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Tue Jan 17 17:12:59 CET 2012

Author: vdakos
Date: 2012-01-17 17:12:59 +0100 (Tue, 17 Jan 2012)
New Revision: 3

add files

--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Package: earlywarnings
+Type: Package
+Title: Early Warning Signals Toolbox for Detecting Critical Transitions in Timeseries
+Version: 1.0
+Date: 2012-01-02
+Author: Vasilis Dakos, with contributions from S.C. Carpenter, T. Cline, A. Ives, V. Livina 
+Maintainer: Vasilis Dakos <vasilis.dakos at gmail.com>
+Description: The Early-Warning-Signals Toolbox provides methods for estimating statistical changes in timeseries that can be used for identifying nearby critical transitions. Based on Dakos et al (2012)
+URL: http://www.early-warning-signals.org, http://www.vasilisdakos.net
+License: GPL (>= 2)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/.Rhistory
--- pkg/R/.Rhistory	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/.Rhistory	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
+? corSpatial
+? corSpatial
+x<-seq(1,12, by=0.1)
+x<-seq(1,12, by=0.1)
+x<-seq(0,10, by=0.1)
+x<-seq(0.91,0.94, by=0.1)
+x<-seq(0.91,0.94, by=0.001)
+x<-seq(1,12, by=0.001)
+x<-seq(1,12, by=0.1)
+? acf
+# Drift Diffusion Jump Nonparametrics Early Warning Signals#
+# Author: Stephen R Carpenter, 15 December 2011#
+# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 4, 2012
+# Function to compute Bandi, Johannes etc estimators for time series x
+# Inputs:
+#  x0 is the regressor
+#  dx is the first difference of x0
+#  nx is number of first differences
+#  DT is time step
+#  bw is the bandwidth for the kernel
+#  na is number of a values for computing the kernel
+#  avec is the mesh for the kernel#
+Bandi5 <- function(x0,dx,nx,DT,bw,na,avec)  {
+# Set up constants and useful preliminaries
+SF <- 1/(bw*sqrt(2*pi))  # scale factor for kernel calculation
+x02 <- x0*x0 # second power of x
+dx2 <- dx*dx # second power of dx
+dx4 <- dx2*dx2  # fourth power of dx
+dx6 <- dx2*dx4  # sixth power of dx
+# Compute matrix of kernel values
+Kmat <- matrix(0,nrow=na,ncol=nx)
+for(i in 1:(nx)) {  # loop over columns (x0 values)
+  Kmat[,i] <- SF*exp(-0.5*(x0[i]-avec)*(x0[i]-avec)/(bw*bw))
+  }
+# Compute M1, M2, M4, moment ratio and components of variance for each value of a
+M1.a <- rep(0,na)
+M2.a <- rep(0,na)
+M4.a <- rep(0,na)
+M6M4r <- rep(0,na)  # vector to hold column kernel-weighted moment ratio
+mean.a <- rep(0,na) # centering of conditional variance
+SS.a <- rep(0,na)  # sum of squares
+for(i in 1:na) {  # loop over rows (a values)
+  Ksum <- sum(Kmat[i,])  # sum of weights
+  M1.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx)/Ksum
+  M2.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx2)/Ksum
+  M4.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx4)/Ksum
+  M6.c <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx6)/Ksum
+  M6M4r[i] <- M6.c/M4.a[i]
+  mean.a[i] <- sum(Kmat[i,]*x0[2:(nx+1)])/Ksum 
+  SS.a[i] <- sum(Kmat[i,]*x02[2:(nx+1)])/Ksum 
+  }
+# Compute conditional variance
+S2.x <- SS.a - (mean.a*mean.a) # sum of squares minus squared mean
+# Compute jump frequency, diffusion and drift
+sigma2.Z <- mean(M6M4r)/(5) # average the column moment ratios
+lamda.Z <- M4.a/(3*sigma2.Z*sigma2.Z)
+sigma2.dx <- M2.a - (lamda.Z*sigma2.Z)
+# set negative diffusion estimates to zero
+diff.a <- ifelse(sigma2.dx>0,sigma2.dx,0)
+sigma2.dx <- M2.a     # total variance of dx
+mu.a <- M1.a
+outlist <- list(mu.a,sigma2.dx,diff.a,sigma2.Z,lamda.Z,S2.x)
+# outputs of function:
+# mu.a is drift
+# sigma2.dx is total variance of dx
+# diff.a is diffusion
+# sigma2.Z is jump magnitude
+# lamda.Z is jump frequency
+# S2.x is conditional variance
+} # end Bandi function
+	# Create timeindex vector and data vector#
+	if (is.null(dim(timeseries)[2])){#
+		Y<-timeseries#
+		timeindex<-1:length(timeseries)#
