[Distr-commits] r1013 - branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrTEst/tests/Examples
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Sun May 3 07:28:15 CEST 2015
Author: stamats
Date: 2015-05-03 07:28:14 +0200 (Sun, 03 May 2015)
New Revision: 1013
updated Rout.save file
Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrTEst/tests/Examples/distrTEst-Ex.Rout.save
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrTEst/tests/Examples/distrTEst-Ex.Rout.save 2015-05-03 05:19:28 UTC (rev 1012)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrTEst/tests/Examples/distrTEst-Ex.Rout.save 2015-05-03 05:28:14 UTC (rev 1013)
@@ -1,529 +1,507 @@
-R version 3.0.1 Patched (2013-09-02 r63805) -- "Good Sport"
-Copyright (C) 2013 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Platform: i386-w64-mingw32/i386 (32-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
- Natural language support but running in an English locale
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> pkgname <- "distrTEst"
-> source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
-> options(warn = 1)
-> options(pager = "console")
-> base::assign(".ExTimings", "distrTEst-Ex.timings", pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> base::cat("name\tuser\tsystem\telapsed\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))
-> base::assign(".format_ptime",
-+ function(x) {
-+ if(!is.na(x[4L])) x[1L] <- x[1L] + x[4L]
-+ if(!is.na(x[5L])) x[2L] <- x[2L] + x[5L]
-+ options(OutDec = '.')
-+ format(x[1L:3L], digits = 7L)
-+ },
-+ pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> ### * </HEADER>
-> library('distrTEst')
-Loading required package: setRNG
-Loading required package: distrSim
-Loading required package: distr
-Loading required package: startupmsg
-:startupmsg> Utilities for start-up messages (version 0.8)
-:startupmsg> For more information see ?"startupmsg",
-:startupmsg> NEWS("startupmsg")
-Loading required package: sfsmisc
-Loading required package: SweaveListingUtils
-:SweaveListingUtils> Utilities for Sweave together with
-:SweaveListingUtils> TeX listings package (version
-:SweaveListingUtils> 0.6.1)
-:SweaveListingUtils> NOTE: Support for this package
-:SweaveListingUtils> will stop soon.
-:SweaveListingUtils> Package 'knitr' is providing the
-:SweaveListingUtils> same functionality in a better
-:SweaveListingUtils> way.
-:SweaveListingUtils> Some functions from package 'base'
-:SweaveListingUtils> are intentionally masked ---see
-:SweaveListingUtils> SweaveListingMASK().
-:SweaveListingUtils> Note that global options are
-:SweaveListingUtils> controlled by
-:SweaveListingUtils> SweaveListingoptions() ---c.f.
-:SweaveListingUtils> ?"SweaveListingoptions".
-:SweaveListingUtils> For more information see
-:SweaveListingUtils> ?"SweaveListingUtils",
-:SweaveListingUtils> NEWS("SweaveListingUtils")
-:SweaveListingUtils> There is a vignette to this
-:SweaveListingUtils> package; try
-:SweaveListingUtils> vignette("ExampleSweaveListingUtils").
-Attaching package: 'SweaveListingUtils'
-The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
- library, require
-:distr> Object oriented implementation of distributions (version
-:distr> 2.5.2)
-:distr> Attention: Arithmetics on distribution objects are
-:distr> understood as operations on corresponding random variables
-:distr> (r.v.s); see distrARITH().
-:distr> Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked
-:distr> ---see distrMASK().
-:distr> Note that global options are controlled by distroptions()
-:distr> ---c.f. ?"distroptions".
-:distr> For more information see ?"distr", NEWS("distr"), as well as
-:distr> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
-:distr> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package as
-:distr> well as to several extension packages; try
-:distr> vignette("distr").
-Attaching package: 'distr'
-The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
- df, qqplot, sd
-:distrSim> Simulation classes based on package distr (version
-:distrSim> 2.5.2)
-:distrSim> Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally
-:distrSim> masked ---see distrSimMASK().
-:distrSim> For more information see ?"distrSim",
-:distrSim> NEWS("distrSim"), as well as
-:distrSim> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
-:distrSim> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package
-:distrSim> as well as to several related packages; try
-:distrSim> vignette("distr").
