[Dplr-commits] r671 - in branches/redfit: R src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Aug 29 19:07:57 CEST 2013

Author: mvkorpel
Date: 2013-08-29 19:07:57 +0200 (Thu, 29 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 671

* Variable 'wz' (difference between successive angular frequencies) is
  not used anymore.  Instead, angular frequencies are computed as '2 *
  pi * freq', where 'freq' is a frequency from the frequency vector
  obtained with 'seq(from = 0, to = fnyq, length.out = nfreq)': It's
  best to let R create a vector of evenly spaced frequencies.

* The formula for 'gredth' was also simplified in the same spirit.

* Instead of using 'freq[2]' with the comment 'NB: freq[2] = df', just
  use 'df'.

Change visible to the user: the return value of redfit() no longer
contains $params$wz.

Modified: branches/redfit/R/redfit.R
--- branches/redfit/R/redfit.R	2013-08-29 16:31:57 UTC (rev 670)
+++ branches/redfit/R/redfit.R	2013-08-29 17:07:57 UTC (rev 671)
@@ -211,20 +211,19 @@
     fnyq <- params[["fnyq"]]
     nfreq <- params[["nfreq"]]
     df <- params[["df"]]
-    wz <- params[["wz"]]
     ofac <- params[["ofac"]]
     segskip <- params[["segskip"]]
-    ia <- redfitInitArrays(t, x, params)
+    freq <- seq(from = 0, to = fnyq, length.out = nfreq)
+    ia <- redfitInitArrays(t, x, freq, params)
     ## determine autospectrum of input data
     dn50 <- as.numeric(n50)
     cbindfun <- match.fun("cbind")
     lmfitfun <- tryCatch(match.fun(".lm.fit"),
                          error = function(...) match.fun("lm.fit"))
     gxx <- .Call(dplR.spectr, t, x, np, ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]],
-                 nseg, nfreq, avgdt, wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
-    freq <- seq(from = 0, by = 1, length.out = nfreq) * df
+                 nseg, nfreq, avgdt, freq, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
     ## estimate data variance from autospectrum
-    varx <- freq[2] * sum(gxx)           # NB: freq[2] = df
+    varx <- df * sum(gxx)
     ## dplR: estimate lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient unless prescribed
     if (is.null(rhopre) || rhopre < 0) {
         rho <- redfitGetrho(t, x, np, n50, nseg, avgdt, segskip)
@@ -246,9 +245,9 @@
             grr[, i] <-
                 .Call(dplR.spectr, t, .Call(dplR.makear1, difft, np, tau), np,
                       ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]], nseg, nfreq, avgdt,
-                      wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
+                      freq, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
             ## scale and sum red-noise spectra
-            varr1 <- freq[2] * sum(grr[, i]) # NB: freq[2] = df
+            varr1 <- df * sum(grr[, i])
             grr[, i] <- varx / varr1 * grr[, i]
         grrsum <- rowSums(grr)
@@ -261,9 +260,9 @@
             ## setup AR(1) time series and estimate its spectrum
             grr <- .Call(dplR.spectr, t, .Call(dplR.makear1, difft, np, tau),
                          np, ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]], nseg, nfreq,
-                         avgdt, wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
+                         avgdt, freq, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
             ## scale and sum red-noise spectra
-            varr1 <- freq[2] * sum(grr)      # NB: freq[2] = df
+            varr1 <- df * sum(grr)
             grr <- varx / varr1 * grr
