[Dplr-commits] r792 - in pkg/dplR: . R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Apr 8 22:01:09 CEST 2014

Author: andybunn
Date: 2014-04-08 22:01:08 +0200 (Tue, 08 Apr 2014)
New Revision: 792

detrend fixd to inlcude Ar. Still

Modified: pkg/dplR/ChangeLog
--- pkg/dplR/ChangeLog	2014-04-08 16:58:14 UTC (rev 791)
+++ pkg/dplR/ChangeLog	2014-04-08 20:01:08 UTC (rev 792)
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
 - Added plot.rwl as an S3Method.
 - Added summary.rwl as an S3Method.
+File: detrend.R and detrend.series.R
+- Added an Ar detrend method.
 File: powt.R
 - Originally, the transformed series were rescaled to their

Modified: pkg/dplR/R/detrend.R
--- pkg/dplR/R/detrend.R	2014-04-08 16:58:14 UTC (rev 791)
+++ pkg/dplR/R/detrend.R	2014-04-08 20:01:08 UTC (rev 792)
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 `detrend` <-
     function(rwl, y.name = names(rwl), make.plot = FALSE,
-             method=c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean"),
+             method=c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean", "Ar"),
              nyrs = NULL, f = 0.5, pos.slope = FALSE,
              constrain.modnegexp = c("never", "when.fail", "always"))
     stopifnot(identical(make.plot, TRUE) || identical(make.plot, FALSE),
               identical(pos.slope, FALSE) || identical(pos.slope, TRUE))
-    known.methods <- c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean")
+    known.methods <- c("Spline", "ModNegExp", "Mean", "Ar")
     constrain2 <- match.arg(constrain.modnegexp)
     method2 <- match.arg(arg = method,
                          choices = known.methods,

Added: pkg/dplR/dplR-Ex.R
--- pkg/dplR/dplR-Ex.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/dplR/dplR-Ex.R	2014-04-08 20:01:08 UTC (rev 792)
@@ -0,0 +1,1359 @@
+pkgname <- "dplR"
+source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
+options(warn = 1)
+base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
+### * bai.in
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: bai.in
+### Title: Basal Area Increment (Inside Out)
+### Aliases: bai.in
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+## Toy
+n <- 100
+## Make three fake tree-ring series to show that these funcs work on rwl objects
+base.series <- 0.75 + exp(-0.2 * 1:n)
+rwl <- data.frame(x1 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)),
+                  x2 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)),
+                  x3 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)))
+## The inside out method
+foo <- bai.in(rwl = rwl)
+## The outside in method
+bar <- bai.out(rwl = rwl)
+## Identical
+## Use gp data
+foo <- bai.in(rwl = gp.rwl, d2pith = gp.d2pith)
+foo.crn <- chron(foo)
+yr <- as.numeric(rownames(foo.crn))
+plot(yr, foo.crn[, 1], type = "n",
+     xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(mm^2))
+lines(yr, foo.crn[, 1], col = "grey", lty = "dashed")
+lines(yr, ffcsaps(foo.crn[, 1], nyrs = 32), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+### * bai.out
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: bai.out
+### Title: Basal Area Increment (Outside In)
+### Aliases: bai.out
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+## Not run: 
+##D library(graphics)
+##D ## Toy
+##D n <- 100
+##D ## Make three fake tree-ring series to show that these funcs work on rwl objects
+##D base.series <- 0.75 + exp(-0.2 * 1:n)
+##D rwl <- data.frame(x1 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)),
+##D                   x2 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)),
+##D                   x3 = base.series + abs(rnorm(n, 0, 0.05)))
+##D ## The inside out method
+##D foo <- bai.in(rwl = rwl)
+##D ## The outside in method
+##D bar <- bai.out(rwl = rwl)
+##D ## Identical
+##D head(bar)
+##D head(foo)
+## End(Not run)
+## Use gp data
+## dbh (minus the bark) from cm to mm 
+gp.dbh2 <- gp.dbh[, 1:2]
+gp.dbh2[, 2] <- (gp.dbh[, 2] - gp.dbh[, 3]) * 10
+bar <- bai.out(rwl = gp.rwl, diam = gp.dbh2)
+bar.crn <- chron(bar)
+yr <- as.numeric(rownames(bar.crn))
+plot(yr, bar.crn[, 1], type = "n",
+     xlab = "Year", ylab = expression(mm^2))
