[Distr-commits] r946 - in branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod: . R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Jul 28 13:09:12 CEST 2014

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2014-07-28 13:09:12 +0200 (Mon, 28 Jul 2014)
New Revision: 946

[distrMod] removed ::: internal dependencies (within distr-Fam of pkgs) by copying respective routines

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/DESCRIPTION
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/DESCRIPTION	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/DESCRIPTION	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
 Title: Object oriented implementation of probability models
 Description: Object oriented implementation of probability models based on packages 'distr' and
-Author: Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel
-Maintainer: Peter Ruckdeschel <Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de>
+Authors at R: c(person("Matthias", "Kohl", role=c("aut", "cph")), 
+		person("Peter", "Ruckdeschel", role=c("cre", "cph"), email="Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de"), 
+		person("R Core Team", role = c("ctb", "cph"), 
+		comment="for source file 'format.perc'"))
 Depends: R(>= 2.14.0), distr(>= 2.5.2), distrEx(>= 2.4), RandVar(>= 0.6.3), MASS, stats4,
 ByteCompile: yes

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -89,10 +89,6 @@
-.csimpsum <- distr:::.csimpsum
-### still to be tested and improved:
-## covariance for minimum CvM distance estimator acc. Ri:94, pp.132-133
 .CvMMDCovariance<- function(L2Fam, param, mu = distribution(L2Fam),  
                             withplot = FALSE, withpreIC = FALSE,
@@ -406,3 +402,315 @@
+#### utilities copied from package distr v.2.6  svn-rev 943
+.inArgs <- function(arg, fct)
+          {as.character(arg) %in% names(formals(fct))}
+.isEqual <- function(p0, p1, tol = min( getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")/2,
+                                          .Machine$double.eps^.7
+                                          ))
+                abs(p0-p1)< tol
+.csimpsum <- function(fx){
+ l <- length(fx)
+ l2 <- l%/%2
+ if (l%%2 == 0) {
+     fx <- c(fx[1:l2],(fx[l2]+fx[l2+1])/2,fx[(l2+1):l])
+     l <- l+1}
+ f.even <- fx[seq(l) %% 2 == 0]
+ f.odd  <- fx[seq(l) %% 2 == 1]
+ fs    <- 2 * cumsum(f.odd) - f.odd - f.odd[1]
+ fsm   <- 4 * cumsum(f.even)
+ ff <- c(0,(fs[2:(l2+1)]+fsm)/3 )
+ ff
+.List <- function(list0) if(is.list(list0)) list0 else list(list0)
+.fillList <- function(list0, len = length(list0)){
+            list0 <- .List(list0)
+            if(len == length(list0))
+               return(list0)
+            i <- 0
+            ll0 <- length(list0)
+            li0 <- vector("list",len)
+            if(ll0)
+            while(i < len){
+               j <- 1 + ( i %% ll0)
+               i <- i + 1
+               li0[[i]] <- list0[[j]]
+            }
+           return(li0)
+.confqq <- function(x,D, datax = TRUE, withConf.pw  = TRUE,
+                    withConf.sim = TRUE, alpha,
+                    col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
+                    col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
+                    n,exact.sCI=(n<100),exact.pCI=(n<100), nosym.pCI = FALSE,
+                    with.legend = TRUE, legend.bg = "white",
+                    legend.pos = "topleft", legend.cex = 0.8,
+                    legend.pref = "", legend.postf = "",
+                    legend.alpha = alpha, qqb0=NULL, debug = FALSE){
+   x <- sort(unique(x))
+   if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
+       {if(!is.null(gaps(D)))
+            x <- sort(unique(c(x, gaps(D))))
+       }
+   SI <- .SingleDiscrete(x,D)
+#   print(SI)
+   SI.in <- SI<4
+   SIi <- SI[SI.in]
+   SI.c <- SIi>0
+   x.in <- x[SI.in]
+   x.c <- x.in[SI.c]
+   x.d <- x.in[!SI.c]
+   qqb <- if(is.null(qqb0)) qqbounds(x,D,alpha,n,withConf.pw, withConf.sim,
+                   exact.sCI,exact.pCI,nosym.pCI, debug) else qqb0
+   qqb$crit <- qqb$crit[SI.in,]
+   if(qqb$err["pw"]){
+      if(sum(SI.c)>0){
+         if(datax){
+            lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.right"],
+               col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+            lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.left"],
+               col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+         }else{
+            lines(qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.right"], x.c,
