[Distr-commits] r1198 - in branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jul 12 18:30:06 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-07-12 18:30:06 +0200 (Thu, 12 Jul 2018)
New Revision: 1198

[distr] branch 2.8: plot methods now return an S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list containing the 
information needed to produce the respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different graphic engines (like, e.g. 
\code{ggplot}) to produce the plot in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in a subsequent version.

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods.R	2018-07-11 17:44:44 UTC (rev 1197)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods.R	2018-07-12 16:30:06 UTC (rev 1198)
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@
             cex.points = 2.0, pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE,
             to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE){
-     xc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$x
+     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+     xc <- mc$x
      ### manipulating the ... - argument
-     dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), 
+     dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
                         expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
       to.draw <- 1:3
@@ -246,6 +247,23 @@
+     plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots,
+                      args = list(width = width, height = height,
+                      withSweave = withSweave,
+                      xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
+                      verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+                      main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub,
+                      bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar, cex.main = cex.main,
+                      cex.inner = cex.inner, cex.sub = cex.sub,
+                      col.points = col.points, col.vert = col.vert,
+                      col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
+                      col.sub = col.sub, cex.points = cex.points,
+                      pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow,
+                      to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg, withSubst = withSubst),
+                      to.draw=to.draw, panelFirst = pF,
+                      panelLast = pL)
      plotCount <- 1
      o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
@@ -253,14 +271,21 @@
          dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
          dots.lowlevel$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
          dots.lowlevel$xlim <- xlim
+         plotInfo$dplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, dxg, type = "l",
+             ylim = ylim1,  ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]], log = logpd),
+             dots.lowlevel)
          do.call(plot, c(list(x = grid, dxg, type = "l",
              ylim = ylim1,  ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]], log = logpd),
+         plotInfo$dplot$usr <- par("usr")
          dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- dots.lowlevel$panel.last <- NULL
          dots.lowlevel$xlim <- NULL
          plotCount <- plotCount + 1
          options(warn = o.warn)
+         plotInfo$dplot$title <- list(main = inner.d, line = lineT,
+               cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
          title(main = inner.d, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
                col.main = col.inner)
@@ -274,14 +299,20 @@
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
         dots.lowlevel$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
         dots.lowlevel$xlim <- xlim
+        plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
+             ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]], log = logpd),
+             dots.lowlevel)
         do.call(plot, c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
              ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]], log = logpd),
+        plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- dots.lowlevel$panel.last <- NULL
         dots.lowlevel$xlim <- NULL
         plotCount <- plotCount + 1
         options(warn = o.warn)
+        plotInfo$pplot$title <- list(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+                  cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
         title(main = inner.p, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
               col.main = col.inner)
@@ -319,14 +350,20 @@
         options(warn = -1)
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
         dots.lowlevel$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
+        plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
+             xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[["q"]], xlab = xlab0[["q"]],
+             log = logq), dots.lowlevel)
         do.call(plot, c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
              xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[["q"]], xlab = xlab0[["q"]],
              log = logq), dots.lowlevel))
+        plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- dots.lowlevel$panel.last <- NULL
         plotCount <- plotCount + 1
         options(warn = o.warn)
+        plotInfo$qplot$title <- list(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+              cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
         title(main = inner.q, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
               col.main = col.inner)
@@ -340,6 +377,8 @@
             dots.without.pch0$col <- NULL
             do.call(lines, c(list(pu[o], xu[o], 
                     col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0))    
+            plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(x=pu[o], y=xu[o],
+                    col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
         options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -348,16 +387,28 @@
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
            do.call(points, c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
+           plotInfo$qplot$vpoints.l <- c(list(x=pu1, y=gaps(x)[,1],
+                   pch = pch.a, cex = cex.points, col = col.points),