+		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){#
+		Y<-timeseries[,2]#
+		timeindex<-timeseries[,1]#
+		}else{#
+		warning("not right format of timeseries input")#
+		}#
+		#
+	# Interpolation#
+	if (interpolate){#
+		YY<-approx(timeindex,Y,n=length(Y),method="linear")#
+		Y<-YY$y#
+		}else{#
+		Y<-Y}#
+			#
+	# Log-transformation#
+	if (logtransform){#
+		Y<-log(Y+1)}#
+	# Preliminaries#
+	Xvec1<-Y#
+	Tvec1<-timeindex
+	dXvec1 <- diff(Y)
+	DT <- Tvec1[2]-Tvec1[1]
+	bw <- bandwidth*sd(Xvec1) # bandwidth 
+	alow <- min(Xvec1)
+	ahigh <- max(Xvec1)
+	na <- na
+	avec <- seq(alow,ahigh,length.out=na)
+	nx <- length(dXvec1)
+	# Bandi-type estimates
+	ParEst <- Bandi5(Xvec1,dXvec1,nx,DT,bw,na,avec)
+	Drift.vec <- ParEst[[1]]
+	TotVar.dx.vec <- ParEst[[2]]	
+	Diff2.vec <- ParEst[[3]]
+	Sigma2Z <- ParEst[[4]]
+	LamdaZ.vec <- ParEst[[5]]
+	S2.vec <- ParEst[[6]]
+	# Interpolate time courses of indicators
+	TotVar.i <- approx(x=avec,y=TotVar.dx.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	TotVar.t <- TotVar.i$y
+	Diff2.i <- approx(x=avec,y=Diff2.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	Diff2.t <- Diff2.i$y
+	Lamda.i <- approx(x=avec,y=LamdaZ.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	Lamda.t <- Lamda.i$y
+	S2.i <- approx(x=avec,y=S2.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	S2.t <- S2.i$y
+	# Plot the data
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2),mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,1,1))
+	plot(Tvec1,Xvec1,type='l',col='black',lwd=2,xlab='',ylab='original data')
+	grid()#
+	plot(Tvec1[1:length(Tvec1)-1],dXvec1,type='l',col='black',lwd=2,xlab='time',ylab='first-diff data')
+	grid()#
+	# Plot indicators versus a
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2) ,cex.axis=1,cex.lab=1,mgp=c(2,1,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
+	plot(avec,S2.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='black',xlab='a',ylab='conditional variance')
+	plot(avec,TotVar.dx.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='blue',xlab='a',ylab='total variance of dx')
+	plot(avec,Diff2.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='green',xlab='a',ylab='diffusion')
+	plot(avec,LamdaZ.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='red',xlab='a',ylab='jump intensity')
+	mtext("DDJ nonparametrics versus a",side=3,line=0.1,outer=TRUE)#
+	# Plot indicators versus time
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2),cex.axis=1,cex.lab=1,mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
+	plot(Tvec1,S2.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='black',xlab='time',ylab='conditional variance')
+	plot(Tvec1,TotVar.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='blue',xlab='time',ylab='total variance of dx')
+	plot(Tvec1,Diff2.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='green',xlab='time',ylab='diffusion')
+	plot(Tvec1,Lamda.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='red',xlab='time',ylab='jump intensity')#
+	mtext("DDJ nonparametrics versus time",side=3,line=0.1,outer=TRUE)#
+	# Output#
+	nonpar_x<-data.frame(S2.vec,TotVar.dx.vec,Diff2.vec,LamdaZ.vec)#
+	#out$x<-nonpar_x#
+	nonpar_t<-data.frame(S2.t,TotVar.t,Diff2.t,Lamda.t)#
+	#out$t<-nonpar_t#
+	return(data.frame(nonpar_x,nonpar_t))#
+	}
+# Conditional Heteroskedasticity#
+# Author: Timothy Cline, October 25, 2011.#
+# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 3, 2012.#
+ch_ews<-function(timeseries, winsize = 10, alpha=0.1, optim=TRUE,lags=4){#
+	#ts.in<-ts(timeseries) #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps#
+	if (is.null(dim(timeseries)[2])){#
+		ts.in=timeseries#
+		timeindex=1:length(ts.in)#
+		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){#
+		ts.in=timeseries[,2]#
+		timeindex=timeseries[,1]#
+ 		}else{#
+		warning("not right format of timeseries input")#
+		}#
+				#
