[Genabel-commits] r676 - pkg/VariABEL/src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Mar 7 15:27:20 CET 2011

Author: maksim
Date: 2011-03-07 15:27:20 +0100 (Mon, 07 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 676

clean all for following copying all file into one directory

Deleted: pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.cpp
--- pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.cpp	2011-03-07 14:25:58 UTC (rev 675)
+++ pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.cpp	2011-03-07 14:27:20 UTC (rev 676)
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
-//#       Filename:  supplementary_functions.cpp
-//#    Description:  Supplementary functions for variance homogeneity test and for metaanalysis.
-//#        Version:  1.0
-//#        Created:  28-Apr-2010
-//#       Revision:  none
-//#         Author:  Maksim V. Struchalin
-//#        Company:  ErasmusMC, Epidemiology, The Netherlands.
-//#          Email:  m.struchalin at erasmusmc.nl
-#include "supplementary_functions.h"
-#include "inverse_variance_metaanalysis.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-//Set genotypes in common view GA -> AG
-bool unify_snp(snp_var_data* snp, std::ofstream & warnings_file)
-static std::string alleles_snp;
-for(unsigned i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++) {alleles_snp += snp->GENO[i];}//collect all alleles 
-alleles_snp = get_uniq_symbols(alleles_snp);
-for(unsigned i=0 ; i<alleles_snp.size() ; i++) if(alleles_snp[i] == '/') {alleles_snp.erase(i,1);}
-if(alleles_snp.size() > 2 && alleles_snp.size() <=1)
-	{
-	//Rprintf("SNP %s has more than 2 alleles (it has %s). SNP skiped.\n", snp->snpname.c_str(), alleles_snp.c_str());
-	warnings_file<<"SNP "<<snp->snpname<<" has more than 2 alleles (it has "<<alleles_snp<<"). SNP skiped.\n";
-	return false;	
-	}
-if(alleles_snp.size() <=1)
-	{
-	//Rprintf("SNP %s has less than 2 alleles (it has %s). SNP skiped.\n", snp->snpname.c_str(), alleles_snp.c_str());
-	warnings_file<<"SNP "<<snp->snpname<<" has less than 2 alleles (it has "<<alleles_snp<<"). SNP skiped.\n";
-	return false;	
-	}
-if(alleles_snp[0]=='0' && alleles_snp[1]=='0')
-	{
-	//Rprintf("SNP %s has undefind allels. SNP skiped..\n", snp->snpname.c_str());
-	warnings_file<<"SNP "<<snp->snpname<<" has undefind allels. SNP skiped\n";
-	return false;
-	}
-//exclude those geno group which has only one id
-for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-	{
-	if(is_na(snp->SD[i]) || is_na(snp->MEAN[i]) || is_na(snp->COUNTS[i]) || snp->COUNTS[i]<=1 )
-		{
-		snp->SD[i] = NA_value;
-		snp->MEAN[i] = NA_value;
-		snp->COUNTS[i] = 0;
-		continue;
-		}
-	static VARIABLE_TYPE var;
-	var = snp->SD[i]*snp->SD[i];	
-	if(var <= 1.E-32)
-		{
-		snp->SD[i] = NA_value;
-		snp->MEAN[i] = NA_value;
-		snp->COUNTS[i] = 0;
-		//Rprintf("warning: genotypic group %s in snp %s has too small variance (variance=%f). This genotypic group is excluded from analysis.\n", 
-		warnings_file<<"warning: genotypic group "<<snp->GENO[i]<<" in snp "<<snp->snpname<<" has too small variance (variance="<<var<<"). This genotypic group is excluded from analysis.\n"; 
-		}
-	}
-std::sort(alleles_snp.begin(), alleles_snp.end());
-if(alleles_snp[0] == '0')
-	{
-	alleles_snp[0] = alleles_snp[1];
-	alleles_snp[1] = '0';
-	}
-static std::string geno[3];
-static std::string geno_hemozyg_switched;
-if(snp->GENO[0] == geno[0] && snp->GENO[1] == geno[1] && snp->GENO[2] == geno[2])
-	{
-	geno_hemozyg_switched = "";
-	geno[0] = "";
-	geno[1] = "";
-	geno[2] = "";
-	return true; //nothing to change
-	}
-static snp_var_data snp_new;
-//snp_new->snpname = snp->snpname;
-//snp_new->chromosome = snp->chromosome;
-for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-	{
-	if(snp->GENO[i] == geno[0])
-		{snp_new.GENO[0] = geno[0]; snp_new.COUNTS[0]=snp->COUNTS[i]; snp_new.MEAN[0]=snp->MEAN[i]; snp_new.SD[0]=snp->SD[i];}
-	if(snp->GENO[i] == geno[1] || snp->GENO[i]==geno_hemozyg_switched) 
-		{snp_new.GENO[1] = geno[1]; snp_new.COUNTS[1]=snp->COUNTS[i]; snp_new.MEAN[1]=snp->MEAN[i]; snp_new.SD[1]=snp->SD[i];}
-	if(snp->GENO[i] == geno[2]) 