+               col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+            lines(qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.left"], x.c,
+               col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+         }
+      }
+      if(sum(!SI.c)>0){
+         if(datax){
+            points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.right"],
+               col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
+            points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.left"],
+               col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
+         }else{
+            points(qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.right"], x.d,
+               col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
+            points(qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.left"], x.d,
+               col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if(qqb$err["sim"]){
+      if(sum(SI.c)>0){
+         if(datax){
+            lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.right"],
+               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+            lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.left"],
+               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+         }else{
+            lines(qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.right"], x.c,
+               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+            lines(qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.left"], x.c,
+               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+         }
+      }
+      if(sum(!SI.c)>0){
+         if(datax){
+            points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.right"],
+                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
+            points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.left"],
+                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
+         }else{
+            points(qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.right"], x.d,
+                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
+            points(qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.left"], x.d,
+                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   if(with.legend){
+      if( qqb$err["pw"] ||  qqb$err["sim"] ){
+         expression1 <- substitute(
+            legpf~nosym0~"pointw."~ex.p~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval"~legpof,
+            list(legpf = legend.pref, legpof = legend.postf,
+                 ex.p = if(exact.pCI) "exact" else "asympt.",
+                 alpha0 = round(legend.alpha*100,2),
+                 nosym0 = if(nosym.pCI&&exact.pCI) "shortest asymm." else "symm"))
+         expression2 <- substitute(
+            legpf~"simult."~ex.s~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval"~legpof,
+            list(legpf = legend.pref, legpof = legend.postf,
+                 ex.s = if(exact.sCI) "exact" else "asympt.",
+                 alpha0 = round(legend.alpha*100,2)))
+         lcl <- list()
+         if(!qqb$err["sim"]){
+            expression3 <- expression1
+            lcl$pch <- if(sum(!SI.c)>0) pch.pCI else NULL
+            lcl$lty <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  lty.pCI else NULL
+            lcl$col <- col.pCI
+            lcl$lwd <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  2 else NULL
+         }
+         if(!qqb$err["pw"]){
+            expression3 <- expression2
+            lcl$pch <- if(sum(!SI.c)>0) pch.sCI else NULL
+            lcl$lty <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  lty.sCI else NULL
+            lcl$col <- col.sCI
+            lcl$lwd <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  2 else NULL
+         }
+         if( qqb$err["pw"] && qqb$err["sim"]){
+            expression3 <- eval(substitute(expression(expression1, expression2)))
+            lcl$pch <- if(sum(!SI.c)>0) c(pch.pCI, pch.sCI) else NULL
+            lcl$lty <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  c(lty.pCI, lty.sCI) else NULL
+            lcl$col <- c(col.pCI,col.sCI)
+            lcl$lwd <- if(sum(SI.c)>0)  2 else NULL
+         }
+         do.call(legend, c(list(legend.pos, legend = expression3, bg = legend.bg,
+                                merge = FALSE, cex = legend.cex), lcl))
+      }
+   }
+  return(invisible(qqb))
+.deleteItemsMCL <- function(mcl){
+    mcl$n <- NULL