+lines(yr, bar.crn[, 1], col = "grey", lty = "dashed")
+lines(yr, ffcsaps(bar.crn[, 1], nyrs = 32), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+### * ccf.series.rwl
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: ccf.series.rwl
+### Title: Cross-Correlation between a Series and a Master Chronology
+### Aliases: ccf.series.rwl
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+dat <- co021
+## Create a missing ring by deleting a year of growth in a random series
+flagged <- dat$"641143"
+flagged <- c(NA, flagged[-325])
+names(flagged) <- rownames(dat)
+dat$"641143" <- NULL
+ccf.100 <- ccf.series.rwl(rwl = dat, series = flagged, seg.length = 100)
+### * chron
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: chron
+### Title: Build Mean Value Chronology
+### Aliases: chron
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM")
+## With residual chron
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM", prewhiten = TRUE)
+### * cms
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: cms
+### Title: C-Method Standardization
+### Aliases: cms
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+gp.rwi <- cms(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po)
+gp.crn <- chron(gp.rwi)
+crn.plot(gp.crn, add.spline = TRUE)
+## c.hat
+gp.rwi <- cms(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po, c.hat.t = TRUE, c.hat.i = TRUE)
+dotchart(gp.rwi$c.hat.i, ylab = "Series", xlab = expression(hat(c)[i]))
+tmp <- gp.rwi$c.hat.t
+plot(tmp[, 1], type = "n", ylim = range(tmp, na.rm = TRUE),
+     xlab = "Cambial Age", ylab = expression(hat(c)[t]))
+apply(tmp, 2, lines)
+### * combine.rwl
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: combine.rwl
+### Title: Combine Tree-Ring Data Sets
+### Aliases: combine.rwl
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+combine.rwl(list(ca533, co021))
+## or alternatively for data.frames to combine
+combine.rwl(ca533, co021)
+### * common.interval
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: common.interval
+### Title: Common Interval
+### Aliases: common.interval
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+co021.s <- common.interval(co021, type="series", make.plot=TRUE)
+co021.y <- common.interval(co021, type="years", make.plot=TRUE)
+co021.b <- common.interval(co021, type="both", make.plot=TRUE)
+dim.s <- dim(co021.s)
+dim.s       # the highest number of series
+prod(dim.s) #   (33 series x 288 years = 9504)
+dim.y <- dim(co021.y)
+dim.y       # the highest number of years
+prod(dim.y) #   (27 series x 458 years = 12366)
+dim.b <- dim(co021.b)
+dim.b       # compromise solution
+prod(dim.b) #   (28 series x 435 years = 12180)
+### * corr.rwl.seg
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: corr.rwl.seg
+### Title: Compute Correlations between Series
+### Aliases: corr.rwl.seg
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+corr.rwl.seg(co021, seg.length = 100, label.cex = 1.25)
+### * corr.series.seg
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: corr.series.seg
+### Title: Compute Correlation between a Series and a Master Chronology
+### Aliases: corr.series.seg
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+dat <- co021
+## Create a missing ring by deleting a year of growth in a random series
+flagged <- dat$"641143"
+flagged <- c(NA, flagged[-325])
+names(flagged) <- rownames(dat)
+dat$"641143" <- NULL
+seg.100 <- corr.series.seg(rwl = dat, series = flagged,
+                           seg.length = 100, biweight = FALSE)
+### * crn.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: crn.plot
+### Title: Plot a Tree-Ring Chronology
+### Aliases: crn.plot chron.plot
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+# with added spline
+chron.plot(cana157,add.spline=TRUE, nyrs=32)
+## Without sample depth
+cana157.mod <- cana157
+cana157.mod$samp.depth <- NULL
+crn.plot(cana157.mod, add.spline = TRUE)
+## With multiple chronologies
+gp.rwi <- cms(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po)
+gp.crn <- chron(gp.rwi,prefix="GP",prewhiten=TRUE)
+crn.plot(gp.crn, add.spline = TRUE)
+## Not run: 