-		{snp_new.GENO[2] = geno[2]; snp_new.COUNTS[2]=snp->COUNTS[i]; snp_new.MEAN[2]=snp->MEAN[i]; snp_new.SD[2]=snp->SD[i];}
-	}
-geno_hemozyg_switched = "";
-geno[0] = "";
-geno[1] = "";
-geno[2] = "";
-for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-	{
-	snp->GENO[i] = snp_new.GENO[i];
-	snp->COUNTS[i] = snp_new.COUNTS[i];
-	snp->MEAN[i] = snp_new.MEAN[i];
-	snp->SD[i] = snp_new.SD[i];
-	}
-return true;
-//put new snp into the storage. If this snp is there already tham metaanalyse it
-bool include_snp(Snp_store_type * snps_storage, snp_var_data* snp, std::ofstream & warnings_file, char *testname)
-Snp_store_type::iterator iter_map = snps_storage->find(snp->snpname);
-//char delim=' ';
-if(iter_map == snps_storage->end()) 
-	{
-	snps_storage->insert(std::pair<std::string, snp_var_data*>(snp->snpname, snp));
-	}
-	{
-	snp_var_data* snp_current = iter_map->second;
-	static bool is_snp_ok;
-	is_snp_ok = check(snp_current, snp, warnings_file);
-	if(!is_snp_ok) {return false;}
-	(*snps_storage)[snp->snpname.c_str()] = snp_var_meta(iter_map->second, snp, testname);
-	//bless god souls of these objects...
-	delete snp_current;
-	delete snp;
-	}
-return true;
-//metaanalysis of data from two snps
-snp_var_data* snp_var_meta(snp_var_data* snp1, snp_var_data* snp2, char* testname)
-snp_var_data* snp_meta = new snp_var_data;
-snp_meta->chromosome = snp1->chromosome;
-snp_meta->snpname = snp1->snpname;
-VARIABLE_TYPE meta_mean_beta[GENO_TYPES_NUM], meta_mean_se[GENO_TYPES_NUM];
-static unsigned one = 1;
-for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-	{
-	//metanalysis for variance
-	static std::string meta_codding;
-	snp_meta->GENO[i] = snp1->GENO[i];
-	if(snp1->COUNTS[i] != 0	&& snp2->COUNTS[i] != 0 )
-		{
-		static VARIABLE_TYPE SD_of_the_mean_snp1, SD_of_the_mean_snp2;
-		SD_of_the_mean_snp1 = snp1->SD[i]/sqrt(double(snp1->COUNTS[i]));
-		SD_of_the_mean_snp2 = snp2->SD[i]/sqrt(double(snp2->COUNTS[i]));
-		//metanalysis for mean
-		inverse_variance_metaanalysis(&snp1->MEAN[i], &snp2->MEAN[i],
-						 &SD_of_the_mean_snp1, &SD_of_the_mean_snp2,
-							&one,
-							meta_mean_beta,
-							meta_mean_se, testname);
-		snp_meta->MEAN[i] = meta_mean_beta[0];
-		snp_meta->COUNTS[i] = snp1->COUNTS[i] + snp2->COUNTS[i];
-		snp_meta->SD[i] = meta_mean_se[0]*sqrt(double(snp_meta->COUNTS[i]));
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if(snp1->COUNTS[i] == 0)
-			{
-			snp_meta->SD[i] = snp2->SD[i];
-			snp_meta->COUNTS[i] = snp2->COUNTS[i];
-			snp_meta->MEAN[i] = snp2->MEAN[i];
-			}
-		else if(snp2->COUNTS[i] == 0)
-			{
-			snp_meta->SD[i] = snp1->SD[i];
-			snp_meta->COUNTS[i] = snp1->COUNTS[i];
-			snp_meta->MEAN[i] = snp1->MEAN[i];
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			error("Upss.. :-) something strange occured... wrong file format probably. Create small example of your data where you have an error and send it to developer.\n");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-return snp_meta;		
-bool is_na(const VARIABLE_TYPE val, const VARIABLE_TYPE na_reference)
-static VARIABLE_TYPE delta = fabs(na_reference/1E6);
-if(val > na_reference-delta && val < na_reference+delta) return true;
-else return false;
-bool is_na(const int val, const int na_reference) //is numerical value recognized as NA 
-if(val == na_reference) return true;
-else return false;
-//save all data into plink like format
-void save_snps_data_into_file(Snp_store_type *snps_data, const char *output_filename, char delim)
-//print header
-const unsigned pp_maxsnp=10;
-std::ofstream file;
-if(!file.is_open()){error("Can not open file %s\n", output_filename);}
-file << std::setw(4) << chromosome_column_name.c_str() << delim
-		 << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << snpname_column_name.c_str() << delim
-		 << std::setw(6) << value_column_name.c_str() << delim
-		 << std::setw(8) << g11_column_name.c_str() << delim
-		 << std::setw(8) << g12_column_name.c_str() << delim
-		 << std::setw(8) << g22_column_name.c_str() << "\n";
-static Snp_store_type::iterator iter_map;
-for(Snp_store_type::const_iterator i=snps_data->begin() ; i!=snps_data->end() ; ++i)
-	{
-	//geno:
