[FLR-list] dim and dimnames in FLQuant
Leire Ibaibarriaga
libaibarriaga at azti.es
Mon Mar 27 08:55:43 CEST 2017
I'm creating some Flquants using some code I have used with earlier R and FLCore versions but now when I specify both the dim and the dimnames, I get the following error
> FLQuant(1, dim=c(1,10,1,1,1,1), dimnames=list(year=2000:2009))
Error in array(as.double(object), dim = dim, dimnames = dimnames) :
length of 'dimnames' [1] not equal to array extent
Specifying only one of them seems to be fine
> FLQuant(1, dimnames=list(year=2000:2009))
An object of class "FLQuant"
, , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
quant 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
units: NA
> flq <- FLQuant(1, dim=c(1,10,1,1,1,1))
> dimnames(flq) <- list(year=2000:2009)
> flq
An object of class "FLQuant"
, , unit = unique, season = all, area = unique
quant 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
all 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
units: NA
Is there a way to specify both within the FLQuant function? Thanks
Below some info on my R session
> sessionInfo()
R version 3.3.3 (2017-03-06)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 7 x64 (build 7601) Service Pack 1
[1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252
[4] LC_NUMERIC=C LC_TIME=Spanish_Spain.1252
attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
other attached packages:
[1] rjags_4-6 coda_0.19-1 FLBEIA_1.15 ggplot2_2.2.1 FLFleet_2.5.20150311
[6] FLCore_2.6.0.20170228 lattice_0.20-34 MASS_7.3-45
loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] Rcpp_0.12.10 assertthat_0.1 grid_3.3.3 plyr_1.8.4 gtable_0.2.0 stats4_3.3.3
[7] scales_0.4.1 lazyeval_0.2.0 Matrix_1.2-8 tools_3.3.3 munsell_0.4.3 colorspace_1.3-2
[13] tibble_1.2
Leire Ibaibarriaga
Dr. / PhD. / Dk.
AZTI. Gestión Pesquera Sostenible. Sustainable Fisheries Management. Arrantza-kudeaketa Jasangarria
Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g. E-48395 Sukarrieta - BIZKAIA (Spain)
T. +34 667 174 401 | Mail: libaibarriaga at azti.es<mailto:libaibarriaga at azti.es>
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