[FLR-list] datras R library
Laurie Kell
lauriekell at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 5 09:08:20 CEST 2011
It would be good to see if it could be used with the various ICCAT datasets.
I can provide some if you wish.
On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Doug Beare <doug.beare at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I've been writing an R library to analyse trawl survey data. It all starts
> with ICES exchange format. It's still in its infancy and my programming is
> crappy. Probably be worth using 'methods' etc. It probably needs a complete
> re-write.
> The aim is to produce time-series, diversity indices, maps, nos at age
> indices etc. in a standardised manner which would be applicable to all the
> data stored by ICES (BTS, IBTS, ALTBITS etc.). Code would only be
> acceptable if it did something useful with data in this format. The library
> also includes bathymetry data, ITIS species names, length-weight parameters
> which makes it particularly handy.
> We could build in all the varied manners in which age-length keys and
> nos-at-age indices are calculated across all the Institutes of Europe etc.
> Maybe develop methods to combine data from different surveys etc. etc.
> Explore spatial models, multinomial models for ALKs etc. etc. Standardise
> methods for 'Good Environmental Status' indicators etc. blah blah.
> Investigate impacts of 'survey design'.
> I've adapted some code from the recent vmstools project too.
> I know that there are 100s of other bits of code out there and probably
> other libraries? Let me know if you want to get involved.
> I've set up a google repository:
> http://code.google.com/p/datras/
> If you look at the file Chrons01.r you will see examples of how it might
> work on chrons or station files.
> Doug.
> On 10/4/2011 10:26 PM, Laurie Kell wrote:
> Just because somebody hears something you say, or reads something that you
> write, doesn’t mean you’ve reached them.
> Joey Barton*
> *
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