[Esm-commits] r15 - pkg/ESM/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Nov 13 12:43:39 CET 2009

Author: timotheepoisot
Date: 2009-11-13 12:43:39 +0100 (Fri, 13 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 15

R for AdGraph

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/GDS.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/GDS.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/GDS.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-GDS <- function(mat)
-	D <- dim(mat)
-	N <- prod(D)
-	Ni <- sum(mat>0)/N
-	out <- NULL
-	out$RES <- D[1]
-	out$ORGA <- D[2]
-	out$SIZE <- N
-	out$COMP <- Ni
-	return(out)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/adv.barplot.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/adv.barplot.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/adv.barplot.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+adv.barplot <- function(data,datanames=c(1:length(data)),col='lightgrey',bars=TRUE,barsborder=FALSE,forceylim=c(0,0),...,bartype=1)
+	nbars	<-	length(data)
+	yspan	<-	range(data)
+	if(sum(forceylim)>0)
+	{
+		yspan <- forceylim
+	}
+	M 		<-	NULL
+	SD		<-	NULL
+	bcol	<-	ifelse(barsborder,1,NA)
+	if(length(col)<length(data)){col <- rep(col,length(data))}
+	## 
+	plot(1,1,col=NA,xlim=c(0.5,nbars+0.5),ylim=yspan,xaxt='n',bty='n',...)
+	for(current.data in 1:nbars)
+	{
+		M[current.data]		<-	mean(data[[current.data]])
+		SD[current.data]	<-	sd(data[[current.data]])
+		rect(current.data-0.4,min(yspan),current.data+0.4,M[current.data],col=col[current.data],border=bcol)
+		if(bartype==1)
+		{
+			arrows(current.data,M[current.data],current.data,M[current.data]+SD[current.data],length=0.075,angle=90,col=1,lwd=2)
+		}
+		if(bartype==2)
+		{
+			arrows(current.data,M[current.data]-SD[current.data],current.data,M[current.data]+SD[current.data],length=0.075,angle=90,code=3,col=1,lwd=2)
+		}
+	}
+	axis(side=1,tick=FALSE,labels=datanames,at=c(1:nbars))
+	return(M)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/draw.network.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/draw.network.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/draw.network.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-draw.network <- function(data,org.col='grey',res.col='grey',border=NA,sortorg=c(1:nrow(data)),sortres=c(1:ncol(data)),...)
-	data <- sortmat.byspe(data,sortorg)
-	data <- t(sortmat.byspe(t(data),sortres))
-	n.elements <- max(dim(data))
-	pos.h <- seq(from=1,to=n.elements,length.out=ncol(data))
-	pos.p <- seq(from=1,to=n.elements,length.out=nrow(data))
-	par(bty='n',xaxt='n',yaxt='n')
-	symbols(
-		pos.p,
-		y = rep(2,length(pos.p)),
-		circles=rep(0.3,length(pos.p)),
-		inches=FALSE,
-		add=FALSE,
-		ylim=c(0.7,2.3),
-		bg=org.col,
-		fg=border,
-		...
-		)
-	for(p in 1:nrow(data))
-	{
-		for(h in 1:ncol(data))
-		{
-			if(data[p,h]>0)
-			{
-				arrows(pos.p[p],2,pos.h[h],1,lwd=(data[p,h]/1)*3+0.1,code=0)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	symbols(
-		pos.p,
-		y = rep(2,length(pos.p)),
-		circles=rep(0.4,length(pos.p)),
-		inches=FALSE,
-		add=TRUE,
-		bg=org.col,
-		fg=border,
-		main='Réseau',
-		xlab='',
-		ylab=''
-		)
-	symbols(
-		pos.h,
-		y = rep(1,length(pos.h)),
-		circles=rep(0.4,length(pos.h)),
-		inches=FALSE,
-		add=TRUE,
-		bg=res.col,
-		fg=border
-		)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/functions.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/functions.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/functions.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-get.HR <- function(pop)
