[Dplr-commits] r663 - in branches/redfit: . R man src
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Mon Aug 19 13:17:47 CEST 2013
Author: mvkorpel
Date: 2013-08-19 13:17:47 +0200 (Mon, 19 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 663
- Added function redfit() based on REDFIT by Schulz and Mudelsee
- Added Copyright field to DESCRIPTION:
Work of Mikko Korpela is (C) Aalto University
Modified: branches/redfit/ChangeLog
--- branches/redfit/ChangeLog 2013-08-19 11:01:13 UTC (rev 662)
+++ branches/redfit/ChangeLog 2013-08-19 11:17:47 UTC (rev 663)
@@ -30,7 +30,12 @@
every round of a loop, so no need to reinitialize
- Braces always used in if (else) constructs
+Files: redfit.R, redfit.c
+- New function redfit() based on REDFIT by Schulz and Mudelsee
File: write.tucson.R
Modified: branches/redfit/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/redfit/DESCRIPTION 2013-08-19 11:01:13 UTC (rev 662)
+++ branches/redfit/DESCRIPTION 2013-08-19 11:17:47 UTC (rev 663)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Type: Package
Title: Dendrochronology Program Library in R
Version: 1.5.7
-Date: 2013-03-19
+Date: 2013-08-19
Authors at R: c(person(c("Andrew", "G."), "Bunn", role = c("aut", "cph",
"cre", "trl"), email = "andrew.bunn at wwu.edu"), person("Mikko",
"Korpela", role = c("aut", "cph")), person("Franco", "Biondi",
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
c("aut", "cph")), person("Pierre", "Mérian", role = c("aut",
"cph")), person("Fares", "Qeadan", role = c("aut", "cph")),
person("Christian", "Zang", role = c("aut", "cph")))
-Author: Andy Bunn [aut, cph, cre, trl], Mikko Korpela [aut, cph], Franco Biondi [aut, cph], Filipe Campelo [aut, cph], Pierre Mérian [aut, cph], Fares Qeadan [aut, cph], Christian Zang [aut, cph]
+Author: Andy Bunn [aut, cph, cre, trl], Mikko Korpela [aut], Franco Biondi [aut, cph], Filipe Campelo [aut, cph], Pierre Mérian [aut, cph], Fares Qeadan [aut, cph], Christian Zang [aut, cph]
+Copyright: Authors and Aalto University (for work of M. Korpela)
Maintainer: Andy Bunn <andy.bunn at wwu.edu>
Depends: R (>= 2.15.0)
Imports: graphics, grDevices, grid, stats, utils, digest (>= 0.2.3),
Modified: branches/redfit/NAMESPACE
--- branches/redfit/NAMESPACE 2013-08-19 11:01:13 UTC (rev 662)
+++ branches/redfit/NAMESPACE 2013-08-19 11:17:47 UTC (rev 663)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-useDynLib(dplR, dplR.gini=gini, dplR.mean=exactmean,
- dplR.rcompact=rcompact, dplR.sens1=sens1, dplR.sens2=sens2,
- dplR.tbrm=tbrm, rwl.readloop=readloop)
+useDynLib(dplR, dplR.gini=gini, dplR.makear1=makear1,
+ dplR.mean=exactmean, dplR.rcompact=rcompact,
+ dplR.seg50=seg50, dplR.sens1=sens1, dplR.sens2=sens2,
+ dplR.spectr=spectr, dplR.tbrm=tbrm, rwl.readloop=readloop)
import(graphics, stats)
@@ -17,7 +18,8 @@
importFrom(stringr, str_pad, str_trim)
-importFrom(utils, head, installed.packages, read.fwf, tail)
+importFrom(utils, head, installed.packages, read.fwf, tail,
+ packageVersion)
importFrom(XML, xmlEventParse)
@@ -25,10 +27,13 @@
combine.rwl, common.interval, corr.rwl.seg, corr.series.seg,
crn.plot, detrend, detrend.series, ffcsaps, fill.internal.NA,
gini.coef, glk, hanning, i.detrend, i.detrend.series, morlet,
- po.to.wc, pointer, powt, rcs, read.compact, read.crn, read.fh,
- read.ids, read.rwl, read.tridas, read.tucson, rwi.stats,
- rwi.stats.legacy, rwi.stats.running, rwl.stats, sea, seg.plot,
- sens1, sens2, series.rwl.plot, skel.plot, spag.plot, strip.rwl,
- tbrm, tridas.vocabulary, uuid.gen, wavelet.plot, wc.to.po,
+ po.to.wc, pointer, powt, print.redfit, rcs, read.compact,
+ read.crn, read.fh, read.ids, read.rwl, read.tridas,
+ read.tucson, redfit, rwi.stats, rwi.stats.legacy,
+ rwi.stats.running, rwl.stats, sea, seg.plot, sens1, sens2,
+ series.rwl.plot, skel.plot, spag.plot, strip.rwl, tbrm,
+ tridas.vocabulary, uuid.gen, wavelet.plot, wc.to.po,
write.compact, write.crn, write.rwl, write.tridas,
+S3method(print, redfit)
Added: branches/redfit/R/redfit.R
--- branches/redfit/R/redfit.R (rev 0)
+++ branches/redfit/R/redfit.R 2013-08-19 11:17:47 UTC (rev 663)
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+### This part of dplR was (arguably non-trivially) translated and
+### adapted from public domain Fortran program REDFIT (Michael Schulz
+### and Manfred Mudelsee). The possibly non-free parts of REDFIT
+### derived from Numerical Recipes were not used.
