[Distr-commits] r753 - in pkg/distr: . inst vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Nov 18 12:48:06 CET 2011

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2011-11-18 12:48:06 +0100 (Fri, 18 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 753

[distr] (trunk)
reaction to http://developer.r-project.org/214update.txt
+ created folder vignettes and moved content of inst/doc/ to it
+ removed lazyload tag in DESCRIPTION
+ updated version number in DESCRIPTION
+ updated affiliation info in newDistributions.Rnw
+ deleted inst/doc folder

Modified: pkg/distr/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/distr/DESCRIPTION	2011-11-18 11:41:21 UTC (rev 752)
+++ pkg/distr/DESCRIPTION	2011-11-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 753)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: distr
-Version: 2.3.3
-Date: 2011-09-30
+Version: 2.3.4
+Date: 2011-11-18
 Title: Object oriented implementation of distributions
 Description: S4 Classes and Methods for distributions
 Author: Florian Camphausen, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Thomas Stabla
@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
 Depends: R(>= 2.2.0), methods, graphics, startupmsg, sfsmisc, SweaveListingUtils
 Suggests: distrEx, SweaveListingUtils
 Imports: stats
-LazyLoad: yes
 ByteCompile: yes
 Encoding: latin1
 License: LGPL-3
 URL: http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/
 LastChangedDate: {$LastChangedDate$}
 LastChangedRevision: {$LastChangedRevision$}
-SVNRevision: 741
+SVNRevision: 754

Copied: pkg/distr/vignettes/newDistributions.Rnw (from rev 742, pkg/distr/inst/doc/newDistributions.Rnw)
--- pkg/distr/vignettes/newDistributions.Rnw	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/distr/vignettes/newDistributions.Rnw	2011-11-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 753)
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+% Vignette  "How to generate new distributions in packages distr, distrEx"
+%\VignetteKeywords{probability distribution,estimation}
+%use svn-multi to fill in revision information
+% Version control information:
+%\svnid{$Id: example_main.tex 146 2008-12-03 13:29:19Z martin $}
+% Don't forget to set the svn property 'svn:keywords' to
+% 'HeadURL LastChangedDate LastChangedRevision LastChangedBy' or
+% 'Id' or both depending if you use \svnidlong and/or \svnid
+\newcommand{\svnfooter}{Last Changed Rev: \svnkw{LastChangedRevision}}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{ruckdeschel}{Peter Ruckdeschel}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{stamats}{Matthias Kohl}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{florian}{Florian Camphausen}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{stabla}{Thomas Stabla}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{anhuel}{Anja H{\"u}ller}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{ifrin}{Eleonara Feist}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{jdospina}{Juan David Ospina}
+\svnRegisterAuthor{kowzar}{Kouros Owzar}
+pdftitle={How to generate new distributions in packages distr, distrEx},%
+pdfauthor={Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl},%
+pdfkeywords={probability distribution,simulation,estimation},%
+\markboth{\sl How to generate new distributions in packages ``{\tt distr}'', ``{\tt distrEx}''}%
+{\sl How to generate new distributions in packages ``{\tt distr}'', ``{\tt distrEx}''}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%\usepackage{Sweave} no longer needed
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+<<SweaveListingsPreparations, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+setToBeDefinedPkgs(pkgs = c("distr","distrEx"),
+                   keywordstyles = "\\bf\\color{distrCol}")
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\title{How to generate new distributions in packages \pkg{distr}, \pkg{distrEx}}
+%,version \pkgExversion}
+\author{\small Peter Ruckdeschel\thanks{Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern}
+\small Matthias Kohl\thanks{FH Furtwangen}
+\small Fraunhofer ITWM\\[-.5ex]
+\small Fraunhofer Platz 1\\[-.5ex]
+\small 67663 Kaiserslautern\\[-.5ex]
+\small Germany\\
+\small e-Mail: {\small \tt Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de}\medskip\\
+ Version control information:
+ Last changes revision: \= \kill
+ Head URL: \> \parbox[t]{6cm}{\url{\svnkw{HeadURL}}}\\[1.2ex]
+ Last changed date: \> \svndate\\
+ Last changes revision: \> \svnrev\\
+ Version: \> \svnFullRevision*{\svnrev}\\
+ Last changed by: \> \svnFullAuthor*{\svnauthor}\\
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+In this vignette, we give short examples how to produce new
+distributions in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}.
+This vignette refers to package version~\pkgversion.
