mon, 16 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 1470

Created subdirectories in OmicABELnoMM and moved files to their respective locations. 

Deleted: pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.cpp
--- pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.cpp	2013-12-16 08:37:15 UTC (rev 1469)
+++ pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.cpp	2013-12-16 08:40:25 UTC (rev 1470)
@@ -1,778 +0,0 @@
-#include "AIOwrapper.h"
-    Fhandler = &FHandler;
-    io_overhead = "*";
-void AIOwrapper::initialize(struct Settings &params)
-    pthread_mutex_init( &(FHandler.m_more), NULL);
-    pthread_mutex_init( &(FHandler.m_read), NULL);
-    pthread_mutex_init( &(FHandler.m_buff_upd), NULL);
-    pthread_cond_init(&(FHandler.condition_more), NULL);
-    pthread_cond_init(&(FHandler.condition_read), NULL);
-    pthread_barrier_init(&(FHandler.finalize_barrier),NULL,2);
-    Fhandler->fakefiles = params.use_fake_files;
-    databel_fvi* Yfvi;
-    databel_fvi* ALfvi;
-    databel_fvi* ARfvi;
-    if(!Fhandler->fakefiles)
-    {
-        Fhandler->fnameAL = params.fnameAL;
-        Fhandler->fnameAR = params.fnameAR;
-        Fhandler->fnameY = params.fnameY;
-        Fhandler->fnameOutB = params.fnameOutB;
-        databel_fvi* Yfvi  = load_databel_fvi( (Fhandler->fnameY+".fvi").c_str() );
-        databel_fvi* ALfvi = load_databel_fvi( (Fhandler->fnameAL+".fvi").c_str() );
-        databel_fvi* ARfvi = load_databel_fvi( (Fhandler->fnameAR+".fvi").c_str() );
-        params.n = ALfvi->fvi_header.numObservations;
-        params.m = ARfvi->fvi_header.numVariables/params.r;
-        params.t = Yfvi->fvi_header.numVariables;
-        params.l = ALfvi->fvi_header.numVariables;
-        //block size to keep mem under 1 gigabyte
-        int opt_block = params.n/(4*1000^3)*(1/(2*params.r));
-        int opt_tb = 1000;
-        int opt_mb = 1000;
-        params.mb = min(params.m,opt_tb);
-        params.tb = min(params.t,opt_mb);
-        }
-    else
-    {
-    }
-    params.p = params.l + params.r;
-    //block size to keep mem under 1 gigabyte
-//    int opt_block = params.n/(4*1000^3)*(1/(2*params.r));
-//    int opt_tb = max(4*2000,opt_block);
-//    int opt_mb = max(2000,opt_block);
-//    params.mb = min(params.m,opt_tb);
-//    params.tb = min(params.t,opt_mb);
-    prepare_B();
-    prepare_AL(params.l,params.n);
-    prepare_AR(  params.mb,  params.n,  params.m,  params.r);
-    prepare_Y(params.tb, params.n, params.t);
-void AIOwrapper::finalize()
-    //cout << "f";
-    void *status;
-    Fhandler->not_done = false;
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    finalize_Y();
-    finalize_AR();
-    finalize_AL();
-    finalize_B();
-    pthread_attr_destroy(&(Fhandler->attr));
-    pthread_mutex_destroy(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_destroy(&(Fhandler->condition_more));
-    pthread_mutex_destroy(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-    pthread_cond_destroy(&(Fhandler->condition_read));
-void AIOwrapper::prepare_B()
-    Fhandler->fp_B = fopen((Fhandler->fnameOutB+".fvd").c_str(), "w+b");
-    if(Fhandler->fp_B == 0)
-    {
-        cout << "Error Opening File B " << Fhandler->fnameOutB << endl;
-        exit(1);
-    }
-void AIOwrapper::finalize_B()
-    fclose(Fhandler->fp_B);
-void* AIOwrapper::async_io( void *ptr )
-    //cout << "async_io\n" << flush;
-    type_fileh* Fhandler = (type_fileh *)ptr;
-    int size_buff,tmp_y_blockSize,tmp_ar_blockSize;
-    struct timespec timeToWait;
-    FILE*  fp_Y;
-    FILE*  fp_Ar;
-    if(!Fhandler->fakefiles)
-    {
-        fp_Y = fopen((Fhandler->fnameY+".fvd").c_str(), "rb");
-        if(fp_Y == 0)
-        {
-            cout << "Error Reading File Y " << Fhandler->fnameY << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        fp_Ar = fopen((Fhandler->fnameAR+".fvd").c_str(), "rb");
-        if(fp_Ar == 0)
-        {
-            cout << "Error Reading File Xr " << Fhandler->fnameAR << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-//        fp_Y = fopen("tempY.bin", "w+b");
-//        if(fp_Y == 0)
-//        {
-//            cout << "Error creating temp File Y " << Fhandler->fnameY << endl;