+### http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/softlib/redfit/redfit.html
+### Author of the dplR version is Mikko Korpela.
+### Copyright (C) 2013 Aalto University
+### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+### it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+### the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+### (at your option) any later version.
+### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+### but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+### GNU General Public License for more details.
+### A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
+### http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/
+## Comments have mostly been copied verbatim from the original version
+## (a few typos were fixed). New comments are prefixed with "dplR:".
+## Estimate red-noise background of an autospectrum, which is estimated from
+## an unevenly spaced time series. In addition, the program corrects for the
+## bias of Lomb-Scargle Fourier transform (correlation of Fourier components),
+## which depends on the distribution of the sampling times t(i) along the
+## time axis.
+## Main Assumptions:
+## -----------------
+## - The noise background can be apprximated by an AR(1) process.
+## - The distribution of data points along the time axis is not
+## too clustered.
+## - The potential effect of harmonic signal components on the
+## estimation procedure is neglected.
+## The first-order autoregressive model, AR(1) model, which is used
+## to describe the noise background in a time series x(t_i), reads
+## x(i) = rho(i) * x(i-1) + eps(i) (1)
+## with t(i) - t(i-1)
+## rho(i) = exp(- -------------)
+## tau
+## and eps ~ NV(0, vareps). To ensure Var[red] = 1, we set
+## 2 * (t(i) - t(i-1))
+## vareps = 1 - exp(- -------------------).
+## tau
+## Stationarity of the generated AR(1) time series is assured by dropping
+## the first N generated points.
+## Computational Steps:
+## --------------------
+## 1. Estimate autospectrum Gxx of the unevenly spaced input time series in the
+## interval [0,fNyq], using the Lomb-Scargle Fourier transform in combination
+## with the Welch-Overlapped-Segment-Averaging (WOSA) procudure, as described
+## in Schulz and Stattegger (1997).
+## 2. Estimate tau from the unevenly sampled time series using the time-
+## domain algorithm of Mudelsee (200?).
+## 3. Determine the area under Gxx -> estimator of data variance ==> varx.
+## 4. Repeat Nsim times
+## - create AR(1) time series (red) acc. to Eq. 1, using the observation
+## times of the input data, but each time with different eps(i)
+## - estimate autospectrum of red ==> Grr
+## - scale Grr such that area under the spectrum is identical to varx
+## - sum Grr ==> GrrSum
+## 5. Determine arithmetic mean of GrrSum ==> GrrAvg.
+## 6. Ensure that area under GrrAvg is identical to varx (account for rounding
+## errors).
+## 7. Calculate theoretical AR(1) spectrum for the estimated tau ==> GRedth.
+## 8. Scale GRedth such that area under the spectrum is identical to varx (this
+## step is required since the true noise variance of the data set is
+## unknown).
+## 9. Estimate the frequency-dependent correction factor (corr) for the
+## Lomb-Scargle FT from the ratio between mean of the estimated AR(1) spectra
+## (GrrAvg) and the scaled theoretical AR(1) spectrum (GRedth).
+## 10. Use correction factors to eliminate the bias in the estimated spectrum
+## Gxx ==> Gxxc.
+## 11. Scale theorectical AR(1) spectrum for various significance levels.
+redfit <- function(x, t, tType = c("time", "age"), nsim = 1000, mctest = TRUE,
+ ofac = 4, hifac = 1, n50 = 3, rhopre = NULL, iwin = 2,
+ txOrdered = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, seed = NULL) {
+ cl <- match.call()
+ if (!is.null(seed)) {
+ set.seed(seed)
+ }
+ WIN_NAMES <- c("rectangular", "welch i", "hanning",
+ "triangular", "blackman-harris")
+ ## 21 is the lower limit of nsim where !anyDuplicated(c(idx80,
+ ## idx90, idx95, idx99)) is TRUE. (Also, none of the indices is
+ ## 0.) For more reliable results, a much greated value is
+ ## recommended.