+	winSize=round(winsize*length(ts.in)/100)#
+	sto<-matrix(nrow=(length(ts.in)-(winSize-1)),ncol=5) # creates a matrix to store output#
+	#
+	count<-1 #place holder for writing to the matrix#
+	for(i2 in winSize:length(ts.in)){ # loop to iterate through the model values by window lengths of the input value#
+		#
+		#the next line applys the autoregressive model optimized using AIC #
+		#then we omit the first data point(s) which come back as NA #
+		#and square the residuals#
+		if(optim==TRUE){#
+			arm<-ar(ts.in[(i2-(winSize-1)):i2],method='ols')#
+		}else{#
+			arm<-ar(ts.in[(i2-(winSize-1)):i2],aic=FALSE,order.max=lags,method='ols')		}#
+		resid1<-na.omit(arm$resid)^2#
+		#
+		l1<-length(resid1) # stores the number of residuals for many uses later#
+		lm1<-lm(resid1[2:l1]~resid1[1:(l1-1)])#calculates simple OLS model of describing t+1 by t#
+		#
+		# calculates the critical value: Chi-squared critical value using desired #
+		# alpha level and 1 degree of freedom / number of residuals used in regression#
+		critical<-qchisq((1-alpha),df=1)/(length(resid1)-1) #
+		#
+		sto[count,1]<-timeindex[i2] # stores a time component#
+		sto[count,2]<-summary(lm1)$r.squared # stores the r.squared for this window#
+		sto[count,3]<-critical # stores the critical value#
+		#
+		# the next flow control group stores a simple 1 for significant test or 0 for non-significant test#
+		if(summary(lm1)$r.squared>critical){#
+			sto[count,4]<-1#
+		}else{sto[count,4]<-0}#
+		sto[count,5]<-arm$order#
+		count<-count+1	# increment the place holder#
+	}#
+	#
+	sto<-data.frame(sto) # data types the matrix as a data frame#
+	colnames(sto)<-c("time","r.squared","critical.value","test.result","ar.fit.order") # applies column names to the data frame#
+	#
+	#This next series of flow control statements will adjust the max and minimum values to yield prettier plots#
+	#In some circumstances it is possible for all values to be far greater or far less than the critical value; in all cases we want the critical line ploted on the figure#
+	if(max(sto$r.squared)<critical){#
+		maxY<-critical+0.02  #
+		minY<-critical-0.02#
+	}else if(min(sto$r.squared>=critical)){#
+		minY<-critical-0.02#
+		maxY<-critical+0.02#
+	}else{#
+		maxY<-max(sto$r.squared)#
+		minY<-min(sto$r.squared)#
+  }                       #
+    #
+	#this creates a very simple plot that is well fitted to the data. #
+	#it also plots the critical value line	#
+	par(mar=(c(0,4,0,1)+0),oma=c(5,1,2,1),mfrow=c(2,1))#
+	plot(timeindex,ts.in,type="l",ylab="data",xlab="",cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,xaxt="n",las=1,xlim=c(timeindex[1],timeindex[length(timeindex)]))#
+	plot(timeindex[winSize:length(timeindex)],sto$r.squared,ylab=expression(paste("R^2")),xlab="time",type="b",cex=0.5,cex.lab=0.8, cex.axis=0.8,las=1,ylim=c(min(sto$r.squared),max(sto$r.squared)),xlim=c(timeindex[1],timeindex[length(timeindex)]))#
+	legend("topleft","conditional heteroskedasticity",bty = "n")#
+	abline(h=sto$critical,lwd=0.5,lty=2,col=2)#
+	mtext("time",side=1,line=2,cex=0.8)#outer=TRUE print on the outer margin#
+	#
+	return(sto)#

Added: pkg/R/bdstest_ews.R
--- pkg/R/bdstest_ews.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/bdstest_ews.R	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# BDS test Early Warning Signals
+# Author: Stephen R Carpenter, 22 Oct 2011
+# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 1, 2012
+# BDS test bootstrapped on a time series
+BDSboot <- function(X,varname,nboot,epsvec,emb) { # begin function
+StdEpsAll <- X  # name of variable for BDS
+neps <- length(epsvec)
+# Compute and print BDS test
+print(c('BDS test for ',varname),quote=FALSE)
+print(c('Embedding dimension = ',emb),quote=FALSE)
+BDS.data <- bds.test(StdEpsAll,m=emb,epsvec)
+print('BDS statistics for Nominal Data at each Epsilon',quote=FALSE)
+print('P value based on standard normal',quote=FALSE)
+# Bootstrap the BDS test