-//            exit(1);
-//        }
-//        fwrite(Fhandler->Yb, sizeof(type_precision), Fhandler->n*Fhandler->y_blockSize, fp_Y);
-//        fclose(fp_Y);
-//        fp_Ar = fopen("tempAR.bin", "w+b");
-//        if(fp_Ar == 0)
-//        {
-//            cout << "Error creating temp File Y " << Fhandler->fnameY << endl;
-//            exit(1);
-//        }
-//        fwrite(Fhandler->Yb, sizeof(type_precision), Fhandler->n*Fhandler->y_blockSize, fp_Ar);
-//        fclose(fp_Ar);
-//        fp_Y = fopen("tempY.bin", "rb");
-//        if(fp_Y == 0)
-//        {
-//            cout << "Error Reading File Y " << Fhandler->fnameY << endl;
-//            exit(1);
-//        }
-//        fp_Ar = fopen("tempAR.bin", "rb");
-//        if(fp_Ar == 0)
-//        {
-//            cout << "Error Reading File Xr " << Fhandler->fnameAR << endl;
-//            exit(1);
-//        }
-    }
-    Fhandler->not_done = true;
-    Fhandler->reset_wait = false;
-    //cout << "c" << flush;
-    while(Fhandler->not_done)
-    {
-        while(!Fhandler->empty_buffers.empty() && Fhandler->y_to_readSize)
-        {
-            tmp_y_blockSize = Fhandler->y_blockSize;
-            if(Fhandler->y_to_readSize < Fhandler->y_blockSize)
-                tmp_y_blockSize = Fhandler->y_to_readSize;
-            Fhandler->y_to_readSize -= tmp_y_blockSize;
-            size_buff = Fhandler->n * tmp_y_blockSize;
-            //cout << Fhandler->y_to_readSize << endl;
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            //cout << " pre;" << Fhandler->full_buffers.size() << ";" << Fhandler->empty_buffers.size() << endl;
-            type_buffElement* tobeFilled = Fhandler->empty_buffers.front();
-            Fhandler->empty_buffers.pop();
-            //pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            tobeFilled->size = tmp_y_blockSize;
-            if(Fhandler->fakefiles)
-            {
-                //fread (tobeFilled->buff,sizeof(type_precision),size,fp_Y);
-                //fseek ( fp_Y , 0 , SEEK_SET );
-                int old_seed = Fhandler->seed;
-                srand (old_seed);
-                re_random_vec(tobeFilled->buff, size_buff );
-                re_random_vec_nan(tobeFilled->buff, size_buff );
-                Fhandler->seed += 75;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                fread (tobeFilled->buff,sizeof(type_precision),size_buff,fp_Y);
-                if(Fhandler->y_to_readSize <= 0)
-                {
-                    fseek ( fp_Y , 0 , SEEK_SET );
-                }
-            }
-            //pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            Fhandler->full_buffers.push(tobeFilled);
-            //  cout << "\nStoring " << tobeFilled << endl;
-            //cout << " post;" << Fhandler->full_buffers.size() << ";" << Fhandler->empty_buffers.size() << endl;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-            pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_read ));
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        }
-        while(!Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.empty() && Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize)
-        {
-            tmp_ar_blockSize = Fhandler->Ar_blockSize;
-            if(Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize < Fhandler->Ar_blockSize)
-                tmp_ar_blockSize = Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize;
-            Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize -= tmp_ar_blockSize;
-            size_buff = Fhandler->n * tmp_ar_blockSize*Fhandler->r;
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            type_buffElement* tobeFilled = Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.front();
-            Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.pop();
-            tobeFilled->size = tmp_ar_blockSize;
-            if(Fhandler->fakefiles)
-            {
-                //fread (tobeFilled->buff,sizeof(type_precision),size,fp_Ar);
-                //fseek ( fp_Ar , 0 , SEEK_SET );
-                re_random_vec(tobeFilled->buff , Fhandler->n * tmp_ar_blockSize*Fhandler->r );
