[Dplr-commits] r651 - in pkg/dplR: . R man

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Tue Oct 2 17:03:11 CEST 2012

Author: mvkorpel
Date: 2012-10-02 17:03:10 +0200 (Tue, 02 Oct 2012)
New Revision: 651

In corr.rwl.seg(), allow the master series to be built from a second set of tree ring series by using a data.frame 'master' argument

Modified: pkg/dplR/ChangeLog
--- pkg/dplR/ChangeLog	2012-08-30 19:57:20 UTC (rev 650)
+++ pkg/dplR/ChangeLog	2012-10-02 15:03:10 UTC (rev 651)
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 - Bug fix: series names were not shown (numbers were shown instead)
 - Bug fix: there were off-by-one errors in the length of the bars
+- New feature: allow the master series to be built from a second set of
+  tree ring series by using a data.frame 'master' argument

Modified: pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION	2012-08-30 19:57:20 UTC (rev 650)
+++ pkg/dplR/DESCRIPTION	2012-10-02 15:03:10 UTC (rev 651)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: Dendrochronology Program Library in R
 Version: 1.5.6
-Date: 2012-08-29
+Date: 2012-10-02
 Authors at R: c(person(c("Andrew", "G."), "Bunn", role = c("aut", "cph",
         "cre", "trl"), email = "andrew.bunn at wwu.edu"), person("Mikko",
         "Korpela", role = c("aut", "cph")), person("Franco", "Biondi",

Modified: pkg/dplR/R/corr.rwl.seg.R
--- pkg/dplR/R/corr.rwl.seg.R	2012-08-30 19:57:20 UTC (rev 650)
+++ pkg/dplR/R/corr.rwl.seg.R	2012-10-02 15:03:10 UTC (rev 651)
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
                          prewhiten = TRUE, pcrit=0.05, biweight=TRUE,
                          make.plot = TRUE, label.cex=1,
                          floor.plus1 = FALSE, master = NULL,
-                         master.yrs = as.numeric(names(master)), ...) {
+                         master.yrs = as.numeric(if (is.null(dim(master))) {
+                             names(master)
+                         } else {
+                             rownames(master)
+                         }),
+                         ...) {
     ## helper function
     yr.range <- function(x, yr.vec=as.numeric(names(x))) {
@@ -42,20 +47,52 @@
                        nrow = max.yr - min.yr + 1,
                        ncol = nseries,
                        dimnames = list(as.character(yrs), cnames))
-        rwl.tmp <- as.matrix(rwl)
-        for (rname in row.names(rwl)) {
-            rwl2[rname, ] <- rwl.tmp[rname, ]
-        }
+        rwl2[row.names(rwl), ] <- as.matrix(rwl)
         rwl2 <- as.data.frame(rwl2)
     ## Pad rwl and master (if present) to same number of years
     if (!is.null(master)) {
+        master.dim <- dim(master)
         min.master.yr <- min(master.yrs)
         max.master.yr <- max(master.yrs)
-        master2 <- rep(NA_real_, max.master.yr - min.master.yr + 1)
-        names(master2) <- min.master.yr : max.master.yr
-        master2[as.character(master.yrs)] <- master
+        if (!is.null(master.dim) && length(master.dim) == 2 &&
+            master.dim[2] > 1) {
+            ## A. master is a data.frame or a matrix.  Normalize and
+            ## compute master chronology as a mean of series
+            ## (columns).
+            ## Ensure that master has consecutive years in increasing order
+            if (!all(diff(master.yrs) == 1)) {
+                char.yrs <- as.character(min.master.yr : max.master.yr)
+                master.inc <- matrix(NA_real_,
+                                     nrow = max.master.yr - min.master.yr + 1,
+                                     ncol = master.dim[2],
+                                     dimnames = list(char.yrs,
+                                     colnames(master)))
+                master.inc[rownames(master), ] <- as.matrix(master)
+            } else {
+                master.inc <- master
+            }
+            ## normalize all series (columns in master matrix)
+            tmp <- normalize1(master.inc, n, prewhiten)
+            master.norm <- tmp$master[, tmp$idx.good, drop=FALSE]
+            ## compute master series by normal mean or robust mean
+            if (!biweight) {
+                master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, exactmean)
+            } else {
+                master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, tbrm, C=9)
+            }
+        } else {
+            ## B. master is a vector
+            master2 <- rep(NA_real_, max.master.yr - min.master.yr + 1)
+            names(master2) <- as.character(min.master.yr : max.master.yr)
+            master2[as.character(master.yrs)] <- master
+        }
         if (min.master.yr < min.yr) {
             n.pad <- min.yr - min.master.yr
             padding <- matrix(NA_real_, n.pad, nseries)
@@ -129,16 +166,10 @@
             master.norm <- rwi[, idx.good & idx.noti, drop=FALSE]
             ## compute master series by normal mean or robust mean
-            master2 <- vector(mode="numeric", length=nyrs)
             if (!biweight) {
-                for (j in seq_len(nyrs)) {
-                    master2[j] <- exactmean(master.norm[j, ])
-                }
+                master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, exactmean)
             } else {
-                ## surprisingly, for loop is faster than apply
-                for (j in seq_len(nyrs)) {
-                    master2[j] <- tbrm(master.norm[j, ], C=9)
-                }
+                master2 <- apply(master.norm, 1, tbrm, C=9)
         series <- rwi[, i]

