[Dplr-commits] r876 - in pkg/dplR: . R
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Thu May 15 18:11:48 CEST 2014
Author: mvkorpel
Date: 2014-05-15 18:11:48 +0200 (Thu, 15 May 2014)
New Revision: 876
xskel.plot() got the same type of treatment as xskel.ccf.plot()
Modified: pkg/dplR/ChangeLog
--- pkg/dplR/ChangeLog 2014-05-15 09:33:12 UTC (rev 875)
+++ pkg/dplR/ChangeLog 2014-05-15 16:11:48 UTC (rev 876)
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
instead of seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.1). Parentheses in the former are
used for clarity of meaning.
-File: xskel.ccf.plot.R
+Files: xskel.ccf.plot.R and xskel.plot.R
- Code optimizations
- Small changes to output
Modified: pkg/dplR/R/xskel.plot.R
--- pkg/dplR/R/xskel.plot.R 2014-05-15 09:33:12 UTC (rev 875)
+++ pkg/dplR/R/xskel.plot.R 2014-05-15 16:11:48 UTC (rev 876)
@@ -1,109 +1,121 @@
xskel.plot <- function(rwl,series,series.yrs = as.numeric(names(series)),
- win.start, win.end=win.start+100, n = NULL, prewhiten = TRUE,
- biweight = TRUE) {
+ win.start, win.end=win.start+100, n = NULL, prewhiten = TRUE,
+ biweight = TRUE) {
## Handle different types of 'series'
tmp <- pick.rwl.series(rwl, series, series.yrs)
rwl <- tmp[[1]]
series <- tmp[[2]]
master.yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(rwl))
series.yrs <- as.numeric(names(series))
yrs <- seq(from=win.start,to=win.end)
nyrs <- length(yrs)
if(nyrs > 101){
warning("These plots get crowded with windows longer than 100 years.")
- # check window overlap with master and series yrs
+ ## check window overlap with master and series yrs
if (!all(yrs %in% series.yrs)) {
- cat("Window Years: ", min(yrs), "-", max(yrs)," & ",
- "Series Years: ", min(series.yrs), "-", max(series.yrs),
- "\n", sep="")
- stop("Fix window overlap")
+ cat(gettextf("Window Years: %d-%d", min(yrs), max(yrs),
+ domain = "R-dplR"),
+ " & ",
+ gettextf("Series Years: %d-%d", min(series.yrs), max(series.yrs),
+ domain = "R-dplR"),
+ "\n", sep="")
+ stop("Fix window overlap")
if (!all(yrs %in% master.yrs)) {
- cat("Window Years: ", min(yrs), "-", max(yrs)," & ",
- "Master Years: ", min(master.yrs), "-", max(master.yrs),
- "\n", sep="")
- stop("Fix window overlap")
+ cat(gettextf("Window Years: %d-%d", min(yrs), max(yrs),
+ domain = "R-dplR"),
+ " & ",
+ gettextf("Master Years: %d-%d", min(master.yrs), max(master.yrs),
+ domain = "R-dplR"),
+ "\n", sep="")
+ stop("Fix window overlap")
- # normalize.
+ ## normalize.
names(series) <- series.yrs
tmp <- normalize.xdate(rwl, series, n, prewhiten, biweight)
- # master
+ ## master
master <- tmp$master
master.yrs <- as.numeric(names(master))
master <- master[master.yrs%in%yrs]
master.yrs <- as.numeric(names(master))
- # series
+ ## series
series <- tmp$series
series.yrs <- as.numeric(names(series))
series <- series[series.yrs%in%yrs]
series.yrs <- as.numeric(names(series))
- # skeleton
+ ## skeleton
master.skel <- cbind(master.yrs,xskel.calc(master))
master.skel <- master.skel[master.skel[,1]%in%yrs,]
master.yrs.sig <- master.skel[!is.na(master.skel[,2]),1]
series.skel <- cbind(series.yrs,xskel.calc(series))
series.skel <- series.skel[series.skel[,1]%in%yrs,]
series.yrs.sig <- series.skel[!is.na(series.skel[,2]),1]
- # cor and skel agreement
- overall.r <- round(cor(series,master),3)
+ ## cor and skel agreement
+ overall.r <- round(cor(series,master),3)
overall.agree <- sum(series.yrs.sig%in%master.yrs.sig)/length(master.yrs.sig)
overall.agree <- round(overall.agree*100,1)
- # build page for plotting
+ ## build page for plotting
- # 1.0 a bounding box for margins
- bnd.vp <- plotViewport(margins=rep(0.5,4),name = "bnd.vp") # 1/2 line margin
- # go from bottom up.
- # 4.1 bounding box for skeleton plot. 55% of area
+ fontsize <- 12
+ textJust <- "center"
+ col1light <- "lightgreen"
+ col1dark <- "darkgreen"
+ ## 1.0 a bounding box for margins
+ bnd.vp <- plotViewport(margins=rep(0.5,4), # 1/2 line margin
+ name = "bnd.vp",
+ gp = gpar(fontsize = fontsize))
+ ## go from bottom up.
+ ## 4.1 bounding box for skeleton plot. 55% of area
skel.bnd.vp <- viewport(x = 0, y = 0, width = 1, height = 0.95,
just = c("left", "bottom"), name = "skel.bnd.vp")
- # 4.2 plotting region for skeleton plot. 2 lines left and right.