-                re_random_vec_nan(tobeFilled->buff , Fhandler->n * tmp_ar_blockSize*Fhandler->r );
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                fread (tobeFilled->buff,sizeof(type_precision),size_buff,fp_Ar);
-                if(Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize <= 0)
-                {
-                    fseek ( fp_Ar , 0 , SEEK_SET );
-                }
-            }
-            Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.push(tobeFilled);
-            //  cout << "\nStoring " << tobeFilled << endl;
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-            pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-            pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_read ));
-            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        }
-#ifdef WINDOWS
-        SYSTEMTIME time;
-        GetSystemTime(&time);
-        timeToWait.tv_sec = time.wSecond + 500/1000;
-        long int morenanos = (500%1000)*1000000;
-        timeToWait.tv_nsec = time.wMilliseconds*1000 + morenanos ;
-        clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &timeToWait);
-        timeToWait.tv_nsec += 150;
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-        pthread_cond_timedwait( &(Fhandler->condition_more), &(Fhandler->m_more), &timeToWait );
-        pthread_mutex_unlock( &(Fhandler->m_more ));
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_read ));
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        if(Fhandler->reset_wait)
-        {
-            pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-            //wait for main thread to reset everything
-            pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-        }
-    }
-    //cout << "k" << flush;
-    //barrier
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    type_buffElement* tmp;
-    while(!Fhandler->full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-       tmp= Fhandler->full_buffers.front();
-       Fhandler->full_buffers.pop();
-       delete []tmp->buff;
-       delete tmp;
-    }
-    while(!Fhandler->empty_buffers.empty())
-    {
-       tmp= Fhandler->empty_buffers.front();
-       Fhandler->empty_buffers.pop();
-       delete []tmp->buff;
-       delete tmp;
-    }
-    while(!Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-       tmp= Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.front();
-       Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.pop();
-       delete tmp->buff;
-       delete tmp;
-    }
-    while(!Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.empty())
-    {
-       tmp= Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.front();
-       Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.pop();
-       delete []tmp->buff;
-       delete tmp;
-    }
-    //
-    //pthread_exit(NULL);
-    if(!Fhandler->fakefiles)
-    {
-        fclose(fp_Y);
-        fclose(fp_Ar);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        fclose(fp_Y);
-        fclose(fp_Ar);
-    }
-//            //!induce realistic fileread delay
-void AIOwrapper::load_ARblock(type_precision** Ar, int &Ar_blockSize)
-    int status;
-    int createstatus = 0;
-    //cout<<"^";
-    while(Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-        pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-        io_overhead = "#";
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        pthread_cond_wait( &(Fhandler->condition_read), &(Fhandler->m_read ));
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-    }
-    //!read new rdy buffer
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-        if(Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff)
-        {
-            Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.push(Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff);
-        }
-        Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff = Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.front();
-        Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.pop();
-    //cout << "\nReading " << Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff << endl;
