[Dplr-commits] r864 - in pkg/dplR: . inst inst/doc man
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Mon May 12 20:53:38 CEST 2014
Author: mvkorpel
Date: 2014-05-12 20:53:38 +0200 (Mon, 12 May 2014)
New Revision: 864
Document: Mathematical Details of Functions in dplR (math-dplR.pdf).
This is not a vignette, i.e. not listed as a vignette and not built
automatically. A build script is provided (build-math-dplR.R).
There is a reference to the new document in ?ffcsaps and ?gini.coef.
help(package="dplR", help_type="html") shows the document files under
"Other files in the doc directory".
Andy: If you make changes to the document, please add yourself as an
author. In that case, could you also change the first person singular
sentences accordingly.
Modified: pkg/dplR/.Rbuildignore
--- pkg/dplR/.Rbuildignore 2014-05-10 22:28:45 UTC (rev 863)
+++ pkg/dplR/.Rbuildignore 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -2,3 +2,7 @@
Modified: pkg/dplR/ChangeLog
--- pkg/dplR/ChangeLog 2014-05-10 22:28:45 UTC (rev 863)
+++ pkg/dplR/ChangeLog 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@
- Added latexify() and latexDate() to export list
+- New Suggested packages. These are for document building (see
+ math-dplR.pdf below) and openPDF (math-dplR.pdf is not available through
+ vignette())
File: common.interval.R
@@ -16,6 +23,32 @@
- New utility functions latexify() and latexDate() for use in vignettes
+New files in subdirectory inst/doc:
+- math-dplR.pdf is a vignette-ish document about the mathematical details
+ of some dplR functions (room for expansion in the future). It is
+ packaged as a static PDF due to the long build time. However, the
+ source is available as required by the CRAN policies for an open
+ source package. Arguably the staticness also makes sense in light of
+ the document presenting non-changing information about the package. If
+ the functions analyzed in the document change fundamentally (which is not
+ to be expected), the relevant parts of the document must be rewritten
+ and the document recompiled. Compare this to the idea that regular
+ vignettes usually include concrete examples about how the package can be
+ used. In that case it makes sense to compile the document often to
+ verify that the examples work.
+- math-dplR.Rnw.txt is the source of math-dplR.pdf, with extra file
+ extension .txt to prevent automatic rebuild by R CMD build and R CMD
+ check
+- math-dplR.bib is the BibTeX bibliography of the document
+- math-dplR.R is the R source extracted from the document
+- build-math-dplR.R is a build script
Files: rcompact.c, readloop.c
Modified: pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION 2014-05-10 22:28:45 UTC (rev 863)
+++ pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Type: Package
Title: Dendrochronology Program Library in R
Version: 1.6.1
-Date: 2014-05-10
+Date: 2014-05-12
Authors at R: c(person("Andy", "Bunn", role = c("aut", "cph",
"cre", "trl"), email = "andy.bunn at wwu.edu"), person("Mikko",
"Korpela", role = c("aut", "trl")), person("Franco", "Biondi",
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
Imports: gmp (>= 0.5-2), graphics, grDevices, grid, stats, utils,
digest (>= 0.2.3), lattice (>= 0.13-6), stringr (>= 0.4), XML
(>= 2.1-0)
-Suggests: foreach, forecast, iterators, RUnit (>= 0.4.25), waveslim
+Suggests: Biobase, dichromat, foreach, forecast, iterators, knitr,
+ RUnit (>= 0.4.25), tikzDevice, waveslim
Description: This package contains functions for performing tree-ring
analyses, IO, and graphics.
LazyData: no
Property changes on: pkg/dplR/inst/doc
Added: svn:ignore
+ svn*.tmp
Added: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/00_INDEX
--- pkg/dplR/inst/doc/00_INDEX (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/inst/doc/00_INDEX 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+build-math-dplR.R Build script for math-dplR.pdf
+math-dplR.bib BibTeX bibliography
+math-dplR.pdf Document: Mathematical Details of Functions in dplR
+math-dplR.R R code extracted from math-dplR.Rnw.txt
+math-dplR.Rnw.txt Literate programming source of math-dplR.pdf
Property changes on: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/00_INDEX
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/build-math-dplR.R
--- pkg/dplR/inst/doc/build-math-dplR.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/inst/doc/build-math-dplR.R 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+### Script for compiling math-dplR.pdf
+### Run with 'source("build-math-dplR.R")' in R prompt or 'R CMD BATCH
+### build-math-dplR.R' on the command line, where the initial R is the
+### command to launch R.