+                   dots.for.points)
+           plotInfo$qplot$vpoints.r <- c(list(x=pu1, y=gaps(x)[,2],
+                   pch = pch.a, cex = cex.points, col = col.points),
+                   dots.for.points)
-     if (mainL)
+     if (mainL){
          mtext(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5, 
                outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)                            
-     if (subL)
+         plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+               outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+     }
+     if (subL){
          mtext(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
                outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)                            
-   return(invisible())
+         plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+               outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+     }
+   class(plotInfo) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")
+   return(invisible(plotInfo))
 # -------- DiscreteDistribution -------- #
@@ -375,11 +426,25 @@
              pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE,
              to.draw.arg = NULL, withSubst = TRUE){
-      xc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$x
+      mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
+      xc <- mc$x
       ### manipulating the ... - argument
       dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), 
                        expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+      plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots,
+                      args = list(width = width, height = height,
+                         withSweave = withSweave,
+                         xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, verticals = verticals,
+                         do.points = do.points, main = main, inner = inner,
+                         sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar, cex.main = cex.main,
+                         cex.inner = cex.inner, cex.sub = cex.sub,
+                         col.points = col.points, col.hor = col.hor,
+                         col.vert = col.vert, col.main = col.main,
+                         col.inner = col.inner, col.sub = col.sub,
+                         cex.points = cex.points, pch.u = pch.u,
+                         pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow,
+                         to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg, withSubst = withSubst))
       to.draw <- 1:3
       names(to.draw) <- c("d","p","q")
       if(! is.null(to.draw.arg)){
@@ -400,6 +465,11 @@
           pL <- .panel.mingle(dots,"panel.last")
       pL <- .fillList(pL, l.draw)
+      plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+      plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+      plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
       dots$panel.first <- dots$panel.last <- NULL
       dots$ngrid <- NULL
@@ -618,9 +688,13 @@
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
        dots.without.pch$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
+       plotInfo$dplot$plot <- c(list(x = supp, dx, type = "h", pch = pch.a,
+            ylim = ylim1, xlim=xlim, ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]],
+            log = logpd), dots.without.pch)
        do.call(plot, c(list(x = supp, dx, type = "h", pch = pch.a,
             ylim = ylim1, xlim=xlim, ylab = ylab0[["d"]], xlab = xlab0[["d"]],
             log = logpd), dots.without.pch))
+       plotInfo$dplot$usr <- par("usr")
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- dots.without.pch$panel.last <- NULL
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
        options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -628,11 +702,15 @@
        title(main = inner.d, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
              col.main = col.inner)
+       plotInfo$dplot$title <- list(main = inner.d, line = lineT,
+             cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
-          do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = dx, pch = pch.a, 
+          do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = dx, pch = pch.a,
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
+       plotInfo$dplot$points <- c(list(x = supp, y = dx, pch = pch.a,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
        options(warn = -1)
      ngrid <- length(supp)
@@ -643,12 +721,19 @@
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
        dots.without.pch$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
+       plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = stepfun(x = supp1, y = psupp1),
+                     main = "", verticals = verticals,
+                     do.points = FALSE,
+                     ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]],
+                     col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+                     log = logpd), dots.without.pch)
        do.call(plot, c(list(x = stepfun(x = supp1, y = psupp1),
                      main = "", verticals = verticals, 
                      do.points = FALSE, 
                      ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[["p"]], xlab = xlab0[["p"]],
                      col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert, 
                      log = logpd), dots.without.pch))
+       plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- dots.without.pch$panel.last <- NULL
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
@@ -657,11 +742,19 @@
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
               do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = psupp1[2:(ngrid+1)], pch = pch.a, 
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
+              plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = psupp1[1:ngrid], pch = pch.u,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+              plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp, y = psupp1[2:(ngrid+1)], pch = pch.a,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
               do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = 0, pch = pch.u, 
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))           
               do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, y = 1, pch = pch.a, 