-	file << std::setw(4) << i->second->chromosome << delim
-		   << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << std::setw(6) << geno_value_name << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << i->second->GENO[0] << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << i->second->GENO[1] << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << i->second->GENO[2] << "\n";
-	//counts:
-	file << std::setw(4) << i->second->chromosome << delim
-		   << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << std::setw(6) << counts_value_name << delim;
-		 if(is_na(i->second->COUNTS[0]))
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << "NA" << delim;
-			 }
-			else
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::dec) << i->second->COUNTS[0] << delim;
-			 }
-		 if(is_na(i->second->COUNTS[1]))
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << "NA" << delim;
-			 }
-			else
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::dec) << i->second->COUNTS[1] << delim;
-			 }
-		 if(is_na(i->second->COUNTS[2]))
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << "NA" << delim;
-			 }
-			else
-			 {
-			 file <<  std::setw(8) << std::setiosflags(std::ios_base::dec) << i->second->COUNTS[2] << '\n';
-			 }
-	//freq:
-	static VARIABLE_TYPE total_id_num;
- 	total_id_num = i->second->COUNTS[0] + i->second->COUNTS[1] + i->second->COUNTS[2];	
-	file << std::setw(4) << i->second->chromosome << delim
-		   << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << std::setw(6) << freq_value_name << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->COUNTS[0])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->COUNTS[0]/total_id_num)) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->COUNTS[1])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->COUNTS[1]/total_id_num)) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->COUNTS[2])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->COUNTS[2]/total_id_num)) << "\n";
-	//mean:
-	file << std::setw(4) << i->second->chromosome << delim
-		   << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << std::setw(6) << mean_value_name << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->MEAN[0])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->MEAN[0])) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->MEAN[1])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->MEAN[1])) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->MEAN[2])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->MEAN[2])) << "\n";
-	//sd:
-	file << std::setw(4) << i->second->chromosome << delim
-		   << std::setw(pp_maxsnp) << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << std::setw(6) << sd_value_name << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->SD[0])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->SD[0])) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->SD[1])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->SD[1])) << delim
-			 << std::setw(8) << (is_na(i->second->SD[2])? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->SD[2])) << "\n";
-	}
-void save_snps_tests_into_file(Snp_store_type *snps_data, const char *output_filename, char delim)
-//print header
-//const unsigned pp_maxsnp=10;
-std::ofstream file;
-if(!file.is_open()){error("Can not open file %s\n", output_filename);}
-file << chromosome_column_name << snpname_column_name << delim << "Z" << delim << "Z_2df\n";
-static Snp_store_type::iterator iter_map;
-for(Snp_store_type::const_iterator i=snps_data->begin() ; i!=snps_data->end() ; ++i)
-	{
-	//geno:
-	file << i->second->chromosome << delim
-			 << i->second->snpname << delim 
-			 << (is_na(i->second->Z)? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->Z)) << delim
-			 << (is_na(i->second->Z_2df)? "NA":double_2_str(i->second->Z_2df)) << "\n"; 
-	}
-//convert from double to string
-std::string double_2_str(double val, const unsigned precision)
-static std::stringstream stream;
-stream.str(""); stream.clear();
-stream << val;
-return stream.str();
-//Check whether snps have same genotypes and in same columns. If one of snp has allele 0 but another have real than replace 0 by real one.