+##D   # not pretty - but illustrates the coloring options
+##D   my.cols <- c("#3182BD","#9ECAE1","#DEEBF7","#31A354","#A1D99B","#E5F5E0")
+##D   chron.plot(cana157,add.spline=TRUE,nyrs=32,
+##D              crn.line.col=my.cols[5],
+##D              spline.line.col=my.cols[4],
+##D              samp.depth.col=my.cols[3],
+##D              samp.depth.border.col=my.cols[2],
+##D              abline.col=my.cols[1],
+##D              crn.lwd=1.5,spline.lwd=3,
+##D              abline.lwd=1)
+##D   # a raw ring-width chronology
+##D   data(ca533)
+##D   ca533.raw.crn <- chron(ca533, prefix = "CAM")
+##D   chron.plot(ca533.raw.crn,abline.pos=NULL,ylab='mm')  
+## End(Not run)
+### * detrend
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: detrend
+### Title: Detrend Multiple Ring-Width Series Simultaneously
+### Aliases: detrend
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+## Detrend using modified expontential decay. Returns a data.frame
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+## Not run: 
+##D library(grDevices)
+##D ## Detrend using all methods. Returns a list
+##D ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533)
+##D ## Save a pdf of all series
+##D pdf("foo.pdf")
+##D ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = c("Spline", "ModNegExp"),
+##D                      make.plot = TRUE)
+##D dev.off()
+## End(Not run)
+### * detrend.series
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: detrend.series
+### Title: Detrend a Ring-Width Series
+### Aliases: detrend.series
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+## Using a plausible representation of a tree-ring series
+gt <- 0.5 * exp (-0.05 * 1:200) + 0.2
+noise <- c(arima.sim(model = list(ar = 0.7), n = 200, mean = 1, sd = 0.5))
+series <- gt * noise
+series.rwi <- detrend.series(y = series, y.name = "Foo")
+## Use series CAM011 from the Campito dataset
+series <- ca533[, "CAM011"]
+names(series) <- rownames(ca533)
+series.rwi <- detrend.series(y = series, y.name = "CAM011")
+### * ffcsaps
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: ffcsaps
+### Title: Smoothing Spline with User-Specified Rigidity and Frequency
+###   Cutoff
+### Aliases: ffcsaps
+### Keywords: smooth
+### ** Examples
+## Not run: 
+##D library(graphics)
+##D ## Use series CAM011 from the Campito dataset
+##D data(ca533)
+##D series <- ca533[, "CAM011"]
+##D series <- series[!is.na(series)]
+##D plot(series, type = "l", ylab = "Ring Width (mm)", col = "grey")
+##D lines(ffcsaps(series, nyrs = 32), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+##D lines(ffcsaps(series, nyrs = 64), col = "green", lwd = 2)
+##D lines(ffcsaps(series, nyrs = 128), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
+## End(Not run)
+## Use first series from the Mesa Verde dataset
+series <- co021[, 1]
+series <- series[!is.na(series)]
+plot(series, type = "l", ylab = "Ring Width (mm)", col = "grey")
+lines(ffcsaps(series, nyrs = 32), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+lines(ffcsaps(series, nyrs = 64), col = "green", lwd = 2)
+## nyrs defaults to 0.5*length(series) == 347
+lines(ffcsaps(series), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
+       c("Series", "nyrs=32", "nyrs=64",
+         paste("Default nyrs (", length(series) / 2, ")", sep="")),
+       fill=c("grey", "red", "green", "blue"))
+### * fill.internal.NA
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: fill.internal.NA
+### Title: Fill Internal NA
+### Aliases: fill.internal.NA
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+foo <- data.frame(x1=c(rnorm(5), NA, NA, rnorm(3)),
+                  x2=c(rnorm(10)),
+                  x3=c(NA, NA, rnorm(3), NA, rnorm(4)),
+                  x4=c(NA, NA, rnorm(3), NA, rnorm(3), NA),
+                  x5=c(NA, NA, rnorm(8)),
+                  x6=c(NA, rnorm(9)),
+                  x7=c(NA, rnorm(5), NA, rnorm(3)),
+                  x8=c(rnorm(8), NA, NA),
+                  x9=c(rnorm(5), NA, rnorm(3), NA))
+row.names(foo) <- 1901:1910
+fill.internal.NA(foo, fill=0)
+bar <- fill.internal.NA(foo, fill="Spline")
+baz <- fill.internal.NA(foo, fill="Linear")
+## note differences in method "Spline" vs. "Linear"