-Attaching package: 'distrSim'
-The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
- simulate
-The following object is masked from 'package:base':
- rbind
-:distrTEst> Estimation and Testing classes based on package
-:distrTEst> distr (version 2.5)
-:distrTEst> For more information see ?"distrTEst",
-:distrTEst> NEWS("distrTEst"), as well as
-:distrTEst> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
-:distrTEst> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this
-:distrTEst> package as well as to several related packages; try
-:distrTEst> vignette("distr").
-> base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("Evaluation-class")
-> ### * Evaluation-class
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: Evaluation-class
-> ### Title: Class "Evaluation"
-> ### Aliases: Evaluation-class initialize,Evaluation-method
-> ### Keywords: manip
-> ### ** Examples
-> N <- Norm() # N is a standard normal distribution.
-> C <- Cauchy() # C is a Cauchy distribution
-> cs <- Contsimulation(filename = "csim",
-+ runs = 5,
-+ samplesize=5000,
-+ seed=setRNG(),
-+ distribution.id = N,
-+ distribution.c = C,
-+ rate = 0.1)
-> simulate(cs)
-> # Each of the 25000 random numbers is ideal (N-distributed) with
-> # probability 0.9 and contaminated (C-distributed) with probability = 0.1
-> summary(cs)
-name of simulation: csim
-rate of contamination: 0.100000
-real Data:
-dimension of the observations: 1
-number of runs: 5
-size of sample: 5000
-, , 1
- [,1]
-Min. -4.633e+02
-1st Qu. -6.888e-01
-Median -9.882e-03
-Mean -5.081e-02
-3rd Qu. 7.174e-01
-Max. 1.133e+02
-, , 2
- [,1]
-Min. -70.36000
-1st Qu. -0.69270
-Median -0.01484
-Mean -0.03787
-3rd Qu. 0.65770
-Max. 35.49000
-, , 3
- [,1]
-Min. -198.00000
-1st Qu. -0.72410
-Median -0.05111
-Mean 0.41380
-3rd Qu. 0.67300
-Max. 1753.00000
-, , 4
- [,1]
-Min. -3.247e+02
-1st Qu. -6.898e-01
-Median 5.874e-04
-Mean -1.625e-01
-3rd Qu. 6.886e-01
-Max. 4.682e+01
-, , 5
- [,1]
-Min. -339.10000
-1st Qu. -0.65140
-Median 0.05992
-Mean -0.01367
-3rd Qu. 0.69830
-Max. 131.50000
-> ev1 <- evaluate(cs, mean, resname="mean") # estimates the data with mean
-> ev1 # bad results
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ mean.id: num -0.00319 -0.00989 -0.02207 0.01369 0.02614
- $ mean.re: num -0.0508 -0.0379 0.4138 -0.1625 -0.0137
-> ev2 <- evaluate(cs,median, resname="median") # estimates the data with median
-> ev2 # better results because median is robust
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: median
-Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ medn.id: num -0.01549 -0.01739 -0.04523 0.00723 0.05344
- $ medn.re: num -0.009882 -0.014837 -0.051108 0.000587 0.059924
-> savedata(ev1)
-[1] "csim.mean"
-[1] "ev1"
-[1] "csim.mean.comment"
-[1] "ev1.comment"
-> # saves the evaluation with result as "csim.mean" and without result as
-> # "csim.mean.comment" in the working directory # of R - "csim" is the
-> # filename of the Contsimulation object, mean the name of the estimator
-> rm(ev1)
-> cload("csim.mean")
-> # loads the evaluation without result - the object is called ev1.comment
-> ev1.comment
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-> load("csim.mean") # loads the evaluation with result
-> ev1
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ mean.id: num -0.00319 -0.00989 -0.02207 0.01369 0.02614
- $ mean.re: num -0.0508 -0.0379 0.4138 -0.1625 -0.0137
-> plot(ev1)
-> #
-> #another function to be evaluated:
-> severalThings<- function(x) {list("mean"=mean(x),"sd"=sd(as.vector(x)), "mad"=mad(x))}
-> ev3 <- evaluate(cs, severalThings, resname="several")
-> plot(ev3)
-> plot(ev3, ylim=c(0,10), col=c("blue","green", "red"))
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("Evaluation-class", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("EvaluationList-class")
-> ### * EvaluationList-class
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: EvaluationList-class
-> ### Title: Class "EvaluationList"
-> ### Aliases: Elist EvaluationList EvaluationList-class
-> ### initialize,EvaluationList-method savedata,EvaluationList-method
-> ### name,EvaluationList-method name<-,EvaluationList-method
-> ### Elist,EvaluationList-method
-> ### Keywords: list manip
-> ### ** Examples
-> N <- Norm() # N is a standard normal distribution.