-bool check(snp_var_data* snp2, snp_var_data* snp1, std::ofstream & warnings_file)
-//check snp name
-if(snp1->snpname != snp2->snpname) 
-	{
-	error("snp_var_meta: unexpected error; atempt to pool two different snps");
-	}
-//check chromosome name
-if(snp1->chromosome != snp2->chromosome)
-	{
-	//Rprintf("warning: SNP %s has different chromosome number in different files. Previos value is %i, current one is %i. Value %i is used.\n",
-	//			 	snp2->snpname.c_str(), snp2->chromosome, snp1->chromosome, snp2->chromosome);
-	warnings_file<<"warning: SNP "<<snp2->snpname<<" has different chromosome number in different files. Previos value is "<<snp2->chromosome<<
-			", current one is "<<snp1->chromosome<<". Value "<<snp2->chromosome<<" is used.\n";
-	}
-//check coddings
-if(snp1->GENO[1] == snp2->GENO[1])
-	{
-	return true;
-	}
-//snp1 - snp from next cohort. If genotypes from snp1 and snp2 don't match than skip snp1
-if(snp1->GENO[1][0] == snp2->GENO[1][0]) //A1==A2?
-	{
-	if(snp1->GENO[1][2] == '0') //B1==0?
-		{
-		if(snp2->GENO[1][2] != '0') //B2!=0?
-			{
-			//situation when snp1 has A/A, A/0, 0/0 and snp2 has A/A, A/B, B/B. Replace 0 by B in snp1
-			snp1->GENO[1][2] = snp2->GENO[1][2];
-			snp1->GENO[2][0] = snp2->GENO[1][2];
-			snp1->GENO[2][2] = snp2->GENO[1][2];
-			return true;
-			}
-		}
-	else //B1!=0!!!
-		{
-		if(snp2->GENO[1][2] == '0') // B2==0?
-			{
-			//situation when snp1 has A/A, A/B, B/B and snp2 has A/A, A/0, 0/0. Replace 0 by B in snp1
-			snp2->GENO[1][2] = snp1->GENO[1][2];
-			snp2->GENO[2][0] = snp1->GENO[1][2];
-			snp2->GENO[2][2] = snp1->GENO[1][2];
-			return true;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			//B1!=0 and B2!=0 therefore codings defer. Skip snp1
-			//Rprintf("warning: snp %s has different genotypes in current and previous cohort. Current one is %s, previos - %s. The current one is skiped.\n", 
-			//				snp1->snpname.c_str(), snp1->GENO[1].c_str(), snp2->GENO[1].c_str());
-			warnings_file<<"warning: snp "<<snp1->snpname<<
-					" has different genotypes in current and previous cohort. Current one is "<<snp1->GENO[1]<<", previous - "<<snp2->GENO[1]<<
-					". The current one is skiped.\n";
-			return false;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-else if(snp1->GENO[1][0] == snp2->GENO[1][2])
-		{
-		//situation when snp1 has B/B, B/C, C/C and snp2 has A/A, A/B, B/B. C can be 0. Let's check it
-		if(snp1->GENO[1][2] == '0')
-			{
-			//situation when snp1 has B/B, B/0, 0/0 and snp2 has A/A, A/B, B/B.
-			snp1->GENO[1][2] = snp2->GENO[1][0];
-			snp1->GENO[2][0] = snp2->GENO[1][0];
-			snp1->GENO[2][2] = snp2->GENO[1][0];
-			unify_snp(snp1, warnings_file);
-			return true;
-			}
-		else //B1!=0!!!
