[FLR-list] On FLR and R 2.15.*
Iago Mosqueira
iago.mosqueira-sanchez at jrc.ec.europa.eu
Thu Jan 17 13:16:25 CET 2013
Sounds great. Let me try and if it does work I will update the repositories
On 01/17/2013 11:52 AM, Laurie wrote:
> Looks like I have fixed the problem with FLash
> It runs for me both on 64bit linux and 32bit Windows 7, running R2.15.2.
> Laurie
> On 16/01/13 16:33, Iago Mosqueira wrote:
>> I have tested in Windows XP 32 bit using R 2.14.2, haven't tested it
>> yet for other versions. Please send me a report of the report and
>> exact platform.
>> IAgo
>> On 01/16/2013 04:19 PM, Laurie wrote:
>>> Doesnt work on windows.
>>> So I am told
>>> Laurie
>>> On 15/01/13 17:19, Iago Mosqueira wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Packages for 2.14 compiled using the latest version of the source code
>>>> are now available with
>>>> install.packages(repos="http://flr-project.org/Rdevel")
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Iago
>>>> On 01/15/2013 04:14 PM, Iago Mosqueira wrote:
>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>> After a few weeks of problems reported with FLash, fwd and R 2.15, we
>>>>> have pinned down the issue to be related to the compilation of pkgs in
>>>>> Windows using R 2.15 and the corresponding Rtools. We are looking
>>>>> for a
>>>>> fix, and will let you know as soon as we do.
>>>>> Meantime, you should go back to R 2.14, for which pkgs are
>>>>> available in
>>>>> the stable repository, and will be later today in the devel one.
>>>>> Any doubt or question, please do not hesitate asking in the list.
>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>> Iago
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Dr Iago Mosqueira
European Commission – Joint Research Center
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
Maritime Affairs Unit FISHREG – Scientific Support to Fisheries
TP 051, Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Office : +39 0332 785413
Fax: +39 0332 789658
iago.mosqueira at jrc.ec.europa.eu
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