+### Written by Mikko Korpela
+SOURCE_NAME <- "math-dplR"
+SOURCE_EXT <- "Rnw"
+DUMMY_EXT <- "txt"
+builder <- function(sourceName, sourceExt, dummyExt, clean) {
+ sourceFile <- paste0(sourceName, ".", sourceExt)
+ regExt <- sprintf("\\.%s$", sourceExt)
+ texFile <- sub(regExt, ".tex", sourceFile)
+ pdfFile <- sub(regExt, ".pdf", sourceFile)
+ if (!file.exists(sourceFile)) {
+ dummyFile <- paste0(sourceFile, ".", dummyExt)
+ if (!file.exists(dummyFile)) {
+ stop(sprintf("File does not exist: %s", dummyFile))
+ } else {
+ message(sprintf("Temporarily copying %s to %s",
+ dummyFile, sourceFile))
+ file.copy(dummyFile, sourceFile)
+ on.exit(unlink(sourceFile))
+ }
+ }
+ if (!require(knitr)) {
+ stop("Please install knitr")
+ }
+ knit(sourceFile, encoding = "UTF-8", envir=globalenv()) # produces .tex
+ if (isTRUE(clean)) {
+ on.exit(unlink(texFile), add = TRUE) # remove .tex at exit
+ }
+ purl(sourceFile) # produces .R
+ tools::texi2pdf(texFile, clean=isTRUE(clean)) # produces .pdf
+ tools::compactPDF(pdfFile, gs_quality = "ebook")
Property changes on: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/build-math-dplR.R
Added: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.R
--- pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.R 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+## ----"try-matlab", echo=FALSE, results="hide"----------------------------
+## ----"flip-to-retry", echo=FALSE, results="hide", cache=TRUE-------------
+## ----"packages", echo=FALSE, results="hide"------------------------------
+library(dplR) # latexify(), latexDate()
+latexify2 <- function(x) latexify(x, doublebackslash = FALSE)
+## ----"knitr-init-fig", echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE---------------------------
+PAGE_WIDTH <- 4.74
+PAGE_HEIGHT <- 8.22
+opts_template$set(myfigures=list(fig.path = "figure/", fig.pos = "tbp",
+ fig.align = "center", fig.lp = "fig:", dev = "tikz"))
+## ----"response-comp-init"------------------------------------------------
+## Helper function used in ffcsaps2
+inc <- function(from, to) {
+ if (is.numeric(to) && is.numeric(from) && to >= from) {
+ seq(from=from, to=to)
+ } else {
+ integer(length=0)
+ }
+## Copied from ffcsaps() in dplR/R/ffcsaps.R,
+## with the following additions:
+## - As an alternative to nyrs and f, smoothing parameter p
+## can be directly specified as an argument to the function
+## - altP = TRUE activates a different (incompatible) formula
+## for computing p as a function of nyrs and f
+ffcsaps2 <- function(y, x=seq_along(y), nyrs=length(y)/2, f=0.5,
+ p, altP = FALSE) {
+### support functions
+ ffppual <- function(breaks, c1, c2, c3, c4, x, left){
+ if (left){
+ ix <- order(x)
+ x2 <- x[ix]
+ } else{
+ x2 <- x
+ }
+ n.breaks <- length(breaks)
+ if (left) {
+ ## index[i] is maximum of a and b:
+ ## a) number of elements in 'breaks[-n.breaks]' that are
+ ## less than or equal to x2[i],
+ ## b) 1
+ index <- pmax(ffsorted(breaks[-n.breaks], x2), 1)
+ } else {
+ ## index[i] is:
+ ## 1 + number of elements in 'breaks[-1]' that are
+ ## less than x2[i]
+ index <- ffsorted2(breaks[-1], x2)
+ }
+ x2 <- x2 - breaks[index]
+ v <- x2 * (x2 * (x2 * c1[index] + c2[index]) + c3[index]) + c4[index]
+ if (left)
+ v[ix] <- v
+ v
+ }
+ ffsorted <- function(meshsites, sites) {
+ index <- order(c(meshsites, sites))
+ which(index > length(meshsites)) - seq_along(sites)
+ }
+ ffsorted2 <- function(meshsites, sites) {
+ index <- order(c(sites, meshsites))
+ which(index <= length(sites)) - seq(from=0, to=length(sites)-1)
+ }
+ ## Creates a sparse matrix A of size n x n.
+ ## The columns of B are set to the diagonals of A so that column k
+ ## becomes the diagonal in position d[k] relative to the main
+ ## diagonal (zero d[k] is the main diagonal, positive d[k] is
+ ## above, negative is below the main diagonal).