+ NSIM_LIMIT <- 21
+ ## dplR: Check
+ tType2 <- match.arg(tType)
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(x))
+ if (!is.null(rhopre)) {
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(rhopre), length(rhopre) == 1, is.finite(rhopre))
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(ofac), length(ofac) == 1, is.finite(ofac))
+ if (ofac < 1) {
+ stop("oversampling factor 'ofac' must be >= 1")
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(hifac), length(hifac) == 1, is.finite(hifac))
+ if (hifac <= 0) {
+ stop("'hifac' must be positive")
+ }
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(n50), length(n50) == 1, is.finite(n50),
+ round(n50) == n50, n50 >= 1)
+ stopifnot(is.numeric(nsim), length(nsim) == 1, is.finite(nsim),
+ round(nsim) == nsim, nsim >= 1)
+ stopifnot(identical(txOrdered, TRUE) || identical(txOrdered, FALSE))
+ stopifnot(identical(verbose, TRUE) || identical(verbose, FALSE))
+ stopifnot(identical(mctest, TRUE) || identical(mctest, FALSE))
+ if (mctest && nsim < NSIM_LIMIT) {
+ stop(gettextf("if 'mctest' is TRUE, 'nsim' must be at least %.0f",
+ NSIM_LIMIT, domain = "R-dplR"),
+ domain = NA)
+ }
+ ## iwin can be a number or a string. iwin2 is a number %in% 0:4
+ if (is.numeric(iwin)) {
+ if (length(iwin) != 1 || !(iwin %in% 0:4)) {
+ stop("numeric 'iwin' must be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4")
+ }
+ iwin2 <- iwin
+ } else if (is.character(iwin)) {
+ iwin2 <- match.arg(tolower(iwin), WIN_NAMES)
+ winvec <- 0:4
+ names(winvec) <- WIN_NAMES
+ iwin2 <- winvec[iwin2]
+ } else {
+ stop("'iwin' must be numeric or character")
+ }
+ x <- as.numeric(x)
+ np <- as.numeric(length(x))
+ tGiven <- !missing(t)
+ if (tGiven) {
+ t <- as.numeric(t)
+ if (length(t) != np) {
+ stop("lengths of 't' and 'x' must match")
+ }
+ } else {
+ t <- as.numeric(seq_len(np))
+ }
+ naidx <- is.na(x)
+ if (tGiven) {
+ naidx <- naidx | is.na(t)
+ }
+ if (any(naidx)) {
+ goodidx <- which(!naidx)
+ t <- t[goodidx]
+ x <- x[goodidx]
+ nporig <- np
+ np <- as.numeric(length(x))
+ nna <- nporig - np
+ warning(sprintf(ngettext(nna,
+ "%.0f NA value removed",
+ "%.0f NA values removed",
+ domain = "R-dplR"), nna), domain = NA)
+ }
+ if (np < MIN_POINTS) {
+ stop(gettextf("too few points (%.0f), at least %.0f needed",
+ np, MIN_POINTS, domain = "R-dplR"), domain = NA)
+ }
+ if (tGiven && !txOrdered) {
+ idx <- order(t)
+ t <- t[idx]
+ x <- x[idx]
+ }
+ ## The rest of the function assumes that t is age, not time
+ if (tType2 == "time") {
+ t <- -rev(t)
+ x <- rev(x)
+ }
+ if (tGiven) {
+ difft <- diff(t)
+ if (!txOrdered && any(difft == 0)) {
+ stop("duplicated values in 't'")
+ }
+ } else {
+ difft <- rep.int(1.0, np)
+ }
+ ## dplR: Setup
+ params <- redfitSetdim(MIN_POINTS, t, np, ofac, hifac, n50, verbose,
+ iwin = iwin2, nsim = nsim, mctest = mctest,
+ rhopre = rhopre)
+ avgdt <- params[["avgdt"]]
+ nseg <- params[["nseg"]]
+ fnyq <- params[["fnyq"]]
+ nfreq <- params[["nfreq"]]
+ df <- params[["df"]]
+ wz <- params[["wz"]]
+ ofac <- params[["ofac"]]
+ segskip <- params[["segskip"]]
+ ia <- redfitInitArrays(t, x, params)
+ ## determine autospectrum of input data
+ dn50 <- as.numeric(n50)
+ cbindfun <- match.fun("cbind")
+ lmfitfun <- tryCatch(match.fun(".lm.fit"),
+ error = function(...) match.fun("lm.fit"))
+ gxx <- .Call(dplR.spectr, t, x, np, ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]],
+ nseg, nfreq, avgdt, wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
+ freq <- seq(from = 0, by = 1, length.out = nfreq) * df
+ ## estimate data variance from autospectrum
+ varx <- freq[2] * sum(gxx) # NB: freq[2] = df
+ ## dplR: estimate lag-1 autocorrelation coefficient unless prescribed
+ if (is.null(rhopre) || rhopre < 0) {
+ rho <- redfitGetrho(t, x, np, n50, nseg, avgdt, segskip)
+ } else {
+ rho <- rhopre
+ }
+ ## dplR: determine tau from rho.
