[Distr-commits] r1022 - branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/man
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Sun May 3 08:05:16 CEST 2015
Author: stamats
Date: 2015-05-03 08:05:15 +0200 (Sun, 03 May 2015)
New Revision: 1022
further updates to Rd file
Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/man/0distrMod-package.Rd
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/man/0distrMod-package.Rd 2015-05-03 06:01:10 UTC (rev 1021)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/man/0distrMod-package.Rd 2015-05-03 06:05:15 UTC (rev 1022)
@@ -1,343 +1,345 @@
-distrMod -- Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
-Based on the packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx} package \pkg{distrMod}
-provides a flexible framework which allows computation of estimators like
-maximum likelihood or minimum distance estimators for probability models.
-Package: \tab distrMod \cr
-Version: \tab 2.6 \cr
-Date: \tab 2015-05-03 \cr
-Depends: \tab R(>= 2.6.0), methods, startupmsg, distr(>= 2.2), distrEx(>=
-2.2), RandVar(>= 0.6.3), MASS, stats4 \cr
-LazyLoad: \tab yes \cr
-License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
-URL: \tab http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/\cr
-SVNRevision: \tab 914 \cr
-[*]: there is a generating function with the same name
-ProbFamily classes
-slots: [<name>(<class>)]
-name(character), distribution(Distribution),
-distrSym(DistributionSymmetry), props(character)
-|>"ParamFamily" [*]
-additional slots:
-param(ParamFamParameter), modifyParam(function),
-startPar(function), makeOKPar(function), fam.call(call)
-|>|>"L2ParamFamily" [*]
-additional slots:
-L2deriv(EuclRandVarList), L2deriv.fct(function),
-L2derivSymm(FunSymmList), L2derivDistr(DistrList),
-L2derivDistrSymm(DistrSymmList), FisherInfo(PosSemDefSymmMatrix),
-|>|>|>"BinomFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>"PoisFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>"BetaFamily" [*]
-additional slots:
-|>|>|>|>"L2ScaleShapeUnion" /VIRTUAL/
-|>|>|>|>|>"GammaFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>"L2LocationScaleUnion" /VIRTUAL/
-additional slots:
-|>|>|>|>|>"L2LocationFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormLocationFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>"L2ScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"ExpScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"LnormScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>"L2LocationScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormLocationScaleFamily" [*]
-|>|>|>|>|>|>"CauchyLocationScaleFamily" [*]
-and a (virtual) class union "L2ScaleUnion" between
- "L2LocationScaleUnion" and "L2ScaleShapeUnion"
-"ParamFamParameter" [*] is subclass of class "Parameter" of package "distr".
-Additional slots:
-main(numeric), nuisance(OptionalNumeric), fixed(OptionalNumeric),
-Class unions
-"MatrixorFunction" = union("matrix", "OptionalFunction")
-"PrintDetails" = union("Estimate", "Confint",
- "PosSemDefSymmMatrix",
- "ParamFamParameter", "ParamFamily")
-Symmetry classes (other classes moved to package "distr")
-type(character), SymmCenter(ANY)
-"Symmetry" (from package "distr")
-|>|>"NonSymmetric" [*]
-|>|>"EvenSymmetric" [*]
-|>|>"OddSymmetric" [*]
-list thereof
-"FunSymmList" [*]
-Matrix classes (moved to package "distr")
-"PosSemDefSymmMatrix" [*] is subclass of class "matrix" of package "base".
