[Dplr-commits] r1133 - in pkg/dplR: . R man

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Sun Nov 4 23:19:52 CET 2018

Author: andybunn
Date: 2018-11-04 23:19:51 +0100 (Sun, 04 Nov 2018)
New Revision: 1133

Sketch of a new function to crossdate a floating series. Rough still.

Modified: pkg/dplR/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/dplR/NAMESPACE	2018-11-03 23:53:49 UTC (rev 1132)
+++ pkg/dplR/NAMESPACE	2018-11-04 22:19:51 UTC (rev 1133)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
        write.tucson, plot.rwl, interseries.cor, summary.rwl, plot.crn,
        insert.ring, delete.ring, xskel.ccf.plot, xskel.plot, latexify,
        latexDate, rasterPlot, treeMean, rwl.report, print.rwl.report, 
-       plotRings,time.rwl,time.crn,csv2rwl,pass.filt,as.rwl,sss)
+       plotRings,time.rwl,time.crn,csv2rwl,pass.filt,as.rwl,sss,xdate.floater)
 S3method(print, redfit)
 S3method(plot, rwl)

Added: pkg/dplR/R/xdate.floater.R
--- pkg/dplR/R/xdate.floater.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/R/xdate.floater.R	2018-11-04 22:19:51 UTC (rev 1133)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+xdate.floater <- function(rwl, series, min.overlap=50, n=NULL,prewhiten = TRUE, biweight=TRUE,
+                          method = c("spearman", "pearson", "kendall"),
+                          make.plot = TRUE, ...) {
+    method2 <- match.arg(method)
+    # Trim series in case it has NA (e.g., submitted stright from the rwl)
+    idx.good <- !is.na(series)
+    series <- series[idx.good]
+    nSeries <- length(series)
+    print(nSeries)
+    ## turn off warnings for this function
+    ## The sig test for spearman's rho often produces warnings.
+    w <- options(warn = -1)
+    on.exit(options(w))
+    ## Normalize
+    tmp <- normalize.xdate(rwl, series, n, prewhiten, biweight)
+    master <- tmp$master
+    ## trim master so there are no NaN like dividing when
+    ## only one series for instance.
+    idx.good <- !is.nan(master)
+    master <- master[idx.good]
+    yrs <- as.numeric(names(master))
+    series2 <- tmp$series
+    # Pad. 
+    # The pad is max that the series could overlap at either end based
+    # on length of the series and the min overlap period specified from min.overlap
+    #
+    #  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx series
+    #  ----------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------master
+    #
+    # length series is 15, min overlap is 5, so pad (dashes) is 10 on each side
+    nPad <- nSeries - min.overlap
+    yrsPad <- (min(yrs)-nPad):(max(yrs)+nPad)
+    nYrsPad <- length(yrsPad)
+    masterPad <- c(rep(NA,nPad),master,rep(NA,nPad))
+    #  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---> drag series to end of master
+    #  ----------xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx----------master
+    overallCor <- data.frame(startYr=yrsPad - nSeries + 1, 
+                             endYr=yrsPad, 
+                             r=rep(NA,nYrsPad), 
+                             p = rep(NA,nYrsPad), 
+                             n=rep(NA,nYrsPad))
+    for(i in (nPad+min.overlap):nYrsPad){
+      # pull the series through the master
+      # assign years to series working from end of the series
+      idx <- 1:i
+      yrs2try <- yrsPad[idx]
+      if(i==nPad+min.overlap) {y <- series2}
+      else {y <- c(rep(NA,i-(nPad+min.overlap)),series2)}
+      x <- masterPad[idx]
+      dat2cor <- data.frame(yrs=yrs2try,x,y)
+      mask <- rowSums(is.na(dat2cor))==0
+      tmp <- cor.test(dat2cor$x[mask], dat2cor$y[mask], method = method2,
+                      alternative = "greater")
+      overallCor$r[i] <- tmp$estimate
+      overallCor$p[i] <- tmp$p.val
+      overallCor$n[i] <- nrow(dat2cor)
+    }
+    bestEndYr <- overallCor$endYr[which.max(overallCor$r)]
+    bestStartYr <- overallCor$startYr[which.max(overallCor$r)]
+    cat("Highest correlation is with series dates as: ", bestStartYr, " to ", bestEndYr, "\n")
+    print(overallCor[which.max(overallCor$r),])
+    ## plot
+    if (make.plot) {
+      par(mar=c(4, 2, 2, 1) + 0.1, mgp=c(1.25, 0.25, 0), tcl=0.25)
+      plot(overallCor$endYr,overallCor$r,type="n",xlab="Year", ylab="r")
+      lines(overallCor$endYr,overallCor$r,col="grey")
+      abline(v=bestEndYr,col="red",lty="dashed")
+      mtext(text = bestEndYr,side = 3,line = 0.1,at = bestEndYr,col="red")
+    }
+    res <- overallCor
+    res

Property changes on: pkg/dplR/R/xdate.floater.R
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/dplR/man/xdate.floater.Rd
--- pkg/dplR/man/xdate.floater.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/man/xdate.floater.Rd	2018-11-04 22:19:51 UTC (rev 1133)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+\title{ Crossdate an undated series}
+  Pulls an undated series through a dated rwl file in order to try to establish dates
+xdate.floater(rwl, series, min.overlap = 50, n = NULL,
+             prewhiten = TRUE, biweight = TRUE,
+             method = c("spearman", "pearson","kendall"),
+             make.plot = TRUE,\dots)
+  \item{rwl}{ a \code{data.frame} with series as columns and years as
+    rows such as that produced by \code{\link{read.rwl}}. }
+  \item{series}{ a \code{data.frame} with series as columns and years as
+    rows such as that produced by \code{\link{read.rwl}}. }
+  \item{min.overlap}{ number }
+  \item{n}{ \code{NULL} or an integral value giving the filter length
+    for the \code{\link{hanning}} filter used for removal of low
+    frequency variation. }
+  \item{prewhiten}{ \code{logical} flag.  If \code{TRUE} each series is
+    whitened using \code{\link{ar}}. }
+  \item{biweight}{ \code{logical} flag.  If \code{TRUE} then a robust
+    mean is calculated using \code{\link{tbrm}}. }
+  \item{method}{Can be either \code{"pearson"}, \code{"kendall"}, or
+    \code{"spearman"} which indicates the correlation coefficient to be
+    used.  Defaults to \code{"spearman"}.  See \code{\link{cor.test}}. }
+  \item{make.plot}{ \code{logical flag} indicating whether to make a
+    plot. }
+  \item{\dots}{ other arguments passed to plot. }
+\author{ Andy Bunn.  Patched and improved by Mikko Korpela. }
+  \code{\link{corr.series.seg}}, \code{\link{skel.plot}},
+  \code{\link{series.rwl.plot}}, \code{\link{ccf.series.rwl}}
+foo <- co021[,"645232"]
+# 645232  1466 1659  194
+bar <- co021
+bar$"645232" <- NULL
+out <- xdate.floater(bar, foo, min.overlap = 50)
+foo <- co021[,"646118"]
+bar <- co021
+bar$"646118" <- NULL
+out <- xdate.floater(bar, foo, min.overlap = 10)
+# check
+\keyword{ manip }

Property changes on: pkg/dplR/man/xdate.floater.Rd
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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