+ ## A value on column j in A comes from row j in B.
+ ## This is similar in function to spdiags(B, d, n, n) in MATLAB.
+ spdiags <- function(B, d, n) {
+ n.d <- length(d)
+ A <- matrix(0, n.d * n, 3)
+ count <- 0
+ for(k in seq_len(n.d)){
+ this.diag <- d[k]
+ i <- inc(max(1, 1 - this.diag), min(n, n - this.diag)) # row
+ n.i <- length(i)
+ if(n.i > 0){
+ j <- i + this.diag # column
+ row.idx <- seq(from=count+1, by=1, length.out=n.i)
+ A[row.idx, 1] <- i
+ A[row.idx, 2] <- j
+ A[row.idx, 3] <- B[j, k]
+ count <- count + n.i
+ }
+ }
+ A <- A[A[, 3] != 0, , drop=FALSE]
+ A[order(A[, 2], A[, 1]), , drop=FALSE]
+ }
+### start main function
+ y2 <- as.numeric(y)
+ ## If as.numeric() does not signal an error, it is unlikely that
+ ## the result would not be numeric, but...
+ if(!is.numeric(y2)) stop("'y' must be coercible to a numeric vector")
+ x2 <- as.numeric(x)
+ if(!is.numeric(x2)) stop("'x' must be coercible to a numeric vector")
+ n <- length(x2)
+ ## quick error check
+ if (n < 3) stop("there must be at least 3 data points")
+ if (missing(p)) {
+ if(!is.numeric(f) || length(f) != 1 || f < 0 || f > 1)
+ stop("'f' must be a number between 0 and 1")
+ if(!is.numeric(nyrs) || length(nyrs) != 1 || nyrs <= 1)
+ stop("'nyrs' must be a number greater than 1")
+ }
+ ix <- order(x2)
+ zz1 <- n - 1
+ xi <- x2[ix]
+ zz2 <- n - 2
+ diff.xi <- diff(xi)
+ ## quick error check
+ if (any(diff.xi == 0)) stop("the data abscissae must be distinct")
+ yn <- length(y2)
+ ## quick error check
+ if (n != yn)
+ stop("abscissa and ordinate vector must be of the same length")
+ arg2 <- -1:1
+ odx <- 1 / diff.xi
+ R <- spdiags(cbind(c(diff.xi[-c(1, zz1)], 0),
+ 2 * (diff.xi[-1] + diff.xi[-zz1]),
+ c(0, diff.xi[-c(1, 2)])),
+ arg2, zz2)
+ R2 <- spdiags(cbind(c(odx[-zz1], 0, 0),
+ c(0, -(odx[-1] + odx[-zz1]), 0),
+ c(0, 0, odx[-1])),
+ arg2, n)
+ R2[, 1] <- R2[, 1] - 1
+ forR <- matrix(0, zz2, zz2)
+ forR2 <- matrix(0, zz2, n)
+ forR[R[, 1] + (R[, 2] - 1) * zz2] <- R[, 3]
+ forR2[R2[, 1] + (R2[, 2] - 1) * zz2] <- R2[, 3]
+ if (!missing(p)) {
+ ## NEW: give value of p directly as an argument
+ p.inv <- 1 / p
+ } else if (altP) {
+ ## NEW: what if the value of p was computed with the formula
+ ## from Cook and Kairiukstis (1990).
+ p.inv <- (1 - f) * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) + 2) /
+ (6 * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) - 1) ^ 2) / f
+ p <- 1 / p.inv
+ } else {
+ ## The following order of operations was tested to be relatively
+ ## accurate across a wide range of f and nyrs
+ p.inv <- (1 - f) * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) + 2) /
+ (12 * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) - 1) ^ 2) / f + 1
+ p <- 1 / p.inv
+ }
+ yi <- y2[ix]
+ mplier <- 6 - 6 / p.inv # slightly more accurate than 6*(1-1/p.inv)
+ ## forR*p is faster than forR/p.inv, and a quick test didn't
+ ## show any difference in the final spline
+ u <- solve(mplier * tcrossprod(forR2) + forR * p,
+ diff(diff(yi) / diff.xi))
+ yi <- yi - mplier * diff(c(0, diff(c(0, u, 0)) / diff.xi, 0))
+ test0 <- xi[-c(1, n)]
+ c3 <- c(0, u / p.inv, 0)
+ x3 <- c(test0, seq(from=xi[1], to=xi[n], length = 101))
+ cc.1 <- diff(c3) / diff.xi
+ cc.2 <- 3 * c3[-n]
+ cc.3 <- diff(yi) / diff.xi - diff.xi * (2 * c3[-n] + c3[-1])
+ cc.4 <- yi[-n]
+ to.sort <- c(test0, x3)
+ ix.final <- order(to.sort)
+ sorted.final <- to.sort[ix.final]
+ tmp <-
+ unique(data.frame(sorted.final,
+ c(ffppual(xi, cc.1,cc.2,cc.3,cc.4, test0, FALSE),
+ ffppual(xi, cc.1,cc.2,cc.3,cc.4, x3, TRUE))[ix.final]))
+ ## get spline on the right timescale - kludgy
+ tmp2 <- tmp
+ tmp2[[1]] <- round(tmp2[[1]], 5) # tries to deal with identical() issues
+ res <- tmp2[[2]][tmp2[[1]] %in% x2]
+ ## deals with identical() issues via linear approx
+ if(length(res) != n)
+ res <- approx(x=tmp[[1]], y=tmp[[2]], xout=x2)$y
+ res
+## ----"response-init"-----------------------------------------------------
+## Cook, E. R. and Kairiukstis, L. A. (1990) Methods of
+## Dendrochronology: Applications in the Environmental Sciences.