-    Fhandler->Ar = Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff->buff;
-    Ar_blockSize = Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff->size;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-//    int tmp_ar_blockSize = Fhandler->Ar_blockSize;
-//    if(Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize < Fhandler->Ar_blockSize)
-//        tmp_ar_blockSize = Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize;
-//    Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize -= tmp_ar_blockSize;
-//    int size_buff = Fhandler->n * tmp_ar_blockSize * Fhandler->r;
-//    re_random_vec(Fhandler->Ar,size_buff);
-    (*Ar) = Fhandler->Ar;
-void AIOwrapper::load_Yblock(type_precision** Y, int &y_blockSize)
-    int status;
-    int createstatus = 0;
-    while(Fhandler->full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-        pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-        io_overhead = "!";
-        pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-        pthread_cond_wait( &(Fhandler->condition_read), &(Fhandler->m_read ));
-        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_read));
-    }
-    //!read new rdy buffer
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    //cout << " pre," << Fhandler->full_buffers.size() << ";" << Fhandler->empty_buffers.size() << endl;
-        if(Fhandler->currentReadBuff)
-        {
-            //memset(Fhandler->currentReadBuff->buff,0,y_blockSize);
-            Fhandler->empty_buffers.push(Fhandler->currentReadBuff);
-        }
-        Fhandler->currentReadBuff = Fhandler->full_buffers.front();
-        Fhandler->full_buffers.pop();
-    //cout << "\nReading " << Fhandler->currentReadBuff << endl;
-    Fhandler->Yb = Fhandler->currentReadBuff->buff;
-    y_blockSize = Fhandler->currentReadBuff->size;
-    (*Y) = Fhandler->Yb;
-     //cout << " post," << Fhandler->full_buffers.size() << ";" << Fhandler->empty_buffers.size() << endl;
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    //matlab_print_matrix("Y",Fhandler->n,y_blockSize,*Y);
-void AIOwrapper::write_B(type_precision* B, int p, int blockSize)
-    fwrite (B , sizeof(type_precision), p*blockSize, Fhandler->fp_B);
-void AIOwrapper::prepare_Y(int y_blockSize, int n, int totalY)
-    //for fake files
-    Fhandler->seed = 1337;
-    srand (Fhandler->seed);
-    Fhandler->y_blockSize = y_blockSize;
-    Fhandler->n= n;
-    Fhandler->Y_Amount=totalY;
-    Fhandler->y_to_readSize = Fhandler->Y_Amount;
-    Fhandler->buff_count = min(2,(totalY+ y_blockSize - 1)/y_blockSize) ;
-    //cout << "buffcount " << Fhandler->buff_count;
-    Fhandler->currentReadBuff = 0;
-    type_buffElement* tmp;
-    for(int i = 0; i< Fhandler->buff_count  ; i++)
-    {
-        tmp = new type_buffElement();
-        tmp->buff = new type_precision[Fhandler->n*Fhandler->y_blockSize];
-        tmp->size = y_blockSize;
-//        for( int i = 0; i < Fhandler->n*Fhandler->y_blockSize; i++)
-//        {
-//            (tmp->buff)[i] = 0;
-//        }
-        Fhandler->empty_buffers.push(tmp);
-    }
-    Fhandler->Yb = tmp->buff;
-    pthread_mutex_init(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd), NULL);
-    pthread_mutex_init(&(Fhandler->m_more), NULL);
-    pthread_mutex_init(&(Fhandler->m_read), NULL);
-    pthread_attr_init(&(Fhandler->attr));
-    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&(Fhandler->attr), PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
-    pthread_create( &(Fhandler->iothread),&(Fhandler->attr), AIOwrapper::async_io, (void*)Fhandler);
-void AIOwrapper::reset_Y()
-    void *status;
-    Fhandler->seed = 1337;
-    //cout << "ry" << flush;
-    Fhandler->reset_wait = true;
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    Fhandler->y_to_readSize = Fhandler->Y_Amount;
-    if(Fhandler->currentReadBuff)
-    {
-        Fhandler->full_buffers.push(Fhandler->currentReadBuff);
-        Fhandler->currentReadBuff=0;
-    }
-    while(!Fhandler->full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-        Fhandler->empty_buffers.push(Fhandler->full_buffers.front());
-        for( int i = 0; i < Fhandler->n*Fhandler->y_blockSize; i++)
-        {