             grrsum <- grrsum + grr
@@ -272,13 +271,14 @@
     ## determine average red-noise spectrum; scale average again to
     ## make sure that roundoff errors do not affect the scaling
     grravg <- grrsum / nsim
-    varr2 <- freq[2] * sum(grravg)
+    varr2 <- df * sum(grravg)
     grravg <- varx / varr2 * grravg
     rhosq <- rho * rho
     ## set theoretical spectrum (e.g., Mann and Lees, 1996, Eq. 4)
     ## make area equal to that of the input time series
-    gredth <- (1 - rhosq) / (1 + rhosq - 2 * rho * cos(pi / fnyq * freq))
-    varr3 <- freq[2] * sum(gredth)
+    gredth <- (1 - rhosq) /
+        (1 + rhosq - 2 * rho * cos(seq(from = 0, to = pi, length.out = nfreq)))
+    varr3 <- df * sum(gredth)
     gredth <- varx / varr3 * gredth
     ## determine correction factor
     corr <- grravg / gredth
@@ -565,21 +565,20 @@
-redfitInitArrays <- function(t, x, params) {
+redfitInitArrays <- function(t, x, freq, params) {
     np <- params[["np"]]
     nseg <- params[["nseg"]]
-    nfreq <- params[["nfreq"]]
+    nfreqM1 <- length(freq) - 1
     n50 <- params[["n50"]]
     iwin <- params[["iwin"]]
-    wz <- params[["wz"]]
     segskip <- params[["segskip"]]
     ww <- matrix(NA_real_, nseg, n50)
-    tsin <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreq - 1, n50))
-    tcos <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreq - 1, n50))
-    wtau <- matrix(NA_real_, nfreq - 1, n50)
+    tsin <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreqM1, n50))
+    tcos <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreqM1, n50))
+    wtau <- matrix(NA_real_, nfreqM1, n50)
     for (i in as.numeric(seq_len(n50))) {
         twk <- t[.Call(dplR.seg50, i, nseg, segskip, np)]
-        tr <- redfitTrig(twk, nseg, wz, nfreq)
+        tr <- redfitTrig(twk, freq)
         ww[, i] <- redfitWinwgt(twk, iwin)
         wtau[, i] <- tr[[3]]
         tsin[, , i] <- tr[[1]]
@@ -616,7 +615,6 @@
     fnyq <- hifac / (2 * avgdt)                 # average Nyquist freq.
     nfreq <- floor(hifac * ofac * nseg / 2 + 1) # f[1] == f0; f[nfreq] == fNyq
     df <- fnyq / (nfreq - 1)                    # freq. spacing
-    wz <- 2 * pi * fnyq / (nfreq - 1)           # omega == 2*pi*f
     if (verbose) {
         cat("    N = ", np, "\n", sep="")
         cat(" t[1] = ", t[1], "\n", sep="")
@@ -627,7 +625,7 @@
     ## dplR: ditched nout (nout == nfreq)
     res <- list(np = np, nseg = nseg, nfreq = nfreq, avgdt = avgdt, df = df,
-                wz = wz, fnyq = fnyq, n50 = n50, ofac = ofac, hifac = hifac,
+                fnyq = fnyq, n50 = n50, ofac = ofac, hifac = hifac,
                 segskip = segskip)
     args <- list(...)
     argnames <- names(args)
@@ -644,19 +642,21 @@
-redfitTrig <- function(tsamp, nn, wz, nfreq) {
+redfitTrig <- function(tsamp, freq) {
     tol1 <- 1.0e-4
-    nfreqM1 <- nfreq - 1
+    nfreqM1 <- length(freq) - 1
+    nn <- length(tsamp)
     tcos <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, nfreqM1)
     tsin <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, nfreqM1)
     wtau <- numeric(nfreqM1)
+    wfac <- 2 * pi # omega == 2*pi*f
     ## start frequency loop
     ## dplR: In the original Fortran code, the variables ww (not used
     ## in this function), wtau, tsin and tcos have unused elements
     ## (one extra frequency).  The unused elements have now been
     ## dropped.
     for (k in seq_len(nfreqM1)) {
-	wrun <- k * wz
+	wrun <- wfac * freq[k + 1]
 	## calc. tau
         arg2 <- wrun * tsamp
         arg1 <- arg2 + arg2