+## Cook, E. R. and Peters, K. (1981) The smoothing spline: a new
+## approach to standardizing forest interior tree-ring width series
+## for dendroclimatic studies
+## (altP = TRUE)
+pCook <- function(nyrs, f = 0.5) {
+ p.inv <- (1 - f) * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) + 2) /
+ (6 * (cos(2 * pi / nyrs) - 1) ^ 2) / f
+ p <- 1 / p.inv
+ p
+## Frequency response according to Cook and Kairiukstis (citing Cook
+## and Peters)
+respCook <- function(f, p) {
+ pif2 <- 2 * pi * f
+ 1 - 1 / (1 + (p * (cos(pif2) + 2)) / (6 * (cos(pif2) - 1)^2))
+## ----"response-comp", message=FALSE, dependson="response-comp-init", cache.vars=c("response1", "response2", "NYRS", "nFreq")----
+N <- 1536
+K <- 500
+NYRS <- c(4, 16, 64)
+nFreq <- N / 2 + 1
+halfseq <- seq_len(nFreq)
+ratio1 <- array(NA_real_, c(nFreq, K, length(NYRS)))
+ratio2 <- array(NA_real_, c(nFreq, K, length(NYRS)))
+if (!exists(".Random.seed", globalenv(), mode="numeric")) {
+ foo <- sample(TRUE)
+seed <- get(".Random.seed", globalenv())
+rng <- RNGversion("2.15.0")
+## Because this takes a long time, progress messages will be printed
+updates <- round(c(0.002, 0.02, seq_len(9)/10) * K)
+updates <- updates[updates >= 1]
+upIdx <- 1
+time0 <- Sys.time()
+message(sprintf("Starting spline frequency response test at %s",
+ format(time0, "%X")))
+message("Progress messages will be printed along the way.")
+for (k in seq_len(K)) {
+ x <- rnorm(N)
+ fftx <- abs(fft(x))[halfseq]
+ for (j in seq_along(NYRS)) {
+ nyrs <- NYRS[j]
+ spline1 <- ffcsaps2(x, nyrs = nyrs, altP = FALSE)
+ spline2 <- ffcsaps2(x, nyrs = nyrs, altP = TRUE)
+ fft1 <- abs(fft(spline1))[halfseq]
+ fft2 <- abs(fft(spline2))[halfseq]
+ ratio1[, k, j] <- fft1 / fftx
+ ratio2[, k, j] <- fft2 / fftx
+ }
+ if (length(updates) >= upIdx && k == updates[upIdx]) {
+ upIdx <- upIdx + 1
+ timeNow <- Sys.time()
+ timeElapsed <- difftime(timeNow, time0, units = "mins")
+ timePerRound <- timeElapsed / k
+ roundsLeft <- K - k
+ timeLeft <- roundsLeft * timePerRound
+ timeAtFinish <- timeNow + timeLeft
+ message(sprintf(paste0("%4.1f%% done. ",
+ "Estimated completion at %s (%.0f mins left)"),
+ k / K * 100,
+ format(timeAtFinish, "%X"),
+ as.numeric(timeLeft)))
+ }
+RNGkind(rng[1], rng[2])
+assign(".Random.seed", seed, globalenv())
+response1 <- matrix(NA_real_, nFreq, 3)
+response2 <- matrix(NA_real_, nFreq, 3)
+colnames(response1) <- NYRS
+colnames(response2) <- NYRS
+for (j in seq_along(NYRS)) {
+ response1[, j] <- rowMeans(ratio1[, , j])
+ response2[, j] <- rowMeans(ratio2[, , j])
+## ----"ffcsaps-caption", cache=FALSE--------------------------------------
+ paste("Theoretical frequency response of spline filter vs response",
+ "with i.i.d. normal series of 1536 samples (mean of 500 repeats)",
+ "using \\texttt{ffcsaps}. The legend on the bottom panel applies to",
+ "all panels. The blue circles were obtained by",
+ "using~\\eqref{eq:pinv.code} for computing (inverse) \\texttt{p} in",
+ "\\texttt{ffcsaps}. The orange crosses show the results",
+ "when~\\eqref{eq:pinv.book} is used instead.")
