[FLR-list] fitting a custom SRModel with a covariate
lauriekell at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 09:49:30 CEST 2016
see, which is in FLCore
rickerCa <- function() {
logl <- function(a, b, c, rec, ssb, covar)
loglAR1(log(rec), log(a * (1 - c * covar) * ssb * exp(-b * ssb)))
initial <- structure(function(rec, ssb) {
# The function to provide initial values
res <-coefficients(lm(c(log(rec/ssb))~c(ssb)))
return(FLPar(a=max(exp(res[1])), b=-max(res[2]), c=1))},
# lower and upper limits for optim()
lower=rep(-Inf, 3),
upper=rep( Inf, 3))
model <- rec ~ a * (1 - c * covar) * ssb * exp(-b * ssb)
return(list(logl=logl, model=model, initial=initial))
There is an example using it somewhere, I will see if I can find it.
On 07/04/16 09:37, Marc Taylor wrote:
> Dear FLR-Listers,
> I was hoping someone might help me figure out a way to create a custom
> SRModel that uses a covariate in addition to ssb and rec.
> From the documentation of SRModels (i.e. ?SRModels), reference is made
> to several models that would be of interest to me (e.g. 'ricker.c.a',
> 'ricker.c.b', etc.), but these do not appear to be presently included
> in FLCore. I made an attempt (below) to define a custom model, but am
> getting errors when fitting with fmle().
> If anyone has any experience with such models, I would greatly
> appreciate any advise.
> Cheers,
> Marc
> *Example script*:
> # packages
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> library(FLCore) # FLCore_2.5.20160107
> # load data
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> data("ple4")
> # make srr obbject and add covariate
> --------------------------------------
> ple4Sr <- as.FLSR(ple4)
> env1 <- c(-0.81, -1.73, -0.09, 0.42, -1.01, -1.06, -0.79, -0.42, -0.74,
> -0.3, 0.25, 0.09, -0.18, -0.29, 0.13, 0.09, 0.48, 0.33, 0.41,
> 0.4, -0.21, -0.64, -0.97, -0.02, -0.19, 0.28, -0.03, -0.19, -0.47,
> -0.97, -0.88, 0.23, 0.82, 0.92, 0.17, 0.67, -0.07, 0.32, 0.9,
> -0.64, 0.97, 0.54, 1.18, 0.67, 0.44, 1.29, 1.54, 1.22, 0.47,
> 1.04, 1.31, 1.06)
> ple4Sr at covar <- FLQuants(list(env1=FLQuant(env1, dim=dim(ple4Sr at ssb),
> dimnames=dimnames(ple4Sr at ssb))))
> ple4Sr at covar$env1
> # attempt with existing SRModel fails
> model(ple4Sr) <- "ricker.c.a"
> # Error in do.call(value, list()) : could not find function "ricker.c.a"
> # make new srr function
> ---------------------------------------------------
> # adapt ricker
> ricker <- function(){
> logl <- function(a, b, rec, ssb) loglAR1(log(rec), log(a *
> ssb * exp(-b * ssb)))
> initial <- structure(function(rec, ssb) {
> res <- coefficients(lm(log(c(rec)/c(ssb)) ~ c(ssb)))
> return(FLPar(a = max(exp(res[1])), b = -max(res[2])))
> }, lower = rep(-Inf, 2), upper = rep(Inf, 2))
> model <- rec ~ a * ssb * exp(-b * ssb)
> return(list(logl = logl, model = model, initial = initial))
> }
> # to this (incl. env. control term - 'env1')
> ri.ec <- function(){
> logl <- function(a, b, e1, rec, ssb, env1) loglAR1(log(rec), log(a *
> ssb * exp(-b * ssb) * exp(e1 * env1)))
> initial <- structure(function(rec, ssb, env1) {
> res <- coefficients(lm(log(c(rec)/c(ssb)) ~ c(ssb) + c(env1)))
> return(FLPar(a = max(exp(res[1])), b = -max(res[2], env1 =
> max(res[3]))))
> }, lower = rep(-Inf, 3), upper = rep(Inf, 3))
> model <- rec ~ a * ssb * exp(-b * ssb) * exp(e1 * env1)
> return(list(logl = logl, model = model, initial = initial))
> }
> # fit SRR
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> model(ple4Sr) <- "ri.ec"
> ple4Sr <- fmle(ple4Sr)
> # Error in loglAR1(log(rec), log(a * ssb * exp(-b * ssb) * exp(e1 *
> env1))) :
> # error in evaluating the argument 'hat' in selecting a method for
> function 'loglAR1': Error: argument "e1" is missing, with no default
> summary(ple4Sr)
> plot(ple4Sr)
> --
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> Notice: Thünen Institute has changed its domain. Please change my email address in your address book!
> Dr. Marc Taylor
> Marine Lebende Resourcen / Marine Living Resources
> Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei / Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries
> Palmaille 9
> 22767 Hamburg, Germany
> Tel: +49 40 38905-143
> Mail:marc.taylor at thuenen.de
> Web:www.ti.bund.de
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