[Dplr-commits] r1073 - in pkg/dplR: R man

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Mon Nov 20 23:45:15 CET 2017

Author: andybunn
Date: 2017-11-20 23:45:14 +0100 (Mon, 20 Nov 2017)
New Revision: 1073

Adding plotRIngs files

Added: pkg/dplR/R/plotRings.R
--- pkg/dplR/R/plotRings.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/R/plotRings.R	2017-11-20 22:45:14 UTC (rev 1073)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+plotRings <- function(year, trwN, trwS = NA, trwE = NA, trwW =NA, 
+                     animation = FALSE, sys.sleep = 0.2, 
+                     year.labels = TRUE, 
+                     d2pith = NA,
+                     col.rings = "grey", col.outring = "black", 
+                     x.rings = "none", col.x.rings = "red",
+                     species.name = NA,
+                     saveGIF=FALSE, fname="GIF_plotRings.gif") {
+  ## Creating a data.frame
+  TRW <- data.frame(row.names = year, trwN = trwN, 
+                    trwS = if (exists("trwS") == TRUE) trwS else NA, 
+                    trwE = if (exists("trwE") == TRUE) trwE else NA,
+                    trwW = if (exists("trwW") == TRUE) trwW else NA)
+  TRW <- TRW[as.logical((rowSums(is.na(TRW))-length(TRW))),] # It is to remove rows with NAs across all rows
+  # trw means
+  TRW$trw.means <- rowMeans(TRW, na.rm = T)
+  # Distance to pith (d2pith)
+  # Add d2pith values,  
+  # This code find the index position of the first non-NA value in a 
+  # column:  which.min(is.na(TRW$trwE))
+  # This code check the NA values of d2pith. If there are NA values 
+  # this code do nothing, else sum the individual d2pith values to the 
+  # first ring. 
+  if(!is.na(mean(d2pith, na.rm = T))) {  
+    TRW.d2pith <- TRW[,1:4]
+    if(!is.na(d2pith[1])) {
+      TRW.d2pith$trwN[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwN))] <- TRW.d2pith$trwN[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwN))]+d2pith[1] }
+    if(!is.na(d2pith[2])) {
+      TRW.d2pith$trwS[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwS))] <- TRW.d2pith$trwS[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwS))]+d2pith[2] }
+    if(!is.na(d2pith[3])) {
+      TRW.d2pith$trwE[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwE))] <- TRW.d2pith$trwE[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwE))]+d2pith[3] }
+    if(!is.na(d2pith[4])) {
+      TRW.d2pith$trwW[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwW))] <- TRW.d2pith$trwW[which.min(is.na(TRW.d2pith$trwW))]+d2pith[4] }
+    # add d2pith to the first ring of the trw.means
+    TRW$trw.means[1] <- rowMeans(TRW.d2pith[1,], na.rm = T)  
+  }
+  # Accumulative trw.means
+  TRW$trw.acc <- cumsum(TRW$trw.means)
+  # Eccentricity
+  y <- TRW$trwN - TRW$trwS   # eccentricity2
+  y[is.na(y)] <- 0
+  if(exists("y")==TRUE) TRW$N_S <- y  # add to the TRW data.frame
+  x <- TRW$trwE - TRW$trwW   # eccentricity1
+  x[is.na(x)] <- 0
+  if(exists("x")==TRUE) TRW$E_W <- x  # add to the TRW data.frame
+  z <- TRW$trw.acc   # accumulative rings
+  # Getting and coloring the narrow and wider rings
+   q2 <- as.numeric(quantile(TRW[,5])[2]) # quantile 25% of trw.means
+          col.narrow.rings <- ifelse(TRW[,5] <= q2, col.x.rings, col.rings) 
+   q4 <- as.numeric(quantile(TRW[,5])[4]) # quantile 75% of trw.means
+          col.wider.rings <- ifelse(TRW[,5] >= q4, col.x.rings, col.rings) 
+  ## AREA calculation: pi(radius)^2    ||  pi(z)^2
+  # Acummulative BAI (inside out)
+  TRW$bai.acc <- pi*(TRW$trw.acc)^2  
+  # Individual BAI (inside out)
+  TRW$bai.ind  <-c(TRW$bai.acc[1], TRW$bai.acc[2:nrow(TRW)] - TRW$bai.acc[1:nrow(TRW)-1]) 
+ # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
+  ## Plotting  
+    if (animation == TRUE) {
+    # With animation
+    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
+      # Rings
+      par(mar=c(1,4,1,1)+0.1)
+      cols <-  c(rep(col.rings, i-1), col.outring) 
+      narrow.cols <- c(col.narrow.rings[1:i-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "narrow.rings"
+      wider.cols <- c(col.wider.rings[1:i-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "wider.rings"