-> C <- Cauchy() # C is a Cauchy distribution
-> cs <- Contsimulation(filename = "csim",
-+ runs = 15,
-+ samplesize=500,
-+ seed=setRNG(),
-+ distribution.id = N,
-+ distribution.c = C,
-+ rate = 0.1)
-> simulate(cs)
-> # Each of the 25000 random numbers is ideal (N-distributed) with
-> # probability 0.9 and contaminated (C-distributed) with probability = 0.1
-> summary(cs)
-name of simulation: csim
-rate of contamination: 0.100000
-real Data:
-dimension of the observations: 1
-number of runs: 15
-size of sample: 500
-, , 1
- [,1]
-Min. -7.832000
-1st Qu. -0.592900
-Median -0.006142
-Mean 0.262100
-3rd Qu. 0.681900
-Max. 76.610000
-, , 2
- [,1]
-Min. -20.18000
-1st Qu. -0.79010
-Median -0.03902
-Mean 0.09946
-3rd Qu. 0.71340
-Max. 69.34000
-, , 3
- [,1]
-Min. -107.60000
-1st Qu. -0.71170
-Median -0.07457
-Mean -0.23260
-3rd Qu. 0.72740
-Max. 4.94800
-, , 4
- [,1]
-Min. -16.20000
-1st Qu. -0.67080
-Median 0.02934
-Mean 0.17750
-3rd Qu. 0.76710
-Max. 52.53000
-, , 5
- [,1]
-Min. -4.05100
-1st Qu. -0.69020
-Median -0.05908
-Mean 0.01636
-3rd Qu. 0.73180
-Max. 14.23000
-, , 6
- [,1]
-Min. -6.67900
-1st Qu. -0.60520
-Median -0.01256
-Mean -0.01041
-3rd Qu. 0.67910
-Max. 6.83300
-> ev1 <- evaluate(cs, mean) # estimates the data with mean
-> ev1 # bad results
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
- $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
-> ev2 <- evaluate(cs,median) # estimates the data with median
-> ev2 # better results because median is robust
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: median
-Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ medn.id: num -0.0368 -0.0213 -0.0536 -0.0189 -0.0482 ...
- $ medn.re: num -0.00614 -0.03902 -0.07457 0.02934 -0.05908 ...
-> savedata(ev1)
-[1] "csim.mean"
-[1] "ev1"
-[1] "csim.mean.comment"
-[1] "ev1.comment"
-> # saves the EvaluationList with result as "csim.mean" and without result as
-> # "csim.mean.comment" in the working directory # of R - "csim" is the
-> # filename of the Contsimulation object, mean the name of the estimator
-> rm(ev1)
-> cload("csim.mean")
-> # loads the EvaluationList without result - the object is called ev1.comment
-> ev1.comment
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-> load("csim.mean") # loads the EvaluationList with result
-> ev1
-An Evaluation Object
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-estimator: mean
-Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
- $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
-> ElistObj <- EvaluationList(ev1,ev2,name0="myEvalList")
-> plot(ElistObj,ylim=matrix(c(-0.5,0.5,0.5,4),nrow=2),main=c("location","scale"))
-> plot(ElistObj,ylim=c(-0.5,0.5),main=c("location"),runs0=3:12,dims0=1,evals0=2)
-> ElistObj
-An EvaluationList Object
-name of Evaluation List: myEvalList
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-An Evaluation Object
-estimator: mean
-Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
- $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
-An Evaluation Object
-estimator: median
-Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
- $ medn.id: num -0.0368 -0.0213 -0.0536 -0.0189 -0.0482 ...
