[Distr-commits] r562 - branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/chm branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/inst/doc branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/man branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distr/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrDoc/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrEllipse/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrEx/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrMod/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrSim/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrTEst/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/distrTeach/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/startupmsg/inst branches/distr-2.2/pkg/utils pkg/SweaveListingUtils pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R pkg/SweaveListingUtils/inst pkg/SweaveListingUtils/inst/doc pkg/SweaveListingUtils/man pkg/distr/inst pkg/distrDoc/inst pkg/distrEllipse/inst pkg/distrEx/inst pkg/distrMod/inst pkg/distrSim/inst pkg/distrTEst/inst pkg/distrTeach/inst pkg/startupmsg/inst
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Sep 4 01:07:38 CEST 2009
Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-09-04 01:07:35 +0200 (Fri, 04 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 562
++ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files for each package (by accident also in trunc; these are empty so far)
++ new utils: readsvnlog.sh -- a bash-shell script for reading out svn logs,
and more important: in tobedonePaste.R:
+ showAllFiles : concatenates all files of same kind in one output (like NEWS, TOBEDONE)
+ showsvnlog : reads out svn log information / works with bash shell
(@Matthias: pls check Linux!)
++ SweaveListingUtils
+ a little enhanced; makes temporarily changes (like background color) easier...
+-> new functions lstdefRstyle to change Rstyle
lstsetRall to change all R-like styles (i.e. Rstyle, Rinstyle, Routstyle, Rcodestyle)
+-> in lstset.R: new internal functions to standardize behavior and make maintenance easier (start with ".")
+-> with lstdefRstyle Rstyle is no longer only changed after require(), library() -> rename .numberofRequires to .numberofRstyleDefs
+-> moved parts of former SweaveListingUtils.R to taglist.R and lstset.R
+href inserted for my mail address (otherwise some wrong link was produced; remarked by A. Hausmann)
Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/NAMESPACE
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/NAMESPACE 2009-09-01 23:44:19 UTC (rev 561)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/NAMESPACE 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
export("taglist", "lstset", "lstsetR", "lstsetRd",
"lstsetRin", "lstsetRout", "lstsetRcode",
+ "lstdefRstyle", "lstsetRall",
"SweaveListingPreparations", "readSourceFromRForge",
"copySourceFromRForge", "lstinputSourceFromRForge",
"readPkgVersion", "SweaveListingOptions",
Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingOptions.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingOptions.R 2009-09-01 23:44:19 UTC (rev 561)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingOptions.R 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
.CacheFiles <- NULL
.alreadyDefinedPkgs <- NULL
.tobeDefinedPkgs <- NULL
-.numberofRequires <- NULL
+.numberofRstyleDefs <- NULL
.SweaveListingOptions <- list(
Rset = list("fancyvrb" = "true", "escapechar" = "`",
Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingUtils.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingUtils.R 2009-09-01 23:44:19 UTC (rev 561)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/SweaveListingUtils.R 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
unlockBinding(".keywordsR", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
unlockBinding(".alreadyDefinedPkgs", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
- unlockBinding(".numberofRequires", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
+ unlockBinding(".numberofRstyleDefs", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
unlockBinding(".tobeDefinedPkgs", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
unlockBinding(".CacheFiles", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
unlockBinding(".CacheLength", asNamespace("SweaveListingUtils"))
@@ -41,306 +41,183 @@
-print.taglist <- function(x, LineLength = getOption("width"), offset.start = 0,
- withFinalLineBreak = TRUE, first.print = NULL,
- ErrorOrWarn = "warn", ...){
- xc <- as.character(deparse(substitute(x)))
- ll <- length(x)
- LineL <- max(LineLength-2,0)
- LineBreak <- NULL
- mi50 <- min(LineLength,50)
- maL <- max(3*LineLength,getOption("width"))
- if(ll){
- offS <- paste(rep(" ", offset.start), collapse = "")
- for(i in 1:ll){
- trystr0 <- paste(names(x[i]),x[[i]],sep = "=")
- if(i==1){
- actstr <- trystr <- trystr0
- trystr0 <- NULL
- if(length(first.print))
- cat(first.print)
- }else{
- trystr <- paste(actstr, trystr0, sep = ",")
- }
- ntry <- nchar(trystr) + offset.start
- if (ntry < LineL){
- actstr <- trystr
- }else{
- WarnOrErrorFct <- if(pmatch(tolower(ErrorOrWarn),
- c("warn","error"))==1)
- warning else stop
- if(ntry > maL) WarnOrErrorFct(gettextf(
- "Some elements of %s are too long",
- if(nchar(xc)> mi50) paste(substr(xc,1,mi50),"...") else
- xc))
- if(actstr!=offS) cat(LineBreak, actstr,",%",sep="")
- LineBreak <- "\n"
- actstr <- paste(offS, trystr0, sep = "")
- }
- }
- if(nzchar(actstr)) {
- if(i>1) cat("\n")
- cat(actstr, sep="")
- if(withFinalLineBreak) cat("\n")
- }
- }
- return(invisible())
+# SweaveListingPreparations
-taglist <- function(..., list = NULL, defname = "V"){
- dots <- c(list,match.call(call = sys.call(),
- expand.dots = FALSE)$"...")