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Basically there are three ways to produce new
+distributions in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}:
+\item automatic generation of single distribution objects by arithmetics and the like
+\item using generating functions to produce single distribution objects
+\item defining new distribution classes / doing it from scratch
+We will give short examples of all three of them.
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Automatic generation by arithmetics and the like}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+We have made available quite general arithmetical operations to our distribution 
+objects, generating new image distribution objects automatically. As an example, try
+<<Prepa, echo=false, results=tex>>=
+## preparation: set option withSweave to true
+distroptions(withSweave = TRUE)
+<<exam1, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>=
+N <- Norm(mean = 2, sd = 1.3)
+P <- Pois(lambda = 1.2)
+Z <- 2*N + 3 + P
+plot(Z, panel.first = grid(), lwd=2)
+Zs <- r(Z)(50)
+\noindent{\bf Comment:}\\
+Let \code{N} an object of class \code{"Norm"} with parameters  \code{mean=2},
+\code{sd=1.3} and let \code{P}  an object of class \code{"Pois"} with parameter 
+\code{lambda=1.2}. Assigning to \code{Z} the expression \code{2*N+3+P}, a 
+new distribution object is generated ---of class \code{"AbscontDistribution"} in 
+our case--- so that identifying \code{N}, \code{P}, \code{Z} with random 
+variables distributed according to {\tt N}, {\tt P}, {\tt Z}, 
+${\cal L}({\tt Z})={\cal L}(2*{\tt N}+3+{\tt P})$,  and writing \code{p(Z)(0.4)}  
+we get $P(Z\leq 0.4)$, \code{ q(Z)(0.3)}  the $30\%$-quantile of {\tt Z},
+and with \code{r(Z)(50)} we generate $50$ pseudo random numbers distributed 
+according to {\tt Z}, while the \code{plot} command generates the above figure.\\
+There a caveats to take care about; for details refer to the (larger) vignette
+{\tt distr} in package \pkg{distrDoc}.
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Using generating functions}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+If you want to generate a single distribution object (without any particular parameter)
+generating functions are the method of choice:\\
+Objects of classes \code{LatticeDistribution} resp.\ 
+\code{AbscontDistribution},  may be generated using the generating functions
+\code{LatticeDistribution()} resp.\ \code{DiscreteDistribution()}
+resp.\ \code{AbscontDistribution()}; see also
+the corresponding help.\\
+E.g., to produce a discrete distribution with
+support $(1,5,7,21)$ with corresponding probabilities $(0.1,0.1,0.6,0.2)$
+we may write
+<<DiscrDist, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>=
+D <- DiscreteDistribution(supp = c(1,5,7,21), prob = c(0.1,0.1,0.6,0.2))
+plot(D, panel.first = grid(), lwd = 2)
+and to generate an absolutely continuos distribution with density proportional
+to $e^{-|x|^3}$, we write
+<<AbscDist, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>=
+AC <- AbscontDistribution(d = function(x) exp(-abs(x)^3), withStand = TRUE)
+plot(AC, panel.first = grid(), lwd = 2)
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Doing it from scratch}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+If you would like to create new parametric distributions, using already 
+implemented {\tt r}, {\tt d}, {\tt p}, and {\tt q} functions
+(e.g.\ implementing additional distributions realized in another 
+\href{http://cran.r-project.org}{\tt CRAN} package), 
+you should probably envisage introducing new distribution {\tt S4} (sub-)classes
+and hence better look at the implementation of some discrete and 
+continuous parametric distribution classes in package \pkg{distr}.
+\noindent{\small Hint: download the {\tt .tar.gz} file; extract it to some {\tt temp} 
+folder; look at subdirectories {\tt R} and {\tt man}}\smallskip\\
+The general procedure is as follows
+\item introduce a  new subclass of  class \code{Parameter}
+\item introduce a new subclass of  \code{LatticeDistribution}/%
+\code{DiscreteDistribution} (if discrete)
+ or of class \code{AbscontDistribution} (if continuous).