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))           
+              plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = 0, pch = pch.u,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+              plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp, y = 1, pch = pch.a,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
        options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -669,17 +762,33 @@
        title(main = inner.p, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner, 
              col.main = col.inner)
+       plotInfo$pplot$title <- c(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+             cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
-       if(do.points)
+       if(do.points){
           do.call(points, c(list(x = supp, 
                   y = c(0,p(x)(supp[-length(supp)])), pch = pch.u, 
                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
-     }  
+          plotInfo$pplot$points <- c(list(x = supp,
+                  y = c(0,p(x)(supp[-length(supp)])), pch = pch.u,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+       }
+     }
        options(warn = -1)
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
        dots.without.pch$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
+       plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = stepfun(c(0,p(x)(supp)),
+                            c(NA,supp,NA), right = TRUE),
+            main = "", xlim = ylim2, ylim = c(min(supp),max(supp)),
+            ylab = ylab0[["q"]], xlab = xlab0[["q"]],
+            verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+            cex.points = cex.points, pch = pch.a,
+            col.points = col.points,
+            col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+            log = logq), dots.without.pch)
        do.call(plot, c(list(x = stepfun(c(0,p(x)(supp)),
                             c(NA,supp,NA), right = TRUE), 
             main = "", xlim = ylim2, ylim = c(min(supp),max(supp)),
@@ -689,6 +798,7 @@
             col.points = col.points,
             col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert, 
             log = logq), dots.without.pch))
+       plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
        dots.without.pch$panel.first <- dots.without.pch$panel.last <- NULL
        plotCount <- plotCount + 1
        options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -696,19 +806,29 @@
        title(main = inner.q, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
              col.main = col.inner)
+       plotInfo$qplot$title <- c(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+             cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
        dots.without.pch0 <- dots.without.pch
        dots.without.pch0$col <- NULL
        do.call(lines, c(list(x = c(0,p(x)(supp[1])), y = rep(supp[1],2),  
                   col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0))           
+       plotInfo$qplot$lines <- c(list(x = c(0,p(x)(supp[1])), y = rep(supp[1],2),
+                  col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
-       if(do.points)
-          {do.call(points, c(list(x = p(x)(supp[-length(supp)]),
+       if(do.points){
+           do.call(points, c(list(x = p(x)(supp[-length(supp)]),
                   y = supp[-1], pch = pch.u, cex = cex.points, 
                   col = col.points), dots.for.points))
            do.call(points, c(list(x = 0, y = supp[1], pch = pch.u, 
-                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))}           
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
+           plotInfo$qplot$points.u <- c(list(x = p(x)(supp[-length(supp)]),
+                  y = supp[-1], pch = pch.u, cex = cex.points,
+                  col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+           plotInfo$qplot$points.a <- c(list(x = 0, y = supp[1], pch = pch.u,
+                  cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+       }
        if(verticals && ngrid>1)
           {dots.without.pch0 <- dots.without.pch
@@ -716,17 +836,25 @@
            do.call(lines, c(list(x = rep(p(x)(supp[1]),2), y = c(supp[1],supp[2]),  
                   col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0))
+           plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(x = rep(p(x)(supp[1]),2), y = c(supp[1],supp[2]),
+                  col = col.vert), dots.without.pch0)
-     if (mainL)
+     if (mainL){
            mtext(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5, 
                  outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)                            
-     if (subL)
+           plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+               outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+     }
+     if (subL){
            mtext(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
                  outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)                            
-   return(invisible())
+           plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+               outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+     }
+   class(plotInfo) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")
+   return(invisible(plotInfo))
@@ -734,9 +862,14 @@
 setMethod("plot", signature(x =  "DistrList", y = "missing"),
     function(x, ...){ 
+        mc <- as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+                            expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
+        plotInfoList <- vector("list",length(x))
+        plotInfoList$call <- mc
         for(i in 1:length(x)){
-            plot(x[[i]],...)
+            plotInfoList[[i]] <- plot(x[[i]],...)
-        return(invisible())
+        class(plotInfoList) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")
+        return(invisible(plotInfoList))

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods_LebDec.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods_LebDec.R	2018-07-11 17:44:44 UTC (rev 1197)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/plot-methods_LebDec.R	2018-07-12 16:30:06 UTC (rev 1198)
@@ -15,9 +15,24 @@
              withSubst = TRUE){
       mc <- as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
-      do.call(getMethod("plot",
+      dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
+                        expand.dots = FALSE)$"..."