- ldots <- length(dots)
- if(ldots){
- defname <- unique(defname)
- defnames <- if(length(defname)<ldots){
- paste(rep(defname,length.out=ldots), 1:ldots, sep = "")} else defname
- nms <- names(dots)
- if(is.null(nms)) nms <- rep("", ldots)
- nms[ nms == "" ] <- defnames[nms == ""]
- names(dots) <- nms
- return(structure(as.list(dots), class = c("taglist","list")))
- }
- return(invisible())
+SweaveListingPreparations <- function(
+ withOwnFileSection = FALSE,
+ withVerbatim = FALSE,
+ withSchunkDef = TRUE,
+ gin = TRUE,
+ ae = TRUE,
+ LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ Rset = getSweaveListingOption("Rset"),
+ Rdset = getSweaveListingOption("Rdset"),
+ Rin = getSweaveListingOption("Rin"),
+ Rout = getSweaveListingOption("Rout"),
+ Rcode = getSweaveListingOption("Rcode"),
+ Rcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rcolor"),
+ RRecomdcolor = getSweaveListingOption("RRecomdcolor"),
+ Rbcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rbcolor"),
+ Routcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Routcolor"),
+ Rcommentcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rcommentcolor"),
+ pkg = getSweaveListingOption("pkg"),
+ pkv = getSweaveListingOption("pkv"),
+ fileCommand = getSweaveListingOption("fileCommand"),
+ pkgCommand = getSweaveListingOption("pkgCommand"),
+ lib.loc = NULL){
-lstset <- function(taglist, LineLength = getOption("width"), startS = "\\lstset{"){
- print(taglist, LineLength = LineLength, offset.start = nchar(startS),
- withFinalLineBreak = FALSE, first.print = startS)
- cat("}%\n")
- return(invisible())
+### begin of code to SweaveListingPreparations
-lstsetR <- function(Rset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
- add = getSweaveListingOption("addRset"), startS = "\\lstset{"){
- if(add){
- Rset0 <- getSweaveListingOption("Rset")
- if(length(Rset)){
- newnms <- names(Rset)
- oldnms <- names(Rset0)
- ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
- Rset <- c(Rset, Rset0[ooldnms])
- }else Rset <- Rset0
- }
- if(!is(Rset, "taglist")) Rset <- taglist(list=Rset)
- lstset(Rset, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
- return(invisible())
+ sws <- .SweaveListingOptions
+ sws$inSweave <- TRUE
+ assignInNamespace(".SweaveListingOptions", sws, "SweaveListingUtils")
-lstsetRd <- function(Rdset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
- add = getSweaveListingOption("addRdset"), startS = "\\lstset{"){
- if(add){
- Rdset0 <- getSweaveListingOption("Rdset")
- if(length(Rdset)){
- newnms <- names(Rdset)
- oldnms <- names(Rdset0)
- ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
- Rdset <- c(Rdset, Rdset0[ooldnms])
- }else Rdset <- Rdset0
- }
- if(!is(Rdset, "taglist")) Rdset <- taglist(list=Rdset)
- lstset(Rdset, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
- return(invisible())
+ withVerbatim <- rep(withVerbatim, length.out=3)
+ if(is.null(names(withVerbatim)))
+ names(withVerbatim) <- c("Sinput", "Soutput", "Scode")
-lstsetRin <- function(Rinset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
- add = getSweaveListingOption("addRinset"),
- startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{"){
- if(add){
- Rinset0 <- getSweaveListingOption("Rin")
- if(length(Rinset)){
- newnms <- names(Rinset)
- oldnms <- names(Rinset0)
- ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
- Rinset <- c(Rinset, Rinset0[ooldnms])
- }else Rinset <- Rinset0
- }
- if(!is(Rinset, "taglist")) Rinset <- taglist(list=Rinset)
- lstset(Rinset, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
- return(invisible())
-lstsetRout <- function(Routset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
- add = getSweaveListingOption("addRoutset"),
- startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{"){
- if(add){
- Routset0 <- getSweaveListingOption("Rout")
- if(length(Routset)){
- newnms <- names(Routset)
- oldnms <- names(Routset0)
- ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
- Routset <- c(Routset, Routset0[ooldnms])
- }else Routset <- Routset0
- }
- if(!is(Routset, "taglist")) Routset <- taglist(list=Routset)
- lstset(Routset, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
- return(invisible())
-lstsetRcode <- function(Rcodeset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