+ ## Avoids the rho -> tau -> rho mess of REDFIT.
+ tau <- as.numeric(-avgdt / log(rho))
+ ## Generate nsim AR(1) spectra
+ if (mctest) {
+ grr <- matrix(NA_real_, nfreq, nsim)
+ for (i in seq_len(nsim)) {
+ if (verbose && (i %% 50 == 0 || i == 1)) {
+ cat("ISim = ", i, "\n", sep="")
+ }
+ ## setup AR(1) time series and estimate its spectrum
+ grr[, i] <-
+ .Call(dplR.spectr, t, .Call(dplR.makear1, difft, np, tau), np,
+ ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]], nseg, nfreq, avgdt,
+ wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
+ ## scale and sum red-noise spectra
+ varr1 <- freq[2] * sum(grr[, i]) # NB: freq[2] = df
+ grr[, i] <- varx / varr1 * grr[, i]
+ }
+ grrsum <- rowSums(grr)
+ } else {
+ grrsum <- numeric(nfreq)
+ for (i in seq_len(nsim)) {
+ if (verbose && (i %% 50 == 0 || i == 1)) {
+ cat("ISim = ", i, "\n", sep="")
+ }
+ ## setup AR(1) time series and estimate its spectrum
+ grr <- .Call(dplR.spectr, t, .Call(dplR.makear1, difft, np, tau),
+ np, ia[[1]], ia[[2]], ia[[3]], ia[[4]], nseg, nfreq,
+ avgdt, wz, dn50, segskip, cbindfun, lmfitfun)
+ ## scale and sum red-noise spectra
+ varr1 <- freq[2] * sum(grr) # NB: freq[2] = df
+ grr <- varx / varr1 * grr
+ grrsum <- grrsum + grr
+ }
+ }
+ ## determine average red-noise spectrum; scale average again to
+ ## make sure that roundoff errors do not affect the scaling
+ grravg <- grrsum / nsim
+ varr2 <- freq[2] * sum(grravg)
+ grravg <- varx / varr2 * grravg
+ rhosq <- rho * rho
+ ## set theoretical spectrum (e.g., Mann and Lees, 1996, Eq. 4)
+ ## make area equal to that of the input time series
+ gredth <- (1 - rhosq) / (1 + rhosq - 2 * rho * cos(pi / fnyq * freq))
+ varr3 <- freq[2] * sum(gredth)
+ gredth <- varx / varr3 * gredth
+ ## determine correction factor
+ corr <- grravg / gredth
+ invcorr <- gredth / grravg
+ ## correct for bias in autospectrum
+ gxxc <- gxx * invcorr
+ ## red-noise false-alarm levels from percentiles of MC simulation
+ if (mctest) {
+ ## dplR: Sort the rows of grr. apply() turns the result
+ ## around: the sorted rows are the columns of the result.
+ grr <- apply(grr, 1, sort)
+ ## set percentile indices
+ idx80 <- floor(0.80 * nsim)
+ idx90 <- floor(0.90 * nsim)
+ idx95 <- floor(0.95 * nsim)
+ idx99 <- floor(0.99 * nsim)
+ ## find frequency-dependent percentile and apply bias correction
+ ci80 <- grr[idx80, ] * invcorr
+ ci90 <- grr[idx90, ] * invcorr
+ ci95 <- grr[idx95, ] * invcorr
+ ci99 <- grr[idx99, ] * invcorr
+ } else {
+ ci80 <- NULL
+ ci90 <- NULL
+ ci95 <- NULL
+ ci99 <- NULL
+ }
+ ## Test equality of theoretical AR1 and estimated spectrum using a
+ ## runs test (Bendat and Piersol, 1986, p. 95).