- $ medn.re: num -0.00614 -0.03902 -0.07457 0.02934 -0.05908 ...
-> summary(ElistObj)
-name of Evaluation List: myEvalList
-name of Dataobject: object
-name of Datafile: csim
-name of Evaluation: object
-estimator: mean
- mean.id mean.re
- Min. :-0.056414 Min. :-0.33898
- 1st Qu.:-0.031666 1st Qu.:-0.03277
- Median :-0.006922 Median : 0.02029
- Mean :-0.006906 Mean : 0.02481
- 3rd Qu.: 0.005326 3rd Qu.: 0.13042
- Max. : 0.089858 Max. : 0.26208
-name of Evaluation: object
-estimator: median
- medn.id medn.re
- Min. :-0.09221 Min. :-0.13948
- 1st Qu.:-0.05020 1st Qu.:-0.03568
- Median :-0.02996 Median :-0.02969
- Mean :-0.01646 Mean :-0.01515
- 3rd Qu.: 0.01899 3rd Qu.: 0.02496
- Max. : 0.08584 Max. : 0.07802
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("EvaluationList-class", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> cleanEx()
-> nameEx("distrTEstoptions")
-> ### * distrTEstoptions
-> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
-> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> ### Name: distrTEstoptions
-> ### Title: functions to change the global variables of the package
-> ### 'distrTEst'
-> ### Aliases: distrTEstoptions getdistrTEstOption
-> ### MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluations
-> ### MaxNumberofSummarizedEvaluationDims MaxNumberofSummarizedEvaluations
-> ### Keywords: misc
-> ### ** Examples
-> distrTEstoptions()
-[1] 6
-[1] 6
-[1] 15
-[1] 15
-> distrTEstoptions("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims")
-[1] 6
-> distrTEstoptions("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims" = 5)
-> # or
-> getdistrTEstOption("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims")
-[1] 5
-> base::assign(".dptime", (proc.time() - get(".ptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), pos = "CheckExEnv")
-> base::cat("distrTEstoptions", base::get(".format_ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv')(get(".dptime", pos = "CheckExEnv")), "\n", file=base::get(".ExTimings", pos = 'CheckExEnv'), append=TRUE, sep="\t")
-> ### * <FOOTER>
-> ###
-> options(digits = 7L)
-> base::cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - base::get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
-Time elapsed: 4.64 0.13 4.77 NA NA
-> grDevices::dev.off()
-null device
- 1
-> ###
-> ### Local variables: ***
-> ### mode: outline-minor ***
-> ### outline-regexp: "\\(> \\)?### [*]+" ***
-> ### End: ***
-> quit('no')
+R Under development (unstable) (2015-05-02 r68310) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
+Copyright (C) 2015 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+ Natural language support but running in an English locale
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> pkgname <- "distrTEst"
+> source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
+> options(warn = 1)
+> library('distrTEst')
+Loading required package: setRNG
+Loading required package: distrSim
+Loading required package: distr
+Loading required package: startupmsg
+:startupmsg> Utilities for Start-Up Messages (version 0.9.1)
+:startupmsg> For more information see ?"startupmsg",
+:startupmsg> NEWS("startupmsg")
+Loading required package: sfsmisc
+Loading required package: SweaveListingUtils
+:SweaveListingUtils> Utilities for Sweave Together with
+:SweaveListingUtils> TeX 'listings' Package (version
+:SweaveListingUtils> 0.7)
+:SweaveListingUtils> NOTE: Support for this package
+:SweaveListingUtils> will stop soon.
+:SweaveListingUtils> Package 'knitr' is providing the
+:SweaveListingUtils> same functionality in a better
+:SweaveListingUtils> way.
+:SweaveListingUtils> Some functions from package 'base'
+:SweaveListingUtils> are intentionally masked ---see
+:SweaveListingUtils> SweaveListingMASK().
+:SweaveListingUtils> Note that global options are
+:SweaveListingUtils> controlled by
+:SweaveListingUtils> SweaveListingoptions() ---c.f.
+:SweaveListingUtils> ?"SweaveListingoptions".