-			{
-			//it could be snp1 has B/B, B/A, A/A and snp2 has A/A, A/0, 0/0. But snp1 has been sorted already => second allele of snp2 is C!=0
-			//Rprintf("warning: snp %s has different genotypes in current and previous cohort. current is %s, previos is %s. The current one is skiped.\n", 
-			//				snp1->snpname.c_str(), snp1->GENO[1].c_str(), snp2->GENO[1].c_str());
-			warnings_file<<"warning: snp "<<snp1->snpname<<
-					" has different genotypes in current and previous cohort. Current one is "<<snp1->GENO[1]<<", previous is "<<snp2->GENO[1]<<
-					". The current one is skiped.\n"; 
-			return false;
-			}
-		}
-else if(snp1->GENO[1][2] == snp2->GENO[1][0])
-	{
-	//situation when snp1 has A/A, A/B, B/B and snp2 has B/B, B/0, 0/0. Replace 0 by B in snp1
-	snp2->GENO[1][2] = snp1->GENO[1][0];
-	snp2->GENO[2][0] = snp1->GENO[1][0];
-	snp2->GENO[2][2] = snp1->GENO[1][0];
-	unify_snp(snp2, warnings_file);
-	}
-	{
-	//A1!=A2 and A1!=B2
-	//Rprintf("warning: snp %s has different genotypes in current and previos cohort. current is %s, previos is %s. The current one is skiped.\n", 
-	//				snp1->snpname.c_str(), snp1->GENO[1].c_str(), snp2->GENO[1].c_str());
-	warnings_file<<"warning: snp "<<snp1->snpname
-							 <<" has different genotypes in current and previous cohort. Current one is "<<snp1->GENO[1]
-							 <<", previos is "<<snp2->GENO[1]
-							 <<". The current one is skiped.\n"; 
-	return false;
-	}
-return true;
-// input parameter is "A/AA/GG/G", output AG/
-std::string get_uniq_symbols(std::string alleles_snp)
-std::string uniqe_symbols="";
-int size = alleles_snp.size();
-for(int i=0 ; i<size ; i++)
-	{
-	static char symbol;
- 	symbol = alleles_snp[i];
-	static int size_uniqe;
-	size_uniqe = uniqe_symbols.size();
-	static bool flag;
-	flag=false;
-	for(int j=0 ; j<size_uniqe ; j++)
-		{
-		if(uniqe_symbols[j] == symbol) {flag = true; break;}
-		}
-	if(!flag) {uniqe_symbols += symbol;}
-	}
-return uniqe_symbols;
-double my_median(std::vector<double> * vec)
-unsigned size = vec->size();
-if(size == 0) return NA_value;
-if(size == 1) return (*vec)[0];
-//for(int i=0 ; i<vec->size() ; i++)
-//	{
-//	std::cout<<"my_median: vec["<<i<<"]="<<(*vec)[i]<<"\n";
-//	}
-std::sort(vec->begin(), vec->end());
-//for(int i=0 ; i<vec->size() ; i++)
-//	{
-//	std::cout<<"my_median: vec["<<i<<"]="<<(*vec)[i]<<"\n";
-//	}
-static double median;
-if(size % 2 < 1E-12) {median =  ((*vec)[size/2-1] + (*vec)[size/2])/2;} //odd number
-else {median = (*vec)[(size-1)/2];} //even number
-return median;
-double my_median(my_small_vector * vec)
-unsigned size = vec->number;
-if(size == 0) return NA_value;
-if(size == 1) return vec->vector[0];
-qsort(vec->vector, vec->number, sizeof(double), compare_doubles);
-static double median;
-if(size % 2 < 1E-12) { median = (vec->vector[size/2-1] + vec->vector[size/2])/2;} //odd number
-else {median = vec->vector[(size-1)/2];} //even number
-return median;
-double my_var(my_small_vector * vec)
-	{
-	double sum = 0;
-	double mean = my_mean(vec);
-	if(vec->number <= 1) {std::cout<<"error: var: sample has not more than one element\n"; exit(1);}
-	for(unsigned i=0; i<vec->number ; i++)
-		{
-		sum += (vec->vector[i]-mean)*(vec->vector[i]-mean);
-		}
-	return sum/(vec->number-1);
-	}
-// returun mean of the array or exit(1) in case of problem
-double my_mean(my_small_vector * vec)
-	{
-	static double mean;
-  mean = 0;
-	if(vec->number == 0) {std::cout<<"error: get_mean: sample does not have any element\n"; return NA_value;}
-	for(unsigned i=0; i<vec->number ; i++)
-		{
-		mean += vec->vector[i];
-		}
-	return mean/double(vec->number);