+ rcnt <- 1 + sum(diff(sign(gxxc - gredth)) != 0)
+ ## dplR: Elements of the list returned from this function:
+ ## varx data variance estimated from spectrum
+ ## rho average autocorrelation coefficient (estimated or prescribed)
+ ## tau average tau, tau == -avgdt / log(rho)
+ ## rcnt runs count, test of equality of theoretical and data spectrum
+ ## freq frequency vector
+ ## gxx autospectrum of input data
+ ## gxxc corrected autospectrum of input data
+ ## grravg average AR(1) spectrum
+ ## gredth theoretical AR(1) spectrum
+ ## corr correction factor
+ ## ci80 80% false-alarm level from MC
+ ## ci90 90% false-alarm level from MC
+ ## ci95 95% false-alarm level from MC
+ ## ci99 99% false-alarm level from MC
+ ## call dplR: how the function was called
+ ## params dplR: parameters dependent on the command line arguments
+ ## vers dplR: version of dplR containing the function
+ ## seed dplR: if not NULL, value used for set.seed(seed)
+ dplrNS <- tryCatch(getNamespace("dplR"), error = function(...) NULL)
+ if (!is.null(dplrNS) && exists("redfit", dplrNS) &&
+ identical(match.fun(as.list(cl)[[1]]), get("redfit", dplrNS))) {
+ vers <- tryCatch(packageVersion("dplR"), error = function(...) NULL)
+ } else {
+ vers <- NULL
+ }
+ res <- list(varx = varx, rho = rho, tau = tau, rcnt = rcnt,
+ freq = freq, gxx = gxx, gxxc = gxxc, grravg = grravg,
+ gredth = gredth, corr = corr,
+ ci80 = ci80, ci90 = ci90, ci95 = ci95, ci99 = ci99,
+ call = cl, params = params, vers = vers, seed = seed)
+ class(res) <- "redfit"
+ res
+## dplR: print.redfit() is a separate function for printing the
+## results of redfit(), with an output format very close to that in
+## the original REDFIT.
+print.redfit <- function(x, digits = NULL, csv.out = FALSE, do.table = FALSE,
+ prefix = "", row.names = FALSE, file = "", ...) {
+ if (!inherits(x, "redfit")) {
+ stop('use only with "redfit" objects')
+ }
+ stopifnot(identical(csv.out, TRUE) || identical(csv.out, FALSE))
+ stopifnot(identical(do.table, TRUE) || identical(do.table, FALSE))
+ ## Determine 6dB bandwidth from OFAC corrected fundamental frequency.
+ ## Note that the bandwidth for the Blackman-Harris taper is higher than
+ ## reported by Harris (1978, cf. Nuttall, 1981)}
+ ##
+ ## window type (iwin) 0: Rectangular
+ ## 1: Welch 1
+ ## 2: Hanning
+ ## 3: Parzen (Triangular)
+ ## 4: Blackman-Harris 3-Term
+ winbw <- function(iwin, df, ofac) {
+ ## NOTE: bw could be defined with greated precision
+ bw <- c(1.21, 1.59, 2.00, 1.78, 2.26)
+ df * ofac * bw[iwin + 1]
+ }
+ ## Effective number of degrees of freedom for the selected window
+ ## and n50 overlapping segments (Harris, 1978).
+ ## dplR: Computed more precise values for c50.
+ getdof <- function(iwin, n50) {
+ ## Rectangular, Welch, Hanning, Triangular, Blackman-Harris
+ c50 <- c(0.5, 0.34375, 1 / 6, 0.25, 0.0955489871755)
+ c2 <- 2 * c50[iwin + 1]^2
+ 2 * n50 / (1 + c2 - c2 / n50)
+ }
+ ## Automatically adds prefix (for example "# " from REDFIT) and
+ ## newline (if newline = TRUE) to output.
+ precat <- function(..., newline = TRUE, sep = "") {
+ cat(prefix)
+ do.call("cat", c(alist(...), alist(sep = sep)))
+ if (newline) {
+ cat("\n")
+ }
+ }
+ params <- x[["params"]]
+ iwin <- params[["iwin"]]
+ n50 <- params[["n50"]]
+ nseg <- params[["nseg"]]
+ ofac <- params[["ofac"]]
+ rhopre <- params[["rhopre"]]
+ mctest <- params[["mctest"]]
+ nfreq <- params[["nfreq"]]
+ gredth <- x[["gredth"]]
+ ## scaling factors for red noise from chi^2 distribution
+ dof <- getdof(iwin, n50)
+ ## dplR: getchi2() in the original Fortran version uses upper tail
+ ## probabilities. qchisq() uses lower tail probabilities unless
+ ## lower.tail = FALSE.