+## ----"response", opts.label="myfigures", fig.width=PAGE_WIDTH, fig.height=PAGE_HEIGHT-0.95, fig.cap=FFCSAPS_CAPTION, dependson=c("response-init", "response-comp"), cache.vars=character(0)----
+op <- par(mfcol = c(3, 1), mgp = c(2, 0.75, 0), mar = par("mar") - 1)
+COLOR_1 <- colorschemes$Categorical.12[10]
+COLOR_2 <- colorschemes$Categorical.12[2]
+COLOR_LINE <- colorschemes$Categorical.12[6]
+LWD <- 3
+PCH_1 <- 1
+PCH_2 <- 4
+fftFreq <- seq(from = 0, to = 0.5, length.out = nFreq)
+for (j in seq_along(NYRS)) {
+ plot(fftFreq, response1[, j], type = "n",
+ xlab = "Frequency (1 / year)", ylab = "Amplitude response",
+ main = sprintf("\\texttt{nyrs} = %d, \\texttt{f} = 0.5", NYRS[j]))
+ points(fftFreq, response2[, j], pch = PCH_2, col = COLOR_2)
+ points(fftFreq, response1[, j], pch = PCH_1, col = COLOR_1)
+ lines(fftFreq, respCook(fftFreq, pCook(NYRS[j])), col = COLOR_LINE,
+ lwd = LWD)
+ abline(h = 0.5, lty = "dashed")
+ abline(v = 1 / NYRS[j], lty = "dashed")
+ text(0.35, 0.5, "50\\% response", pos = 1, offset=1)
+ text(1 / NYRS[j], 0.6,
+ sprintf("%d yr period", NYRS[j]),
+ pos = 4, srt = 90, offset=1)
+legend("topright", bg = "white",
+ legend = c("Simulation (\\texttt{p} from \\texttt{ffcsaps()})",
+ "Simulation (\\texttt{p} from Cook and Peters)",
+ "Theoretical (Cook and Peters))"),
+ col = c(COLOR_1, COLOR_2, COLOR_LINE),
+ lty = c(NA, NA, "solid"), pch = c(PCH_1, PCH_2, NA),
+ lwd = c(1, 1, LWD))
+## ----"smoothed-R", dependson="response-comp-init", cache.vars=c("smoothed.R", "y")----
+if (!exists(".Random.seed", globalenv(), mode="numeric")) {
+ foo <- sample(TRUE)
+seed <- get(".Random.seed", globalenv())
+rng <- RNGversion("2.15.0")
+## Sine wave with added noise
+y <- 5 * sin(seq(from = 0, to = 6*pi, length.out = 101)[-101]) + rnorm(100)
+RNGkind(rng[1], rng[2])
+assign(".Random.seed", seed, globalenv())
+## Smoothing parameter used with csaps and ffcsaps modified to accept p
+## 0, 0.01, 0.02, ..., 0.98, 0.99, 1
+P <- seq(0, 100) / 100
+## Columns of the matrices correspond to elements of P
+smoothed.R <- matrix(0, length(y), length(P))
+for (i in seq_along(P)) {
+ smoothed.R[, i] <- ffcsaps2(y, p = P[i])
+## ----"smoothed-matlab", dependson=c("smoothed-R", "flip-to-retry"), cache.vars=c("matlabValue", "matlabVersion", "smoothed.matlab")----
+if (isTRUE(TRY_MATLAB)) {
+ fnames <- tempfile(pattern=c("a", "b", "c"), fileext=".txt")
+ fname1 <- fnames[1] # input series y
+ fname2 <- fnames[2] # smoothed series from MATLAB
+ fname3 <- fnames[3] # MATLAB version
+ writeLines(as.character(y), fname1)
+ ## System call to MATLAB.
+ ## Requirement: MATLAB with Curve Fitting Toolbox.