+nobs <- length(StdEpsAll)
+bootmat <- matrix(0,nrow=emb-1,ncol=neps)  # matrix to count extreme BDS values
+for(i in 1:nboot) { # start bootstrap loop
+ epsboot <- sample(StdEpsAll,nobs,replace=TRUE)
+ BDS.boot <- bds.test(epsboot,m=emb,epsvec)
+ for(im in 1:(emb-1)) {  # loop over embedding dimensions
+   bootvec <- BDS.boot$statistic[im,]
+   N.above <- ifelse(bootvec>BDS.data$statistic[im,],1,0)
+   bootmat[im,] <- bootmat[im,]+N.above
+   }
+ # Report progress: if hash is removed from the next two lines, the program
+ # will report each time an iteration is completed
+ # cat('iteration = ',i,' of ',nboot,'\n') # 
+ # flush.console()
+ } # end bootstrap loop
+print(' ',quote=FALSE)
+print(c('Bootstrap P estimates for ',varname),quote=FALSE)
+print(c('Bootstrap iterations = ',nboot),quote=FALSE)
+Pboot <- bootmat/nboot
+for(im in 1:(emb-1)) {
+  print(c('For embedding dimension =',im+1),quote=FALSE)
+  print(c('For epsilon = ',round(epsvec,3),'bootstrap P = '),quote=FALSE)
+  print(Pboot[im,])
+  }
+} # end function
+	# Load libraries
+	require('tseries')
+	timeseries<-ts(timeseries) #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps
+	if (dim(timeseries)[2]==1){
+		Y=timeseries
+		timeindex=1:dim(timeseries)[1]
+		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){
+		Y<-timeseries[,2]
+		timeindex<-timeseries[,1]
+		}else{
+		warning("not right format of timeseries input")
+		}
+	# Interpolation
+	if (interpolate){
+		YY<-approx(timeindex,Y,n=length(Y),method="linear")
+		Y<-YY$y
+		}else{
+		Y<-Y}
+	# Log-transformation
+	if (logtransform){
+		Y<-log(Y+1)}	
+	# Detrend the data
+	Eps1 <- diff(Y)
+	# Define BDS parameters
+	nboot <- boots
+	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
+	eps.sd <- sd(Eps1)
+	epsvec <- round(eps.sd* epsilon,6)
+	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
+	BDSboot(Eps1,c('Detrended data'),nboot,epsvec,emb)
+	# Fit ARMA model based on AIC
+	if (ARMAoptim==TRUE){
+		arma=matrix(,4,5)
+	for (ij in 1:4){
+	for (jj in 0:4){
+		ARMA<-arima(Y, order = c(ij,0,jj),method="ML",include.mean = TRUE)
+		arma[ij,jj+1]=ARMA$aic	
+		ind=which(arma==min(arma),arr.in=TRUE)
+		armafit<-arima(Y, order = c(ind[1],0,ind[2]-1),include.mean = TRUE)	
+		print('ARMA model',quote=FALSE)
+		print(armafit,digits=4)
+		Eps2 <- armafit$residuals#[2:armafit$n.used]
+		}
+		}
+	}else{	
+	armafit <- arima(Y, order = c(ARMAorder[1],0,ARMAorder[2]),include.mean = TRUE)
+	print('ARMA model',quote=FALSE)
+	print(armafit,digits=4)
+	Eps2 <- armafit$residuals#[2:armafit$n.used]
+	}
+	# Define BDS parameters
+	nboot <- boots
+	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
+	eps.sd <- sd(Eps2)
+	epsvec <- round(eps.sd*epsilon,6)
+	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
+	BDSboot(Eps2,c('ARMA model residuals'),nboot,epsvec,emb)
+	# Fit GARCH(0,1) model to detrended data
+	Gfit <- garch(Y,order=c(0,1))
+	print('GARCH(0,1) model fit to detrended data',quote=FALSE)
+	print(Gfit,digits=4)
+	Eps3 <- Gfit$residuals[2:length(Y)]
+	# Define BDS parameters
+	nboot <- boots
+	emb <- embdim # embedding dimension
+	eps.sd <- sd(Eps3)
+	epsvec <- round(eps.sd*epsilon,6)
+	# Run BDS with bootstrapping
+	BDSboot(Eps3,c('GARCH(0,1) model residuals'),nboot,epsvec,emb)
+	# Plot the data
+	dev.new()
+	par(fig=c(0,0.5,0.5,1),mar=c(3, 4, 3, 2),cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=1,mfrow=c(2,2),mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
+	plot(timeindex,Y,type='l',col='black',lwd=1.7,xlab='time',ylab='data')
+	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.8,0.95),mar=c(0, 4, 0, 2),new=TRUE)
+	plot(timeindex[1:(length(timeindex)-1)],Eps1,type="l",col="red",lwd=1,xlab="",ylab="",xaxt="n")
+	legend("topright","first-diff",bty="n",cex=0.8)
+	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.65,0.8), new=TRUE)