+ fac80 <- qchisq(0.80, dof) / dof
+ fac90 <- qchisq(0.90, dof) / dof
+ fac95 <- qchisq(0.95, dof) / dof
+ fac99 <- qchisq(0.99, dof) / dof
+ ## critical false alarm level after Thomson (1990)
+ ## dplR: modified from original REDFIT code to accommodate for
+ ## lower / upper tail difference
+ alphacrit <- (nseg - 1) / nseg
+ faccrit <- qchisq(alphacrit, dof) / dof
+ ## Test equality of theoretical AR1 and estimated spectrum using a
+ ## runs test (Bendat and Piersol, 1986, p. 95). The empirical
+ ## equations for calculating critical values for 5-% significance
+ ## were derived from the tabulated critical values in B&P.
+ ##
+ ## dplR: NOTE! Integer division is used in REDFIT. This should be
+ ## checked (by finding a copy of Bendat and Piersol). For now, we
+ ## can assume that real(nout/2) was supposed to be real(nout)/2.
+ ## sqrtHalfNfreq <- sqrt(nfreq %/% 2)
+ sqrtHalfNfreq <- sqrt(nfreq / 2)
+ ## dplR: NOTE! Is round() the right function to use? Maybe floor()
+ ## for the lower limit and ceiling for the higher limit?
+ rcritlo <- round((-0.79557086 + 1.0088719 * sqrtHalfNfreq)^2)
+ rcrithi <- round(( 0.75751462 + 0.9955133 * sqrtHalfNfreq)^2)
+ if (csv.out || do.table) {
+ dframe <- c(x[c("freq", "gxx", "gxxc", "gredth", "grravg", "corr")],
+ list(gredth * fac80, gredth * fac90,
+ gredth * fac95, gredth * fac99))
+ pct <- c("80", "90", "95", "99")
+ names(dframe) <- c("Freq", "Gxx", "Gxx_corr", "Gred_th", "Gred_avg",
+ "CorrFac", paste0("Chi2_", pct, "pct"))
+ if (mctest) {
+ dframe <- c(dframe, x[paste0("ci", pct)])
+ names(dframe)[11:14] <- paste0("MC_", pct, "pct")
+ }
+ dframe <- as.data.frame(dframe)
+ }
+ if (!csv.out) {
+ ## dplR: print miscellaneous information AND if (do.table) print(dframe)
+ precat("redfit()", newline = FALSE)
+ vers <- x[["vers"]]
+ if (!is.null(vers)) {
+ cat(" in dplR version ", as.character(vers), "\n", sep="")
+ } else {
+ cat("\n")
+ }
+ precat()
+ gtxt <- gettext("Input:", domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt)
+ precat(rep.int("-", nchar(gtxt)))
+ precat("ofac = ", format(ofac, digits = digits))
+ precat("hifac = ", format(params[["hifac"]], digits = digits))
+ precat("n50 = ", format(n50, digits = digits))
+ precat("iwin = ", format(iwin, digits = digits))
+ precat("nsim = ", format(params[["nsim"]], digits = digits))
+ precat()
+ gtxt <- gettext("Initial values:", domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt)
+ precat(rep.int("-", nchar(gtxt)))
+ seed <- x[["seed"]]
+ if (!is.null(seed)) {
+ precat("seed = ", format(seed, digits = digits))
+ }
+ precat(gettextf("Data variance (from data spectrum) = %s",
+ format(x[["varx"]], digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettextf("Avg. dt = %s",
+ format(params[["avgdt"]], digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat()
+ gtxt <- gettext("Results:", domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt)
+ precat(rep.int("-", nchar(gtxt)))
+ if (is.null(rhopre) || rhopre < 0) {
+ precat(gettextf("Avg. autocorr. coeff., rho = %s",
+ format(x[["rho"]], digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ } else {
+ precat(gettextf("PRESCRIBED avg. autocorr. coeff., rho = %s",
+ format(rhopre, digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ }
+ precat(gettextf("Avg. tau = %s",
+ format(x[["tau"]], digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettextf("Degrees of freedom = %s",
+ format(dof, digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettextf("6-dB Bandwidth = %s",
+ format(winbw(iwin, params[["df"]], ofac),
+ digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettextf("Critical false-alarm level (Thomson, 1990) = %s",
+ format(alphacrit * 100, digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettextf(" ==> corresponding scaling factor for red noise = %s",
+ format(faccrit, digits = digits),
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat()
+ gtxt <- gettext("Equality of theoretical and data spectrum: Runs test",
+ domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt)
+ precat(rep.int("-", nchar(gtxt)))
+ if (iwin == 0 && ofac == 1 && n50 == 1) {
+ gtxt <- gettext("5-% acceptance region:", domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt, newline = FALSE)
+ cat(" rcritlo = ", format(rcritlo, digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
+ precat(rep.int(" ", nchar(gtxt)), newline = FALSE)
+ cat(" rcrithi = ", format(rcrithi, digits = digits), "\n", sep = "")
+ precat("r_test = ", format(x[["rcnt"]], digits = digits))
+ } else {
+ if (iwin != 0) {
+ precat(gettext("Test requires iwin = 0", domain = "R-dplR"))
+ }
+ if (ofac != 1) {
+ precat(gettext("Test requires ofac = 1", domain = "R-dplR"))
+ }
+ if (n50 != 1) {
+ precat(gettext("Test requires n50 = 1", domain = "R-dplR"))
+ }
+ }
+ if (do.table) {
+ precat()
+ gtxt <- gettext("Data Columns:", domain = "R-dplR")
+ precat(gtxt)
+ precat(rep.int("-", nchar(gtxt)))
+ precat(gettext(" 1: Freq = frequency", domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettext(" 2: Gxx = spectrum of input data",
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettext(" 3: Gxx_corr = bias-corrected spectrum of input data",
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettext(" 4: Gred_th = theoretical AR(1) spectrum",
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettext(" 5: Gred_avg = average spectrum of Nsim AR(1) time series (uncorrected)",
+ domain = "R-dplR"))
+ precat(gettext(" 6: CorrFac = Gxx / Gxx_corr", domain = "R-dplR"))
+ gtxt <-
+ gettext("%.0f: Chi2_%.0fpct = %.0f%% false-alarm level (Chi^2)")
+ precat(" ", sprintf(gtxt, 7, 80, 80))
+ precat(" ", sprintf(gtxt, 8, 90, 90))
+ precat(" ", sprintf(gtxt, 9, 95, 95))
+ precat(sprintf(gtxt, 10, 99, 99))
+ if (mctest) {
+ gtxt <-
+ gettext("%.0f: MC_%.0fpct = %.0f%% false-alarm level (MC)")
+ precat(sprintf(gtxt, 11, 80, 80))
+ precat(sprintf(gtxt, 12, 90, 90))
+ precat(sprintf(gtxt, 13, 95, 95))
+ precat(sprintf(gtxt, 14, 99, 99))
+ }
+ print(dframe, digits = digits, row.names = row.names)
+ }
+ } else { # csv.out
+ write.csv(dframe, file = file, row.names = row.names, ...)
+ }
+ invisible(x)
+redfitInitArrays <- function(t, x, params) {
+ np <- params[["np"]]
+ nseg <- params[["nseg"]]
+ nfreq <- params[["nfreq"]]
+ n50 <- params[["n50"]]
+ iwin <- params[["iwin"]]
+ wz <- params[["wz"]]
+ segskip <- params[["segskip"]]
+ ww <- matrix(NA_real_, nseg, n50)
+ tsin <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreq - 1, n50))
+ tcos <- array(NA_real_, c(nseg, nfreq - 1, n50))
+ wtau <- matrix(NA_real_, nfreq - 1, n50)
+ for (i in as.numeric(seq_len(n50))) {
+ twk <- t[.Call(dplR.seg50, i, nseg, segskip, np)]
+ tr <- redfitTrig(twk, nseg, wz, nfreq)
+ ww[, i] <- redfitWinwgt(twk, iwin)
+ wtau[, i] <- tr[[3]]
+ tsin[, , i] <- tr[[1]]
+ tcos[, , i] <- tr[[2]]
+ }
+ list(ww = ww, tsin = tsin, tcos = tcos, wtau = wtau)
+redfitSetdim <- function(min.nseg, t, np, ofac, hifac, n50, verbose, ...) {
+ ## Formula for nseg from the original Fortran version:
+ ## Integer division (or truncation, or "floor").
+ ## nseg <- (2 * np) %/% (n50 + 1)
+ ## New version: rounding instead of truncation, order of operations changed.