- add = getSweaveListingOption("addRcodeset"),
- startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{"){
- if(add){
- Rcodeset0 <- getSweaveListingOption("Rcode")
- if(length(Rcodeset)){
- newnms <- names(Rcodeset)
- oldnms <- names(Rcodeset0)
- ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
- Rcodeset <- c(Rcodeset, Rcodeset0[ooldnms])
- }else Rcodeset <- Rcodeset0
- }
- if(!is(Rcodeset, "taglist")) Rcodeset <- taglist(list=Rcodeset)
- lstset(Rcodeset, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
- return(invisible())
-SweaveListingPreparations <- function(
- withOwnFileSection = FALSE,
- withVerbatim = FALSE,
- withSchunkDef = TRUE,
- gin = TRUE,
- ae = TRUE,
- LineLength = getOption("width"),
- Rset = getSweaveListingOption("Rset"),
- Rdset = getSweaveListingOption("Rdset"),
- Rin = getSweaveListingOption("Rin"),
- Rout = getSweaveListingOption("Rout"),
- Rcode = getSweaveListingOption("Rcode"),
- Rcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rcolor"),
- RRecomdcolor = getSweaveListingOption("RRecomdcolor"),
- Rbcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rbcolor"),
- Routcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Routcolor"),
- Rcommentcolor = getSweaveListingOption("Rcommentcolor"),
- pkg = getSweaveListingOption("pkg"),
- pkv = getSweaveListingOption("pkv"),
- fileCommand = getSweaveListingOption("fileCommand"),
- pkgCommand = getSweaveListingOption("pkgCommand"),
- lib.loc = NULL){
+ line <- paste("%",paste(rep("-",LineLength-2),collapse=""),"%\n", sep="")
-sws <- .SweaveListingOptions
-sws$inSweave <- TRUE
-assignInNamespace(".SweaveListingOptions", sws, "SweaveListingUtils")
-withVerbatim <- rep(withVerbatim, length.out=3)
- names(withVerbatim) <- c("Sinput", "Soutput", "Scode")
+ cat(line,"%Preparations for Sweave and Listings\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
-line <- paste("%",paste(rep("-",LineLength-2),collapse=""),"%\n", sep="")
+ cat("\\RequirePackage{color}\n")
+ cat("\\definecolor{Rcolor}{rgb}{",
+ paste(Rcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\definecolor{RRecomdcolor}{rgb}{",
+ paste(RRecomdcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\definecolor{Rbcolor}{rgb}{",
+ paste(Rbcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\definecolor{Routcolor}{rgb}{",
+ paste(Routcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\definecolor{Rcommentcolor}{rgb}{",
+ paste(Rcommentcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
+ cat(line)
+ writeLines(readLines(file.path(system.file(package = "SweaveListingUtils",
+ lib.loc = lib.loc),
+ "TeX", "Rdlisting.sty")))
+ cat(line)
+ ### (first) definition of Rstyle
+ lstsetR(Rset = Rset, LineLength = LineLength,
+ startS ="\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO1}{")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style=RstyleO1}\n")
+ ### definition of Rdstyle
+ lstsetRd(Rdset=Rdset, LineLength=LineLength,
+ startS ="\\lstdefinestyle{Rdstyle}{")
+ cat(line)
+ if(!withOwnFileSection)
+ SweaveListingoptions("addRset" = FALSE, "addRdset" = FALSE)
+ cat("\\global\\def\\Rlstset{\\lstset{style=Rstyle}}%\n")
+ cat("\\global\\def\\Rdlstset{\\lstset{style=Rdstyle}}%\n")
+ cat(line)
+ cat("\\global\\def\\Rinlstset{\\lstset{style=Rinstyle}}%\n")
+ cat("\\global\\def\\Routlstset{\\lstset{style=Routstyle}}%\n")
+ cat("\\global\\def\\Rcodelstset{\\lstset{style=Rcodestyle}}%\n")
+ cat(line)
+ if(!withOwnFileSection)
+ cat("\\Rlstset\n")
+ cat(line,"%copying relevant parts of Sweave.sty\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\RequirePackage{graphicx,fancyvrb}%\n")
+ cat("\\IfFileExists{upquote.sty}{\\RequirePackage{upquote}}{}%\n\n")
+ cat("\\RequirePackage{ifthen}%\n")
+ ### you might still want to have the boolean TeX
+ # variables available in your code
+ if(gin){
+ cat("\\newboolean{Sweave at gin}%\n")
+ cat("\\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{true}%\n")
+ cat("\\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\\textwidth}%\n")
+ }
+ if(ae){
+ cat("\\newboolean{Sweave at ae}\n")
+ cat("\\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{true}%\n")
+ cat("\\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}\n",