+:SweaveListingUtils> For more information see
+:SweaveListingUtils> ?"SweaveListingUtils",
+:SweaveListingUtils> NEWS("SweaveListingUtils")
+:SweaveListingUtils> There is a vignette to this
+:SweaveListingUtils> package; try
+:SweaveListingUtils> vignette("ExampleSweaveListingUtils").
+Attaching package: ‘SweaveListingUtils’
+The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
+ library, require
+:distr> Object Oriented Implementation of Distributions (version
+:distr> 2.6)
+:distr> Attention: Arithmetics on distribution objects are
+:distr> understood as operations on corresponding random variables
+:distr> (r.v.s); see distrARITH().
+:distr> Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally masked
+:distr> ---see distrMASK().
+:distr> Note that global options are controlled by distroptions()
+:distr> ---c.f. ?"distroptions".
+:distr> For more information see ?"distr", NEWS("distr"), as well as
+:distr> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
+:distr> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package as
+:distr> well as to several extension packages; try
+:distr> vignette("distr").
+Attaching package: ‘distr’
+The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
+ df, qqplot, sd
+:distrSim> Simulation Classes Based on Package 'distr' (version
+:distrSim> 2.6)
+:distrSim> Some functions from package 'stats' are intentionally
+:distrSim> masked ---see distrSimMASK().
+:distrSim> For more information see ?"distrSim",
+:distrSim> NEWS("distrSim"), as well as
+:distrSim> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
+:distrSim> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this package
+:distrSim> as well as to several related packages; try
+:distrSim> vignette("distr").
+Attaching package: ‘distrSim’
+The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:
+ simulate
+The following object is masked from ‘package:base’:
+ rbind
+:distrTEst> Estimation and Testing Classes Based on Package
+:distrTEst> 'distr' (version 2.6)
+:distrTEst> For more information see ?"distrTEst",
+:distrTEst> NEWS("distrTEst"), as well as
+:distrTEst> http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
+:distrTEst> Package "distrDoc" provides a vignette to this
+:distrTEst> package as well as to several related packages; try
+:distrTEst> vignette("distr").
+> base::assign(".oldSearch", base::search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("Evaluation-class")
+> ### * Evaluation-class
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: Evaluation-class
+> ### Title: Class "Evaluation"
+> ### Aliases: Evaluation-class initialize,Evaluation-method
+> ### Keywords: manip
+> ### ** Examples
+> N <- Norm() # N is a standard normal distribution.
+> C <- Cauchy() # C is a Cauchy distribution
+> cs <- Contsimulation(filename = "csim",
++ runs = 5,
++ samplesize=5000,
++ seed=setRNG(),
++ distribution.id = N,
++ distribution.c = C,
++ rate = 0.1)
+> simulate(cs)
+> # Each of the 25000 random numbers is ideal (N-distributed) with
+> # probability 0.9 and contaminated (C-distributed) with probability = 0.1
+> summary(cs)
+name of simulation: csim
+rate of contamination: 0.100000
+real Data:
+dimension of the observations: 1
+number of runs: 5
+size of sample: 5000
+, , 1
+ [,1]
+Min. -4.633e+02
+1st Qu. -6.888e-01
+Median -9.882e-03
+Mean -5.081e-02
+3rd Qu. 7.174e-01
+Max. 1.133e+02
+, , 2
+ [,1]
+Min. -70.36000
+1st Qu. -0.69270
+Median -0.01484
+Mean -0.03787
+3rd Qu. 0.65770
+Max. 35.49000
+, , 3
+ [,1]
+Min. -198.00000
+1st Qu. -0.72410
+Median -0.05111
+Mean 0.41380
+3rd Qu. 0.67300
+Max. 1753.00000
+, , 4
+ [,1]
+Min. -3.247e+02
+1st Qu. -6.898e-01
+Median 5.874e-04
+Mean -1.625e-01
+3rd Qu. 6.886e-01
+Max. 4.682e+01
+, , 5
+ [,1]
+Min. -339.10000
+1st Qu. -0.65140
+Median 0.05992
+Mean -0.01367
+3rd Qu. 0.69830
+Max. 131.50000
+> ev1 <- evaluate(cs, mean, resname="mean") # estimates the data with mean