Modified: pkg/dplR/man/corr.rwl.seg.Rd
--- pkg/dplR/man/corr.rwl.seg.Rd	2012-08-30 19:57:20 UTC (rev 650)
+++ pkg/dplR/man/corr.rwl.seg.Rd	2012-10-02 15:03:10 UTC (rev 651)
@@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
 corr.rwl.seg(rwl, seg.length = 50, bin.floor = 100, n = NULL,
              prewhiten = TRUE, pcrit = 0.05, biweight = TRUE,
              make.plot = TRUE, label.cex = 1, floor.plus1 = FALSE,
-             master = NULL, master.yrs = as.numeric(names(master)),
+             master = NULL,
+             master.yrs = as.numeric(if (is.null(dim(master))) {
+                              names(master)
+                          } else {
+                              rownames(master)
+                          }),
@@ -35,34 +40,41 @@
   \item{floor.plus1}{ \code{logical} flag.  If \code{TRUE}, one year is
     added to the base location of the first segment (e.g., 1601, 1701,
     1801 \acronym{AD}). }
-  \item{master}{ a \code{numeric} vector.  If not \code{NULL}, the
-    function uses this as the master chronology.  If \code{NULL}, a
-    number of master chronologies, one for each series in
-    \code{\var{rwl}}, is built from \code{\var{rwl}} using the
-    leave-one-out principle. }
+  \item{master}{ \code{NULL}, a \code{numeric} \code{vector} or a
+    \code{matrix}-like object of \code{numeric} values, including a
+    \code{data.frame}.  If \code{NULL}, a number of master chronologies,
+    one for each series in \code{\var{rwl}}, is built from
+    \code{\var{rwl}} using the leave-one-out principle.  If a
+    \code{vector}, the function uses this as the master chronology.  If
+    a \code{matrix} or \code{data.frame}, this object is used for
+    building the master chronology (no leave-one-out). }
   \item{master.yrs}{ a \code{numeric} vector giving the years of
-    \code{\var{series}}.  Defaults to
-    \code{as.numeric(names(\var{master}))}. }
+    \code{\var{series}}.  Defaults to \code{names} or \code{rownames} of 
+    \code{\var{master}} coerced to \code{numeric} type. }
   \item{\dots}{ other arguments passed to plot. }
   This function calculates correlation serially between each tree-ring
   series and a master chronology built from all the other series in the
   \code{\var{rwl}} object (leave-one-out principle).  Optionally, the
-  user may give a \code{\var{master}} chronology as an argument.  In the
-  latter case, the same master chronology is used for all the series in
-  the \code{\var{rwl}} object.  Correlations are done for each segment
-  of the series where segments are lagged by half the segment length
-  (e.g., 100-year segments would be overlapped by 50-years).  The first
-  segment is placed according to \code{\var{bin.floor}}.  The minimum
-  bin year is calculated as
+  user may give a \code{\var{master}} chronology (a \code{vector}) as an
+  argument.  In the latter case, the same master chronology is used for
+  all the series in the \code{\var{rwl}} object.  The user can also
+  choose to give a \code{\var{master}} \code{data.frame} (series as
+  columns, years as rows), from which a single master chronology is
+  built.
+  Correlations are done for each segment of the series where segments
+  are lagged by half the segment length (e.g., 100-year segments would
+  be overlapped by 50-years).  The first segment is placed according to
+  \code{\var{bin.floor}}.  The minimum bin year is calculated as
   \code{ceiling(\var{min.yr}/\var{bin.floor})*\var{bin.floor}} where
   \code{\var{min.yr}} is the first year in either the \code{\var{rwl}}
   object or the user-specified \code{\var{master}} chronology, whichever
   is smaller.  For example if the first year is 626 and
-  \code{\var{bin.floor}} is 100 then the first bin would start in
-  700.  If \code{\var{bin.floor}} is 10 then the first bin would start in
-  630.
+  \code{\var{bin.floor}} is 100 then the first bin would start in 700.
+  If \code{\var{bin.floor}} is 10 then the first bin would start in 630.
   Correlations are calculated for the first segment, then the second
   segment and so on.  Correlations are only calculated for segments with

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