-            ((Fhandler->full_buffers.front())->buff)[i] = 0;
-        }
-        Fhandler->full_buffers.pop();
-    }
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    Fhandler->reset_wait = false;
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-void AIOwrapper::reset_AR()
-    void *status;
-    //cout << "ra" << flush;
-    Fhandler->reset_wait = true;
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize = Fhandler->Ar_Amount;
-    if(Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff)
-    {
-        Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.push(Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff);
-        Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff=0;
-    }
-    while(!Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.empty())
-    {
-        Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.push(Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.front());
-//        for( int i = 0; i < Fhandler->n*Fhandler->r*Fhandler->Ar_blockSize; i++)
-//        {
-//            ((Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.front())->buff)[i] = 0;
-//        }
-        Fhandler->ar_full_buffers.pop();
-    }
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_buff_upd));
-    Fhandler->reset_wait = false;
-    pthread_barrier_wait(&(Fhandler->finalize_barrier));
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-    pthread_cond_signal( &(Fhandler->condition_more ));
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(Fhandler->m_more));
-void AIOwrapper::finalize_Y()
-void AIOwrapper::prepare_AR( int desired_blockSize, int n, int totalR, int columnsAR)
-    Fhandler->Ar = new type_precision[desired_blockSize*columnsAR*n];
-    Fhandler->Ar_blockSize = desired_blockSize;
-    Fhandler->r = columnsAR;
-    Fhandler->Ar_Amount = totalR;
-    Fhandler->Ar_to_readSize = Fhandler->Ar_Amount;
-    int buff_count = min(2,(totalR+ desired_blockSize - 1)/desired_blockSize);
-    Fhandler->Ar_currentReadBuff = 0;
-    type_buffElement* tmp;
-    for(int i = 0; i< buff_count  ; i++)
-    {
-        tmp = new type_buffElement();
-        tmp->buff = new type_precision[n*desired_blockSize*columnsAR];
-        tmp->size = desired_blockSize;
-//        memset(tmp->buff,-9,n*desired_blockSize*columnsAR);
-        Fhandler->ar_empty_buffers.push(tmp);
-    }
-    Fhandler->Ar = tmp->buff;
-void AIOwrapper::finalize_AR()
-void AIOwrapper::load_AL(type_precision** AL)
-    if(Fhandler->fakefiles)
-    {
-        re_random_vec(Fhandler->AL,Fhandler->n*Fhandler->l);
-        re_random_vec_nan(Fhandler->AL,Fhandler->n*Fhandler->l);
-        (*AL) = Fhandler->AL;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        FILE *fp;
-        fp = fopen((Fhandler->fnameAL+".fvd").c_str(), "rb");
-        if(fp == 0)
-        {
-            cout << "Error Reading File " << Fhandler->fnameAL << endl;
-            exit(1);
-        }
-        fread (Fhandler->AL,sizeof(type_precision),Fhandler->l*Fhandler->n,fp);
-        fclose(fp);
-    }
-    (*AL) = Fhandler->AL;
-    //matlab_print_matrix("AL",Fhandler->n,Fhandler->l,*AL);
-void AIOwrapper::prepare_AL( int columnsAL, int n)
-    Fhandler->AL = new type_precision[columnsAL*n];
-    Fhandler->l=columnsAL;
-void AIOwrapper::finalize_AL()
-    delete []Fhandler->AL;
-void AIOwrapper::free_databel_fvi( struct databel_fvi **fvi )
-	free ((*fvi)->fvi_data);
-	free (*fvi);
-	*fvi = NULL;
-FILE * AIOwrapper::fgls_fopen( const char *path, const char *mode )
-	FILE * f;
-	char err[100];
-	f = fopen( path, mode );
-	if ( f == NULL )
-	{
-		cout << "\nerror on fgls_fopen\n";
-		exit( 1 );
-	}
-	return f;
-void * AIOwrapper::fgls_malloc_impl( const char* file, long line, size_t size )
-    void *buf;
-    if ( (buf = malloc( size )) == NULL ) {
-        cout<< "\nCouldn't allocate %ld bytes of memory in %s:%ld\n";
-        exit(1);
-    }
-    return buf;
-struct databel_fvi * AIOwrapper::load_databel_fvi( const char *path )
-	FILE *f;
-	databel_fvi *fvi;
-	size_t data_size;
-	f = fgls_fopen( path, "r" );
-	fvi = (databel_fvi*) fgls_malloc( sizeof(databel_fvi) );
-	// Header
-	fread( &fvi->fvi_header, sizeof(databel_fvi_header), 1, f );
-	// Labels