+ matlabCall <-
+ paste0("matlab -nodisplay -nojvm ",
+ shQuote(paste0("-r \"",
+ "x=1:100;",
+ "P=(0:100)/100;",
+ "fname1 = '", fname1, "';",
+ "y=load(fname1);",
+ "Y=zeros(100,101);",
+ "try,",
+ "for i=1:101, Y(:,i) = csaps(x,y,P(i),x); end,",
+ "catch e, exit(1), end;",
+ "fname2 = '", fname2, "';",
+ "fname3 = '", fname3, "';",
+ "save(fname2, 'Y', '-ascii');",
+ "fid=fopen(fname3, 'w', 'n', 'UTF-8');",
+ "fprintf(fid, '%s\\n', version);",
+ "fclose(fid);",
+ "exit\"")))
+ matlabValue <-
+ system(matlabCall, ignore.stdout = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
+ if (matlabValue != 0) {
+ smoothed.matlab <- NULL
+ matlabVersion <- NULL
+ } else {
+ smoothed.matlab <- as.matrix(read.table(fname2))
+ con <- file(fname3, "r", encoding="UTF-8")
+ matlabVersion <- readLines(con)
+ close(con)
+ }
+ unlink(fnames)
+} else {
+ matlabValue <- NULL
+ smoothed.matlab <- NULL
+ matlabVersion <- " (R2014a)" # tested ok on 2014-05-12
+## ----"R-matlab-compare", cache=FALSE, error=FALSE------------------------
+if (isTRUE(TRY_MATLAB) && matlabValue == 0) {
+ stopifnot(identical(as.numeric(dim(smoothed.R)), c(100, 101)),
+ identical(as.numeric(dim(smoothed.matlab)), c(100, 101)))
+ ## Compare Matlab and R results with all.equal, one column (value of
+ ## smoothing parameter from P) at a time
+ allEqual <- logical(101)
+ for (i in seq_len(101)) {
+ allEqual[i] <- isTRUE(all.equal(smoothed.matlab[, i], smoothed.R[, i]))
+ }
+ ## A difference in spline smoothing results between dplR and MATLAB
+ ## (when results from MATLAB are available) will stop the document
+ ## from compiling.
+ stopifnot(all(allEqual))
+## ----"smoothed-caption", cache=FALSE-------------------------------------
+ paste("Spline with different values of smoothing parameter",
+ "\\texttt{p} fitted to a noisy sine wave")
+## ----"smoothed", opts.label="myfigures", fig.width=PAGE_WIDTH, fig.height=PAGE_WIDTH, fig.cap=SMOOTHED_CAPTION, dependson="smoothed-R", cache.vars=character(0)----
+## Plot the input series and a few output series
+COLORS <- c("black", colorschemes$Categorical.12[c(10, 2, 6, 8)])
+mar <- par("mar")
+mar <- mar - 1.5
+mar[1] <- mar[1] - 0.3
+mar[3] <- mar[3] + 0.3
+op <- par(lwd = 3, mgp = c(2, 0.75, 0), xpd = NA, mar = mar)
+plot(smoothed.R[, 101], ylab = "", col = COLORS[1])
+LTY <- c("solid", "solid", "dashed", "solid")
+lines(smoothed.R[, 91], col = COLORS[2], lty=LTY[1])
+lines(smoothed.R[, 51], col = COLORS[3], lty=LTY[2])
+lines(smoothed.R[, 11], col = COLORS[4], lty=LTY[3])
+lines(smoothed.R[, 1], col = COLORS[5], lty=LTY[4])
+usr <- par("usr")
+legend(usr[1], usr[4], xjust = 0, yjust = 0, cex = 0.85,
+ legend = paste("\\texttt{p} =",
+ c("1 (input)", "0.9", "0.5", "0.1", "0")),
+ col = COLORS,
+ lty = c(NA, LTY),
+ pch = c(1, rep.int(NA, 4)), ncol = 3,
+ bty = "n")
+## ----"matlab-version", cache=FALSE---------------------------------------
+if (isTRUE(TRY_MATLAB) && matlabValue == 0) {
+ matlabVersionText <- paste0("(version ", latexify2(matlabVersion), ")")
+## ----"matlab-note", cache=FALSE, message=FALSE---------------------------
+matlabNoteText <- if (!isTRUE(TRY_MATLAB)) {
+ message(paste("Set TRY_MATLAB=TRUE and re-knit the document to repeat the comparison.",
+ "MATLAB with Curve Fitting Toolbox required.", sep="\n"))
+ ""
+} else if (matlabValue != 0) {
+ if (matlabValue == 127) {
+ msg <- "MATLAB could not be run."
