[Genabel-commits] r1292 - in pkg/ProbABEL: src tests/R-tests
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Wed Aug 14 09:12:30 CEST 2013
Author: lckarssen
Date: 2013-08-14 09:12:29 +0200 (Wed, 14 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 1292
Added LRT-based chi^2 to the ProbABEL output files for logistic regession. Including R script that tests equality with R-based results.
Modified: pkg/ProbABEL/src/main.cpp
--- pkg/ProbABEL/src/main.cpp 2013-08-12 22:30:29 UTC (rev 1291)
+++ pkg/ProbABEL/src/main.cpp 2013-08-14 07:12:29 UTC (rev 1292)
@@ -704,18 +704,28 @@
// the X matrix in the regression object
// and run the null model estimation again
// for this SNP.
#ifdef LINEAR
regdata new_rgd = rgd;
linear_reg new_null_rd(new_rgd);
- new_null_rd.estimate(new_rgd, 0, CHOLTOL, model,
+ new_null_rd.estimate(new_rgd, 0,
+ CHOLTOL, model,
input_var.getRobust(), 1);
+ regdata new_rgd = rgd;
+ new_rgd.remove_snp_from_X();
+ logistic_reg new_null_rd(new_rgd);
+ new_null_rd.estimate(new_rgd, 0, MAXITER, EPS,
+ CHOLTOL, model,
+ input_var.getInteraction(),
+ input_var.getNgpreds(),
+ invvarmatrix,
+ input_var.getRobust(), 1);
#elif COXPH
coxph_data new_rgd = rgd;
Added: pkg/ProbABEL/tests/R-tests/run_models_in_R_palogist.R
--- pkg/ProbABEL/tests/R-tests/run_models_in_R_palogist.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ProbABEL/tests/R-tests/run_models_in_R_palogist.R 2013-08-14 07:12:29 UTC (rev 1292)
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+cat("Checking logistic regression...\n")
+## Set tolerance for comparing various outputs
+tol <- 1e-5
+## load the data
+example.path <- paste0("../../examples/")
+## load phenotypic data
+pheno <- read.table(paste0(example.path, "logist_data.txt"),
+ head=TRUE, string=FALSE)
+## load genetic DOSE data
+dose <- read.table(paste0(example.path, "test.mldose"),
+ head=FALSE, string=FALSE)
+## remove "1->" from the names of dose-IDs
+idNames <- dose[, 1]
+idNames <- sub("[0-9]+->", "", idNames)
+dose[, 1] <- idNames
+cat("Dose: check consistency of names\t\t")
+stopifnot( all.equal(dose[, 1], pheno[, 1], tol) )
+## load genetic PROB data
+prob <- read.table(paste0(example.path, "test.mlprob"),
+ head=FALSE, string=FALSE)
+## remove "1->" from the names of prob-IDs
+idNames <- prob[, 1]
+idNames <- sub("[0-9]+->", "", idNames)
+prob[, 1] <- idNames
+cat("Prob: check consistency of names\t\t")
+stopifnot( all.equal(prob[, 1], pheno[, 1], tol) )
+## check consistency DOSE <-> PROB
+doseFromProb <- matrix(NA, ncol=dim(dose)[2], nrow=dim(dose)[1])
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ indexHom <- 3 + ( i - 3 ) * 2
+ indexHet <- indexHom + 1
+ doseFromProb[, i] <- prob[, indexHom] * 2 + prob[, indexHet]
+cat("Check consistency dose <-> prob gtdata\t\t")
+stopifnot( all.equal(dose[, 3:ncol(dose)],
+ as.data.frame(doseFromProb)[,3:ncol(doseFromProb)],
+ tol=tol )
+ )
+## Run ProbABEL to get the output data we want to compare/verify
+cat("Running ProbABEL...\t\t\t\t")
+tmp <- system(paste0("cd ", example.path, "; sh example_bt.sh; cd -"),
+ intern=TRUE)
+resPaAddDose <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_add.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[,
+ c("beta_SNP_add",
+ "sebeta_SNP_add",
+ "chi2_SNP")]
+resPaAddProb <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_prob_add.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[, c("beta_SNP_addA1",
+ "sebeta_SNP_addA1",
+ "chi2_SNP_A1")]
+resPaDom <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_prob_domin.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[,
+ c("beta_SNP_domA1",
+ "sebeta_SNP_domA1",
+ "chi2_SNP_domA1")]
+resPaRec <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_prob_recess.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[,
+ c("beta_SNP_recA1",
+ "sebeta_SNP_recA1",
+ "chi2_SNP_recA1")]
+resPaOdom <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_prob_over_domin.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[,
+ c("beta_SNP_odomA1",
+ "sebeta_SNP_odomA1",
+ "chi2_SNP_odomA1")]
+resPa2df <- read.table(
+ paste0(example.path, "logist_prob_2df.out.txt"),
+ head=TRUE)[,
+ c("beta_SNP_A1A2",
+ "sebeta_SNP_A1A2",
+ "beta_SNP_A1A1",
+ "sebeta_SNP_A1A1",
+ "chi2_SNP_2df")]
+## run analysis in R
+cat("Comparing R output with ProbABEL output\t\t")
+## run analysis on dose
+dose.add.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_add = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_add = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP = numeric())
+prob.add.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_addA1 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_addA1 = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP_A1 = numeric())
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ noNA <- which( !is.na(dose[, i]) )
+ model.0 <- glm( chd[noNA] ~ sex[noNA] + age[noNA] + othercov[noNA],
+ family=binomial)
+ model.dose <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + dose[, i],
+ family=binomial)
