[Distr-commits] r1001 - branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distr/R
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Sun May 3 06:49:04 CEST 2015
Author: stamats
Date: 2015-05-03 06:49:03 +0200 (Sun, 03 May 2015)
New Revision: 1001
corrected minor bug if the discrete distribution is a Dirac distribution -> need to call rep instead of sample
Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distr/R/DiscreteDistribution.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distr/R/DiscreteDistribution.R 2015-05-03 04:30:50 UTC (rev 1000)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distr/R/DiscreteDistribution.R 2015-05-03 04:49:03 UTC (rev 1001)
@@ -1,511 +1,516 @@
-# Methods for Discrete Distributions
-## (c) Matthias Kohl: revised P.R. 030707
-DiscreteDistribution <- function(supp, prob, .withArith = FALSE,
- .withSim = FALSE, .lowerExact = TRUE, .logExact = FALSE,
- .DistrCollapse =
- getdistrOption("DistrCollapse"),
- .DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn =
- getdistrOption("DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn"),
- .DistrResolution = getdistrOption("DistrResolution"),
- Symmetry = NoSymmetry()){
- if(!is.numeric(supp))
- stop("'supp' is no numeric vector")
- if(any(!is.finite(supp))) # admit +/- Inf?
- stop("infinite or missing values in supp")
- len <- length(supp)
- if(missing(prob)){
- prob <- rep(1/len, len)
- }else{
- if(len != length(prob))
- stop("'supp' and 'prob' must have equal lengths")
- if(any(!is.finite(prob)))
- stop("infinite or missing values in prob")
- if(!identical(all.equal(sum(prob), 1,
- tolerance = 2*getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")), TRUE))
- stop("sum of 'prob' has to be (approximately) 1")
- if(!all(prob >= 0))
- stop("'prob' contains values < 0")
- }
- o <- order(supp)
- supp <- supp[o]
- prob <- prob[o]
- rm(o)
- if(.DistrCollapse){
- if (len>1 && min(diff(supp))< .DistrResolution){
- erg <- .DistrCollapse(supp, prob, .DistrResolution)
- if (len>length(erg$prob) && .DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn)
- warning("collapsing to unique support values")
- prob <- erg$prob
- supp <- erg$supp
- }
- }else{
- usupp <- unique(supp)
- if(length(usupp) < len){
- if(.DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn)
- warning("collapsing to unique support values")
- prob <- as.vector(tapply(prob, supp, sum))
- supp <- sort(usupp)
- len <- length(supp)
- rm(usupp)
- }
- if(len > 1){
- if(min(diff(supp))< .DistrResolution)
- stop("grid too narrow --> change DistrResolution")
- }
- }
- rm(len)
- rfun <- function(n){
- sample(x = supp, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
- }
- dfun <- .makeDNew(supp, prob, Cont = FALSE)
- pfun <- .makePNew(supp, prob, .withSim, Cont = FALSE)
- qfun <- .makeQNew(supp, cumsum(prob), rev(cumsum(rev(prob))),
- .withSim, min(supp), max(supp), Cont = FALSE)
- object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rfun, d = dfun, q = qfun, p=pfun,
- support = supp, .withArith = .withArith, .withSim = .withSim,
- .lowerExact = .lowerExact, .logExact = .logExact, Symmetry = Symmetry)
-setMethod("support", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object) object at support)
-### left continuous cdf
-setMethod("p.l", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object){
- if (.inArgs("lower.tail", p(object))){
- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- px <- p(object)(q, lower.tail = lower.tail)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn");
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- options(warn = -2)
- dx <- d(object)(.setEqual(q, support(object)))
- options(warn = o.warn)
- px0 <- pmax(px + if(lower.tail) -dx else dx,0)
- if (log.p) px0 <- log(px0)
- return(px0)
- }
- }else{
- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- px <- p(object)(q)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn")
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- options(warn = -2)
- dx <- d(object)(.setEqual(q, support(object)))