+      max.acc <- max(z, na.rm = T) * 2.5
+      symbols(y = y[1:i], x = if(length(x) > 0) y[1:i] else x[1:i],
+               circles=z[1:i], inches=FALSE, xlim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), ylim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), 
+               xlab='', ylab='Width [mm]', main=mtext(bquote(~bold(.("Annual tree growth"))),
+               line=1.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1.5), 
+               sub=if(!is.na(species.name)) mtext(bquote(~plain(.("(")) ~italic(.(species.name)) ~plain(.(")"))),
+               line=0.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1), 
+               fg=  if(x.rings == "narrow.rings") narrow.cols 
+                 else if(x.rings == "wider.rings") wider.cols 
+                 else if(x.rings == "none") cols) 
+      # year labels
+      if(year.labels == TRUE) legend('topright', legend=year[i], box.lty=0, inset = 0.01, cex=2)
+      Sys.sleep(sys.sleep)
+    }
+  }  
+ # Without animation
+  else {
+    par(mar=c(1,4,1,1)+0.1)
+    cols <- c(rep(col.rings, length(x)-1), col.outring)
+    narrow.cols <- c(col.narrow.rings[1:length(x)-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "narrow.rings"
+    wider.cols <- c(col.wider.rings[1:length(x)-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "wider.rings"
+    rings.lwd <- c(rep(1, length(x)), 3)
+    max.acc <- max(z, na.rm = T) * 2.5
+    symbols( y = y, x = if(length(x) > 0) y else x,
+             circles=z, inches=FALSE, xlim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), ylim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), 
+             xlab='', ylab='Width [mm]', main=mtext(bquote(~bold(.("Annual tree growth"))), line=1.5,adj=0.5, 
+             side=3, cex=1.5), sub= if(!is.na(species.name)) mtext(bquote(~plain(.("(")) ~italic(.(species.name)) ~plain(.(")"))),
+             line=0.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1), 
+             fg=  if(x.rings == "narrow.rings") narrow.cols 
+             else if(x.rings == "wider.rings") wider.cols 
+             else if(x.rings == "none") cols)
+    # year labels
+    if(year.labels == TRUE) legend('topright', legend=paste(range(year)[1], "-", range(year)[2]), box.lty=0, inset = 0.01, cex=1.2)
+      }
+  # saveGIF
+ if (saveGIF == TRUE) {
+   saveGIF({
+   par (bg="white")
+   # With animation
+   for (i in 1:length(x)) {
+     # Rings
+     par(mar=c(1,4,1,1)+0.1,cex=1.5)
+     cols <-  c(rep(col.rings, i-1), col.outring) 
+     narrow.cols <- c(col.narrow.rings[1:i-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "narrow.rings"
+     wider.cols <- c(col.wider.rings[1:i-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "wider.rings"
+     max.acc <- max(z, na.rm = T) * 2.5
+     symbols(y = y[1:i], x = if(length(x) > 0) y[1:i] else x[1:i],
+             circles=z[1:i], inches=FALSE, xlim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), ylim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), 
+             xlab='', ylab='Width [mm]', main=mtext(bquote(~bold(.("Annual tree growth"))),
+                                                    line=1.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1.5), 
+             sub=if(!is.na(species.name)) mtext(bquote(~plain(.("(")) ~italic(.(species.name)) ~plain(.(")"))),
+                                      line=0.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1), 
+             fg=  if(x.rings == "narrow.rings") narrow.cols 
+             else if(x.rings == "wider.rings") wider.cols 
+             else if(x.rings == "none") cols) 
+     # year labels
+     if(year.labels == TRUE) legend('topright', legend=year[i], box.lty=0, inset = 0.01, cex=2)
+   }
+  }, movie.name = fname, interval = sys.sleep, nmax = 10, ani.width = 1000, 
+   ani.height = 1000)  
+  # Without saving the GIF
+ else {
+   par(mar=c(1,4,1,1)+0.1)
+   cols <- c(rep(col.rings, length(x)-1), col.outring)
+   narrow.cols <- c(col.narrow.rings[1:length(x)-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "narrow.rings"
+   wider.cols <- c(col.wider.rings[1:length(x)-1], col.outring) # colors when is selected "wider.rings"