-	data_size = (fvi->fvi_header.numVariables +fvi->fvi_header.numObservations ) *
-		         fvi->fvi_header.namelength * sizeof(char);
-	fvi->fvi_data = (char *) fgls_malloc ( data_size );
-	// Load labels
-	fread( fvi->fvi_data, 1, data_size, f );
-	fclose( f );
-	return fvi;

Deleted: pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.h
--- pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.h	2013-12-16 08:37:15 UTC (rev 1469)
+++ pkg/OmicABELnoMM/AIOwrapper.h	2013-12-16 08:40:25 UTC (rev 1470)
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-#include "Definitions.h"
-#include "Utility.h"
-typedef struct BufferElement type_buffElement;
-struct BufferElement
-    type_precision* buff;
-    int size;
-typedef struct fileh type_fileh;
-struct fileh
-    string fnameAL;
-    string fnameAR;
-    string fnameY;
-    string fnameOutB;
-    FILE*  fp_B;
-    bool doublefileType;
-    bool fakefiles;
-    type_precision* Yb;
-    type_precision* Ar;
-    type_precision* AL;
-    type_buffElement* currentReadBuff;
-    type_buffElement* Ar_currentReadBuff;
-    int buff_count;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> empty_buffers;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> full_buffers;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> b_empty_buffers;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> b_full_buffers;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> ar_empty_buffers;
-    queue<type_buffElement*> ar_full_buffers;
-    int index;
-    int n;
-    int r;
-    int l;
-    int Ar_Amount;
-    int Ar_blockSize;
-    int Ar_to_readSize;
-    int Y_Amount;
-    int y_blockSize;
-    int y_to_readSize;
-    bool not_done;
-    bool reset_wait;
-    int seed;
-    int Aseed;
-    pthread_mutex_t m_more     ;
-    pthread_cond_t  condition_more   ;
-    pthread_mutex_t m_read     ;
-    pthread_cond_t  condition_read  ;
-    pthread_mutex_t m_buff_upd   ;
-    pthread_t iothread;
-    pthread_attr_t attr;
-    //barrier
-    pthread_barrier_t finalize_barrier;
-#define fgls_malloc(size) fgls_malloc_impl(__FILE__, __LINE__, size)
-enum datatype{ UNSIGNED_SHORT_INT_TYPE = 1,
-               SHORT_INT_TYPE,
-               UNSIGNED_INT_TYPE,
-               INT_TYPE,
-               FLOAT_TYPE,
-               DOUBLE_TYPE,
-               SIGNED_CHAR_TYPE,
-               UNSIGNED_CHAR_TYPE };
-#define NAMELENGTH 32
-typedef struct databel_fvi_header
-	unsigned short int type;
-	unsigned int nelements;
-	unsigned int numObservations;
-	unsigned int numVariables;
-	unsigned int bytesPerRecord;
-	unsigned int bitsPerRecord;
-	unsigned int namelength;
-	unsigned int reserved[RESERVEDSPACE];
-} databel_fvi_header;
-typedef struct databel_fvi
-	databel_fvi_header  fvi_header;
-	char               *fvi_data;
-} databel_fvi;
-class AIOwrapper
-    public:
-        AIOwrapper();
-        ~AIOwrapper();
-        void initialize(struct Settings &params);
-        void finalize();
-        void load_AL(type_precision** AL);
-        void load_ARblock(type_precision** Y, int &blockSize);
-        void load_Yblock(type_precision** Y, int &blockSize);
-        void reset_Y();
-        void reset_AR();
-        void write_B(type_precision* B, int p, int blockSize);
-        string io_overhead;
-    protected:
-    private:
-        void prepare_AR( int desired_blockSize, int n, int totalR, int columnsR);
-        void finalize_AR();
-        void prepare_Y(int desired_blockSize, int n, int totalY);
-        void finalize_Y();
-        void prepare_AL( int columns, int n);
-        void finalize_AL();
-        void prepare_B();
-        void finalize_B();
-        static void* async_io(void *ptr );
-        struct databel_fvi * load_databel_fvi( const char *path );
-        void free_databel_fvi( struct databel_fvi **fvi );
-        FILE * fgls_fopen( const char *path, const char *mode );
-        void * fgls_malloc_impl( const char* file, long line, size_t size );
-        type_fileh FHandler;
-        type_fileh* Fhandler;
-#endif // AIOWRAPPER_H

Deleted: pkg/OmicABELnoMM/Algorithm.cpp
--- pkg/OmicABELnoMM/Algorithm.cpp	2013-12-16 08:37:15 UTC (rev 1469)
+++ pkg/OmicABELnoMM/Algorithm.cpp	2013-12-16 08:40:25 UTC (rev 1470)