-	Ni <- sum(pop>0)
-	N <- length(pop)
-	return(1-Ni/N)
-get.SHANNON <- function(pop)
-	partiel <- NULL
-	pop <- as.vector(pop)+0.0000000001
-	for(i in 1:length(pop))
-	{
-		p <- pop[i]/sum(pop)
-		partiel[i] <- p * log(p)
-	}
-	shannon <- ifelse(length(pop)<=1,0,-sum(partiel) / log(length(pop)))
-	return(shannon)
-get.DFP <- function(fit)
-	score <- NULL
-	fit <- as.vector(fit)
-	fit <- na.exclude(sort(fit,decreasing=TRUE))
-	vecdiff <- NULL	
-	for(i in 1:(length(fit)-1))
-	{
-		vecdiff[i] <- (fit[i+1]-fit[i])+1
-	}
-	score <- prod(abs(vecdiff))
-	return(1-score)
-get.WADFP <- function(fit)
-	ngen <- length(fit)
-	sorted <- sort(fit,decreasing=TRUE)
-	tempS <- NULL
-	correc <- (ngen-1)/ngen
-	for(g in 1:(ngen-1))
-	{
-		tempS[g] <- (1+sorted[g]-sorted[g+1])*sorted[g]
-	}
-	S <- sum(tempS)/sum(fit)
-	S <- (S-correc)/(2-correc)
-	return(S)
-get.SSI <- function(occup)
-	score <- NULL
-	fit <- as.vector(occup)
-	h <- sum(fit>0)
-	H <- length(occup)
-	SSI <- sqrt((H/h-1)/(H-1))
-	return(SSI)
-dfp <- function(m)
-	spe <- vector('numeric',length=nrow(m))
-	for(i in 1:nrow(m))
-	{
-		spe[i] <- get.DFP(m[i,])
-	}
-	return(spe)
-wadfp <- function(m)
-	spe <- vector('numeric',length=nrow(m))
-	for(i in 1:nrow(m))
-	{
-		spe[i] <- get.WADFP(m[i,])
-	}
-	return(spe)
-shannon <- function(m)
-	spe <- vector('numeric',length=nrow(m))
-	for(i in 1:nrow(m))
-	{
-		spe[i] <- get.SHANNON(as.vector(as.numeric(m[i,])))
-	}
-	return(spe)
-ssi <- function(m)
-	spe <- vector('numeric',length=nrow(m))
-	for(i in 1:nrow(m))
-	{
-		spe[i] <- get.SSI(as.vector(as.numeric(m[i,])))
-	}
-	return(spe)
-hr <- function(m)
-	spe <- vector('numeric',length=nrow(m))
-	for(i in 1:nrow(m))
-	{
-		spe[i] <- get.HR(as.vector(as.numeric(m[i,])))
-	}
-	return(spe)
-getspe <- function(mat,measure=hr)
-	if(max(mat)!=1){mat<-mat/max(mat)}
-	out <- measure(as.matrix(mat))
-	names(out) <- rownames(mat)
-	return(out)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/hist-dis.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/hist-dis.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/hist-dis.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+hist.disc <- function(vecteur,as.prop=FALSE,do.plot=FALSE,ylab='',xlab='')
+	niveaux <- as.integer(levels(as.factor(vecteur)))
+	quantite <- NULL
+	for(i in 1:length(niveaux))
+	{
+		quantite[i] <- sum(match(vecteur,niveaux[i],nomatch=0))
+	}
+	proportion <- quantite/length(vecteur)
+	if(as.prop){hauteur <- proportion} else {hauteur <- quantite}
+	if(do.plot)
+	{
+		par(lend=1,yaxs='i')
+		plot(niveaux,hauteur,type='h',ylim=c(0,max(hauteur)),lwd=12,ylab=ylab,xlab=xlab)
+		par(lend=0,yaxs='r',xaxs='r')
+	}
+	return(as.data.frame(cbind(niveaux,quantite,proportion)))
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/logplot.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/logplot.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/logplot.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+drawlogaxis <- function(side,range)
+	par(tck=0.02)
+	d <- range
+	mlog <- floor(min(d))
+	Mlog <- ceiling(max(d))
+	SeqLog <- c(mlog:Mlog)
+	Nlog <- (Mlog-mlog)+1
+	axis(side,at=SeqLog,labels=10^SeqLog)
+	ats <- log(seq(from=2,to=9,by=1),10)
+	mod <- NULL
+	for(i in SeqLog)
+	{
+		mod <- c(mod,rep(i,length(ats)))
+	}
+	ats <- rep(ats,Nlog)
+	ats <- ats+mod
+	par(tck=0.02/3)
+	axis(side,at=ats,labels=NA)
+logplot <- function(x=c(1:length(y)),y,log='xy',forceylim=c(0,0),forcexlim=c(0,0),...)