+    mcl$col.IdL <- mcl$alpha.CI <- mcl$lty.IdL <-  NULL
+    mcl$col.NotInSupport <- mcl$check.NotInSupport <- NULL
+    mcl$exact.sCI <- mcl$exact.pCI <- NULL
+    mcl$withConf <- mcl$withConf.sim <- mcl$withConf.pw <- NULL
+    mcl$withIdLine <- mcl$distance <- NULL
+    mcl$col.pCI <- mcl$lty.pCI <- mcl$col.sCI <- mcl$lty.sCI <- NULL
+    mcl$lwd.IdL <- mcl$lwd.pCI <- mcl$lwd.sCI <- NULL
+    mcl$withLab <- mcl$lab.pts <- mcl$which.lbs <- NULL
+    mcl$which.Order <- mcl$order.traf  <- NULL
+    mcl$col.pch <- mcl$cex.pch  <- mcl$jit.fac <- NULL
+    mcl$col.lbl <- mcl$cex.lbl  <- mcl$adj.lbl <- NULL
+    mcl$exp.cex2.pch <- mcl$exp.cex2.lbl <- NULL
+    mcl$exp.fadcol.pch <- mcl$exp.fadcol.lbl <- NULL
+    mcl$nosym.pCI <- mcl$n.CI <- mcl$n.adj <- NULL
+    mcl$legend.cex <- mcl$with.legend <- mcl$legend.bg <- NULL
+    mcl$legend.pos <- mcl$legend.pref <- mcl$legend.postf <- NULL
+    mcl$legend.alpha <- NULL
+## helpers
+.inGaps <- function(x,gapm){
+  if(is.null(gapm)) return(rep(FALSE,length(x)))
+  fct <- function(x,m){ m[,2]>=x & m[,1]<=x}
+  sapply(x, function(y) length(which(fct(y,gapm)))>0)
+.isReplicated <- function(x){
+  tx <- table(x)
+  rx <- as.numeric(names(tx[tx>1]))
+  sapply(x, function(y) any(abs(y-rx)<.Machine$double.eps))
+.NotInSupport <- function(x,D){
+  if(length(x)==0) return(logical(0))
+  nInSupp <- which(x < q(D)(0))
+  nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp,which(x > q(D)(1)))))
+  nInSuppo <-
+      if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
+         which( ! x %in% support(D)) else numeric(0)
+  if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
+         InGap <- which( .inGaps(x,gaps(D)))
+         if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
+            nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, intersect(InGap,nInSuppo))))
+         else
+            nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, InGap)))
+  }else{
+         nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, nInSuppo)))
+  }
+  return((1:length(x)) %in% nInSupp)
+.SingleDiscrete <- function(x,D){
+  ## produces a logical vector of
+  ##     0  : discrete mass point
+  ##     1  : within continuous support
+  ##     2  : left gap point
+  ##     3  : right gap point
+  ##     4  : not in support
+  lx <- x * 0
+  lx[.NotInSupport(x,D)] <- 4
+  idx.0 <- ((x>q(D)(1)) | (x<q(D)(0)))
+  iG <- rep(FALSE,length(x))
+  if(is(D, "DiscreteDistribution")){
+     return(lx)
+  }
+  if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
+     if(!is.null(gaps(D))){
+        lx[apply(sapply(gaps(D)[,1], function(u) .isEqual(u,x)),1,any)] <- 2
+        lx[apply(sapply(gaps(D)[,2], function(u) .isEqual(u,x)),1,any)] <- 3
+        iG <- .inGaps(x,gaps(D))
+        lx[!idx.0 & !iG] <- 1
+     }else{
+        lx[!idx.0 & !iG] <- 1
+     }
+  }
+  if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
+     idx <- x %in% support(D)
+     if("acPart" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
+         idx.0 <- ((x>q.ac(D)(1)) | (x<q.ac(D)(0)))
+     lx[idx & (idx.0|iG)] <- 0
+  }
+  return(lx)
+.makeLenAndOrder <- function(x,ord){
+   n <- length(ord)
+   x <- rep(x, length.out=n)
+   x[ord]
+# .presubs : for titles etc
+.presubs <- function(inp, frompat, topat){
+### replaces in an expression or a string all frompat patterns to topat patterns
+logic <- FALSE
+inCx <- sapply(inp,
+   function(inpx){
+      inC <- deparse(inpx)
+      l <- length(frompat)
+      for(i in 1:l)
+         { if (is.language(topat[[i]])){
+               totxt <- deparse(topat[[i]])
+               totxt <- gsub("expression\\(", "\", ", gsub("\\)$",", \"",totxt))
+               if (length(grep(frompat[i],inC))) logic <<- TRUE
+               inC <- gsub(frompat[i],totxt,inC)
+           }else inC <- gsub(frompat[i], topat[[i]], inC)
+         }
+      return(inC)
+    })
+   inCx <- gsub("expression\\(", "", gsub("\\)$","",inCx))
+if (length(inCx) > 1) {
+   inCx <- paste(inCx, c(rep(",", length(inCx)-1), ""),
+                 sep = "", collapse = "\"\\n\",")
+   if ( any(as.logical(c(lapply(inp,is.language)))) | logic )
+      inCx <- paste("expression(paste(", gsub("\\\\n"," ", inCx), "))", sep ="")
+   else
+      inCx <- paste("paste(",inCx,")", sep ="")
+}else inCx <- paste("expression(paste(",inCx,"))",sep="")
+outC <- eval(parse(text = eval(inCx)))
+### from packages stats:
+format.perc <- function (probs, digits)
+paste(format(100 * probs, trim = TRUE, scientific = FALSE, digits = digits),
+    "%")