+ nseg <- round(np / (n50 + 1) * 2) # points per segment
+ if (nseg < min.nseg) {
+ stop(gettextf("too few points per segment (%.0f), at least %.0f needed",
+ nseg, min.nseg, domain = "R-dplR"), domain = NA)
+ }
+ if (n50 == 1) {
+ segskip <- 0
+ } else {
+ ## (ideal, not rounded) difference between starting indices of
+ ## consecutive segments
+ segskip <- (np - nseg) / (n50 - 1)
+ if (segskip < 1) {
+ stop("too many segments: overlap of more than nseg - 1 points")
+ }
+ }
+ ## It seems that avgdt, fnyq, etc. were somewhat off in the
+ ## original Fortran version because it would not use all of the
+ ## data (t[np]) with some combinations of np and n50.
+ avgdt <- (t[np] - t[1]) / (np - 1) # avg. sampling interval
+ tp <- avgdt * nseg # average period of a segment
+ fnyq <- hifac / (2 * avgdt) # average Nyquist freq.
+ nfreq <- floor(hifac * ofac * nseg / 2 + 1) # f[1] == f0; f[nfreq] == fNyq
+ df <- fnyq / (nfreq - 1) # freq. spacing
+ wz <- 2 * pi * fnyq / (nfreq - 1) # omega == 2*pi*f
+ if (verbose) {
+ cat(" N = ", np, "\n", sep="")
+ cat(" t[1] = ", t[1], "\n", sep="")
+ cat(" t[N] = ", t[np], "\n", sep="")
+ cat(" <dt> = ", avgdt, "\n", sep="")
+ cat("Nfreq = ", nfreq, "\n", sep="")
+ cat("\n")
+ }
+ ## dplR: ditched nout (nout == nfreq)
+ res <- list(np = np, nseg = nseg, nfreq = nfreq, avgdt = avgdt, df = df,
+ wz = wz, fnyq = fnyq, n50 = n50, ofac = ofac, hifac = hifac,
+ segskip = segskip)
+ args <- list(...)
+ argnames <- names(args)
+ for (k in which(nzchar(argnames))) {
+ res[[argnames[k]]] <- args[[k]]
+ }
+ ## Convert integers (if any) to numeric
+ for (k in seq_along(res)) {
+ elem <- res[[k]]
+ if (is.integer(elem)) {
+ res[[k]] <- as.numeric(elem)
+ }
+ }
+ res
+redfitTrig <- function(tsamp, nn, wz, nfreq) {
+ tol1 <- 1.0e-4
+ nfreqM1 <- nfreq - 1
+ tcos <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, nfreqM1)
+ tsin <- matrix(NA_real_, nn, nfreqM1)
+ wtau <- numeric(nfreqM1)
+ ## start frequency loop
+ ## dplR: In the original Fortran code, the variables ww (not used
+ ## in this function), wtau, tsin and tcos have unused elements
+ ## (one extra frequency). The unused elements have now been
+ ## dropped.
+ for (k in seq_len(nfreqM1)) {
+ wrun <- k * wz
+ ## calc. tau
+ arg2 <- wrun * tsamp
+ arg1 <- arg2 + arg2
+ tc <- cos(arg1)
+ ts <- sin(arg1)
+ csum <- sum(tc)
+ ssum <- sum(ts)
+ sumtc <- sum(tsamp * tc)
+ sumts <- sum(tsamp * ts)
+ if (abs(ssum) > tol1 || abs(csum) > tol1) {
+ watan <- atan2(ssum, csum)
+ } else {
+ watan <- atan2(-sumtc, sumts)
+ }
+ wtnew <- 0.5 * watan
+ wtau[k] <- wtnew
+ ## summations over the sample
+ arg2 <- arg2 - wtnew
+ tcos[, k] <- cos(arg2)
+ tsin[, k] <- sin(arg2)
+ }
+ list(tsin = tsin, tcos = tcos, wtau = wtau)
+## calc. normalized window weights
+## window type (iwin) 0: Rectangular
+## 1: Welch 1
+## 2: Hanning
+## 3: Parzen (Triangular)
+## 4: Blackman-Harris 3-Term
+redfitWinwgt <- function(t, iwin) {
+ nseg <- length(t)
+ ## useful factor for various windows
+ fac1 <- (nseg / 2) - 0.5
+ fac2 <- 1 / ((nseg / 2) + 0.5)
+ tlen <- t[nseg] - t[1]
+ if (iwin == 0) { # rectangle
+ ww <- rep.int(1, nseg)
+ } else if (iwin == 1) { # welch I
+ ww <- (nseg / tlen * (t - t[1]) - fac1) * fac2
+ ww <- 1 - ww * ww
+ } else if (iwin == 2) { # hanning
+ fac3 <- nseg - 1
+ ww <- 1 - cos(2 * pi / fac3 * nseg / tlen * (t - t[1]))
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/dplr -r 663
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