+\item define accessor and replacement functions for the ``slots'' of the
+parameter (e.g.\ \code{"size"} and \code{"prob"} in the binomial case), 
+possibly with new generics
+\item (possibly) define a validity function
+\item define a generating function
+\item if existing, define particular convolution methods or similar particular
+methods for this new distribution class
+\item create {\tt .Rd} files for the
+      \item parameter class
+      \item distribution class
+\item if analytic expressions are available, define particular \code{E}-, \code{var}-, 
+\code{skewness}-, and \code{kurtosis}-methods
+     and if so, also document\footnote{%
+this is new, because so far, all \code{E}-, \code{var}-, 
+\code{skewness}-, and \code{kurtosis}-methods for ``basic'' 
+distributions are documented in the \pkg{distrEx} documentation to 
+\code{E}, \code{var}, \ldots, but this would not be operational
+any longer for new derived classes, possibly defined in other, new packages
+     } the corresponding methods in
+     the distribution class {\tt .Rd} file\\
+Let's go through the steps in the example case of the Binomial implementation
+in packages \pkg{distr} and \pkg{distrEx}:
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/AllClasses.R},  
+<<AllClass1, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     "## Class: BinomParameter", "#-")
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/AllClasses.R},  
+<<AllClass2, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "## Class: binomial distribution",
+                     to = "contains = \"LatticeDistribution\"", 
+                     offset.after = 1)
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R},  
+<<BinomDist1, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = c("## Access Methods", "## wrapped access methods"),
+                     to = c("setReplaceMethod\\(\"prob\", \"BinomParameter\"",
+                            "size = value\\)\\)") ,
+                     offset.after = c(1,1))
+and \file{R/AllGenerics}, 
+<<AllGenerics, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "if\\(!isGeneric\\(\"size\"",
+                     to = "setGeneric\\(\"prob\"") 
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R},  
+<<BinomDist2, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "setValidity\\(\"Binom",
+                     to = "else return\\(TRUE\\)",
+                     offset.after = 1)
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R},  
+<<BinomDist3, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "Binom <- function",
+                     to = "Binom <- function")
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see source in \file{R/BinomialDistribution.R},  
+<<BinomDist4, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "## Convolution for",
+                     to = "\\}\\)")
+\item in \pkg{distr}, see sources in
+<<BinomParam, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+<<Binomclass, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+\item {\footnotesize you could have: \file{man/Binom.Rd}
+      for the generating function; in the Binomial case, documentation is in
+      \file{Binom-class.Rd}; but in case of the Gumbel distribution,
+      in package \pkg{distrEx}, there is such an extra {\tt .Rd} file}
+\item in \pkg{distrEx}, see sources in
+<<Prepa2, echo=false, results=tex>>=
+## preparation: set option withSweave to true
+<<Expect, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "\"E\", signature\\(object = \"Binom\"",
+                     to = "\\}\\)")
+<<var, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "\"var\", signature\\(x = \"Binom\"",
+                     to = "\\}\\)")
+<<skew, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "\"skewness\", signature\\(x = \"Binom\"",
+                     to = "\\}\\)")
+<<kurt, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>=
+                     from = "\"kurtosis\", signature\\(x = \"Binom\"",
+                     to = "\\}\\)")
+The procedure will be similar for \textit{any} new class of distributions.\medskip
+  \item[Comment] In the classes in package \pkg{distr} (historically the ``oldest''
+  in the development of this project), we still use \code{initialize} methods;
+  this is no longer needed, if you provide generating functions; for this ``more
+  recent'' approach, confer the realization of class \code{Gumbel} in package \pkg{distrEx}.
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\section{Help needed  / collaboration welcome}
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+You are --- as announced on  
+\href{http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org}{\tt http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org} ---
+         very welcome to collaborate in this project!
+See in particular
+{\tt http://distr.r-forge.r-project.org/HOWTO-collaborate.txt}
+With this you should be able to start working.
+Kohl M., Ruckdeschel P. and Stabla T.
+\newblock {General Purpose Convolution Algorithm for Distributions in S4-Classes 
+by means of FFT}.
+\newblock unpublished manual
+Ruckdeschel P., Kohl M., Stabla T., and Camphausen F. 
+\newblock {S4 Classes for Distributions.} 
+\newblock {\em R-News\/}, {\bf 6}(2): 10--13.