+	par(tck=0.02)
+	xlg <- FALSE
+	ylg <- FALSE
+	if('x'%in%strsplit(log,'')[[1]]){x <- log(x,10);xlg=TRUE}
+	if('y'%in%strsplit(log,'')[[1]]){y <- log(y,10);ylg=TRUE}
+	yl <- ifelse(forceylim==c(0,0),range(y),forceylim)
+	xl <- ifelse(forcexlim==c(0,0),range(x),forcexlim)
+	plot(x,y,...,axes=FALSE,ylim=yl,xlim=xl)
+	if(xlg){drawlogaxis(1,xl)}else{axis(1,at=pretty(xl),labels=pretty(xl))}
+	if(ylg){drawlogaxis(2,yl)}else{axis(2,at=pretty(yl),labels=pretty(yl))}
+	box()
+addlog <- function(x=c(1:length(y)),y,log='xy',...)
+	xlg <- FALSE
+	ylg <- FALSE
+	if('x'%in%strsplit(log,'')[[1]]){x <- log(x,10);xlg=TRUE}
+	if('y'%in%strsplit(log,'')[[1]]){y <- log(y,10);ylg=TRUE}
+	points(x,y,...)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/mBP.R
--- pkg/ESM/R/mBP.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/mBP.R	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+mBP <- function(list.of.lists,...,condnames=0,pal=colorRampPalette(c('grey','cornsilk')),seriesnames=0,legendpos='topleft',legh=TRUE,do.pty='s')
+	par(pty=do.pty,mgp=c(1.9,0.8,0),oma=c(0,0,0,0),mar=c(4,3,2,1),bg='transparent',bty='o',tck=0.02,yaxs='i')
+	NofList <- length(list.of.lists)
+	NofSubList <- length(list.of.lists[[1]])
+	if(condnames==0){condnames=c(1:NofList)}
+	if(seriesnames==0){seriesnames=c(1:NofSubList)}
+	dim.mat.treat <- (NofList+1)*NofSubList
+	pos <- c(1:dim.mat.treat)
+	pos <- matrix(pos,nrow=(NofList+1))
+	nbreaks <- dim.mat.treat+1
+	par(xaxs='i',yaxs='i',bty='o')
+	plot(0,0,pch=NA,xlim=c(0,nbreaks),ylim=c(min(pretty(range(list.of.lists))),max(pretty(range(list.of.lists)))),xaxt='n',yaxt='n',...)
+	calc.ylab <- pretty(range(list.of.lists))
+	lab.ylab <- round(calc.ylab,2)
+	abline(h=pretty(range(list.of.lists)),lty=3,col='grey',lwd=2)
+	abline(h=0,col='darkgrey',lwd=1.4)
+	palette <- pal(NofList)
+	for(condition in 1:NofList)
+	{
+		for(treatment in 1:NofSubList)
+		{
+			CD <- list.of.lists[[condition]][[treatment]]
+			CDm <- mean(CD)
+			CDv <- sd(CD)
+			x.coord <- pos[condition,treatment]
+			rect(x.coord,0,x.coord+1,CDm,col=palette[condition])
+			arrows(x.coord+0.5,CDm+CDv,x.coord+0.5,CDm-CDv,angle=90,code=3,length=0.05)
+		}
+	}
+	axis(side=2,at=calc.ylab,labels=lab.ylab,tick=TRUE)
+	#abline(h=calc.ylab[1])
+	abline(h=pretty(range(list.of.lists))[1])
+	fills <- c(1:NofList)
+	legend(legendpos,legend=condnames,fill=palette[fills],bty='n',horiz=legh,cex=1)
+	cl.tab <- (c(1:NofSubList)-1)*NofSubList + NofList/2 +1
+	lab.cond <- NULL
+	int.lab.cond <- pos[c(1:(nrow(pos)-1)),]
+	for(COL in 1:ncol(int.lab.cond))
+	{
+		lab.cond[COL] <- mean(int.lab.cond[,COL])+0.5
+	}
+	axis(side=1,at=lab.cond,labels=seriesnames,tick=FALSE)
+	par(xaxs='r')
+	if(min(pretty(range(list.of.lists)))<0){abline(h=0,lwd=1.1)}
+	box()
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/mat2d.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/mat2d.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/mat2d.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+mat2d <- function(x,y,...)
+	yule <- function(n)
+	{
+		return(2*floor(2.5*sqrt(sqrt(length(n)))))
+	}
+	matrice <- matrix(0,ncol=yule(y),nrow=yule(x))
+	effX <- cut(x,yule(x),labels=FALSE)
+	effY <- cut(y,yule(y),labels=FALSE)
+	rownames(matrice) <- c(1:yule(x))
+	colnames(matrice) <- c(1:yule(y))
+	X <- range(pretty(range(x)))
+	X <- seq(min(X),max(X),length.out=nrow(matrice))
+	Y <- range(pretty(range(y)))
+	Y <- seq(min(Y),max(Y),length.out=ncol(matrice))
+	for(i in 1:nrow(matrice))
+	{
+		for(j in 1:ncol(matrice))
+		{
+			matrice[i,j] <- sum(match(effX,as.numeric(rownames(matrice))[i],nomatch=0)*match(effY,as.numeric(colnames(matrice))[j],nomatch=0)) 
+		}
+	}
+	pal <- colorRampPalette(c('white','black'))
+	image(X,Y,matrice,col=pal(100),...)