-|>"PosDefSymmMatrix" [*]
-Norm Classes
-name(character), fct(function)
-"NormType" [*]
-|>"QFNorm" [*]
-Additional slots:
-|>|>"InfoNorm" [*]
-|>|>"SelfNorm" [*]
-Bias Classes
-|>"symmetricBias" [*]
-Additional slots:
-|>"asymmetricBias" [*]
-Additional slots:
-Risk Classes
-|>|>"asCov" [*]
-|>|>"trAsCov" [*]
-|>|>"fiCov" [*]
-|>|>"trfiCov" [*]
-|>|>"fiHampel" [*]
-Additional slots:
-|>|>"fiMSE" [*]
-|>|>"fiBias" [*]
-|>|>"fiUnOvShoot" [*]
-Additional slots:
-Risk with Bias:
-slots: biastype(BiasType), normtype(NormType),
-|>"asHampel" [*]
-Additional slots:
-|>"asBias" [*]
-|>|>"asMSE" [*]
-|>|>"asUnOvShoot" [*]
-Additional slots:
-|>|>"asSemivar" [*]
-Estimate Classes
-name(character), estimate(ANY),
-samplesize(numeric), asvar(OptionalMatrix),
-Infos(matrix), nuis.idx(OptionalNumeric)
-estimate.call(call), trafo(list[of function, matrix]),
-criterion.fct(function), method(character),
-Additional slots:
-Confidence interval class
-type(character), confint(array),
-estimate.call(call), name.estimate(character),
-trafo.estimate(list[of function, matrix]),
-besides accessor and replacement functions, we have
-\code{solve}, \code{sqrt} for matrices
-\code{checkL2deriv}, \code{existsPIC} for class \code{L2ParamFamily}
-\code{LogDeriv} for class \code{L2GroupParamFamily}
-\code{validParameter} for classes \code{ParamFamily}, \code{L2ScaleFamily},
-\code{L2LocationFamily}, and \code{L2LocationScaleFamily}
-\code{modifyModel} for the pairs of classes
-\code{L2ParamFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
-\code{L2LocationFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
-\code{L2ScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
-\code{L2LocationScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
-\code{GammaFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter}, and
-\code{ExpScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter}
-\code{mceCalc} for the pair of classes \code{numeric} and \code{ParamFamily}
-\code{mleCalc} for the pairs of classes
-\code{numeric} and \code{ParamFamily},
-\code{numeric} and \code{BinomFamily},
-\code{numeric} and \code{PoisFamily},
-\code{numeric} and \code{NormLocationFamily},
-\code{numeric} and \code{NormScaleFamily}, and
-\code{numeric} and \code{NormLocationScaleFamily}
-\code{coerce} from class \code{MCEstimate} to class \code{mle}
-\code{confint} for class \code{Estimate}
-\code{profile} for class \code{MCEstimate}
-Management of global options:
-"distrModOptions", "distrModoptions", "getdistrModOption",
-check for ker of matrix: "isKerAinKerB"
-particular norms: "EuclideanNorm", "QuadFormNorm"
-onesided bias: "positiveBias", "negativeBias",
-"Estimator", "MCEstimator", "MLEstimator", "MDEstimator"
-special location/scale models:
-"L2LocationUnknownScaleFamily", "L2ScaleUnknownLocationFamily"
-some special normal models:
-"NormScaleUnknownLocationFamily", "NormLocationUnknownScaleFamily",
-Some functions of packages \pkg{stats}, \pkg{base} have intentionally been masked,
-but completely retain their functionality --- see \code{distrModMASK()}.
-If any of the packages \pkg{stats4}, \pkg{fBasics} is to be used
-together with \pkg{distrMod}, the latter must be attached \emph{after} any of the
-first mentioned. Otherwise \code{confint()} defined as \emph{method}
-in \pkg{distrMod} may get masked.\cr To re-mask, you
-may use \code{confint <- distrMod::confint}.
-See also \code{distrModMASK()}
-Peter Ruckdeschel \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de},\cr
-Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
-\emph{Maintainer:} Peter Ruckdeschel \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de}
-M. Kohl and P. Ruckdeschel (2010):
-R Package distrMod: S4 Classes and Methods for Probability Models.
-Journal of Statistical Software, 35(10), 1-27.
-(see also \code{vignette("distrMod")})
-P. Ruckdeschel, M. Kohl, T. Stabla, F. Camphausen (2006):
-S4 Classes for Distributions, \emph{R News}, \emph{6}(2), 2-6.
-A vignette for packages \pkg{distr}, \pkg{distrSim}, \pkg{distrTEst}, and
-\pkg{distrEx} is included into the mere documentation package \pkg{distrDoc}
-and may be called by
-You may suppress the start-up banner/message completely by setting
-\code{options("StartupBanner"="off")} somewhere before loading this
-package by \code{library} or \code{require} in your R-code / R-session.
-If option \code{"StartupBanner"} is not defined (default) or setting
-\code{options("StartupBanner"=NULL)} or
-\code{options("StartupBanner"="complete")} the complete start-up banner is
-For any other value of option \code{"StartupBanner"}
-(i.e., not in \code{c(NULL,"off","complete")})
-only the version information is displayed.
-The same can be achieved by wrapping the \code{library} or \code{require}
-call into either \code{suppressStartupMessages()} or
-As for general \code{packageStartupMessage}'s, you may also suppress all
-the start-up banner by wrapping the \code{library} or \code{require}
-call into \code{suppressPackageStartupMessages()} from
-\pkg{startupmsg}-version 0.5 on.
-Demos are available --- see \code{demo(package="distrMod")}.}
-Example scripts are available --- see folder \file{scripts}
-in the package folder to package \pkg{distrMod} in your library.