+yrs <- as.numeric(row.names(foo))
+plot(yrs, foo$x7, type="b", lwd=3)
+lines(yrs, bar$x7, col="red", lwd=2)
+lines(yrs, baz$x7, col="green", lwd=1)
+### * gini.coef
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: gini.coef
+### Title: Calculate the Gini Coefficient
+### Aliases: gini.coef
+### Keywords: univar
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM")
+### * glk
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: glk
+### Title: Calculate Gleichläufigkeit
+### Aliases: glk
+### Keywords: ts
+### ** Examples
+ca533.glk <- glk(ca533)
+mean(ca533.glk, na.rm = TRUE)
+### * hanning
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: hanning
+### Title: Hanning Filter
+### Aliases: hanning
+### Keywords: ts
+### ** Examples
+yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(ca533))
+y <- ca533[, 1]
+not.na <- !is.na(y)
+yrs <- yrs[not.na]
+y <- y[not.na]
+plot(yrs, y, xlab = "Years", ylab = "Series1 (mm)",
+     type = "l", col = "grey")
+lines(yrs, hanning(y, n = 9), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+lines(yrs, hanning(y, n = 21), col = "blue", lwd = 2)
+legend("topright", c("Series", "n=9", "n=21"),
+       fill=c("grey", "red", "blue"))
+### * morlet
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: morlet
+### Title: Perform a Continuous Morlet Wavelet Transform
+### Aliases: morlet
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM", prewhiten = FALSE)
+Years <- as.numeric(rownames(ca533.crn))
+CAMstd <- ca533.crn[, 1]
+out.wave <- morlet(y1 = CAMstd, x1 = Years, dj = 0.1, siglvl = 0.99)
+### * plot.rwl
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: plot.rwl
+### Title: Plotting rwl objects
+### Aliases: plot.rwl
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+### * po.to.wc
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: po.to.wc
+### Title: Convert Pith Offset to Wood Completeness
+### Aliases: po.to.wc
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+## Not run: 
+##D data(gp.po)
+##D all(wc.to.po(po.to.wc(gp.po)) == gp.po)
+## End(Not run)
+### * pointer
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: pointer
+### Title: Calculates Pointer Years from a Group of Ring-Width Series
+### Aliases: pointer
+### ** Examples
+## Pointer years calculation on ring-width series. Returns a data.frame.
+pointer(rwl=gp.rwl, rgv.thresh=10, nseries.thresh=75, round.decimals=2)
+### * powt
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: powt
+### Title: Power Transformation of Tree-Ring Data
+### Aliases: powt
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+gp.pt <- powt(gp.rwl)
+### * print.redfit
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: print.redfit
+### Title: Printing Redfit Results
+### Aliases: print.redfit
+### Keywords: print
+### ** Examples
+t <- as.numeric(row.names(ca533))
+x <- ca533[[1]]
+idx <- which(!is.na(x))
+redf <- redfit(x[idx], t[idx], "time",
+               nsim = 100, iwin = 0, ofac = 1, n50 = 1)
+f <- tempfile()
+print(redf, csv.out = TRUE, file = f)
+redftable <- read.csv(f)
+### * rcs
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: rcs
+### Title: Regional Curve Standardization
+### Aliases: rcs
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+gp.rwi <- rcs(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po, biweight = TRUE,
+              rc.out = TRUE, make.plot = FALSE)
+gp.rwi <- rcs(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po, biweight = TRUE,
+              make.plot = TRUE, main = "Regional Curve")
+### * read.ids
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: read.ids
+### Title: Read Site-Tree-Core IDs
+### Aliases: read.ids autoread.ids
+### Keywords: misc
+### ** Examples
+read.ids(ca533, stc = c(3, 2, 3))
+### * redfit
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: redfit
+### Title: Red-Noise Spectra of Time-Series
+### Aliases: redfit runcrit
+### Keywords: ts htest
+### ** Examples
+# Create a simulated tree-ring width series that has a red-noise
+# background ar1=phi and sd=sigma and an embedded signal with 
+# a period of 10 and an amplitude of have the rednoise sd.
