[FLR-list] Bug in readFLIndex
Mark Payne
mpa at aqua.dtu.dk
Fri Jan 27 16:25:54 CET 2012
readFLIndex cannot be used to read a single file into an index object. e.g.
> IHLS.idxs <- readFLIndex(file=file.path(data.source,"/mlai.txt"),type="ICA")
Error in file2 != "" : 'file2' is missing
The error is fairly obvious: readFLIndex farms out the hard work to readFLIndices, but only supplies it with a single file, instead of the two that readFLIndices requires e.g. see code below.
Currently running FLCore 2.4 on Mandriva.
> readFLIndex
function (file, type = "VPA", index.names, descs, desc = paste("Imported from ",
type, " file '", file, "'", sep = ""))
res <- readFLIndices(file, type = type, index.names = index.names,
desc = desc)
if (length(res) > 1)
warning("The ", type, " file ", file, " contains more than 1 index. Returning the first")
<environment: namespace:FLCore>
> readFLIndices
function (file, file2, type = "VPA", index.names, descs, desc = paste("Imported from ",
type, " file '", file, "'", sep = ""), na.strings = "NA",
sep = "")
Fra: flr-list-bounces at r-forge.wu-wien.ac.at [flr-list-bounces at r-forge.wu-wien.ac.at] På vegne af Iago Mosqueira [iago.mosqueira-sanchez at jrc.ec.europa.eu]
Sendt: 24. januar 2012 10:51
Til: flr-list at r-forge.wu-wien.ac.at
Emne: Re: [FLR-list] [FLR-devel] FLCohort
That's right. It is always an issue with the kind of organic growth we
have had.
I would add a warning for FLCohort(FLQuant) indicating that the
conversion via as() should be used and that the method will be
deprecated in the future
On 01/24/2012 10:40 AM, Laurie wrote:
> I guess it raises the issue of consistency with FLR.
> Laurie
> On 01/24/2012 10:33 AM, Iago Mosqueira wrote:
>> I only say it would probably be the correct thing to do.
>> Conversion vs. creation, i.e. starting from an element of the same
>> complexity, or a simpler one. Like as(FLBRP, 'FLStock') vs. FLStock(...)
>> Iago
>> On 01/24/2012 10:17 AM, Laurie Kell wrote:
>>> So your suggestion is to add FLQuant-FLCohort alongside the
>>> as(,"FLQuant")
>>> I dont fancy explaining the difference between as and FLQuant in a
>>> course
>>> Laurie
>>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Iago Mosqueira
>>> <iago.mosqueira-sanchez at jrc.ec.europa.eu
>>> <mailto:iago.mosqueira-sanchez at jrc.ec.europa.eu>> wrote:
>>> The idea is that FLCohort to FLQuant is a conversion. For FLCohort
>>> the creator takes an FLQuant as we originally considered that to be
>>> the main (only) way of creating one. To be fully consistent we
>>> should turn the FLQuant-FLCohort route into a conversion, but we
>>> should probably keep as it is for compatibility reasons.
>>> Iago
>>> On 01/24/2012 10:06 AM, Laurie Kell wrote:
>>> thanks forgot about that, but an easy mistake to make if the inverse
>>> follows a different syntax. So shouldn´t this also work?
>>> FLQuant(FLCohort(m(ple4)))
>>> Laurie
>>> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Ernesto Jardim
>>> <ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.europa.__eu
>>> <mailto:ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.europa.eu>
>>> <mailto:ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.__europa.eu
>>> <mailto:ernesto.jardim at jrc.ec.europa.eu>>> wrote:
>>> __
>>> On 01/24/2012 09:21 AM, Laurie wrote:
>>> Shouldn´t this work?
>>> FLQuant(FLCohort(m(ple4)))
>>> Error in filldimnames(dimnames(object), dim = dim) :
>>> more than one vector of names given for the first
>>> dimension
>>> Laurie
>>> No, but this one does
>>> as(FLCohort(m(ple4)), "FLQuant")
>>> EJ
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>>> Dr Iago Mosqueira
>>> European Commission – Joint Research Center
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Dr Iago Mosqueira
European Commission – Joint Research Center
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
Maritime Affairs Unit FISHREG – Scientific Support to Fisheries
TP 051, Via Enrico Fermi 2749
I-21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Office : +39 0332 785413
Fax: +39 0332 789658
iago.mosqueira at jrc.ec.europa.eu
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