+	rug(x,ticksize = 0.01)
+	rug(y,side=2,ticksize = 0.01)
+	colnames(matrice) <- Y
+	rownames(matrice) <- X
+	return(matrice)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/matrix.hr.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/matrix.hr.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/matrix.hr.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-matrix.hr <- function(matrix)
-	for(c in 1:ncol(matrix))
-	{
-		for(r in 1:nrow(matrix))
-		{
-			if(matrix[r,c]>0){matrix[r,c]<-1}
-		}
-	}
-	return(matrix)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/nest.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/nest.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/nest.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+nest = function(matrice,do.plot)
+	perm <- 1
+	while(perm != 0)
+	{
+		perm <- 0
+		for(i in 1:(nrow(matrice)-1))
+		{
+			temp.i <- matrice[i,]
+			temp.s <- matrice[(i+1),]
+			if(sum(temp.i)<sum(temp.s))
+			{
+			matrice[i,] <- temp.s
+			matrice[(i+1),] <- temp.i
+			perm <- perm + 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	perm <- 1
+	while(perm != 0)
+	{
+		perm <- 0
+		for(i in 1:(ncol(matrice)-1))
+		{
+			temp.i <- matrice[,i]
+			temp.s <- matrice[,(i+1)]
+			if(sum(temp.i)<sum(temp.s))
+			{
+			matrice[,i] <- temp.s
+			matrice[,(i+1)] <- temp.i
+			perm <- perm + 1
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if(do.plot)
+	{
+		cols <- colorRampPalette(c("#FFFFFF", "#000000"))
+		image(matrice,col= cols(5))
+	}
+	return(matrice)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/partition.var.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/partition.var.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/partition.var.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+partition.var <- function(comp)
+	pdf(file='partition-variance.pdf',width=6,height=3)
+	par(mai=c(0,0,0,0))
+	plot(0,0,pch=NA,axes=F,xlab='',ylab='',ylim=c(-1,1),xlim=c(0,100))
+	rect(0,-0.1,comp[1],0.1,col='darkgrey')
+	rect(comp[1],-0.1,sum(comp[1:2]),0.1,col='black')
+	rect(sum(comp[1:2]),-0.1,sum(comp[1:3]),0.1,col='lightgrey')
+	rect(sum(comp[1:3]),-0.1,sum(comp),0.1,col='white')
+	text(0,0.2,'Env.',adj=0)
+	text(comp[1],-0.2,'Shared',adj=0)
+	text(sum(comp[1:2]),0.2,'Phyl.',adj=0)
+	dev.off()
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/ESM/R/persp.withcol.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/persp.withcol.r	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/persp.withcol.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+persp.withcol <- function(x,y,z,pal=heat.colors,nb.col=10,xlg=TRUE,ylg=TRUE,...)
+	colnames(z) <- y
+	rownames(z) <- x
+	nrz <- nrow(z) 
+	ncz <- ncol(z) 
+	color <- pal(nb.col)
+	zfacet <- z[-1, -1] + z[-1, -ncz] + z[-nrz, -1] + z[-nrz, -ncz] 
+	facetcol <- cut(zfacet, nb.col) 
+	par(xlog=xlg,ylog=ylg)
+	persp(
+		as.numeric(rownames(z)),
+		as.numeric(colnames(z)),
+		as.matrix(z),
+		col=color[facetcol],
+		...
+		) 
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/sortmat.byspe.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/sortmat.byspe.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/sortmat.byspe.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-sortmat.byspe <- function(mat,spe)
-	mat[rank(spe),] <- mat[c(1:nrow(mat)),]
-	return(mat)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/ESM/R/std.matrix.r
--- pkg/ESM/R/std.matrix.r	2009-11-13 11:42:43 UTC (rev 14)
+++ pkg/ESM/R/std.matrix.r	2009-11-13 11:43:39 UTC (rev 15)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-std.matrix <- function(filename)
-	dat <- read.table(filename)
-	if(t){dat<-t(dat)}
-	dat <- dat/max(dat)
-	return(dat)
\ No newline at end of file

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