+\newblock http://CRAN.R-project.org/doc/Rnews/Rnews\_2006-2.pdf
+%\newblock See also {http://www.uni-bayreuth.de/departments/math/org/mathe7/RUCKDESCHEL/pubs/distr.pdf}
+<<cleanup, echo=FALSE>>=
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Copied: pkg/distr/vignettes/svn-multi.sty (from rev 742, pkg/distr/inst/doc/svn-multi.sty)
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+++ pkg/distr/vignettes/svn-multi.sty	2011-11-18 11:48:06 UTC (rev 753)
@@ -0,0 +1,1752 @@
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+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
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+        {\svne at readline\svn at temp}%
+        \svne at readline\svne at baseurl
+        \svne at gobblerest
+      }{}%
+    }{}%
+\gdef\svne at scandate#1{%
+  \expandafter\svne at scandate@#1\relax
+  0000-00-00T00:00:00.00000Z\relax\relax
+\gdef\svne at scandate@#1-#2-#3T#4:#5:#6.#7\relax#8\relax{%
+  \gdef\svnfileyear{#1}%
+  \gdef\svnfilemonth{#2}%
+  \gdef\svnfileday{#3}%
+  \gdef\svnfilehour{#4}%
+  \gdef\svnfileminute{#5}%
+  \gdef\svnfilesecond{#6}%
+  \gdef\svnfiletimezonehour{+00}%
+  \gdef\svnfiletimezoneminute{00}%
+  \gdef\svnfiledate{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}%
+  \def\svne at date{#1-#2-#3 #4:#5:#6Z}%
+\newcommand*{\svne at parseentries}{%
+  \svn at ifeof{\svne at read}%
+  {}%
+  {%
+    \svne at readline\svne at name
+    \@onelevel at sanitize\svne at name
+    \svn at ifeof{\svne at read}%
+    {}%
+    {%
+    \svne at readline\svne at kind
+    \svn at ifequal{\svne at kind}{file}%
+      {%
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svn at temp
+      \svne at readline\svne at date
+      \svne at readline\svne at rev
+      \svne at readline\svne at author
+      %\@onelevel at sanitize\svne at date
+      \svne at scandate{\svne at date}%
+      \edef\svne at url{\svne at baseurl/\svne at name}%
+      \svne at handleentry
+      }{}%
+    \svne at gobblerest
+    \svne at parseentries
+    }%
+  }%
+\def\svne at handleentry{%
+  \svn at ifequal{\svne at name}{\svnfilefname}%
+    {%
+      \svnkwdef{Filename}{\svne at name}%
+      \svnkwdef{Date}{\svne at date}%
+      \svnkwdef{Revision}{\svne at rev}%
+      \svnkwdef{Author}{\svne at author}%
+      \svnkwdef{HeadURL}{\svne at url}%
+      \@svn at updateid{\svne at rev}{\svne at date}{\svne at author}{\svne at url}%
+      \svne at endread
+    }{}%
+  \begingroup
+    \svn at getfilename{#1}%
+    \edef\svnfilefname{\svnfilefname}%
+    \@onelevel at sanitize\svnfilefname
+    \svne at parseentriesfile{\svnfiledir .svn/}%
+    \svne at parseentriesfile{\svnfiledir _svn/}%
+  \endgroup
+\if at svnmulti@autokwall
+    \svnegetfile{\jobname.\svn at mainext}%
+\def\svntimezone{\svntimezonehour\svntimezoneminute\svn at gobblezeros}
+\def\svnfiletimezone{\svnfiletimezonehour\svnfiletimezoneminute\svn at gobblezeros}
+\def\svn at gobblezeros{%
+  \futurelet\svn at nextchar\svn at gobblezeros@
+\def\svn at gobblezeros@{%
+  \let\@tempa=\relax
+  \def\@tempb{0}%
+  \ifx0\svn at nextchar
+    \let\@tempa=\@gobbletwo
+  \fi
+  \@tempa
+  \begingroup
+    \year\svnyear \month\svnmonth \day\svnday
+    \relax \today
+  \endgroup
+  \begingroup
+    \year\svnfileyear \month\svnfilemonth \day\svnfileday
+    \relax \today
+  \endgroup
+  \@ifundefined{svng@\svn at cg @year}{??}{%
+    \begingroup
+      \year\svncgyear \month\svncgmonth \day\svncgday
+      \relax \today
+    \endgroup
+  }%
+  \@svnidswtrue
+  \svnkwsave
+\newif\if at svnidsw
+\def\svn at scanId#1 #2 #3 #4 #5\relax{%
+  \@svn at scandate{#3 #4}%
+  \@svn at updateid{#2}{#3 #4}{#5}{#1}%
+  \svnkwdef{Filename}{#1}%
+  \svnkwdef{Date}{#3 #4}%
+  \svnkwdef{Revision}{#2}%
+  \svnkwdef{Author}{#5}%