- options(warn = o.warn)
- px0 <- pmax(if(lower.tail) px - dx else 1 - px + dx, 0)
- if (log.p) px0 <- log(px0)
- return(px0)
- }
- }
-### right continuous quantile function
-setMethod("q.r", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object){
- if (.inArgs("log.p", q(object))){
- if (.inArgs("lower.tail", q(object))){
- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- s <- support(object)
- psx <- p(object)(s, lower.tail = lower.tail,
- log.p = log.p)
- ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
- log.p = log.p)
- options(warn = o.warn)
- m <- match(ps0, psx)
- n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
- if(any(n.ina.m))
- { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
- qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
- length(s))]
- }
- if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
- warning("NaN's produced")
- return(qx0)
- }
- }else{
- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- s <- support(object)
- psx <- p(object)(s, log.p = log.p)
- if (lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
- ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
- log.p = log.p)
- options(warn = o.warn)
- m <- match(ps0, psx)
- n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
- if(any(n.ina.m))
- { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
- qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
- length(s))]
- }
- if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
- warning("NaN's produced")
- return(qx0)
- }
- }
- }else{
- if (.inArgs("lower.tail", q(object))){
- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
- s <- support(object)
- psx <- p(object)(s, lower.tail = lower.tail)
- ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
- log.p = log.p)
- options(warn = o.warn)
- m <- match(ps0, psx)
- n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
- if(any(n.ina.m))
- { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
- qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
- length(s))]
- }
- if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
- warning("NaN's produced")
- return(qx0)
- }
- }else{
- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
- if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
- s <- support(object)
- psx <- p(object)(s)
- if (lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
- ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
- o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
- log.p = log.p)
- options(warn = o.warn)
- m <- match(ps0, psx)
- n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
- if(any(n.ina.m))
- { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
- qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
- length(s))]
- }
- if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
- warning("NaN's produced")
- }
- }
- }
-## Convolution Discrete Distributions
-setMethod("+", c("DiscreteDistribution","DiscreteDistribution"),
- if(length(support(e1))==1) return(e2+support(e1))
- if(length(support(e2))==1) return(e1+support(e2))
- e1.L <- as(e1, "LatticeDistribution")
- e2.L <- as(e2, "LatticeDistribution")
- if(is(e1.L, "LatticeDistribution") & is(e2.L, "LatticeDistribution"))
- {w1 <- width(lattice(e1.L))
- w2 <- width(lattice(e2.L))
- W <- sort(abs(c(w1,w2)))
- if (abs(abs(w1)-abs(w2))<getdistrOption("DistrResolution") ||
- W[2] %% W[1] < getdistrOption("DistrResolution") )
- return(e1.L + e2.L)
- }
- .convDiscrDiscr(e1,e2)})
-setMethod("+", c("Dirac","DiscreteDistribution"),
- function(e1,e2){e2+location(e1)})
-## binary operators for discrete distributions
-setMethod("*", c("DiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
- function(e1, e2) { Distr <- .multm(e1,e2, "DiscreteDistribution")
- if(is(Distr, "AffLinDistribution"))
- Distr at X0 <- e1
- if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
- Distr at Symmetry <-
- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
- Distr
- })
-setMethod("+", c("DiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