-\section{Package versions}{
-Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
- package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
- distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
- information.
+distrMod -- Object Oriented Implementation of Probability Models
+Based on the packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx} package \pkg{distrMod}
+provides a flexible framework which allows computation of estimators like
+maximum likelihood or minimum distance estimators for probability models.
+Package: \tab distrMod \cr
+Version: \tab 2.6 \cr
+Date: \tab 2015-05-03 \cr
+Depends: \tab R(>= 2.14.0), distr(>= 2.5.2), distrEx(>= 2.4), RandVar(>= 0.6.3), MASS, stats4,
+ methods \cr
+Imports: \tab startupmsg, sfsmisc \cr
+Suggests: \tab ismev, evd, RobExtremes \cr
+ByteCompile: \tab yes \cr
+License: \tab LGPL-3 \cr
+URL: \tab http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/\cr
+SVNRevision: \tab 914 \cr
+[*]: there is a generating function with the same name
+ProbFamily classes
+slots: [<name>(<class>)]
+name(character), distribution(Distribution),
+distrSym(DistributionSymmetry), props(character)
+|>"ParamFamily" [*]
+additional slots:
+param(ParamFamParameter), modifyParam(function),
+startPar(function), makeOKPar(function), fam.call(call)
+|>|>"L2ParamFamily" [*]
+additional slots:
+L2deriv(EuclRandVarList), L2deriv.fct(function),
+L2derivSymm(FunSymmList), L2derivDistr(DistrList),
+L2derivDistrSymm(DistrSymmList), FisherInfo(PosSemDefSymmMatrix),
+|>|>|>"BinomFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>"PoisFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>"BetaFamily" [*]
+additional slots:
+|>|>|>|>"L2ScaleShapeUnion" /VIRTUAL/
+|>|>|>|>|>"GammaFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>"L2LocationScaleUnion" /VIRTUAL/
+additional slots:
+|>|>|>|>|>"L2LocationFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormLocationFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>"L2ScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"ExpScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"LnormScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>"L2LocationScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"NormLocationScaleFamily" [*]
+|>|>|>|>|>|>"CauchyLocationScaleFamily" [*]
+and a (virtual) class union "L2ScaleUnion" between
+ "L2LocationScaleUnion" and "L2ScaleShapeUnion"
+"ParamFamParameter" [*] is subclass of class "Parameter" of package "distr".
+Additional slots:
+main(numeric), nuisance(OptionalNumeric), fixed(OptionalNumeric),
+Class unions
+"MatrixorFunction" = union("matrix", "OptionalFunction")
+"PrintDetails" = union("Estimate", "Confint",
+ "PosSemDefSymmMatrix",
+ "ParamFamParameter", "ParamFamily")
+Symmetry classes (other classes moved to package "distr")
+type(character), SymmCenter(ANY)
+"Symmetry" (from package "distr")
+|>|>"NonSymmetric" [*]
+|>|>"EvenSymmetric" [*]
+|>|>"OddSymmetric" [*]
+list thereof
+"FunSymmList" [*]
+Matrix classes (moved to package "distr")
+"PosSemDefSymmMatrix" [*] is subclass of class "matrix" of package "base".
+|>"PosDefSymmMatrix" [*]
+Norm Classes
+name(character), fct(function)
+"NormType" [*]
+|>"QFNorm" [*]
+Additional slots:
+|>|>"InfoNorm" [*]
+|>|>"SelfNorm" [*]
+Bias Classes
+|>"symmetricBias" [*]
+Additional slots:
+|>"asymmetricBias" [*]
+Additional slots:
+Risk Classes
+|>|>"asCov" [*]
+|>|>"trAsCov" [*]
+|>|>"fiCov" [*]
+|>|>"trfiCov" [*]
+|>|>"fiHampel" [*]
+Additional slots:
+|>|>"fiMSE" [*]
+|>|>"fiBias" [*]
+|>|>"fiUnOvShoot" [*]
+Additional slots:
+Risk with Bias:
+slots: biastype(BiasType), normtype(NormType),
+|>"asHampel" [*]
+Additional slots:
+|>"asBias" [*]
+|>|>"asMSE" [*]
+|>|>"asUnOvShoot" [*]
+Additional slots:
+|>|>"asSemivar" [*]
+Estimate Classes
+name(character), estimate(ANY),
+samplesize(numeric), asvar(OptionalMatrix),
+Infos(matrix), nuis.idx(OptionalNumeric)
+estimate.call(call), trafo(list[of function, matrix]),
+criterion.fct(function), method(character),
+Additional slots:
+Confidence interval class
+type(character), confint(array),
+estimate.call(call), name.estimate(character),
+trafo.estimate(list[of function, matrix]),
+besides accessor and replacement functions, we have
+\code{solve}, \code{sqrt} for matrices
+\code{checkL2deriv}, \code{existsPIC} for class \code{L2ParamFamily}