-	}
-bool snp_filter(snp_var_data* snp,  std::ofstream & warnings_file, bool exclude_whole_snp, unsigned threshold, bool do_warnings_output)
-for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-	{
-  if(snp->COUNTS[i]<=0) continue;
-	if(unsigned(snp->COUNTS[i]) < threshold)
-		if(exclude_whole_snp)
-			{
-			if(do_warnings_output)
-				{
-				warnings_file<<"warning: SNP \""<<snp->snpname<<"\" has been excluded because of number of ids in genotyoic group "<<snp->GENO[i]<<" less than "<<threshold<<'\n';
-				}
-			return false;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			if(do_warnings_output)
-				{
-				warnings_file<<"warning: genotypic group "<<snp->GENO[i]<<" in SNP \""<<snp->snpname<<"\" has been excluded because of number of ids less than "<<threshold<<'\n';
-				}
-			snp->SD[i] = NA_value;
-			snp->MEAN[i] = NA_value;
-			snp->COUNTS[i] = 0;
-			}	
-	}
-return true;
-bool check_files_format(const char** filenames, unsigned file_amount, unsigned skip_first_lines_amount, char delim)
-std::stringstream chromosome_stream, snpname_stream, g11_value_stream, g12_value_stream, g22_value_stream;
-std::ifstream file;
-std::string str_from_stream;
-std::stringstream num_to_string;
-for(unsigned file_num=0 ; file_num < file_amount ; file_num++)
-	{
-	Rprintf("\nChecking file \"%s\"...\n", filenames[file_num]);
-	file.open(filenames[file_num]);
-	if(!file.is_open()){Rprintf("Can not open file %s\n", filenames[file_num]); return false;}
-	//skip first line
-	for(unsigned i=0 ; i<skip_first_lines_amount ; i++) 
-		{
-		getline(file, str_from_stream);
-		if(file.eof()) {Rprintf("Tried to skip %i lines in file %s but there is %i at all ", skip_first_lines_amount, filenames[file_num], i);return false;}
-		}
-	//read header and determine position of our columns
-	int CHR_position=-1, VALUE_position=-1, SNP_position=-1, G11_position=-1, G12_position=-1, G22_position=-1; //0 means te first column
-	getline(file, str_from_stream);
-	std::stringstream line_stream(str_from_stream);
-	if(file.eof()) break;
-	for(unsigned col=0 ; !line_stream.eof() ; col++ )
-		{
-		getline(line_stream, str_from_stream, delim);
-		if(str_from_stream.size() == 0) {col--; continue;}
-		if(str_from_stream == chromosome_column_name) {CHR_position=col;}
-		else if(str_from_stream == snpname_column_name) {SNP_position=col;}
-		else if(str_from_stream == value_column_name) {VALUE_position=col;}
-		else if(str_from_stream == g11_column_name) {G11_position=col;}
-		else if(str_from_stream == g12_column_name) {G12_position=col;}
-		else if(str_from_stream == g22_column_name) {G22_position=col;}
-		}
-	if(CHR_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", chromosome_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	if(SNP_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", snpname_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	if(VALUE_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", value_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	if(G11_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", g11_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	if(G12_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", g12_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	if(G22_position==-1) {Rprintf("Can not find column \"%s\".\n", g22_column_name.c_str()); return false;}
-	Rprintf("File \"%s\" is OK\n", filenames[file_num]);
-	file.close();
-	file.clear();
-	} // all files are checked
-return true;
-//The function break_trait_up_into_groups takes phenotype and snp, break the phenotype up on three genotypic groups.