+\def\@svn at updateid#1#2#3#4{%
+  \xdef\svnfilerev{#1}%
+  \xdef\svnfiledate{#2}%
+  \xdef\svnfileauthor{#3}%
+  \xdef\svnfileurl{#4}%
+  \svn at getfilename\svnfileurl%
+  \ifx\svnfilerev\empty\else
+    \ifnum\@svn at rev<\svnfilerev
+      \xdef\@svn at rev{\svnfilerev}%
+      \xdef\@svn at date{\svnfiledate}%
+      \xdef\@svn at author{\svnfileauthor}%
+      \xdef\@svn at year{\svnfileyear}%
+      \xdef\@svn at month{\svnfilemonth}%
+      \xdef\@svn at day{\svnfileday}%
+      \xdef\@svn at hour{\svnfilehour}%
+      \xdef\@svn at minute{\svnfileminute}%
+      \xdef\@svn at second{\svnfilesecond}%
+      \xdef\@svn at timezonehour{\svnfiletimezonehour}%
+      \xdef\@svn at timezoneminute{\svnfiletimezoneminute}%
+      \xdef\@svn at url{\svnfileurl}%
+      \xdef\@svn at fname{\svnfilefname}%
+    \fi
+    \if at svnmulti@groups
+      \ifx\svn at g\empty\else
+        \svn at updategroup{\svn at g}%
+      \fi
+      \if at svnmulti@subgroups
+        \ifsvnsubgroups
+          \svn at updategroup{\svn at filedir\svn at filebase}%
+        \fi
+      \fi
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\@svncg at save#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname @svng@\svn at g @#1\endcsname{#2}%
+  \svnkwdef{HeadURL}{}%
+  \svnkwdef{LastChangedDate}{}%
+  \svnkwdef{LastChangedRevision}{0}%
+  \svnkwdef{LastChangedBy}{}%
+  \begingroup
+    \if at svnmulti@verbatim
+      \svn at catcodes
+      \catcode`\{=12
+      \catcode`\}=12
+    \else
+      \def\svnidlong at readargsfull{\svnidlong at readargs}%
+    \fi
+    \svnidlong at readargsfull
+\if at svnmulti@verbatim
+\def\svn at catcodes{%
+  \let\do\@makeother
+  \dospecials
+  \catcode`\^^M9
+  \catcode`\ 10
+  \catcode`\{1
+  \catcode`\}2
+  \def\svn at catcodes{}
+\if at svnmulti@verbatim
+\gdef\svnidlong at readargsfull#1{#2}#3{#4}#5{#6}#7{#8}(%
+ \svnidlong at readargs(#2)(#4)(#6)(#8)%
+\def\svnidlong at readargs#1#2#3#4{%
+    \svnkwsave at read #1\relax
+    \svnkwsave at read #2\relax
+    \svnkwsave at read #3\relax
+    \svnkwsave at read #4\relax
+  \endgroup
+  \ifx\svnkwLastChangedDate\empty\else
+    \@svn at scanlongdate{\svnkwLastChangedDate}%
+  \fi
+  \@svn at updateid{\svnkw{LastChangedRevision}}{\svnkw{LastChangedDate}}%
+  {\svnkw{LastChangedBy}}{\svnkw{HeadURL}}%
+  \ignorespaces
+  \begingroup
+    \svn at catcodes
+    \svnkwsave at readargs
+\gdef\svnkwsave at readargs#1{%
+    \svnkwsave at read#1\relax
+  \endgroup
+  \if at svnidsw
+    \ifx\svnkwId\empty\else
+      \expandafter
+      \svn at scanId\svnkwId\relax
+      \@svnidswfalse
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ignorespaces
+\if at svnmulti@verbatim
+\gdef\svnkwsave at read $#1$\relax{%
+  \svn at checkcolon#1:\relax
+\gdef\svnkwsave at parse$#1:#2${%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname svnkw#1\endcsname{#2}%
+  \@ifundefined{svnkwdef@#1}%
+    {\svnkwdef@{#1}{#2}}%
+    {\csname svnkwdef@#1\endcsname{#2}}%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname svnkw#1\endcsname{#2}%
+\def\svnkwdef at Rev#1{%
+  \svn at ifempty{#1}%
+    {\svnkwdef@{Rev}{0}}%
+    {\svnkwdef@{Rev}{#1}}%
+\def\svnkwdef at Author#1{\svnkwdef@{Author}{#1}}
+\def\svnkwdef at Date#1{\svnkwdef@{Date}{#1}}
+\def\svnkwdef at URL#1{\svnkwdef@{HeadURL}{#1}}
+\let\svnkwdef at Revision=\svnkwdef at Rev
+\let\svnkwdef at LastChangedRevision=\svnkwdef at Rev
+\let\svnkwdef at LastChangedBy=\svnkwdef at Author
+\let\svnkwdef at LastChangedAt=\svnkwdef at Date
+  \@ifundefined{svnkw#1}%
+    {\PackageWarning{svn-multi}{SVN keyword '#1' not defined (typo?)}}%
+    {\csname svnkw#1\endcsname}%

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 753

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