[FLR-list] FLR packages for R 3.5

Iago.MOSQUEIRA at ec.europa.eu Iago.MOSQUEIRA at ec.europa.eu
Mon Jul 23 10:48:29 CEST 2018

Dear all,

A set of FLR packages for R 3.5, source and Windows binaries, is now available at the FLR repository. You can install them calling


or sort out all dependencies by sourcing the instFLR script


All packages containing C++ code (e.g. FLash, FLBRP, FLAssess) work now on 64 bits in Windows. They should also work in 32 bits, but please report if that is not the case.

We hope to release packages for Mac OSX very soon, but any help from Mac users will be very welcome.

Please do not hesitate reporting any issue or bug to the list or the issue page of the relevant package, e.g. https://github.com/flr/FLCore/issues

Happy FLRing!



Dr Iago Mosqueira

European Commission
DG Joint Research Centre
Directorate D - Sustainable Resources
Unit D.02 Water and Marine Resources

TP 051, Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy

Phone : +39 0332 785413

iago.mosqueira at ec.europa.eu

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