+      ret <- do.call(getMethod("plot",
               signature(x="UnivarLebDecDistribution",y="missing")), args = mc)
-      return(invisible())
+      ret$dots <- dots
+      ret$call <- mc
+      ret$args <- list(x = x, width = width, height = height,
+             withSweave = withSweave, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
+             verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+             main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar,
+             cex.main = cex.main, cex.inner = cex.inner,
+             cex.sub = cex.sub, col.points = col.points,
+             col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+             col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
+             col.sub = col.sub,  cex.points = cex.points,
+             pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow, to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg,
+             withSubst = withSubst)
+      return(invisible(ret))
 setMethod("plot", signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution", y = "missing"),
@@ -34,8 +49,20 @@
              pch.u = 21, pch.a = 16, mfColRow = TRUE, to.draw.arg = NULL,
              withSubst = TRUE){
-      mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = TRUE)[-1]
+      mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), expand.dots = TRUE)
+      mc1 <- mc[-1]
       xc <- mc$x
+      args0 <- list(x = x, width = width, height = height,
+             withSweave = withSweave, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ngrid = ngrid,
+             verticals = verticals, do.points = do.points,
+             main = main, inner = inner, sub = sub, bmar = bmar, tmar = tmar,
+             cex.main = cex.main, cex.inner = cex.inner,
+             cex.sub = cex.sub, col.points = col.points,
+             col.hor = col.hor, col.vert = col.vert,
+             col.main = col.main, col.inner = col.inner,
+             col.sub = col.sub,  cex.points = cex.points,
+             pch.u = pch.u, pch.a = pch.a, mfColRow = mfColRow, to.draw.arg = to.draw.arg,
+             withSubst = withSubst)
       ### manipulating the ... - argument
       dots <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)),
@@ -76,7 +103,7 @@
           x <- .ULC.cast(x)
-         mcl <- as.list(mc)
+         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
          mcl$to.draw.arg <- (1:3)[( (6:8) %in%to.draw )] 
          mcl$ngrid <- NULL
          whichPFL <- mcl$to.draw.arg   
@@ -89,12 +116,15 @@
                    {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                      mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
-         do.call(plotD, mcl)
-         return(invisible())
+         ret <- do.call(plotD, mcl)
+         ret$dots <- dots
+         ret$call <- mc
+         ret$args <- args0
+         return(invisible(ret))
-         mcl <- as.list(mc)
+         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
          mcl$col.hor <- NULL
          if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.c
          if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.c
@@ -107,14 +137,17 @@
                    {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                      mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
-         do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
-         return(invisible())
+         ret <- do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
+         ret$dots <- dots
+         ret$call <- mc
+         ret$args <- args0
+         return(invisible(ret))
       if(.isEqual(x at mixCoeff[1],0)){
          x <- x at mixDistr[[2]]
-         mcl <- as.list(mc)
+         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
          if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.d
          if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.d
          mcl$x <- x
@@ -128,13 +161,16 @@
                    {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                      mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
-         do.call(plotD, as.list(mcl))
-         return(invisible())
+         ret <- do.call(plotD, as.list(mcl))
+         ret$dots <- dots
+         ret$call <- mc
+         ret$args <- args0
+         return(invisible(ret))
       if(.isEqual(x at mixCoeff[1],1)){
          x <- x at mixDistr[[1]]
-         mcl <- as.list(mc)
+         mcl <- as.list(mc1)
          if(is.null(mcl$xlab)) mcl$xlab <- xlab0.c
          if(is.null(mcl$ylab)) mcl$ylab <- ylab0.c
          mcl$x <- x
@@ -148,10 +184,15 @@
                    {inner <- .fillList(inner, 8)
                      mcl$inner <- inner[6:8]}
-         do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