+	plot(timeindex[1:(length(timeindex))],Eps2,type="l",xlab="",ylab="residuals",xaxt="n",col="green",lwd=1)
+	legend("topright","AR",bty="n",cex=0.8)
+	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0.5,0.65), new=TRUE)
+	plot(timeindex[1:(length(timeindex)-1)],Eps3,type="l",col="blue",xlab="time",ylab="",lwd=1)
+	legend("topright","GARCH",bty="n",cex=0.8)
+	mtext("time",side=1,outer=FALSE,line=1.4,cex=0.8)
+	# Time series diagnostics
+	par(fig=c(0,0.5,0,0.4),mar=c(3, 4, 0, 2), new=TRUE)
+	acf(Y,lag.max=25,main="")
+	par(fig=c(0.5,1,0,0.4), new=TRUE)
+	pacf(Y,lag.max=25,main="")
+	mtext("BDS_test Diagnostics",side=3,line=0.2, outer=TRUE)
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/ch_ews.R
--- pkg/R/ch_ews.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/ch_ews.R	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Conditional Heteroskedasticity
+# Author: Timothy Cline, October 25, 2011.
+# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 3, 2012.
+ch_ews<-function(timeseries, winsize = 10, alpha=0.1, optim=TRUE,lags=4,logtransform=FALSE,interpolate=FALSE){
+	timeseries<-ts(timeseries) #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps
+	if (dim(timeseries)[2]==1){
+		ts.in=timeseries
+		timeindex=1:dim(timeseries)[1]
+		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){
+		ts.in=timeseries[,2]
+		timeindex=timeseries[,1]
+ 		}else{
+		warning("not right format of timeseries input")
+		}
+		# Interpolation
+	if (interpolate){
+		YY<-approx(timeindex,ts.in,n=length(ts.in),method="linear")
+		ts.in<-YY$y
+		}
+	# Log-transformation
+	if (logtransform){
+		ts.in<-log(ts.in+1)}
+	winSize=round(winsize*length(ts.in)/100)
+	sto<-matrix(nrow=(length(ts.in)-(winSize-1)),ncol=5) # creates a matrix to store output
+	count<-1 #place holder for writing to the matrix
+	for(i2 in winSize:length(ts.in)){ # loop to iterate through the model values by window lengths of the input value
+		#the next line applys the autoregressive model optimized using AIC 
+		#then we omit the first data point(s) which come back as NA 
+		#and square the residuals
+		if(optim==TRUE){
+			arm<-ar(ts.in[(i2-(winSize-1)):i2],method='ols')
+		}else{
+			arm<-ar(ts.in[(i2-(winSize-1)):i2],aic=FALSE,order.max=lags,method='ols')		}
+		resid1<-na.omit(arm$resid)^2
+		l1<-length(resid1) # stores the number of residuals for many uses later
+		lm1<-lm(resid1[2:l1]~resid1[1:(l1-1)])#calculates simple OLS model of describing t+1 by t
+		# calculates the critical value: Chi-squared critical value using desired 
+		# alpha level and 1 degree of freedom / number of residuals used in regression
+		critical<-qchisq((1-alpha),df=1)/(length(resid1)-1) 
+		sto[count,1]<-timeindex[i2] # stores a time component
+		sto[count,2]<-summary(lm1)$r.squared # stores the r.squared for this window
+		sto[count,3]<-critical # stores the critical value
+		# the next flow control group stores a simple 1 for significant test or 0 for non-significant test
+		if(summary(lm1)$r.squared>critical){
+			sto[count,4]<-1
+		}else{sto[count,4]<-0}
+		sto[count,5]<-arm$order
+		count<-count+1	# increment the place holder
+	}
+	sto<-data.frame(sto) # data types the matrix as a data frame
+	colnames(sto)<-c("time","r.squared","critical.value","test.result","ar.fit.order") # applies column names to the data frame
+	#This next series of flow control statements will adjust the max and minimum values to yield prettier plots
+	#In some circumstances it is possible for all values to be far greater or far less than the critical value; in all cases we want the critical line ploted on the figure
+	if(max(sto$r.squared)<critical){
+		maxY<-critical+0.02  
+		minY<-critical-0.02
+	}else if(min(sto$r.squared>=critical)){
+		minY<-critical-0.02
+		maxY<-critical+0.02
+	}else{
+		maxY<-max(sto$r.squared)
+		minY<-min(sto$r.squared)
+  }                       
+	#this creates a very simple plot that is well fitted to the data. 