+> ev1 # bad results
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ mean.id: num -0.00319 -0.00989 -0.02207 0.01369 0.02614
+ $ mean.re: num -0.0508 -0.0379 0.4138 -0.1625 -0.0137
+> ev2 <- evaluate(cs,median, resname="median") # estimates the data with median
+> ev2 # better results because median is robust
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: median
+Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ medn.id: num -0.01549 -0.01739 -0.04523 0.00723 0.05344
+ $ medn.re: num -0.009882 -0.014837 -0.051108 0.000587 0.059924
+> savedata(ev1)
+[1] "csim.mean"
+[1] "ev1"
+[1] "csim.mean.comment"
+[1] "ev1.comment"
+> # saves the evaluation with result as "csim.mean" and without result as
+> # "csim.mean.comment" in the working directory # of R - "csim" is the
+> # filename of the Contsimulation object, mean the name of the estimator
+> rm(ev1)
+> cload("csim.mean")
+> # loads the evaluation without result - the object is called ev1.comment
+> ev1.comment
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+> load("csim.mean") # loads the evaluation with result
+> ev1
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+Result: 'data.frame': 5 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ mean.id: num -0.00319 -0.00989 -0.02207 0.01369 0.02614
+ $ mean.re: num -0.0508 -0.0379 0.4138 -0.1625 -0.0137
+> plot(ev1)
+> #
+> #another function to be evaluated:
+> severalThings<- function(x) {list("mean"=mean(x),"sd"=sd(as.vector(x)), "mad"=mad(x))}
+> ev3 <- evaluate(cs, severalThings, resname="several")
+> plot(ev3)
+> plot(ev3, ylim=c(0,10), col=c("blue","green", "red"))
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("EvaluationList-class")
+> ### * EvaluationList-class
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: EvaluationList-class
+> ### Title: Class "EvaluationList"
+> ### Aliases: Elist EvaluationList EvaluationList-class
+> ### initialize,EvaluationList-method savedata,EvaluationList-method
+> ### name,EvaluationList-method name<-,EvaluationList-method
+> ### Elist,EvaluationList-method
+> ### Keywords: list manip
+> ### ** Examples
+> N <- Norm() # N is a standard normal distribution.
+> C <- Cauchy() # C is a Cauchy distribution
+> cs <- Contsimulation(filename = "csim",
++ runs = 15,
++ samplesize=500,
++ seed=setRNG(),
++ distribution.id = N,
++ distribution.c = C,
++ rate = 0.1)
+> simulate(cs)
+> # Each of the 25000 random numbers is ideal (N-distributed) with
+> # probability 0.9 and contaminated (C-distributed) with probability = 0.1
+> summary(cs)
+name of simulation: csim
+rate of contamination: 0.100000
+real Data:
+dimension of the observations: 1
+number of runs: 15
+size of sample: 500
+, , 1
+ [,1]
+Min. -7.832000
+1st Qu. -0.592900
+Median -0.006142
+Mean 0.262100
+3rd Qu. 0.681900
+Max. 76.610000
+, , 2
+ [,1]
+Min. -20.18000
+1st Qu. -0.79010
+Median -0.03902
+Mean 0.09946
+3rd Qu. 0.71340
+Max. 69.34000
+, , 3
+ [,1]
+Min. -107.60000
+1st Qu. -0.71170
+Median -0.07457
+Mean -0.23260
+3rd Qu. 0.72740
+Max. 4.94800
+, , 4
+ [,1]
+Min. -16.20000
+1st Qu. -0.67080
+Median 0.02934
+Mean 0.17750
+3rd Qu. 0.76710
+Max. 52.53000
+, , 5
+ [,1]
+Min. -4.05100
+1st Qu. -0.69020
+Median -0.05908
+Mean 0.01636
+3rd Qu. 0.73180
+Max. 14.23000
+, , 6
+ [,1]
+Min. -6.67900
+1st Qu. -0.60520
+Median -0.01256
+Mean -0.01041
+3rd Qu. 0.67910
+Max. 6.83300
+> ev1 <- evaluate(cs, mean) # estimates the data with mean
+> ev1 # bad results
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
+ $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
+> ev2 <- evaluate(cs,median) # estimates the data with median
+> ev2 # better results because median is robust
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: median
+Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ medn.id: num -0.0368 -0.0213 -0.0536 -0.0189 -0.0482 ...