+ LaTeXmsg <- "\\textsc{matlab} could not be run."
+ } else if (matlabValue == 1) {
+ msg <- "Function csaps in MATLAB could not be run."
+ LaTeXmsg <-
+ "Function \\texttt{csaps} in \\textsc{matlab} could not be run."
+ } else {
+ msg <- "Unexpected problem with system(\"matlab...\")."
+ LaTeXmsg <- "Unexpected problem with \\texttt{system(\"matlab...\")}."
+ }
+ message(msg)
+ sprintf(paste0("\\textbf{",
+ "A problem occurred when the document was compiled:",
+ "} \\textcolor{red}{%s}"), LaTeXmsg)
+} else {
+ "The result was reproduced when this document was compiled."
+## ----gini-rmd, echo=TRUE, tidy=FALSE, cache=FALSE------------------------
+## Gini index is one half of relative mean difference.
+## x should not have NA values.
+gini.rmd <- function(x) {
+ mean(abs(outer(x, x, "-"))) / mean(x) * 0.5
Added: pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.Rnw.txt
--- pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.Rnw.txt (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/inst/doc/math-dplR.Rnw.txt 2014-05-12 18:53:38 UTC (rev 864)
@@ -0,0 +1,907 @@
+% -*- mode: noweb; noweb-default-code-mode: R-mode; -*-
+%\VignetteIndexEntry{Mathematical Details of Functions in dplR}
+% Using \Vignette* directives above as if this was a regular vignette.
+% However, processing the document takes a long time (~ 50 minutes on
+% an Intel i5-3470 CPU) and an external non-free program (MATLAB) is
+% suggested (see below). Therefore a static PDF is provided instead
+% of compiling the document every time when R CMD build or R CMD check
+% is run on the package.
+% Build instructions (or go straight to build-math-dplR.R)
+% 0. Rename this file to math-dplR.Rnw
+% 1. Compile ("knit") with knitr (R prompt).
+% library(knitr)
+% knit("math-dplR.Rnw", encoding = "UTF-8")
+% purl("math-dplR.Rnw") # optional, extracts R code
+% NOTE that files will be created in the current working directory and
+% its subdirectories "cache" and "figures".
+% 2. Compile the file to .pdf (R prompt).
+% tools::texi2pdf("math-dplR.tex")
+% Additionally, the .pdf file may be compacted by running
+% tools::compactPDF("math-dplR.pdf", gs_quality = "ebook")
+% Requirements
+% 1. For knitting:
+% - R packages "dichromat", "dplR" (this package), "knitr" and "tikzDevice"
+% - R packages "graphics" and "stats" which should always be available
+% - Suggested: MATLAB with Curve Fitting Toolbox (system() call to "matlab")
+% NOTE: MATLAB is used for checking the equivalence of results from
+% ffcsaps in dplR and csaps in MATLAB. If TRY_MATLAB (below) is FALSE,
+% the comparison will be skipped which will be noted in the
+% document. A flip of coin (any change) is needed in the
+% "flip-to-retry" chunk below to invalidate the cached (possibly
+% failed / skipped) result of the comparison.
+% 2. For LaTeXing
+% - a modern TeX distribution, e.g. TeX Live.
+% - required packages are listed below (\usepackage). The xcolor
+% package is also needed. The required packages also have other
+% dependencies which increases the total number of packages
+% required. A TeX Live installation, for example, should have all of
+% the required packages.
+<<"try-matlab", echo=FALSE, results="hide">>=
+<<"flip-to-retry", echo=FALSE, results="hide", cache=TRUE>>=
+<<"packages", echo=FALSE, results="hide">>=
+library(dplR) # latexify(), latexDate()
+latexify2 <- function(x) latexify(x, doublebackslash = FALSE)
+ pdfauthor = {Mikko Korpela},
+ \hypersetup{
+ pdftitle = {\@title},
+ pdfsubject = {Dendrochronology Program Library in R},
+ pdfkeywords = {dendrochronology, dplR, R, Gini, Spline},
+ }
+\title{Mathematical Details of Functions in dplR}
+\author{Mikko Korpela}
+\date{\small Processed in \Sexpr{latexify2(R.version.string)} on
+ \Sexpr{latexDate()}}
+% This initialization chunk is probably not interesting for people
+% extracting the R code from the document. Therefore purl=FALSE.
+<<"knitr-init", echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE, purl=FALSE>>=
+## Use xcolor instead of color.
+## This kludge removes the following warning:
+## Package xcolor Warning: Incompatible color definition on input line xx.
+## where xx is a line number of the .tex file produced by knitr.