+	#it also plots the critical value line	
+	par(mar=(c(0,4,0,1)+0),oma=c(5,1,2,1),mfrow=c(2,1))
+	plot(timeindex,ts.in,type="l",ylab="data",xlab="",cex.axis=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,xaxt="n",las=1,xlim=c(timeindex[1],timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
+	plot(timeindex[winSize:length(timeindex)],sto$r.squared,ylab=expression(paste("R^2")),xlab="time",type="b",cex=0.5,cex.lab=0.8, cex.axis=0.8,las=1,ylim=c(min(sto$r.squared),max(sto$r.squared)),xlim=c(timeindex[1],timeindex[length(timeindex)]))
+	legend("topleft","conditional heteroskedasticity",bty = "n")
+	abline(h=sto$critical,lwd=0.5,lty=2,col=2)
+	mtext("time",side=1,line=2,cex=0.8)#outer=TRUE print on the outer margin
+	return(sto)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/ddjnonparam_ews.R
--- pkg/R/ddjnonparam_ews.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/ddjnonparam_ews.R	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Drift Diffusion Jump Nonparametrics Early Warning Signals
+# Author: Stephen R Carpenter, 15 December 2011
+# Modified by: Vasilis Dakos, January 4, 2012
+# Function to compute Bandi, Johannes etc estimators for time series x
+# Inputs:
+#  x0 is the regressor
+#  dx is the first difference of x0
+#  nx is number of first differences
+#  DT is time step
+#  bw is the bandwidth for the kernel
+#  na is number of a values for computing the kernel
+#  avec is the mesh for the kernel
+Bandi5 <- function(x0,dx,nx,DT,bw,na,avec)  {
+# Set up constants and useful preliminaries
+SF <- 1/(bw*sqrt(2*pi))  # scale factor for kernel calculation
+x02 <- x0*x0 # second power of x
+dx2 <- dx*dx # second power of dx
+dx4 <- dx2*dx2  # fourth power of dx
+dx6 <- dx2*dx4  # sixth power of dx
+# Compute matrix of kernel values
+Kmat <- matrix(0,nrow=na,ncol=nx)
+for(i in 1:(nx)) {  # loop over columns (x0 values)
+  Kmat[,i] <- SF*exp(-0.5*(x0[i]-avec)*(x0[i]-avec)/(bw*bw))
+  }
+# Compute M1, M2, M4, moment ratio and components of variance for each value of a
+M1.a <- rep(0,na)
+M2.a <- rep(0,na)
+M4.a <- rep(0,na)
+M6M4r <- rep(0,na)  # vector to hold column kernel-weighted moment ratio
+mean.a <- rep(0,na) # centering of conditional variance
+SS.a <- rep(0,na)  # sum of squares
+for(i in 1:na) {  # loop over rows (a values)
+  Ksum <- sum(Kmat[i,])  # sum of weights
+  M1.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx)/Ksum
+  M2.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx2)/Ksum
+  M4.a[i] <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx4)/Ksum
+  M6.c <- (1/DT)*sum(Kmat[i,]*dx6)/Ksum
+  M6M4r[i] <- M6.c/M4.a[i]
+  mean.a[i] <- sum(Kmat[i,]*x0[2:(nx+1)])/Ksum 
+  SS.a[i] <- sum(Kmat[i,]*x02[2:(nx+1)])/Ksum 
+  }
+# Compute conditional variance
+S2.x <- SS.a - (mean.a*mean.a) # sum of squares minus squared mean
+# Compute jump frequency, diffusion and drift
+sigma2.Z <- mean(M6M4r)/(5) # average the column moment ratios
+lamda.Z <- M4.a/(3*sigma2.Z*sigma2.Z)
+sigma2.dx <- M2.a - (lamda.Z*sigma2.Z)
+# set negative diffusion estimates to zero
+diff.a <- ifelse(sigma2.dx>0,sigma2.dx,0)
+sigma2.dx <- M2.a     # total variance of dx
+mu.a <- M1.a
+outlist <- list(mu.a,sigma2.dx,diff.a,sigma2.Z,lamda.Z,S2.x)
+# outputs of function:
+# mu.a is drift
+# sigma2.dx is total variance of dx
+# diff.a is diffusion
+# sigma2.Z is jump magnitude
+# lamda.Z is jump frequency
+# S2.x is conditional variance
+} # end Bandi function
+	require('KernSmooth')