-         return(invisible())
+         ret <- do.call(plotC, as.list(mcl))
+         ret$dots <- dots
+         ret$call <- mc
+         ret$args <- args0
+         return(invisible(ret))
+      plotInfo <- list(call = mc, dots=dots, args=args0)
       dots.for.points <- .makedotsPt(dots)
       dots.lowlevel <- .makedotsLowLevel(dots)
@@ -421,15 +462,24 @@
          pxv <- p(x)(xv)
+     plotInfo$to.draw <- to.draw
+     plotInfo$panelFirst <- pF
+     plotInfo$panelLast <- pL
      o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
      if(1 %in% to.draw){
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
         dots.lowlevel$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
         dots.lowlevel$xlim <- xlim
+        plotInfo$pplot$plot <- c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
+             ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["p"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["p"]], log = logpd),
+             dots.lowlevel)
         do.call(plot, c(list(x = grid, pxg, type = "l",
              ylim = ylim2, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["p"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["p"]], log = logpd),
+        plotInfo$pplot$usr <- par("usr")
         dots.lowlevel$panel.first <- dots.lowlevel$panel.last <- NULL
         dots.lowlevel$xlim <- NULL
         plotCount <- plotCount + 1
@@ -442,14 +492,22 @@
                      cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
            do.call(points, c(list(x = supp-del, y = pxg.d0, pch = pch.u,
                      cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points))
+           plotInfo$pplot$points.u <- c(list(x = supp, y = pxg.d, pch = pch.a,
+                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+           plotInfo$pplot$points.a <- c(list(x = supp-del, y = pxg.d0, pch = pch.u,
+                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
             do.call(lines, c(list(x = xv, y = pxv, col = col.vert),
+            plotInfo$pplot$vlines <- c(list(x = xv, y = pxv, col = col.vert),
+                    dots.v)
         title(main = inner.p, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
               col.main = col.inner)
+        plotInfo$pplot$title <- list(main = inner.p, line = lineT,
+                  cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
      ### quantiles
@@ -490,9 +548,13 @@
         options(warn = -1)
         dots.without.pch$panel.first <- pF[[plotCount]]
         dots.without.pch$panel.last  <- pL[[plotCount]]
+        plotInfo$qplot$plot <- c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
+             xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["q"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["q"]],
+             log = logq), dots.without.pch)
         do.call(plot, c(list(x = po, xo, type = "n",
              xlim = ylim2, ylim = xlim, ylab = ylab0[[1]][["q"]], xlab = xlab0[[1]][["q"]],
              log = logq), dots.without.pch), envir = parent.frame(2))
+        plotInfo$qplot$usr <- par("usr")
         plotCount <- plotCount + 1
         dots.without.pch$panel.first <- dots.without.pch$panel.last <- NULL
         options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -500,13 +562,17 @@
         title(main = inner.q, line = lineT, cex.main = cex.inner,
               col.main = col.inner)
+        plotInfo$qplot$title <- c(main = inner.q, line = lineT,
+             cex.main = cex.inner, col.main = col.inner)
         options(warn = -1)
         do.call(lines, c(list(x=po, y=xo), dots.for.lines))
    #    if (verticals && !is.null(gaps(x))){
    #         do.call(lines, c(list(rep(pu1,2), c(gaps(x)[,1],gaps(x)[,2]),
    #                 col = col.vert), dots.without.pch))
    #     }
+        plotInfo$qplot$lines <- c(list(x=po, y=xo), dots.for.lines)
         options(warn = o.warn)
@@ -516,33 +582,48 @@
                 o <- order(pu)
                 do.call(lines, c(list(pu[o], xu[o],
                         col = col.vert), dots.v))
+                plotInfo$qplot$vlines <- c(list(pu[o], xu[o],
+                        col = col.vert), dots.v)
         if(!is.null(gaps(x)) && do.points){
             do.call(points, c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,1], pch = pch.a,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
             do.call(points, c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
                     cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
-        }
+            plotInfo$qplot$points.u <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,1], pch = pch.a,
+                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+            plotInfo$qplot$points.a <- c(list(x = pu1, y = gaps(x)[,2], pch = pch.u,