+## Another solution is to put something like
+## \definecolor{fgcolor}{rgb}{0.345, 0.345, 0.345}
+## after the line where tikz and xcolor (loaded by tikz) are loaded.
+## This substitution of color with xcolor (although a bit ugly)
+## looks neater to me.
+knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) {
+ sub("(\\usepackage(\\[[^]]*\\])?)\\{color\\}", "\\1{xcolor}", x)
+opts_chunk$set(cache = 2)
+opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
+opts_chunk$set(cache.path = "cache/") # default (at the time of writing)
+% Figure sizes and device used may be interesting. Therefore we keep
+% the default (TRUE) value of the purl option. Compare to the chunk
+% above where purl=FALSE.
+<<"knitr-init-fig", echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE>>=
+PAGE_WIDTH <- 4.74
+PAGE_HEIGHT <- 8.22
+opts_template$set(myfigures=list(fig.path = "figure/", fig.pos = "tbp",
+ fig.align = "center", fig.lp = "fig:", dev = "tikz"))
+## Helper function used in ffcsaps2
+inc <- function(from, to) {
+ if (is.numeric(to) && is.numeric(from) && to >= from) {
+ seq(from=from, to=to)
+ } else {
+ integer(length=0)
+ }
+## Copied from ffcsaps() in dplR/R/ffcsaps.R,
+## with the following additions:
+## - As an alternative to nyrs and f, smoothing parameter p
+## can be directly specified as an argument to the function
+## - altP = TRUE activates a different (incompatible) formula
+## for computing p as a function of nyrs and f
+ffcsaps2 <- function(y, x=seq_along(y), nyrs=length(y)/2, f=0.5,
+ p, altP = FALSE) {
+### support functions
+ ffppual <- function(breaks, c1, c2, c3, c4, x, left){
+ if (left){
+ ix <- order(x)
+ x2 <- x[ix]
+ } else{
+ x2 <- x
+ }
+ n.breaks <- length(breaks)
+ if (left) {
+ ## index[i] is maximum of a and b:
+ ## a) number of elements in 'breaks[-n.breaks]' that are
+ ## less than or equal to x2[i],
+ ## b) 1
+ index <- pmax(ffsorted(breaks[-n.breaks], x2), 1)
+ } else {
+ ## index[i] is:
+ ## 1 + number of elements in 'breaks[-1]' that are
+ ## less than x2[i]
+ index <- ffsorted2(breaks[-1], x2)
+ }
+ x2 <- x2 - breaks[index]
+ v <- x2 * (x2 * (x2 * c1[index] + c2[index]) + c3[index]) + c4[index]
+ if (left)
+ v[ix] <- v
+ v
+ }
+ ffsorted <- function(meshsites, sites) {
+ index <- order(c(meshsites, sites))
+ which(index > length(meshsites)) - seq_along(sites)
+ }
+ ffsorted2 <- function(meshsites, sites) {
+ index <- order(c(sites, meshsites))
+ which(index <= length(sites)) - seq(from=0, to=length(sites)-1)
+ }
+ ## Creates a sparse matrix A of size n x n.
+ ## The columns of B are set to the diagonals of A so that column k
+ ## becomes the diagonal in position d[k] relative to the main
+ ## diagonal (zero d[k] is the main diagonal, positive d[k] is
+ ## above, negative is below the main diagonal).
+ ## A value on column j in A comes from row j in B.
+ ## This is similar in function to spdiags(B, d, n, n) in MATLAB.
+ spdiags <- function(B, d, n) {
+ n.d <- length(d)
+ A <- matrix(0, n.d * n, 3)
+ count <- 0
+ for(k in seq_len(n.d)){
+ this.diag <- d[k]
+ i <- inc(max(1, 1 - this.diag), min(n, n - this.diag)) # row
+ n.i <- length(i)
+ if(n.i > 0){
+ j <- i + this.diag # column
+ row.idx <- seq(from=count+1, by=1, length.out=n.i)
+ A[row.idx, 1] <- i
+ A[row.idx, 2] <- j
+ A[row.idx, 3] <- B[j, k]
+ count <- count + n.i
+ }
+ }
+ A <- A[A[, 3] != 0, , drop=FALSE]
+ A[order(A[, 2], A[, 1]), , drop=FALSE]
+ }
+### start main function
+ y2 <- as.numeric(y)
+ ## If as.numeric() does not signal an error, it is unlikely that
+ ## the result would not be numeric, but...
+ if(!is.numeric(y2)) stop("'y' must be coercible to a numeric vector")
+ x2 <- as.numeric(x)
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/dplr -r 864
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