+	timeseries<-ts(timeseries) #strict data-types the input data as tseries object for use in later steps
+	if (dim(timeseries)[2]==1){
+		Y=timeseries
+		timeindex=1:dim(timeseries)[1]
+		}else if(dim(timeseries)[2]==2){
+		Y<-timeseries[,2]
+		timeindex<-timeseries[,1]
+		}else{
+		warning("not right format of timeseries input")
+		}
+	# Interpolation
+	if (interpolate){
+		YY<-approx(timeindex,Y,n=length(Y),method="linear")
+		Y<-YY$y
+		}else{
+		Y<-Y}
+	# Log-transformation
+	if (logtransform){
+		Y<-log(Y+1)}
+	# Preliminaries
+	Xvec1<-Y
+	Tvec1<-timeindex
+	dXvec1 <- diff(Y)
+	DT <- Tvec1[2]-Tvec1[1]
+	bw <- bandwidth*sd(Xvec1) # bandwidth 
+	alow <- min(Xvec1)
+	ahigh <- max(Xvec1)
+	na <- na
+	avec <- seq(alow,ahigh,length.out=na)
+	nx <- length(dXvec1)
+	# Bandi-type estimates
+	ParEst <- Bandi5(Xvec1,dXvec1,nx,DT,bw,na,avec)
+	Drift.vec <- ParEst[[1]]
+	TotVar.dx.vec <- ParEst[[2]]	
+	Diff2.vec <- ParEst[[3]]
+	Sigma2Z <- ParEst[[4]]
+	LamdaZ.vec <- ParEst[[5]]
+	S2.vec <- ParEst[[6]]
+	# Interpolate time courses of indicators
+	TotVar.i <- approx(x=avec,y=TotVar.dx.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	TotVar.t <- TotVar.i$y
+	Diff2.i <- approx(x=avec,y=Diff2.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	Diff2.t <- Diff2.i$y
+	Lamda.i <- approx(x=avec,y=LamdaZ.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	Lamda.t <- Lamda.i$y
+	S2.i <- approx(x=avec,y=S2.vec,xout=Xvec1)
+	S2.t <- S2.i$y
+	# Plot the data
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2),mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,1,1))
+	plot(Tvec1,Xvec1,type='l',col='black',lwd=2,xlab='',ylab='original data')
+	grid()
+	plot(Tvec1[1:length(Tvec1)-1],dXvec1,type='l',col='black',lwd=2,xlab='time',ylab='first-diff data')
+	grid()
+	# Plot indicators versus a
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2) ,cex.axis=1,cex.lab=1,mgp=c(2,1,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
+	plot(avec,S2.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='black',xlab='a',ylab='conditional variance')
+	plot(avec,TotVar.dx.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='blue',xlab='a',ylab='total variance of dx')
+	plot(avec,Diff2.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='green',xlab='a',ylab='diffusion')
+	plot(avec,LamdaZ.vec,type='l',lwd=1,col='red',xlab='a',ylab='jump intensity')
+	mtext("DDJ nonparametrics versus a",side=3,line=0.1,outer=TRUE)
+	# Plot indicators versus time
+	dev.new()
+	par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(3, 3, 2, 2),cex.axis=1,cex.lab=1,mgp=c(1.5,0.5,0),oma=c(1,1,2,1))
+	plot(Tvec1,S2.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='black',xlab='time',ylab='conditional variance')
+	plot(Tvec1,TotVar.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='blue',xlab='time',ylab='total variance of dx')
+	plot(Tvec1,Diff2.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='green',xlab='time',ylab='diffusion')
+	plot(Tvec1,Lamda.t,type='l',lwd=1,col='red',xlab='time',ylab='jump intensity')
+	mtext("DDJ nonparametrics versus time",side=3,line=0.1,outer=TRUE)
+	# Output
+	nonpar_x<-data.frame(avec,S2.vec,TotVar.dx.vec,Diff2.vec,LamdaZ.vec)
+	nonpar_t<-data.frame(Tvec1,S2.t,TotVar.t,Diff2.t,Lamda.t)
+	return(c(nonpar_x,nonpar_t))
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/earlywarnings-internal.R
--- pkg/R/earlywarnings-internal.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/earlywarnings-internal.R	2012-01-17 16:12:59 UTC (rev 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+.Random.seed <-