+nyrs <- 500
+yrs <- 1:nyrs
+# Here is an ar1 time series with a mean of 2mm,
+# an ar1 of phi, and sd of sigma
+phi <- 0.7
+sigma <- 0.3
+sigma0 <- sqrt((1 - phi^2) * sigma^2)
+x <- arima.sim(list(ar = phi), n = nyrs, sd = sigma0) + 2
+# Here is a sine wave at f=0.1 to add in with an amplitude
+# equal to half the sd of the red noise background
+per <- 10
+amp <- sigma0 / 2
+wav <- amp * sin(2 * pi / per * yrs)
+# Add them together so we have signal and noise
+x <- x + wav
+# Here is the redfit spec
+redf.x <- redfit(x, nsim = 500)
+op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # Save to reset on exit
+par(tcl = 0.5, mar = rep(2.2, 4), mgp = c(1.1, 0.1, 0))
+plot(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]],
+     ylim = range(redf.x[["ci99"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]]),
+     type = "n", ylab = "Spectrum (dB)", xlab = "Frequency (1/yr)",
+     axes = FALSE)
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]], col = "#1B9E77")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci99"]], col = "#D95F02")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci95"]], col = "#7570B3")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci90"]], col = "#E7298A")
+freqs <- pretty(redf.x[["freq"]])
+pers <- round(1 / freqs, 2)
+axis(1, at = freqs, labels = TRUE)
+axis(3, at = freqs, labels = pers)
+mtext(text = "Period (yr)", side = 3, line = 1.1)
+axis(2); axis(4)
+legend("topright", c("x", "CI99", "CI95", "CI90"), lwd = 2,
+       col = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A"),
+       bg = "white")
+# Second example with tree-ring data
+# Note the long-term low-freq signal in the data. E.g.,
+# crn.plot(cana157)
+yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(cana157))
+x <- cana157[, 1]
+redf.x <- redfit(x, nsim = 1000)
+# Acceptance region of number of runs test
+# (not useful with default arguments of redfit())
+plot(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]],
+     ylim = range(redf.x[["ci99"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]]),
+     type = "n", ylab = "Spectrum (dB)", xlab = "Frequency (1/yr)",
+     axes = FALSE)
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["gxxc"]], col = "#1B9E77")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci99"]], col = "#D95F02")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci95"]], col = "#7570B3")
+lines(redf.x[["freq"]], redf.x[["ci90"]], col = "#E7298A")
+freqs <- pretty(redf.x[["freq"]])
+pers <- round(1 / freqs, 2)
+axis(1, at = freqs, labels = TRUE)
+axis(3, at = freqs, labels = pers)
+mtext(text = "Period (yr)", side = 3, line = 1.1)
+axis(2); axis(4)
+legend("topright", c("x", "CI99", "CI95", "CI90"), lwd = 2,
+       col = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3", "#E7298A"),
+       bg = "white")
+graphics::par(get("par.postscript", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))
+### * rwi.stats.running
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: rwi.stats.running
+### Title: (Running Window) Statistics on Detrended Ring-Width Series
+### Aliases: rwi.stats.running rwi.stats rwi.stats.legacy
+### Keywords: misc
+### ** Examples
+gp.rwi <- cms(rwl = gp.rwl, po = gp.po)
+gp.ids <- read.ids(gp.rwl, stc = c(0, 2, 1))
+# On a running window
+rwi.stats.running(gp.rwi, gp.ids)
+## With no running window (i.e. running.window = FALSE)
+rwi.stats(gp.rwi, gp.ids)
+## Restrict to common overlap (in this case 1899 to 1987)
+rwi.stats(gp.rwi, gp.ids, period="common")
+rwi.stats.legacy(gp.rwi, gp.ids) # rwi.stats prior to dplR 1.5.3
+## Not run: 
+##D   library(graphics)
+##D   def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
+##D   ## Plot the chronology showing a potential cutoff year based on EPS
+##D   eps.cut <- 0.92 # An arbitrary EPS cutoff for demonstration
+##D   gp.crn <- chron(gp.rwi)
+##D   ## Running stats on the rwi with an window