+   rings.lwd <- c(rep(1, length(x)), 3)
+   max.acc <- max(z, na.rm = T) * 2.5
+   symbols( y = y, x = if(length(x) > 0) y else x,
+            circles=z, inches=FALSE, xlim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), ylim = c(-max.acc, max.acc), 
+            xlab='', ylab='Width [mm]', main=mtext(bquote(~bold(.("Annual tree growth"))), line=1.5,adj=0.5, 
+                                                   side=3, cex=1.5), sub= if(!is.na(species.name)) mtext(bquote(~plain(.("(")) ~italic(.(species.name)) ~plain(.(")"))),
+                                                                                               line=0.5,adj=0.5, side=3, cex=1), 
+            fg=  if(x.rings == "narrow.rings") narrow.cols 
+            else if(x.rings == "wider.rings") wider.cols 
+            else if(x.rings == "none") cols)
+   # year labels
+   if(year.labels == TRUE) legend('topright', legend=paste(range(year)[1], "-", range(year)[2]), box.lty=0, inset = 0.01, cex=1.2)
+ }
+  ## Print Report:  
+  print("Output data:")
+  # print(TRW)  # all data.frame
+  # print Radii lenght [mm/100]
+  if(sum(TRW$trwN, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Length Radius N:  ", round(sum(TRW$trwN, na.rm = TRUE), digits=2 ), sep = " ", "mm/100"))
+  if(sum(TRW$trwS, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Length Radius S:  ", round(sum(TRW$trwS, na.rm = TRUE), digits=2 ), sep = " ", "mm/100"))
+  if(sum(TRW$trwE, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Length Radius E:  ", round(sum(TRW$trwE, na.rm = TRUE), digits=2 ), sep = " ", "mm/100"))
+  if(sum(TRW$trwW, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Length Radius W:  ", round(sum(TRW$trwW, na.rm = TRUE), digits=2 ), sep = " ", "mm/100"))
+  if(sum(TRW$trw.means, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Disc diameter:  ", round(sum(TRW$trw.means, na.rm = TRUE)*2, digits = 2), sep = " ", "mm/100"))
+  if(sum(TRW$bai.ind, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) print(paste("Basal Area of the disc:  ", round(sum(TRW$bai.ind, na.rm = TRUE)/10^6, digits = 2), sep = " ", "mm2"))
+  TRW  

Property changes on: pkg/dplR/R/plotRings.R
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/dplR/man/plotRings.Rd
--- pkg/dplR/man/plotRings.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/man/plotRings.Rd	2017-11-20 22:45:14 UTC (rev 1073)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+\title{ Plot Rings }
+  Make a plot of a cross section based on up to four ring-width series.
+plotRings(year, trwN, trwS = NA, trwE = NA, trwW = NA, 
+animation = FALSE, sys.sleep = 0.2, year.labels = TRUE, 
+d2pith = NA, col.rings = "grey", col.outring = "black", 
+x.rings = "none", col.x.rings = "red", species.name = NA, 
+saveGIF=FALSE, fname="GIF_plotRings.gif")
+  \item{year}{ a \code{numeric} vector giving the years of the 
+  tree-ring records }
+  \item{trwN}{ a \code{numeric} vector giving the first tree-ring 
+  series to make the plot. It will be arbitrarily defined as North.  }
+  \item{trwS}{ an optional \code{numeric} vector giving a tree-ring 
+  series to make the plot. It will be arbitrarily defined as South 
+  or 180 degrees from \code{trwN}.  }
+  \item{trwE}{ an optional \code{numeric} vector giving a tree-ring 
+  series to make the plot. It will be arbitrarily defined as East or 
+  90 degrees from \code{trwN}.  }
+  \item{trwW}{ an optional \code{numeric} vector giving a tree-ring 
+  series to make the plot. It will be arbitrarily defined as West or 
+  270 degrees from \code{trwN}.  }
+  \item{animation}{ \code{logical} flag. If \code{TRUE} then each 
+  ring will be individually plotted as an animation within the 
+  R-GUI. A working copy of ``ImageMagic'' is required. See 
+  \code{Details}. }
+  \item{sys.sleep}{ a \code{numeric} value defining the sleep pause
+  in between rings during animation. }
+  \item{year.labels}{ \code{logical} flag. If TRUE the year 
+  labels will be shown in upper right corner of the plot.  }
+  \item{d2pith}{ \code{numeric}. The distance from the innermost 
+  ring to the pith of the tree.  }
+  \item{col.rings}{ The color to be used for the interior rings.