+c(403L, 10L, 1897936630L, -1719655904L, 881993699L, -1426011007L, 
+-545453328L, 1718534542L, -512610567L, 806804619L, 1551647930L, 
+1053810620L, 1911463167L, -1908805547L, 1750049644L, 2123865026L, 
+-142685155L, -1759859561L, -1014494722L, -1217082952L, 1255720347L, 
+2006477817L, -886901944L, -309207434L, -460957775L, 745187811L, 
+331939506L, 1853436676L, -2002112441L, 533583645L, 889597332L, 
+642175290L, 1125657989L, 604317279L, 400494822L, 178410352L, 
+-82086765L, 1122496817L, -2036508704L, -1899635586L, -1732489463L, 
+1004474683L, 331183370L, 1501129964L, 135584111L, 553475749L, 
+1369354332L, 4532274L, -876093651L, 1237888487L, -689442546L, 
+-1154345240L, -522045205L, 315701641L, 1326041368L, -903521210L, 
+679208097L, 478710579L, -1902939486L, 913820052L, -885991401L, 
+766689293L, 1430324516L, 1340555530L, -2125858699L, -1786883121L, 
+-253631274L, -1929153408L, -1662547261L, -166800287L, 1767019728L, 
+339002926L, 1357395929L, 242964459L, 739249754L, 2142111772L, 
+873600287L, -1285188235L, 1939907596L, 1875764706L, -1895803203L, 
+1101754679L, 2056639966L, -491255016L, -762183045L, 317141017L, 
+-1126897496L, 588696150L, 769111761L, -1558038909L, -1884820206L, 
+-996247388L, 318617703L, -500631107L, -1152445644L, 1834481818L, 
+744742629L, 1909700735L, 1331229190L, -842179184L, 1398014003L, 
+-11243567L, -1610422912L, -1080301474L, 1667155881L, -20775333L, 
+1891000938L, -162574580L, -621156017L, -480783867L, 2044100796L, 
+-1994020462L, -360136051L, -1822199609L, -1733360210L, 741478408L, 
+-1374419957L, 469090537L, 1340784568L, -1498539930L, -145405695L, 
+-667746413L, 298291266L, -160737292L, 1008992759L, 646776301L, 
+1482966660L, -2073347926L, -754481643L, -1261741393L, -265678666L, 
+-722563360L, -2146725341L, -1214038719L, -1085439952L, -66938290L, 
+-580264263L, -408507701L, -2041156742L, -396322180L, -1975112001L, 
+-1247111275L, 649809836L, 716475778L, 413700957L, 1484275287L, 
+63397182L, 1189424504L, 2144091739L, 1594251705L, -123671544L, 
+-705005898L, 13796849L, -810116061L, 47248498L, 1563797188L, 
+1056604295L, 2101675101L, -2003195308L, -2060451718L, 624264133L, 
+878130463L, 1143837862L, 1336550960L, 101940435L, -1417497871L, 
+189612576L, -2088655682L, 142430409L, -461516165L, -1500874678L, 
+-860059476L, -107614289L, 1220885349L, 1778667804L, 246208882L, 
+1748781549L, 2065243687L, -1784066482L, 1987801768L, 1644318891L, 
+-1741915703L, 1497126360L, 359048326L, 896649569L, -1930998541L, 
+-1583516830L, -1234928172L, -847497001L, 995543757L, -1258546588L, 
+-1743007670L, -103279179L, -2136114929L, 1909679638L, -2092556096L, 
+-645581181L, -1269108063L, -1472605040L, 993591150L, -1727801063L, 
+-2075838037L, 1775802266L, 112658268L, 1742345823L, -681433547L, 
+-1125923380L, -580319966L, -1233211523L, 333218935L, -1102366306L, 
+1673211992L, -1803375173L, -633584807L, 334377192L, -2146692842L, 
+835498641L, 1192542019L, -31352238L, 576433380L, -1146865881L, 
+-605998211L, -2042247564L, 1718532186L, -1210171227L, -736632129L, 
+1835678022L, 1496747984L, -1934177805L, -1679943776L, -354409284L, 
+-414342704L, -133320350L, 1767960552L, 961975244L, 385066748L, 
+1152828402L, -532697984L, 2003863796L, -1274437496L, -1399242438L, 
+-1537692848L, 20545644L, 536116372L, -1469086382L, 2000079584L, 
+-439759668L, -204983136L, 1194440066L, 1692673256L, -1416100628L, 

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/earlywarnings -r 3

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