- # 3 lines on top and bottom
+ ## 4.2 plotting region for skeleton plot. 2 lines left and right.
+ ## 3 lines on top and bottom
skel.region.vp <- plotViewport(margins=c(3,2,3,2),
- xscale=c(min(yrs)-0.5,max(yrs)+0.5),
+ xscale=c(min(yrs)-0.5,max(yrs)+0.5),
name = "skel.region.vp")
- # 5.0 a box for overall text. 5%
+ ## 5.0 a box for overall text. 5%
overall.txt.vp <- viewport(x = 0, y = 0.95, width = 1, height = 0.05,
- just = c("left", "bottom"),
+ just = c("left", "bottom"),
name = "overall.txt.vp")
- # actual plotting
+ ## actual plotting
pushViewport(bnd.vp) # inside margins
pushViewport(skel.bnd.vp) # inside skel
pushViewport(skel.region.vp) # inside margins
- grid.rect(gp = gpar(col="lightgreen", lwd=1))
+ grid.rect(gp = gpar(col=col1light, lwd=1))
grid.grill(h = unit(seq(-10, 10, by=1), "native"),
v = unit(yrs-0.5, "native"),
- gp = gpar(col="lightgreen", lineend = "square",
+ gp = gpar(col=col1light, lineend = "square",
linejoin = "round"))
- # rw plot
+ ## rw plot
master.tmp <- master*-2
for(i in 1:length(yrs)){
xx <- c(yrs[i]+0.5,yrs[i]-0.5,yrs[i]-0.5,yrs[i]+0.5)
yy <- c(0,0,master.tmp[i],master.tmp[i])
- grid.polygon(xx,yy,default.units="native",
- gp=gpar(fill='lightgreen',col='darkgreen'))
+ grid.polygon(xx,yy,default.units="native",
+ gp=gpar(fill=col1light,col=col1dark))
series.tmp <- series*2
for(i in 1:length(yrs)){
xx <- c(yrs[i]+0.5,yrs[i]-0.5,yrs[i]-0.5,yrs[i]+0.5)
yy <- c(0,0,series.tmp[i],series.tmp[i])
- grid.polygon(xx,yy,default.units="native",
- gp=gpar(fill='lightgreen',col='darkgreen'))
+ grid.polygon(xx,yy,default.units="native",
+ gp=gpar(fill=col1light,col=col1dark))
- #master
+ ## master
@@ -112,7 +124,7 @@
- #series
+ ## series
@@ -121,32 +133,28 @@
- # text
- grid.text(master.yrs.sig, x=unit(master.yrs.sig,"native"),
- y = unit(0, "npc"), rot = 90,just="right",
- gp=gpar(fontsize=12))
- grid.text(series.yrs.sig, x=unit(series.yrs.sig,"native"),
- y = unit(1, "npc"), rot = 90,just="left",
- gp= gpar(fontsize = 12))
- grid.text("Master",x=unit(0,"npc"),
- y=unit(0,"npc"),hjust = 0,vjust = 0,rot=90,
- gp= gpar(fontsize = 12))
- grid.text("Series",x=unit(0,"npc"),
- y=unit(1,"npc"),hjust=1,vjust=0,rot=90,
- gp= gpar(fontsize = 12))
- upViewport(3) # back to bnd
+ ## text
+ grid.text(master.yrs.sig, x=unit(master.yrs.sig,"native"),
+ y = unit(0, "npc"), rot = 90,just="right")
+ grid.text(series.yrs.sig, x=unit(series.yrs.sig,"native"),
+ y = unit(1, "npc"), rot = 90,just="left")
+ grid.text(gettext("Master", domain="R-dplR"),x=unit(0,"npc"),
+ y=unit(0,"npc"),hjust = 0,vjust = 0,rot=90)
+ grid.text(gettext("Series", domain="R-dplR"),x=unit(0,"npc"),
+ y=unit(1,"npc"),hjust=1,vjust=0,rot=90)
+ popViewport(2) # back to bnd
pushViewport(overall.txt.vp) # description
- tmp.txt <- paste("Period: ",min(yrs),"-",max(yrs),
- ", r(lag0)= ", overall.r,
- ". Skeleton Agreement ", overall.agree, "%",sep="")
- tmp.txt <- bquote("Period:" ~ .(min(yrs)) * "-" *
- .(max(yrs)) * ","~r[lag0] * "=" * .(overall.r)*
- ","~"Skeleton Agreement"~.(overall.agree)*"%")
- grid.rect(gp=gpar(col=NA,fill="white"))
+ periodPattern <- gettext("Period: %d-%d", domain = "R-dplR")
+ agreePattern <- gettext("Skeleton Agreement %s%%", domain = "R-dplR")
+ tmp.txt <- substitute(period * ", " * r[lag0] == corr * ", " * agree,
+ list(period = sprintf(periodPattern,
+ min(yrs), max(yrs)),
+ corr = overall.r,
+ agree = sprintf(agreePattern, overall.agree)))
- just = "center",
- gp= gpar(fontsize = 12))
\ No newline at end of file
+ just = textJust)
+ popViewport(2)
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