-void break_trait_up_into_groups(std::list<my_small_vector> *trait_groups, double* snp, double *trait, long unsigned* nids, int analys_type, int * is_trait_na)
-std::vector<double> NA, AA, AB, BB; // here we will store trait for different genotype group
-	for(unsigned id=0 ; id < *nids ; id++)
-		{
-		//std::cout<<"break_trait_up_into_groups: trait["<<id<<"]="<<trait[id]<<", is_trait_na["<<id<<"]="<<is_trait_na[id]<<", snp["<<id<<"]="<<snp[id]<<"\n";	
-		if(is_trait_na[id] == 1) continue;
-	//get bestguess:
-	//________________		
-	static int snp_value;
-	if(snp[id]>=0. && snp[id]<0.5 ) snp_value=0;
-	if(snp[id]>=0.5 && snp[id]<=1.5 ) snp_value=1;
-	if(snp[id]>1.5 && snp[id]<=2. ) snp_value=2;
-	//________________		
-		//spread ids trait among genotype group
-		switch(snp_value)
-			{
-			case 0:
-				{
-				//NA.push_back(trait[id]);
-				}
-			break;
-			case 1:
-				{
-				AA.push_back(trait[id]);
-				}
-			break;
-			case 2:
-				{
-				AB.push_back(trait[id]);
-				}
-			break;
-			case 3:
-				{
-				BB.push_back(trait[id]);
-				}
-			break;
-			default:
-				{
-				Rprintf("error: VarABEL: Unexpected genotype code has been detected (%i, %i). Only 0, 1, 2, 3, NA are alowed\n", &snp[id], snp[id]);
-				return;	
-				}
-			break;
-			}
-		}
-//1df conversion:
-	//b.insert(b.end(), a.begin(), a.end());
-  //enum {AAvsABvsBB, AAvsABandBB, ABvsAAandBB, BBvsAAandAB};
-	if(analys_type == AAvsABandBB)
-		{
-		AB.insert(AB.end(), BB.begin(), BB.end());
-		BB.clear();
-		}
-	else if(analys_type == ABvsAAandBB)
-		{
-		AA.insert(AA.end(), BB.begin(), BB.end());
-		BB.clear();
-		}
-	else if(analys_type == BBvsAAandAB)
-		{
-		AB.insert(AB.end(), AA.begin(), AA.end());
-		AA.clear();
-		}
-//	unsigned NA_size = NA.size();
-	unsigned AA_size = AA.size();
-	unsigned AB_size = AB.size();
-	unsigned BB_size = BB.size();
-	double /**na,*/ *aa, *ab, *bb;
-		if(AA_size > 1)
-			{
-			aa = new double[AA_size];
-			for(unsigned i=0 ; i<AA_size ; i++)
-				{
-				aa[i] = AA[i];
-				}
-			trait_groups->push_back(my_small_vector(aa, AA_size));
-			}
-		if(AB_size > 1)
-			{
-			ab = new double[AB_size];
-			for(unsigned i=0 ; i<AB_size ; i++)
-				{
-				ab[i] = AB[i];
-				}
-			trait_groups->push_back(my_small_vector(ab, AB_size));
-			}
-		if(BB_size > 1)
-			{
-			bb = new double[BB_size];
-			for(unsigned i=0 ; i<BB_size ; i++)
-				{
-				bb[i] = BB[i];
-				}
-			trait_groups->push_back(my_small_vector(bb, BB_size));
-			}
-//if(AA_size > 1) delete[] aa;
-//if(AB_size > 1) delete[] ab;
-//if(BB_size > 1) delete[] bb;
-}//end of function break_trait_up_into_groups	
-// For qsort function
-int compare_doubles(const void *a, const void *b)
-double* arg1 = (double*) a;
-double* arg2 = (double*) b;
-if( *arg1 < *arg2 ) return -1;
-else if( *arg1 == *arg2 ) return 0;
-else return 1;

Deleted: pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.h
--- pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.h	2011-03-07 14:25:58 UTC (rev 675)
+++ pkg/VariABEL/src/supplementary_functions.h	2011-03-07 14:27:20 UTC (rev 676)
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-//#       Filename:  supplementary_functions.h
-//#    Description:  Supplementary functions for variance homogeneity test and for metaanalysis.
-//#        Version:  1.0
-//#        Created:  28-Apr-2010
-//#       Revision:  none
-//#         Author:  Maksim V. Struchalin
-//#        Company:  ErasmusMC, Epidemiology, The Netherlands.