+ sm.dose <- summary(model.dose)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ model.prob <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + doseFromProb[,
+ i],
+ family=binomial )
+ sm.prob <- summary(model.prob)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ lrt.dose <- 2 * ( logLik( model.dose ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ lrt.prob <- 2 * ( logLik( model.prob ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_add = sm.dose[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_add = sm.dose[2],
+ chi2_SNP = lrt.dose)
+ dose.add.R <- rbind(dose.add.R, row)
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_addA1 = sm.prob[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_addA1 = sm.prob[2],
+ chi2_SNP_A1 = lrt.prob)
+ prob.add.R <- rbind(prob.add.R, row)
+rownames(dose.add.R) <- NULL
+rownames(prob.add.R) <- NULL
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPaAddDose, dose.add.R, tol=tol) )
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPaAddProb, prob.add.R, tol=tol) )
+## dominant model
+prob.dom.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_domA1 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_domA1 = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP_domA1 = numeric())
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ indexHom <- 3 + ( i - 3 ) * 2
+ indexHet <- indexHom + 1
+ regProb <- prob[, indexHom] + prob[, indexHet]
+ noNA <- which( !is.na(regProb) )
+ model.0 <- glm( chd[noNA] ~ sex[noNA] + age[noNA] + othercov[noNA],
+ family=binomial )
+ model <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + regProb,
+ family=binomial )
+ sm <- summary(model)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ lrt <- 2 * ( logLik( model ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_domA1 = sm[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_domA1 = sm[2],
+ chi2_SNP_domA1 = lrt)
+ prob.dom.R <- rbind(prob.dom.R, row)
+rownames(prob.dom.R) <- NULL
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPaDom, prob.dom.R, tol=tol) )
+## recessive model
+prob.rec.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_recA1 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_recA1 = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP_recA1 = numeric())
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ indexHom <- 3 + ( i - 3 ) * 2
+ indexHet <- indexHom + 1
+ regProb <- prob[, indexHom]
+ noNA <- which( !is.na(regProb) )
+ model.0 <- glm( chd[noNA] ~ sex[noNA] + age[noNA] + othercov[noNA],
+ family=binomial )
+ model <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + regProb,
+ family=binomial )
+ sm <- summary(model)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ lrt <- 2 * ( logLik( model ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_recA1 = sm[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_recA1 = sm[2],
+ chi2_SNP_recA1 = lrt)
+ prob.rec.R <- rbind(prob.rec.R, row)
+rownames(prob.rec.R) <- NULL
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPaRec, prob.rec.R, tol=tol) )
+## over-dominant model
+prob.odom.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_odomA1 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_odomA1 = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP_odomA1 = numeric())
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ indexHom <- 3 + ( i - 3 ) * 2
+ indexHet <- indexHom + 1
+ regProb <- prob[, indexHet]
+ noNA <- which( !is.na(regProb) )
+ model.0 <- glm( chd[noNA] ~ sex[noNA] + age[noNA] + othercov[noNA],
+ family=binomial )
+ model <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + regProb,
+ family=binomial )
+ sm <- summary(model)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ lrt <- 2 * ( logLik( model ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_odomA1 = sm[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_odomA1 = sm[2],
+ chi2_SNP_odomA1 = lrt)
+ prob.odom.R <- rbind(prob.odom.R, row)
+rownames(prob.odom.R) <- NULL
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPaOdom, prob.odom.R, tol=tol) )
+## 2df model
+prob.2df.R <- data.frame(beta_SNP_A1A2 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_A1A2 = numeric(),
+ beta_SNP_A1A1 = numeric(),
+ sebeta_SNP_A1A1 = numeric(),
+ chi2_SNP_2df = numeric())
+for (i in 3:dim(dose)[2]) {
+ indexHom <- 3 + ( i - 3 ) * 2
+ indexHet <- indexHom + 1
+ regProb <- prob[, indexHet]
+ noNA <- which( !is.na(regProb) )
+ model.0 <- glm( chd[noNA] ~ sex[noNA] + age[noNA] + othercov[noNA],
+ family=binomial )
+ model <- glm( chd ~ sex + age + othercov + prob[, indexHet] +
+ prob[, indexHom], family=binomial )
+ smA1A2 <- summary(model)$coef[5, 1:2]
+ smA1A1 <- summary(model)$coef[6, 1:2]
+ lrt <- 2 * ( logLik( model ) - logLik( model.0 ) )
+ row <- data.frame(
+ beta_SNP_A1A2 = smA1A2[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_A1A2 = smA1A2[2],
+ beta_SNP_A1A1 = smA1A1[1],
+ sebeta_SNP_A1A1 = smA1A1[2],
+ chi2_SNP_2df = lrt)
+ prob.2df.R <- rbind(prob.2df.R, row)
+rownames(prob.2df.R) <- NULL
+stopifnot( all.equal(resPa2df, prob.2df.R, tol=tol) )
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