+ $ medn.re: num -0.00614 -0.03902 -0.07457 0.02934 -0.05908 ...
+> savedata(ev1)
+[1] "csim.mean"
+[1] "ev1"
+[1] "csim.mean.comment"
+[1] "ev1.comment"
+> # saves the EvaluationList with result as "csim.mean" and without result as
+> # "csim.mean.comment" in the working directory # of R - "csim" is the
+> # filename of the Contsimulation object, mean the name of the estimator
+> rm(ev1)
+> cload("csim.mean")
+> # loads the EvaluationList without result - the object is called ev1.comment
+> ev1.comment
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+> load("csim.mean") # loads the EvaluationList with result
+> ev1
+An Evaluation Object
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+estimator: mean
+Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
+ $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
+> ElistObj <- EvaluationList(ev1,ev2,name0="myEvalList")
+> plot(ElistObj,ylim=matrix(c(-0.5,0.5,0.5,4),nrow=2),main=c("location","scale"))
+> plot(ElistObj,ylim=c(-0.5,0.5),main=c("location"),runs0=3:12,dims0=1,evals0=2)
+> ElistObj
+An EvaluationList Object
+name of Evaluation List: myEvalList
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+An Evaluation Object
+estimator: mean
+Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ mean.id: num 0.02264 -0.04594 -0.00299 -0.02954 0.0091 ...
+ $ mean.re: num 0.2621 0.0995 -0.2326 0.1775 0.0164 ...
+An Evaluation Object
+estimator: median
+Result: 'data.frame': 15 obs. of 2 variables:
+ $ medn.id: num -0.0368 -0.0213 -0.0536 -0.0189 -0.0482 ...
+ $ medn.re: num -0.00614 -0.03902 -0.07457 0.02934 -0.05908 ...
+> summary(ElistObj)
+name of Evaluation List: myEvalList
+name of Dataobject: object
+name of Datafile: csim
+name of Evaluation: object
+estimator: mean
+ mean.id mean.re
+ Min. :-0.056414 Min. :-0.33898
+ 1st Qu.:-0.031666 1st Qu.:-0.03277
+ Median :-0.006922 Median : 0.02029
+ Mean :-0.006906 Mean : 0.02481
+ 3rd Qu.: 0.005326 3rd Qu.: 0.13042
+ Max. : 0.089858 Max. : 0.26208
+name of Evaluation: object
+estimator: median
+ medn.id medn.re
+ Min. :-0.09221 Min. :-0.13948
+ 1st Qu.:-0.05020 1st Qu.:-0.03568
+ Median :-0.02996 Median :-0.02969
+ Mean :-0.01646 Mean :-0.01515
+ 3rd Qu.: 0.01899 3rd Qu.: 0.02496
+ Max. : 0.08584 Max. : 0.07802
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("distrTEstoptions")
+> ### * distrTEstoptions
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: distrTEstoptions
+> ### Title: functions to change the global variables of the package
+> ### 'distrTEst'
+> ### Aliases: distrTEstoptions getdistrTEstOption
+> ### MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluations
+> ### MaxNumberofSummarizedEvaluationDims MaxNumberofSummarizedEvaluations
+> ### Keywords: misc
+> ### ** Examples
+> distrTEstoptions()
+[1] 6
+[1] 6
+[1] 15
+[1] 15
+> distrTEstoptions("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims")
+[1] 6
+> distrTEstoptions("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims" = 5)
+> # or
+> getdistrTEstOption("MaxNumberofPlottedEvaluationDims")
+[1] 5
+> ### * <FOOTER>
+> ###
+> options(digits = 7L)
+> base::cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - base::get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
+Time elapsed: 1.333 0.022 1.356 0 0
+> grDevices::dev.off()
+null device
+ 1
+> ###
+> ### Local variables: ***
+> ### mode: outline-minor ***
+> ### outline-regexp: "\\(> \\)?### [*]+" ***
+> ### End: ***
+> quit('no')
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