+\code{LogDeriv} for class \code{L2GroupParamFamily}
+\code{validParameter} for classes \code{ParamFamily}, \code{L2ScaleFamily},
+\code{L2LocationFamily}, and \code{L2LocationScaleFamily}
+\code{modifyModel} for the pairs of classes
+\code{L2ParamFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
+\code{L2LocationFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
+\code{L2ScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
+\code{L2LocationScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter},
+\code{GammaFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter}, and
+\code{ExpScaleFamily} and \code{ParamFamParameter}
+\code{mceCalc} for the pair of classes \code{numeric} and \code{ParamFamily}
+\code{mleCalc} for the pairs of classes
+\code{numeric} and \code{ParamFamily},
+\code{numeric} and \code{BinomFamily},
+\code{numeric} and \code{PoisFamily},
+\code{numeric} and \code{NormLocationFamily},
+\code{numeric} and \code{NormScaleFamily}, and
+\code{numeric} and \code{NormLocationScaleFamily}
+\code{coerce} from class \code{MCEstimate} to class \code{mle}
+\code{confint} for class \code{Estimate}
+\code{profile} for class \code{MCEstimate}
+Management of global options:
+"distrModOptions", "distrModoptions", "getdistrModOption",
+check for ker of matrix: "isKerAinKerB"
+particular norms: "EuclideanNorm", "QuadFormNorm"
+onesided bias: "positiveBias", "negativeBias",
+"Estimator", "MCEstimator", "MLEstimator", "MDEstimator"
+special location/scale models:
+"L2LocationUnknownScaleFamily", "L2ScaleUnknownLocationFamily"
+some special normal models:
+"NormScaleUnknownLocationFamily", "NormLocationUnknownScaleFamily",
+Some functions of packages \pkg{stats}, \pkg{base} have intentionally been masked,
+but completely retain their functionality --- see \code{distrModMASK()}.
+If any of the packages \pkg{stats4}, \pkg{fBasics} is to be used
+together with \pkg{distrMod}, the latter must be attached \emph{after} any of the
+first mentioned. Otherwise \code{confint()} defined as \emph{method}
+in \pkg{distrMod} may get masked.\cr To re-mask, you
+may use \code{confint <- distrMod::confint}.
+See also \code{distrModMASK()}
+Peter Ruckdeschel \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de},\cr
+Matthias Kohl \email{Matthias.Kohl at stamats.de}\cr
+\emph{Maintainer:} Peter Ruckdeschel \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de}
+M. Kohl and P. Ruckdeschel (2010):
+R Package distrMod: S4 Classes and Methods for Probability Models.
+Journal of Statistical Software, 35(10), 1-27.
+(see also \code{vignette("distrMod")})
+P. Ruckdeschel, M. Kohl, T. Stabla, F. Camphausen (2006):
+S4 Classes for Distributions, \emph{R News}, \emph{6}(2), 2-6.
+A vignette for packages \pkg{distr}, \pkg{distrSim}, \pkg{distrTEst}, and
+\pkg{distrEx} is included into the mere documentation package \pkg{distrDoc}
+and may be called by
+You may suppress the start-up banner/message completely by setting
+\code{options("StartupBanner"="off")} somewhere before loading this
+package by \code{library} or \code{require} in your R-code / R-session.
+If option \code{"StartupBanner"} is not defined (default) or setting
+\code{options("StartupBanner"=NULL)} or
+\code{options("StartupBanner"="complete")} the complete start-up banner is
+For any other value of option \code{"StartupBanner"}
+(i.e., not in \code{c(NULL,"off","complete")})
+only the version information is displayed.
+The same can be achieved by wrapping the \code{library} or \code{require}
+call into either \code{suppressStartupMessages()} or
+As for general \code{packageStartupMessage}'s, you may also suppress all
+the start-up banner by wrapping the \code{library} or \code{require}
+call into \code{suppressPackageStartupMessages()} from
+\pkg{startupmsg}-version 0.5 on.
+Demos are available --- see \code{demo(package="distrMod")}.}
+Example scripts are available --- see folder \file{scripts}
+in the package folder to package \pkg{distrMod} in your library.
+\section{Package versions}{
+Note: The first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect
+ package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the
+ distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends"
+ information.
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