+                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+         }
-           if(is.finite(q.l(x)(0)))
+           if(is.finite(q.l(x)(0))){
               do.call(points, c(list(x = 0, y = q.l(x)(0), pch = pch.u,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
-           if(is.finite(q.l(x)(1)))
+              plotInfo$qplot$points0 <- c(list(x = 0, y = q.l(x)(0), pch = pch.u,
+                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+           }
+           if(is.finite(q.l(x)(1))){
               do.call(points, c(list(x = 1, y = q.l(x)(1), pch = pch.a,
                    cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points) )
+              plotInfo$qplot$points0 <- c(list(x = 1, y = q.l(x)(1), pch = pch.a,
+                   cex = cex.points, col = col.points), dots.for.points)
+           }
-        if (mainL)
+        if (mainL){
             mtext(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
                   outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
-        if (subL)
+            plotInfo$mainL <- list(text = main, side = 3, cex = cex.main, adj = .5,
+                  outer = TRUE, padj = 1.4, col = col.main)
+        }
+        if (subL){
             mtext(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
                   outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
+            plotInfo$subL <- list(text = sub, side = 1, cex = cex.sub, adj = .5,
+               outer = TRUE, line = -1.6, col = col.sub)
-    mc.ac <- mc
+      }
+    mc.ac <- mc1
        mc.ac$inner <- lapply(inner[3:5], function(x) 
@@ -562,10 +643,10 @@
      mc.ac$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
      mc.ac$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
-     do.call(plotC, c(list(acPart(x)),mc.ac), envir = parent.frame(2))
+     plotInfo$ac <- do.call(plotC, c(list(acPart(x)),mc.ac), envir = parent.frame(2))
      plotCount <- plotCount + 3
-     mc.di <- mc
+     mc.di <- mc1
          mc.di$inner <- lapply(inner[6:8], function(x) 
@@ -585,10 +666,11 @@
      whichPFL <- plotCount-1+mc.di$to.draw.arg  
      mc.di$panel.first <- pF[whichPFL]
      mc.di$panel.last  <- pL[whichPFL]
-     do.call(plotD, c(list(discretePart(x)),mc.di), envir = parent.frame(2))
+     plotInfo$di <- do.call(plotD, c(list(discretePart(x)),mc.di), envir = parent.frame(2))
      plotCount <- plotCount + 3
-     return(invisible())
+     plotInfo$plotCount <- plotCount
+     class(plotInfo) <- c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")
+     return(invisible(plotInfo))
@@ -596,8 +678,9 @@
            function(x, ...) {
            mc <- as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)), 
                             expand.dots = TRUE)[-1])
-           do.call(getMethod("plot",signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution", 
+           ret <- do.call(getMethod("plot",signature(x = "UnivarLebDecDistribution",
                                       y = "missing")),args=mc)
-           return(invisible())
+           ret$call <- mc
+           return(invisible(ret))

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/qqplot.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/qqplot.R	2018-07-11 17:44:44 UTC (rev 1197)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/R/qqplot.R	2018-07-12 16:30:06 UTC (rev 1198)
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
     if(mfColRow) opar1 <- par(mfrow = c(1,1), no.readonly = TRUE)
     ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
+    qq.usr <- par("usr")
     qqb <- NULL
@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@
-    qqplotInfo <- c(ret, qqplotInfo, qqb)
+    qqplotInfo <- c(ret, usr=qq.usr, qqplotInfo, qqb)
     class(qqplotInfo) <- c("qqplotInfo","DiagnInfo")

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/man/plot-methods.Rd
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/man/plot-methods.Rd	2018-07-11 17:44:44 UTC (rev 1197)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distr/man/plot-methods.Rd	2018-07-12 16:30:06 UTC (rev 1198)
@@ -216,6 +216,14 @@
 run through in the same order as the panels).
+\value{An S3 object of class \code{c("plotInfo","DiagnInfo")}, i.e., a list
+  containing the information needed to produce the
+  respective plot, which at a later stage could be used by different
+  graphic engines (like, e.g. \code{ggplot}) to produce the plot
+  in a different framework. A more detailed description will follow in
+  a subsequent version.
 plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3))
 plot(Binom(size = 4, prob = 0.3), do.points = FALSE)

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