@@ -1,1714 +0,0 @@
-#include "Algorithm.h"
-    //ctor
-    //dtor
-void Algorithm::solve(struct Settings params, struct Outputs &out, int type)
-    switch (type)
-    {
-        case FULL_NEQ:
-                fullNEQ(params,out);
-            break;
-        case P_NEQ:
-                partialNEQ(params,out);
-            break;
-        case P_NEQ_B_OPT:
-                partialNEQ_Blocked_STL(params,out);
-            break;
-        case FULL_QR:
-                fullQR(params,out);
-            break;
-        case P_QR:
-                partialQR(params,out);
-            break;
-        case P_QR_B_OPT:
-                partialQR_Blocked_Rtl(params,out);
-            break;
-        case P_NEQ_B_OPT_MD:
-                partialNEQ_Blocked_STL_MD(params,out);
-            break;
-        default:
-            break;
-    }
-void Algorithm::extract_subMatrix(type_precision* source, type_precision* dest,int dim1_source, int dim2_source,
-                                                            int dim1_ini,int dim1_end,int dim2_ini,int dim2_end)
-    int i,j,idx=0;
-    int size, source_ini;
-    for(i = dim2_ini; i<dim2_end; i++)
-    {
-        j = dim1_ini;
-        source_ini = i*dim1_source+j;
-        size = dim1_end-dim1_ini;
-        memcpy( (type_precision*)&dest[idx], (type_precision*)&source[source_ini], size * sizeof(type_precision) );
-//        for(j = dim1_ini; j<dim1_end; j++)
-//        {
-//            dest[idx] = source[i*dim1_source+j];
-//            idx++;
-//        }
-        idx += size;
-    }
-void Algorithm::prepare_Bfinal(type_precision* bfinal, type_precision* top,type_precision* bot,int dim1_b, int dim2_b,int dim1_b_bot)
-    //memcpy are faster version of the fors
-    int i,k,w,top_idx,bot_idx,max = dim1_b*dim2_b;
-    int size;
-    top_idx = 0;
-    bot_idx = 0;
-    for(k = 0; k < dim2_b; k++)
-    {
-        size = k*dim1_b+(dim1_b-dim1_b_bot)-(k*dim1_b);
-        memcpy( (type_precision*)&bfinal[k*dim1_b], (type_precision*)&top[top_idx], size * sizeof(type_precision) );
-//        for(i = k*dim1_b; i < k*dim1_b+(dim1_b-dim1_b_bot); i++)
-//        {
-//            bfinal[i] = top[top_idx];
-//            top_idx++;
-//        }
-        top_idx += size;
-        i = k*dim1_b + size;
-        w=i;
-        size = w+dim1_b_bot - w;
-        memcpy( (type_precision*)&bfinal[w], (type_precision*)&bot[bot_idx], size * sizeof(type_precision) );
-//        for(i = w; i < w+dim1_b_bot; i++)
-//        {
-//            bfinal[i] = bot[bot_idx];
-//            bot_idx++;
-//        }
-        bot_idx += size;
-    }
-void Algorithm::prepare_QY(type_precision* qy, type_precision* top,type_precision* bot,int dim1_QY, int dim2_QY,int dim1_qy_bot,int bot_blocks )
-    int i,k,w,top_idx,bot_idx,max = dim1_QY*dim2_QY;
-    top_idx = 0;
-    bot_idx = 0;
-    for(k = 0; k < dim2_QY; k++)
-    {
-        for(i = k*dim1_QY; i < (k+1)*dim1_QY-dim1_qy_bot; i++)
-        {
-            qy[i] = top[top_idx];
-            top_idx++;
-        }
-        w=i;
-        for(i = w; i < w+dim1_qy_bot; i++)
-        {
-            qy[i] = bot[bot_idx];
-            bot_idx++;
-        }
-        bot_idx+=(bot_blocks-1)*dim1_qy_bot;
-    }
-type_precision* Algorithm::extract_R(type_precision* A,int dim1_A, int dim2_A)
-    type_precision* R = (type_precision*)calloc(dim2_A*dim2_A,sizeof(type_precision));
-    int i,j;
-    int R_idx=0;
-    for(i = 0; i < dim2_A; i++)
-    {
-        for(j = 0; j <= i; j++)
-        {
-            R[R_idx] = A[j+i*dim1_A];
-            R_idx++;
-        }
-        R_idx = dim2_A*(i+1);
-    }
-    return R;
-type_precision* Algorithm::prepare_R(type_precision* RL,int dim1_A, int dim2_AL,int dim2_AR)
-    int R_dim = (dim2_AR+dim2_AL);
-    type_precision* R = new type_precision[R_dim*R_dim];
-    int i,j;
-    int RL_idx=0;
-    int R_idx=0;
-    for(i = 0; i < dim2_AL; i++)
-    {
-        for(j = 0; j <= i; j++)
-        {
-            RL_idx = i*dim1_A + j;
-            R_idx = i*R_dim + j;
-            R[R_idx] = RL[RL_idx];
-        }
-    }
-    return R;
-void Algorithm::update_R(type_precision* R, type_precision* topRr, type_precision* botRr,int dim1, int dim2, int r)