-//#          Email:  m.struchalin at erasmusmc.nl
-#include <map>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <list>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <Rinternals.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <vector>
-#define VARIABLE_TYPE double
-#define GENO_TYPES_NUM 3
-#include "constants.h"
-const std::string chromosome_column_name = "CHR";
-const std::string snpname_column_name = "SNP";
-const std::string value_column_name = "VALUE";
-const std::string g11_column_name = "G11";
-const std::string g12_column_name = "G12";
-const std::string g22_column_name = "G22";
-const std::string geno_value_name = "GENO";
-const std::string counts_value_name = "COUNTS";
-const std::string freq_value_name = "FREQ";
-const std::string mean_value_name = "MEAN";
-const std::string sd_value_name = "SD";
-class snp_var_data;
-typedef std::map<std::string, snp_var_data*> Snp_store_type; //use std::string as key because for some reason it doesn't want to work with const char*
-int compare_doubles(const void *a, const void *b);
-class my_small_vector
-	{
-	public:
-		my_small_vector(double * vector_, unsigned long number_)
-			{
-			vector=vector_;
-			number=number_;
-			}
-		my_small_vector(const my_small_vector& p)
-			{
-			number = p.number;
-			vector = new double[number];
-			for(int i=0 ; i<number ; i++)
-				{
-				vector[i] = p.vector[i];
-				}
-			}
-		~my_small_vector(void)
-			{
-			if(vector != NULL) delete[] vector;
-			}
-	double * vector; 
-	long number; //amount of cells in vector
-	};
-//all info for a SNP is here
-struct snp_var_data
-	{
-	snp_var_data() //set all variables to zero
-		{
-		reset();
-		}	
-	inline void reset() 
-		{
-		for(int i=0 ; i<GENO_TYPES_NUM ; i++)
-			{
-			GENO[i] = "NA";
-			COUNTS[i] = NA_value_int;
-			MEAN[i] = NA_value;
-			SD[i]=NA_value;
-			Z=NA_value;
-			}
-		chromosome=NA_value_int;
-		snpname="";
-		}
-	std::string snpname;	
-	std::string GENO[GENO_TYPES_NUM];
-	int chromosome;
-	double Z; //homogeneity test
-	double Z_2df; //homogeneity test 2df only
-	};
-bool include_snp(Snp_store_type *, snp_var_data*, std::ofstream & warnings_file, char *testname); //include snp into common storage
-snp_var_data* snp_var_meta(snp_var_data* , snp_var_data*, char* testname); //metaanalysis of two snps
-bool is_na(const VARIABLE_TYPE val, const VARIABLE_TYPE na_reference=NA_value); //is numerical value recognized as NA 
-bool is_na(const int val, const int na_reference=NA_value_int); //is numerical value recognized as NA 
-void save_snps_data_into_file(Snp_store_type *snps_data, const char *output_filename, char delim); //save all snps into flat file in plink like format
-void save_snps_tests_into_file(Snp_store_type *snps_data, const char *output_filename, char delim); //save all snps into flat file in plink like format
-std::string double_2_str(VARIABLE_TYPE val, const unsigned precision=precision_output); // convert double to string
-bool check(snp_var_data* snp1, snp_var_data* snp2, std::ofstream & warnings_file);
-bool unify_snp(snp_var_data* snp, std::ofstream & warnings_file);
-std::string get_uniq_symbols(std::string alleles_snp);
-double my_median(my_small_vector * vec);
-double my_median(std::vector<double> * vec);
-double my_var(my_small_vector * vec);
-double my_mean(my_small_vector * vec);
-bool snp_filter(snp_var_data* snp,  std::ofstream & warnings_file, bool exclude_whole_snp, unsigned threshold, bool do_warnings_output);
-bool check_files_format(const char** filenames, unsigned file_amount, unsigned skip_first_lines_amount, char delim);
-void break_trait_up_into_groups(std::list<my_small_vector> *trait_groups, double* snp, double *trait, long unsigned* nids, int analys_type, int * is_trait_na);
-const short unsigned int AAvsABvsBB = 0;
-const short unsigned int AAvsABandBB = 1;
-const short unsigned int ABvsAAandBB = 2;
-const short unsigned int BBvsAAandAB = 3;
-const short unsigned int bartlett = 0;
-const short unsigned int levene = 1;
-const short unsigned int likelihood = 2;
-const short unsigned int kolmogorov_smirnov = 3;
-const short unsigned int sqlm=4;

Deleted: pkg/VariABEL/src/tags
--- pkg/VariABEL/src/tags	2011-03-07 14:25:58 UTC (rev 675)
+++ pkg/VariABEL/src/tags	2011-03-07 14:27:20 UTC (rev 676)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT	2	/extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/genabel -r 676

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