+##D   foo <- rwi.stats.running(gp.rwi, gp.ids, window.length = 80)
+##D   yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(gp.crn))
+##D   bar <- data.frame(yrs = c(min(yrs), foo$mid.year, max(yrs)),
+##D                     eps = c(NA, foo$eps, NA))
+##D   par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2), mgp = c(1.1, 0.1, 0), tcl = 0.25,
+##D       mfcol = c(2, 1),xaxs='i')
+##D   plot(yrs, gp.crn[, 1], type = "n", xlab = "Year", ylab = "RWI",
+##D        axes=FALSE)
+##D   xx <- c(500, 500, max(bar$yrs[bar$eps < eps.cut], na.rm = TRUE),
+##D           max(bar$yrs[bar$eps < eps.cut], na.rm = TRUE))
+##D   yy <- c(-1, 3, 3, -1)
+##D   polygon(xx, yy, col = "grey80")
+##D   abline(h = 1, lwd = 1.5)
+##D   lines(yrs, gp.crn[, 1], col = "grey50")
+##D   lines(yrs, ffcsaps(gp.crn[, 1], nyrs = 32), col = "red", lwd = 2)
+##D   axis(1);axis(2);axis(3);
+##D   par(new = TRUE)
+##D   ## Add EPS
+##D   plot(bar$yrs, bar$eps, type = "b", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
+##D        pch = 20, col = "blue")
+##D   axis(4,at = pretty(foo$eps))
+##D   mtext("EPS", side = 4, line = 1.1)
+##D   axis(4,at = pretty(foo$eps))
+##D   box()
+##D   ## Second plot is the chronology after the cut off only
+##D   ## Chronology is rebuilt using just years after cutoff but
+##D   ## that difference is essentially nil.
+##D   yr.mask <- yrs > max(bar$yrs[bar$eps<eps.cut], na.rm = TRUE)
+##D   yrs2 <- yrs[yr.mask]
+##D   gp.crn2 <- chron(gp.rwi[yr.mask,])
+##D   plot(yrs2, gp.crn2[, 1], type = "n",
+##D        xlab = "Year", ylab = "RWI",axes=FALSE)
+##D   abline(h = 1, lwd = 1.5)
+##D   lines(yrs2, gp.crn2[, 1], col = "grey50")
+##D   lines(yrs2, ffcsaps(gp.crn2[, 1], nyrs = 32),
+##D         col = "red", lwd = 2)
+##D   axis(1);axis(2);axis(3);axis(4)
+##D   box()
+##D   par(def.par)
+## End(Not run)
+### * rwl.stats
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: rwl.stats
+### Title: Calculate Descriptive Statistics on Ring-Width Series
+### Aliases: rwl.stats
+### Keywords: misc
+### ** Examples
+### * sea
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: sea
+### Title: Superposed Epoch Analysis
+### Aliases: sea
+### Keywords: ts
+### ** Examples
+event.years <- c(1631, 1742, 1845)
+cana157.sea <- sea(cana157, event.years)
+foo <- cana157.sea$se.unscaled
+names(foo) <- cana157.sea$lag
+barplot(foo, col = ifelse(cana157.sea$p < 0.05, "grey30", "grey75"), 
+        ylab = "RWI", xlab = "Superposed Epoch")
+### * seg.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: seg.plot
+### Title: Segment Plot
+### Aliases: seg.plot
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+seg.plot(co021, main = "Campito Mountain")
+### * sens1
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: sens1
+### Title: Calculate Mean Sensitivity
+### Aliases: sens1
+### Keywords: univar
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+sens1(ca533.rwi[, 1])
+### * sens2
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: sens2
+### Title: Calculate Mean Sensitivity on Series with a Trend
+### Aliases: sens2
+### Keywords: univar
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+sens2(ca533.rwi[, 1])
+### * series.rho
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: series.rho
+### Title: Calculate an individual indidual series correlation against a
+###   master chronology in an rwl object
+### Aliases: series.rho
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+foo <- series.rho(gp.rwl)
+# compare to: 
+# corr.rwl.seg(rwl=gp.rwl)$overall
+# two measures of interseries correlation
+# compare series.rho to rbar from rwi.stats
+gp.ids <- read.ids(gp.rwl, stc = c(0, 2, 1))
+bar <- rwi.stats(gp.rwl, gp.ids, prewhiten=TRUE)
+### * series.rwl.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: series.rwl.plot
+### Title: Plot Series and a Master
+### Aliases: series.rwl.plot