- function(e1, e2) { Distr <- .plusm(e1,e2, "DiscreteDistribution")
- if(is(Distr, "AffLinDistribution"))
- Distr at X0 <- e1
- if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
- Distr at Symmetry <-
- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)+e2)
- Distr
- })
-setMethod("*", c("AffLinDiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
- function(e1, e2) {
- Distr <- .multm(e1,e2, "AffLinDiscreteDistribution")
- if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
- Distr at Symmetry <-
- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
- Distr
- })
-setMethod("+", c("AffLinDiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
- function(e1, e2) {
- Distr <- .plusm(e1,e2, "AffLinDiscreteDistribution")
- if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
- Distr at Symmetry <-
- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
- Distr
- })
-## Group Math for discrete distributions
-setMethod("Math", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x){
- rnew <- function(n, ...){}
- body(rnew) <- substitute({ f(g(n, ...)) },
- list(f = as.name(.Generic), g = x at r))
- object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rnew,
- .withSim = TRUE, .withArith = TRUE)
- object
- })
-setMethod("Math", "Dirac",
- function(x){ loc <- location(x)
- lc <- callGeneric(loc)
- Dirac(lc)})
-## exact: abs for discrete distributions
-setMethod("abs", "DiscreteDistribution",function(x){
- rnew <- function(n, ...){}
- body(rnew) <- substitute({ abs(g(n, ...)) },
- list(g = x at r))
- xx <- x
- supportnew <- support(x)
- isSym0 <- FALSE
- if(is(Symmetry(x),"SphericalSymmetry"))
- if(.isEqual(SymmCenter(Symmetry(x)),0))
- isSym0 <- TRUE
- if(isSym0){
- supportnew <- supportnew[supportnew>=0]
- .lowerExact = .lowerExact(x)
- dxlog <- if("log" %in% names(formals(d(x))))
- quote({dx <- d(xx)(x, log = TRUE)})
- else quote({dx <- log(d(xx)(x))})
- pxlog <- if("log.p" %in% names(formals(p(x))) &&
- "lower.tail" %in% names(formals(p(x))))
- quote({p(x)(q, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)})
- else
- quote({log(1-p(x)(q))})
- qxlog <- if("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(q(x))))
- quote({qx <- if(lower.tail)
- q(x)((1+p1)/2)
- else
- q(x)(p1/2,lower.tail=FALSE)})
- else
- quote({qx <- q(x)(if(lower.tail) (1+p1)/2 else 1-p1/2)})
- if("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(q(x)))&&
- "log.p" %in% names(formals(q(x))))
- qxlog <- quote({qx <- if(lower.tail) q(x)((1+p1)/2)
- else
- q(x)(if(log.p)p-log(2)
- else p1/2,lower.tail=FALSE,log.p=log.p)})
- dnew <- function(x, log = FALSE){}
- body(dnew) <- substitute({
- dxlog0
- dx[x>0] <- dx+log(2)
- if (!log) dx <- exp(dx)
- dx[x<0] <- if(log) -Inf else 0
- return(dx)
- }, list(dxlog0 = dxlog))
- pnew <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){}
- body(pnew) <- substitute({
- if (!lower.tail){
- px <- (log(2) + pxlog0)*(q>=0)
- if(!log.p) px <- exp(px)
- }else{
- px <- pmax(2 * p(x)(q) - 1,0)
- if(log.p) px <- log(px)
- }
- return(px)
- }, list(pxlog0 = pxlog))
- qnew <- function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){}
- body(qnew) <- substitute({
- p1 <- if(log.p) exp(p) else p
- qxlog0
- qx[p1<0] <- NaN
- if (any((p1 < -.Machine$double.eps)|(p1 > 1+.Machine$double.eps)))
- warning(gettextf("q method of %s produced NaN's ", objN))
- return(qx)
- }, list(qxlog0 = qxlog, objN= quote(.getObjName(1))))
- }else{
- if (.isEqual(p.l(x)(0),0)) return(x)
- supportnew <- sort(unique(abs(supportnew)))
- dnew <- function(x, log = FALSE){
- o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
- on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
- dx <- (x>=0) * d(xx)(x) + (x>0) * d(xx)(-x)
- options(warn = o.warn)
- if (log) dx <- log(dx)
- return(dx)
- }
- pxlow <- if("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(p(x))))
- substitute({p(x)(q, lower=FALSE)})
- else
- substitute({1-p(x)(q)})
- pnew <- function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){}
- body(pnew) <- substitute({
- px <- if (lower.tail)
- (q>=0) * (p(x)(q) - p.l(x)(-q))