Modified: branches/redfit/src/redfit.c
--- branches/redfit/src/redfit.c	2013-08-29 16:31:57 UTC (rev 670)
+++ branches/redfit/src/redfit.c	2013-08-29 17:07:57 UTC (rev 671)
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
 SEXP seg50(SEXP k, SEXP nseg, SEXP segskip, SEXP np);
 void rmtrend(SEXP x, SEXP y, SEXP lmfit);
 SEXP spectr(SEXP t, SEXP x, SEXP np, SEXP ww, SEXP tsin, SEXP tcos, SEXP wtau,
-	    SEXP nseg, SEXP nfreq, SEXP avgdt, SEXP wz, SEXP n50,
+	    SEXP nseg, SEXP nfreq, SEXP avgdt, SEXP freq, SEXP n50,
 	    SEXP segskip, SEXP cbind, SEXP lmfit);
 void ftfix(const double *xx, const double *tsamp, const size_t nxx,
-	   const double wz, const size_t nfreq, const long double si,
+	   const double *freq, const size_t nfreq, const long double si,
 	   const size_t lfreq, const double tzero, const double *tcos,
 	   const double *tsin, const double *wtau, const long double sumbysqrt,
 	   double *ftrx, double *ftix);
@@ -142,16 +142,16 @@
 /* dplR: Returns the spectrum of x(t), a vector of length nfreq.
 SEXP spectr(SEXP t, SEXP x, SEXP np, SEXP ww, SEXP tsin, SEXP tcos, SEXP wtau,
-	    SEXP nseg, SEXP nfreq, SEXP avgdt, SEXP wz, SEXP n50,
+	    SEXP nseg, SEXP nfreq, SEXP avgdt, SEXP freq, SEXP n50,
 	    SEXP segskip, SEXP cbind, SEXP lmfit) {
     SEXP gxx, twk, xwk, ftrx, ftix, tmp, cbindcall;
-    double wz_val, dnseg, sqrt_nseg, segskip_val, scal, np_val;
+    double dnseg, sqrt_nseg, segskip_val, scal, np_val;
     long double sumx;
     size_t i, j, nseg_val, nfreq_val, n50_val, segstart;
     size_t sincos_skip, wtau_skip;
     size_t wwidx = 0;
     double *t_data, *x_data, *ww_data, *tsin_data, *tcos_data, *wtau_data;
-    double *gxx_data, *twk_data, *xwk_data, *ftrx_data, *ftix_data;
+    double *gxx_data, *twk_data, *xwk_data, *ftrx_data, *ftix_data, *freq_data;
     const long double si = 1.0;
     const double tzero = 0.0;
     const size_t lfreq = 0;
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@
     nseg_val = (size_t) dnseg;
     nfreq_val = (size_t) *REAL(nfreq);
     np_val = *REAL(np);
-    wz_val = *REAL(wz);
     n50_val = (size_t) *REAL(n50);
     segskip_val = *REAL(segskip);
     t_data = REAL(t);
@@ -170,6 +169,7 @@
     tsin_data = REAL(tsin);
     tcos_data = REAL(tcos);
     wtau_data = REAL(wtau);
+    freq_data = REAL(freq);
     PROTECT(gxx = allocVector(REALSXP, nfreq_val));
     PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(twk = allocVector(REALSXP, nseg_val), &pidx);
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 	    sumx += xwk_data[j];
         /* Lomb–Scargle Fourier transform */
-	ftfix(xwk_data, twk_data, nseg_val, wz_val, nfreq_val, si,
+	ftfix(xwk_data, twk_data, nseg_val, freq_data, nfreq_val, si,
 	      lfreq, tzero, tcos_data, tsin_data, wtau_data,
 	      sumx / (long double) sqrt_nseg, ftrx_data, ftix_data);
 	/* dplR: adjust tsin, tcos, wtau for next segment */
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
  * index corresponding to nxx runs faster.
 void ftfix(const double *xx, const double *tsamp, const size_t nxx,
-	   const double wz, const size_t nfreq, const long double si,
+	   const double *freq, const size_t nfreq, const long double si,
 	   const size_t lfreq, const double tzero, const double *tcos,
 	   const double *tsin, const double *wtau, const long double sumbysqrt,
 	   double *ftrx, double *ftix) {
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
     ftix[0] = 0.0;
     /* start frequency loop */
     for (ii = 1; ii < nfreq; ii++) {
-	wrun = (double) ii * wz;
+	wrun = M_2PI * freq[ii]; /* omega = 2 * pi * freq */
     	wtnew = wtau[ii - 1];
     	/* summations over the sample */
     	cross = 0.0;

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