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+dat <- co021
+flagged <- dat$"646244"
+names(flagged) <- rownames(dat)
+dat$"646107" <- NULL
+foo <- series.rwl.plot(rwl = dat, series = flagged, seg.length = 100,
+                       n = 5)
+## note effect of n on first year in the series
+foo <- series.rwl.plot(rwl = dat, series = flagged, seg.length = 100,
+                       n = 13, prewhiten = FALSE)
+bar <- series.rwl.plot(rwl = dat, series = flagged, seg.length = 100,
+                       n = 7, prewhiten = FALSE)
+### * skel.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: skel.plot
+### Title: Skeleton Plot
+### Aliases: skel.plot
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+x <- co021[,33]
+x.yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(co021))
+x.name <- colnames(co021)[33]
+## On a raw ring width series - undated
+## On a raw ring width series - dated with names
+skel.plot(x, yr.vec = x.yrs, sname = x.name, master = TRUE)
+## Not run: 
+##D ## Try cross-dating
+##D y <- co021[, 11]
+##D y.yrs <- as.numeric(rownames(co021))
+##D y.name <- colnames(co021)[11]
+##D ## send to postscript - 3 pages total
+##D postscript("xdating.examp.ps")
+##D ## "Master series" with correct calendar dates
+##D skel.plot(x, yr.vec = x.yrs, sname = x.name, master = TRUE)
+##D ## Undated series, try to align with last plot
+##D skel.plot(y)
+##D ## Here's the answer...
+##D skel.plot(y, yr.vec = y.yrs, sname = y.name)
+##D dev.off()
+##D ## alternatively send to pdf
+##D pdf("xdating.examp.pdf", width = 10, height = 7.5, paper = "USr")
+##D skel.plot(x, yr.vec = x.yrs, sname = x.name, master = TRUE)
+##D skel.plot(y)
+##D skel.plot(y, yr.vec = y.yrs, sname = y.name)
+##D dev.off()
+## End(Not run)
+### * spag.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: spag.plot
+### Title: Spaghetti Plot
+### Aliases: spag.plot
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+spag.plot(co021, zfac = 2)
+### * strip.rwl
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: strip.rwl
+### Title: Chronology Stripping by EPS
+### Aliases: strip.rwl
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+anos1.ids <- read.ids(anos1, stc = c(4, 3, 1))
+strip.rwl(anos1, ids = anos1.ids, verbose = TRUE)
+### * tbrm
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: tbrm
+### Title: Calculate Tukey's Biweight Robust Mean
+### Aliases: tbrm
+### Keywords: robust univar
+### ** Examples
+foo <- rnorm(100)
+## Compare
+co021.rwi <- detrend(co021, method = "ModNegExp")
+crn1 <- apply(co021.rwi, 1, tbrm)
+crn2 <- chron(co021.rwi)
+cor(crn1, crn2[, 1])
+### * tridas.vocabulary
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: tridas.vocabulary
+### Title: Browse and Check Standard TRiDaS Vocabulary
+### Aliases: tridas.vocabulary
+### Keywords: utilities
+### ** Examples
+## Show all entries in category "measuring method"
+tridas.vocabulary(category = "measuring")
+## Show item number one in category "complex presence / absence"
+tridas.vocabulary(category = "complex", idx = 1)
+## Check whether "half section" exists in category "shape"
+tridas.vocabulary(category = "shape", term = "half section",
+                  match.exact = TRUE)
+## Return unabbreviated matches to several queries in category "remark"
+tridas.vocabulary(category = "remark",
+                  term = c("trauma", "fire", "diffuse"))
+### * uuid.gen
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: uuid.gen
+### Title: UUID Generator
+### Aliases: uuid.gen
+### Keywords: utilities
+### ** Examples
+## Normal use
+ug <- uuid.gen()
+uuids <- character(100)
+for(i in 1:100){
+  uuids[i] <- ug()
+length(unique(uuids)) == 100 # TRUE, UUIDs are unique with high probability
+## Do NOT do the following unless you want non-unique IDs
+rs <- .Random.seed
+id1 <- ug()
+id2 <- ug()
+id1 != id2 # FALSE, The UUIDs are the same
+.Random.seed <- rs
+## Strange usage pattern, but will probably produce unique IDs