- else pxlow0 + p.l(x)(-q)
- if (log.p) px <- log(px)
- return(px)
- }, list(pxlow0=pxlow))
- prob <- dnew(supportnew)
- qnew <- .makeQNew(supportnew, cumsum(prob),
- rev(cumsum(rev(prob))), notwithLLarg = x at .withSim,
- min(supportnew), max(supportnew), Cont = FALSE)
- }
- object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rnew, p = pnew,
- q = qnew, d = dnew, support = supportnew,
- .withSim = x at .withSim, .withArith = TRUE,
- .lowerExact = .lowerExact(x))
- object
-## exact: abs for discrete distributions
-setMethod("exp", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x) .expm.d(x))
-### preliminary to export special functions
-if (getRversion()>='2.6.0'){
-setMethod("log", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x, base = exp(1)) {
- xs <- as.character(deparse(match.call(
- call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$x))
- ep <- getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")
- basl <- log(base)
- if(p(x)(0)>ep)
- stop(gettextf("log(%s) is not well-defined with positive probability ", xs))
- else return(.logm.d(x)/basl)})
-setMethod("log", "Dirac",
- function(x, base = exp(1)){
- xs <- as.character(deparse(match.call(
- call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))$x))
- loc <- location(x)
- ep <- getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")
- basl <- log(base)
- if(loc < ep)
- stop(gettextf("log(%s) is not well-defined with positive probability ", xs))
- Dirac(log(loc)/basl)})
-setMethod("log10", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x) log(x = x, base = 10))
-setMethod("sign", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x){
- d0 <- d(x)(0)
- DiscreteDistribution(supp=c(-1,0,1),
- prob=c(p(x)(-getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")),
- d0,
- p(x)(getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), lower=FALSE)))
- })
-setMethod("digamma", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x){
- px0 <- p(x)(0)
- if(px0>0) stop("argument of 'digamma' must be concentrated on positive values")
- rnew <- function(n, ...){}
- body(rnew) <- substitute({ digamma(g(n, ...)) }, list(g = x at r))
- object <- DiscreteDistribution(
- supp=digamma(support(x)),
- prob=prob(x), .withArith = TRUE)
- object
- })
-setMethod("lgamma", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x){
- rnew = function(n, ...){}
- body(rnew) <- substitute({ lgamma(g(n, ...)) }, list(g = x at r))
- object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rnew,
- .withSim = TRUE, .withArith = TRUE)
- object
- })
-setMethod("gamma", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x){
- rnew = function(n, ...){}
- body(rnew) <- substitute({ gamma(g(n, ...)) }, list(g = x at r))
- object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rnew,
- .withSim = TRUE, .withArith = TRUE)
- object
- })
-setMethod("sqrt", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(x) x^0.5)
-setMethod("prob", "DiscreteDistribution",
-function(object) {sp <- object at support
- pr <- object at d(sp)
- names(pr) <- paste(sp)
- return(pr)
- })
-## Replace Methods
-setReplaceMethod("prob", "DiscreteDistribution",
- function(object, value){
- return(DiscreteDistribution(supp = object at support,
- prob = value,
- .withArith = object at .withArith,
- .withSim = object at .withSim,
- .lowerExact = .lowerExact(object),
- .logExact = .logExact(object)))}
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+# Methods for Discrete Distributions
+## (c) Matthias Kohl: revised P.R. 030707
+DiscreteDistribution <- function(supp, prob, .withArith = FALSE,
+ .withSim = FALSE, .lowerExact = TRUE, .logExact = FALSE,
+ .DistrCollapse =
+ getdistrOption("DistrCollapse"),
+ .DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn =
+ getdistrOption("DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn"),
+ .DistrResolution = getdistrOption("DistrResolution"),
+ Symmetry = NoSymmetry()){
+ if(!is.numeric(supp))
+ stop("'supp' is no numeric vector")
+ if(any(!is.finite(supp))) # admit +/- Inf?