-    int i,j,w;
-    int max = dim1*dim2;
-    int rtr_idx=0;
-    int rbr_idx=0;
-    for( j = r; j > 0 ; j--)
-    {
-        for(i = max-dim1*j; i < max-dim1*j+dim2-r; i++)
-        {
-            R[i] = topRr[rtr_idx];
-            rtr_idx++;
-        }
-        w = i;
-        for(i = w; i < w+r; i++)
-        {
-            R[i] = botRr[rbr_idx];
-            rbr_idx++;
-        }
-    }
-void Algorithm::build_S(type_precision* S,type_precision* Stl,type_precision* Str,type_precision* Sbr,int l,int r)
-    int Sidx;
-    int p = l+r;
-    for(int i = 0; i < l; i++)
-    {
-        Sidx = i*p;
-        for(int j= 0; j <= i; j++)
-        {
-            S[Sidx] = Stl[j+i*l];
-            Sidx++;
-        }
-    }
-    for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
-    {
-        Sidx = l*p+p*i;
-        for(int j= 0; j < l; j++)
-        {
-            S[Sidx] = Str[j+i*l];
-            Sidx++;
-        }
-    }
-    for(int i = 0; i < r; i++)
-    {
-        Sidx = l*p+l+p*i;
-        for(int j= 0; j <= i; j++)
-        {
-            S[Sidx] = Sbr[j+i*r];
-            Sidx++;
-        }
-    }
-void Algorithm::check_result(type_precision* AL, type_precision* AR,int rowsA,int colsA, int rhs,int colsAR,
-                                                    type_precision* y, type_precision* res)
-    type_precision* A = (type_precision*)malloc(rowsA*colsA*sizeof(type_precision));
-    int i,ar_idx=0;
-    for(i = 0; i <rowsA*(colsA-colsAR) ; i++)
-    {
-        A[i] =  AL[i];
-    }
-    for(i = rowsA*(colsA-colsAR); i <rowsA*colsA ; i++)
-    {
-        A[i] =  AR[ar_idx];
-        ar_idx++;
-    }
-    type_precision* ynew = replicate_vec(y,rowsA*rhs);
-    type_precision* new_sol = (type_precision*)malloc(colsA*rhs*sizeof(type_precision));
-    lapack_int info = LAPACKE_sgels(STORAGE_TYPE,'N',rowsA,colsA,rhs,A,rowsA,ynew,rowsA);
-    assert(info == 0,"Error Check");
-    int index=0;
-    int index_new = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i < rhs; i++)
-    {
-         copy_vec( &ynew[index], &new_sol[index_new], colsA);
-         index += rowsA;
-         index_new += colsA;
-    }
-//    if(PRINT)
-//        printf("\n Btop=(Rtl\\(Ql'*Y))-(Rtl\\Rtr)*(Rbr\\(Qr'*Y)); \n [Btop ; Rbr\\Qr'*Y] - bcomputed \n");
-    cblas_saxpy(rhs*colsA, -1.0, res, 1,new_sol,1);
-    type_precision u_norm=cblas_snrm2(rhs*colsA,new_sol,1);
-    //
-    if(abs(u_norm) >= 0.0001 || isnan(u_norm))
-    {
-        fflush(stdout);
-        matlab_print_matrix("AL",rowsA,colsA-colsAR,AL);
-        matlab_print_matrix("AR",rowsA,colsAR,AR);
-        matlab_print_matrix("Y",rowsA,rhs,y);
-        printf("\nA = [AL AR]; [Q,R] = qr(A,0); rr=R\\(Q'*Y)\n");
-        matlab_print_matrix("bcomputed",colsA,rhs,res);
-        matlab_print_matrix("newsol",colsA,rhs,ynew);
-        printf("\n%%\tnrom: %0.2g", u_norm);
-         exit(1);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        matlab_print_matrix("bcomputed",colsA,rhs,res);
-        matlab_print_matrix("newsol",colsA,rhs,ynew);
-        printf("\n%%\tnrom: %0.2g", u_norm);
-    }
-    //cout << "\t**************";
-    free(ynew);
-    free(new_sol);
-    free(A);
-void Algorithm::partialNEQ_Blocked_STL_MD(struct Settings params, struct Outputs &out)
-    int max_threads = params.threads;
-    srand (time(NULL));
-    blas_set_num_threads(max_threads);
-    type_precision *Ytemp;
-    lapack_int info,n,lda,ldy,l,r,k,p;
-    int i,j,w;
-    int m;
-    cputime_type start_tick,start_tick2, end_tick;
-    AIOfile.initialize(params);
-    n = params.n; l=params.l; r=params.r; p = l+r;
-    int y_amount = params.t;
-    int y_block_size = params.tb;//kk
-    int a_amount = params.m;
-    int a_block_size = params.mb;
-    int a_iters = (a_amount + a_block_size - 1) / a_block_size;
-    int y_iters = (y_amount + y_block_size - 1) / y_block_size;
-    lda = n; ldy = n;
-    k = p;
-    for(int j = 0; j < y_iters; j++)
-    {
-        if(y_iters >= 40 && (i%(y_iters/40))==0)
-        {
-            cout << "*" << flush;

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/genabel -r 1470

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