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/AllPlot.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/AllPlot.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/AllPlot.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
           iL <- length(to.draw[to.draw <= 3])+length(l2dpl)
           iLD <- (1:iL)[to.draw <= 3]
           iLL <- (1:iL)[to.draw > 3]
-          inner <- distr:::.fillList(inner,iL)          
+          inner <- .fillList(inner,iL)
           innerD <- if(length(iLD)) inner[iLD] else NULL
           innerL <- if(length(iLL)) inner[iLL] else NULL
         }else{innerLog <- innerD <- innerL <- inner}
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
         lineT <- NA
      .mpresubs <- function(inx)
-                    distr:::.presubs(inx, c("%C", "%D", "%A"),
+                    .presubs(inx, c("%C", "%D", "%A"),

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 BinomFamily <- function(size = 1, prob = 0.5, trafo){ 
     name <- "Binomial family"
     distribution <- Binom(size = size, prob = prob)
-    if(distr:::.isEqual(prob,0.5))
+    if(.isEqual(prob,0.5))
         distrSymm <- SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = size*prob)
         distrSymm <- NoSymmetry()
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = size*prob)) 
     L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((distribution - size*prob)/(prob*(1-prob)))
-    if(distr:::.isEqual(prob,0.5))
+    if(.isEqual(prob,0.5))
         L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(SphericalSymmetry(SymmCenter = 0))
         L2derivDistrSymm <- DistrSymmList(NoSymmetry())

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/confint.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/confint.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/confint.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 ### code borrowed from confint.default from package stats
     a <- (1 - level)/2
     a <- c(a, 1 - a)
-    pct <- stats:::format.perc(a, 3)
+    pct <- format.perc(a, 3)
     fac <- qnorm(a)
     ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(object at estimate), 2),
                 dimnames = list(names(object at estimate), pct)

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/internalMleCalc.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/internalMleCalc.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/internalMleCalc.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -146,8 +146,6 @@
-## caching to speed up things:
-.inArgs <- distr:::.inArgs
 .callParamFamParameter <- function(PFam, theta, idx, nuis, fixed){

Modified: branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/qqplot.R
--- branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/qqplot.R	2014-07-28 10:52:52 UTC (rev 945)
+++ branches/distr-2.6/pkg/distrMod/R/qqplot.R	2014-07-28 11:09:12 UTC (rev 946)
@@ -30,14 +30,7 @@
-### helper functions from distr
-.confqq          <- distr:::.confqq
-.isReplicated    <- distr:::.isReplicated
-.makeLenAndOrder <- distr:::.makeLenAndOrder
-.inGaps          <- distr:::.inGaps
-.deleteItemsMCL  <- distr:::.deleteItemsMCL
-.NotInSupport    <- distr:::.NotInSupport
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
                               y = "UnivariateDistribution"),

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