+ stop("infinite or missing values in supp")
+ len <- length(supp)
+ if(missing(prob)){
+ prob <- rep(1/len, len)
+ }else{
+ if(len != length(prob))
+ stop("'supp' and 'prob' must have equal lengths")
+ if(any(!is.finite(prob)))
+ stop("infinite or missing values in prob")
+ if(!identical(all.equal(sum(prob), 1,
+ tolerance = 2*getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")), TRUE))
+ stop("sum of 'prob' has to be (approximately) 1")
+ if(!all(prob >= 0))
+ stop("'prob' contains values < 0")
+ }
+ o <- order(supp)
+ supp <- supp[o]
+ prob <- prob[o]
+ rm(o)
+ if(.DistrCollapse){
+ if (len>1 && min(diff(supp))< .DistrResolution){
+ erg <- .DistrCollapse(supp, prob, .DistrResolution)
+ if (len>length(erg$prob) && .DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn)
+ warning("collapsing to unique support values")
+ prob <- erg$prob
+ supp <- erg$supp
+ }
+ }else{
+ usupp <- unique(supp)
+ if(length(usupp) < len){
+ if(.DistrCollapse.Unique.Warn)
+ warning("collapsing to unique support values")
+ prob <- as.vector(tapply(prob, supp, sum))
+ supp <- sort(usupp)
+ len <- length(supp)
+ rm(usupp)
+ }
+ if(len > 1){
+ if(min(diff(supp))< .DistrResolution)
+ stop("grid too narrow --> change DistrResolution")
+ }
+ }
+ rm(len)
+ if(length(supp) == 1){
+ rfun <- function(n){
+ rep(supp, n)
+ }
+ }else{
+ rfun <- function(n){
+ sample(x = supp, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob)
+ }
+ }
+ dfun <- .makeDNew(supp, prob, Cont = FALSE)
+ pfun <- .makePNew(supp, prob, .withSim, Cont = FALSE)
+ qfun <- .makeQNew(supp, cumsum(prob), rev(cumsum(rev(prob))),
+ .withSim, min(supp), max(supp), Cont = FALSE)
+ object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rfun, d = dfun, q = qfun, p=pfun,
+ support = supp, .withArith = .withArith, .withSim = .withSim,
+ .lowerExact = .lowerExact, .logExact = .logExact, Symmetry = Symmetry)
+setMethod("support", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object) object at support)
+### left continuous cdf
+setMethod("p.l", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object){
+ if (.inArgs("lower.tail", p(object))){
+ function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ px <- p(object)(q, lower.tail = lower.tail)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn");
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ options(warn = -2)
+ dx <- d(object)(.setEqual(q, support(object)))
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ px0 <- pmax(px + if(lower.tail) -dx else dx,0)
+ if (log.p) px0 <- log(px0)
+ return(px0)
+ }
+ }else{
+ function(q, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ px <- p(object)(q)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn")
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ options(warn = -2)
+ dx <- d(object)(.setEqual(q, support(object)))
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ px0 <- pmax(if(lower.tail) px - dx else 1 - px + dx, 0)
+ if (log.p) px0 <- log(px0)
+ return(px0)
+ }
+ }
+### right continuous quantile function
+setMethod("q.r", "DiscreteDistribution", function(object){
+ if (.inArgs("log.p", q(object))){
+ if (.inArgs("lower.tail", q(object))){
+ function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ s <- support(object)
+ psx <- p(object)(s, lower.tail = lower.tail,
+ log.p = log.p)
+ ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
+ log.p = log.p)
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ m <- match(ps0, psx)
+ n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
+ if(any(n.ina.m))
+ { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
+ qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
+ length(s))]
+ }
+ if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
+ warning("NaN's produced")
+ return(qx0)
+ }
+ }else{
+ function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ s <- support(object)
+ psx <- p(object)(s, log.p = log.p)
+ if (lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
+ ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
+ log.p = log.p)
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ m <- match(ps0, psx)
+ n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
+ if(any(n.ina.m))
+ { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
+ qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
+ length(s))]
+ }
+ if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
+ warning("NaN's produced")
+ return(qx0)
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ if (.inArgs("lower.tail", q(object))){
+ function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
+ s <- support(object)
+ psx <- p(object)(s, lower.tail = lower.tail)
+ ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
+ log.p = log.p)
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ m <- match(ps0, psx)
+ n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
+ if(any(n.ina.m))
+ { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
+ qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
+ length(s))]
+ }
+ if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
+ warning("NaN's produced")
+ return(qx0)
+ }
+ }else{
+ function(p, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE){
+ if (log.p) p <- exp(p)
+ s <- support(object)
+ psx <- p(object)(s)
+ if (lower.tail) p <- 1 - p
+ ps0 <- .setEqual(p, psx)
+ o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -2)
+ on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+ qx0 <- q(object)(ps0, lower.tail = lower.tail,
+ log.p = log.p)
+ options(warn = o.warn)
+ m <- match(ps0, psx)
+ n.ina.m <- !is.na(m)
+ if(any(n.ina.m))
+ { M.n.ina.m <- m[n.ina.m]
+ qx0[n.ina.m] <- (support(object))[pmin(M.n.ina.m+1,
+ length(s))]
+ }
+ if(any(is.nan(qx0)))
+ warning("NaN's produced")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Convolution Discrete Distributions
+setMethod("+", c("DiscreteDistribution","DiscreteDistribution"),
+ if(length(support(e1))==1) return(e2+support(e1))
+ if(length(support(e2))==1) return(e1+support(e2))
+ e1.L <- as(e1, "LatticeDistribution")
+ e2.L <- as(e2, "LatticeDistribution")
+ if(is(e1.L, "LatticeDistribution") & is(e2.L, "LatticeDistribution"))
+ {w1 <- width(lattice(e1.L))
+ w2 <- width(lattice(e2.L))
+ W <- sort(abs(c(w1,w2)))
+ if (abs(abs(w1)-abs(w2))<getdistrOption("DistrResolution") ||
+ W[2] %% W[1] < getdistrOption("DistrResolution") )
+ return(e1.L + e2.L)
+ }
+ .convDiscrDiscr(e1,e2)})
+setMethod("+", c("Dirac","DiscreteDistribution"),
+ function(e1,e2){e2+location(e1)})
+## binary operators for discrete distributions
+setMethod("*", c("DiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
+ function(e1, e2) { Distr <- .multm(e1,e2, "DiscreteDistribution")
+ if(is(Distr, "AffLinDistribution"))
+ Distr at X0 <- e1
+ if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
+ Distr at Symmetry <-
+ SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
+ Distr
+ })
+setMethod("+", c("DiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
+ function(e1, e2) { Distr <- .plusm(e1,e2, "DiscreteDistribution")
+ if(is(Distr, "AffLinDistribution"))
+ Distr at X0 <- e1
+ if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
+ Distr at Symmetry <-
+ SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)+e2)
+ Distr
+ })
+setMethod("*", c("AffLinDiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
+ function(e1, e2) {
+ Distr <- .multm(e1,e2, "AffLinDiscreteDistribution")
+ if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
+ Distr at Symmetry <-
+ SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
+ Distr
+ })
+setMethod("+", c("AffLinDiscreteDistribution","numeric"),
+ function(e1, e2) {
+ Distr <- .plusm(e1,e2, "AffLinDiscreteDistribution")
+ if(is(e1 at Symmetry,"SphericalSymmetry"))
+ Distr at Symmetry <-
+ SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter(e1 at Symmetry)*e2)
+ Distr
+ })
+## Group Math for discrete distributions
+setMethod("Math", "DiscreteDistribution",
+ function(x){
+ rnew <- function(n, ...){}
+ body(rnew) <- substitute({ f(g(n, ...)) },
+ list(f = as.name(.Generic), g = x at r))
+ object <- new("DiscreteDistribution", r = rnew,
+ .withSim = TRUE, .withArith = TRUE)
+ object
+ })
+setMethod("Math", "Dirac",
+ function(x){ loc <- location(x)
+ lc <- callGeneric(loc)
+ Dirac(lc)})
+## exact: abs for discrete distributions
+setMethod("abs", "DiscreteDistribution",function(x){
+ rnew <- function(n, ...){}
+ body(rnew) <- substitute({ abs(g(n, ...)) },
+ list(g = x at r))
+ xx <- x
+ supportnew <- support(x)
+ isSym0 <- FALSE
+ if(is(Symmetry(x),"SphericalSymmetry"))
+ if(.isEqual(SymmCenter(Symmetry(x)),0))
+ isSym0 <- TRUE
+ if(isSym0){
+ supportnew <- supportnew[supportnew>=0]
+ .lowerExact = .lowerExact(x)
+ dxlog <- if("log" %in% names(formals(d(x))))
+ quote({dx <- d(xx)(x, log = TRUE)})
+ else quote({dx <- log(d(xx)(x))})
+ pxlog <- if("log.p" %in% names(formals(p(x))) &&
+ "lower.tail" %in% names(formals(p(x))))
+ quote({p(x)(q, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)})
+ else
+ quote({log(1-p(x)(q))})
+ qxlog <- if("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(q(x))))
+ quote({qx <- if(lower.tail)
+ q(x)((1+p1)/2)
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 1001
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