+ug1 <- uuid.gen("1")
+id1 <- ug1()
+ug2 <- uuid.gen("2")
+id2 <- ug2()
+id1 != id2 # TRUE, The UUIDs are different with high probability
+.Random.seed <- rs
+### * wavelet.plot
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: wavelet.plot
+### Title: Plot a Continuous Wavelet Transform
+### Aliases: wavelet.plot
+### Keywords: hplot
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM", prewhiten = FALSE)
+Years <- as.numeric(rownames(ca533.crn))
+CAMstd <- ca533.crn[, 1]
+out.wave <- morlet(y1 = CAMstd, x1 = Years, p2 = 9, dj = 0.1,
+                   siglvl = 0.99)
+levs <- quantile(out.wave$Power, probs = c(0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.99))
+wavelet.plot(out.wave, wavelet.levels = levs, add.sig = FALSE,
+             key.cols = c("white", "green", "blue", "red"))
+### * wc.to.po
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: wc.to.po
+### Title: Convert Wood Completeness to Pith Offset
+### Aliases: wc.to.po
+### Keywords: manip
+### ** Examples
+all(wc.to.po(po.to.wc(gp.po)) == gp.po)
+### * write.compact
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: write.compact
+### Title: Write DPL Compact Format Ring Width File
+### Aliases: write.compact
+### Keywords: IO
+### ** Examples
+write.compact(rwl.df = co021, fname = "tmp.rwl", append = FALSE,
+              prec = 0.001)
+### * write.crn
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: write.crn
+### Title: Write Tucson Format Chronology File
+### Aliases: write.crn
+### Keywords: IO
+### ** Examples
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM")
+write.crn(ca533.crn, "tmp.crn")
+## Put the standard and residual chronologies in a single file
+## with ITRDB header info on top. Not reccomended.
+ca533.crn <- chron(ca533.rwi, prefix = "CAM", prewhiten = TRUE)
+ca533.hdr <- list(site.id = "CAM", site.name = "Campito Mountain",
+                  spp.code = "PILO", state.country = "California",
+                  spp = "Bristlecone Pine", elev = "3400M", lat = 3730,
+                  long = -11813, first.yr = 626, last.yr = 1983,
+                  lead.invs = "Donald A. Graybill, V.C. LaMarche, Jr.",
+                  comp.date = "Nov1983")
+write.crn(ca533.crn[, -2], "tmp.crn", header = ca533.hdr)
+write.crn(ca533.crn[, -1], "tmp.crn", append = TRUE)
+### * write.rwl
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: write.rwl
+### Title: Write Chronology File
+### Aliases: write.rwl
+### Keywords: IO
+### ** Examples
+co021.hdr <- list(site.id = "CO021",
+                  site.name = "SCHULMAN OLD TREE NO. 1, MESA VERDE",
+                  spp.code = "PSME", state.country = "COLORADO",
+                  spp = "DOUGLAS FIR", elev = 2103, lat = 3712,
+                  long = -10830, first.yr = 1400, last.yr = 1963,
+                  lead.invs = "E. SCHULMAN", comp.date = "")
+write.rwl(rwl.df = co021, fname = "tmp.rwl", format = "tucson",
+          header = co021.hdr, append = FALSE, prec = 0.001)
+### * write.tridas
+flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+### Name: write.tridas
+### Title: Write Tree Ring Data Standard (TRiDaS) file
+### Aliases: write.tridas
+### Keywords: IO
+### ** Examples
+## Write raw ring widths
+write.tridas(rwl.df = co021, fname = "tmp1.xml", prec = 0.01,
+    site.info = list(title = "Schulman old tree no. 1, Mesa Verde",
+                     type = "unknown"),
+    taxon = "Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii (Mirb.) Franco",
+    project.info = list(investigator = "E. Schulman",
+                        title = "", category = "",
+                        period = "", type = "unknown"))
+## Write mean value chronology of detrended ring widths
+ca533.rwi <- detrend(rwl = ca533, method = "ModNegExp")

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/dplr -r 792

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