+  See section `Color Specification' for suitable values.  }
+  \item{col.outring}{ The color to be used for the outer ring.
+  See section `Color Specification' for suitable values.  }
+  \item{x.rings}{ a \code{character} string to color narrow and 
+  wider rings of the series. Possible values are ``none'', 
+  "narrow.rings" to highlight the rings <= quantile 25\%, and 
+  "wider.rings" to highlight the rings >= quantile 75\%.  }
+  \item{col.x.rings}{ The color to be used for the \code{x.rings}.
+  See section `Color Specification' for suitable values.  }
+  \item{species.name}{ a optional \code{character} string that 
+  definesthe species name in the plot.  }
+  \item{saveGIF}{ \code{logical}. If TRUE a GIF will be saved. }
+  \item{fname}{ \code{character}. Filename for GIF.  }
+This makes a simple plot drawing all rings from tree-ring series on a 
+cartesian plane of up to four cardinal directions (N, S, E, W) 
+defining the eccentricity of the stem. It can be plotted using 
+only data from one ratio, or up to four diferent radii from same tree.
+This function can plot each individual ring as an animation within 
+your R-GUI, as an GIF-file, or it can plot all rings at once.
+Animations require a functional installation of of ImageMagick. 
+See \code{\link{saveGIF}} for details.
+  A \code{data.frame} giving the original data of each tree-ring 
+  series (\code{var{trwN}}, \code{var{trwS}}, \code{var{trwE}}, 
+  \code{var{trwW}}), a mean of all tree-ring series (\code{trw.means}),
+  cummulative values from \code{trw.means} (\code{trw.acc}), 
+  the difference of North - South and East - West tree-ring series 
+  (\code{N_S}, \code{E_W}), the basal area increment of \code{trw.acc} 
+  (\code{bai.acc}), and the bai for each individual tree ring
+  (\code{bai.ind}).
+\author{ Code by Darwin Pucha-Cofrep and Jakob Wernicke. Patched and improved by Andy Bunn and Mikko Korpela. }
+####### Example 1
+# with tree-ring series from Rothenburg data
+yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(anos1))
+# Plot rings with data of two radii from same individual tree
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5],sp="Cedrela odorata") 
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5],animation=TRUE, sys.sleep=0.1)
+# Playing with colors
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5], col.rings = "tan", col.outring = "blue") 
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5], col.rings = terrain.colors(nrow(anos1)) ) 
+# x.rings
+# highlighting only narrow rings
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5], x.rings = 'narrow.rings') 
+# highlighting and coloring only wider rings
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5], x.rings = 'wider.rings', col.x.rings = "green") 
+## Not run
+# Plot Rings and save as GIF:
+res <- plotRings(yrs,  anos1[,4], trwW = anos1[,5], saveGIF=TRUE, sys.sleep = 0.1)
+####### Example 1
+# with four fake tree-ring series 
+trw <- data.frame (trw01.n = abs(rnorm(100, 10, 7.5)),  # North direction
+                   trw01.s = abs(rnorm(100, 10, 7.5)),  # South direction
+                   trw01.w = abs(rnorm(100, 10, 2.5)),  # West direction
+                   trw01.e = abs(rnorm(100, 10, 2.5)),  # East direction
+                   row.names = 1918:2017)
+year <- as.numeric(rownames(trw))
+# Default plot with 2, 3 and 4 radii
+res <- plotRings(year,  trw[,1], trw[,2], trw[,3], trw[,4])
+# with d2pith values (see the hole before the first rings in the plot)
+res <- plotRings(year, trw[,1], trw[,2], trw[,3], trw[,4], d2pith = 500)
+res <- plotRings(year, trw[,1], trw[,2], trw[,3], trw[,4], d2pith = c(200, NA, NA, 50))
+\keyword{ hplot }

Property changes on: pkg/dplR/man/plotRings.Rd
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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