+ "\\RequirePackage{ae}\n%\n", sep ="")
+ }
-cat(line,"%Preparations for Sweave and Listings\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
+ if(withSchunkDef)
+ cat("\\newenvironment{Schunk}{}{}\n\n")
-cat("\\definecolor{Rcolor}{rgb}{",paste(Rcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
-cat("\\definecolor{RRecomdcolor}{rgb}{",paste(RRecomdcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
-cat("\\definecolor{Rbcolor}{rgb}{",paste(Rbcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
-cat("\\definecolor{Routcolor}{rgb}{",paste(Routcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
-cat("\\definecolor{Rcommentcolor}{rgb}{",paste(Rcommentcolor,collapse=", "),"}\n", sep = "")
-writeLines(readLines(file.path(system.file(package = "SweaveListingUtils",
- lib.loc = lib.loc),
- "TeX", "Rdlisting.sty")))
-lstsetR(Rset=Rset, LineLength=LineLength, startS ="\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO1}{")
-lstsetRd(Rdset=Rdset, LineLength=LineLength, startS ="\\lstdefinestyle{Rdstyle}{")
- SweaveListingoptions("addRset" = FALSE, "addRdset" = FALSE)
- cat("\\Rlstset\n")
-cat(line,"%copying relevant parts of Sweave.sty\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
+ cat("\\newcommand{\\Sconcordance}[1]{% \n",
+ "\\ifx\\pdfoutput\\undefined% \n",
+ "\\csname newcount\\endcsname\\pdfoutput\\fi% \n",
+ "\\ifcase\\pdfoutput\\special{#1}% \n",
+ "\\else\\immediate\\pdfobj{#1}\\fi} \n\n", sep ="")
-### you might still want to have the boolean TeX
-# variables available in your code
- cat("\\newboolean{Sweave at gin}%\n")
- cat("\\setboolean{Sweave at gin}{true}%\n")
- cat("\\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.8\\textwidth}%\n")
+ #% ---- end of parts of Sweave.sty
+ cat(line,"% ---- end of parts of Sweave.sty\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
- cat("\\newboolean{Sweave at ae}\n")
- cat("\\setboolean{Sweave at ae}{true}%\n")
- cat("\\RequirePackage[T1]{fontenc}\n",
- "\\RequirePackage{ae}\n%\n", sep ="")
-cat("\\newcommand{\\Sconcordance}[1]{% \n",
- "\\ifx\\pdfoutput\\undefined% \n",
- "\\csname newcount\\endcsname\\pdfoutput\\fi% \n",
- "\\ifcase\\pdfoutput\\special{#1}% \n",
- "\\else\\immediate\\pdfobj{#1}\\fi} \n\n", sep ="")
-cat(line,"% ---- end of parts of Sweave.sty\n",line,"%\n", sep = "")
-cat("%\n {formatcom=\\color{Rcolor}\\lstset{fancyvrb=true,escapechar='}}\n")
-#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
-# "{style=Rstyle,fancyvrb=true,basicstyle=\\color{Rcolor}\\small}}%\n")
-lstset(taglist(list=Rin), LineLength=LineLength, startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RinstyleO}{")
-lstsetRin(Rin=Rin, LineLength=LineLength)
-cat("%\n {formatcom=\\color{Routcolor}\\small\\lstset{fancyvrb=false}}\n")
-#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
-lstset(taglist(list=Rout), LineLength=LineLength,
- startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RoutstyleO}{")
-lstsetRout(Rout=Rout, LineLength=LineLength)
-# "{fancyvrb=false,basicstyle=\\color{Rout}\\small}}%\n")
-cat("%\n {fontshape=sl,formatcom=\\color{Rcolor}\\lstset{fancyvrb=true}}\n")
-#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
-lstset(taglist(list=Rcode), LineLength=LineLength,
- startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RcodestyleO}{")
-lstsetRcode(Rcode=Rcode, LineLength=LineLength)
-# "{style=Rstyle,fancyvrb=true,fontshape=sl,basicstyle=\\color{Rcolor}}%\n")
-cat("\\def\\Code#1{{\\tt\\color{Rcolor} #1}}\n")
- if(nzchar(rpkv <- readPkgVersion(package = pkg, lib.loc=lib.loc)))
- pkv <- rpkv
+ #% definition of Rstyle, Rdstyle, Rinstyle, Routstyle, Rcodestyle
+ if(!withOwnFileSection){
+ if(withVerbatim["Sinput"]){
+ cat("% ---- input \n")
+ cat("\\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Sinput}{Verbatim}")
+ cat("%\n {formatcom=\\color{Rcolor}",
+ "\\lstset{fancyvrb=true,escapechar='}}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }else{#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
+ cat("% ---- input \n")
+ lstset(taglist(list=Rin), LineLength=LineLength,
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RinstyleO}{")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{style=RinstyleO}\n")
+ cat("\\lstnewenvironment{Sinput}{\\Rinlstset}{\\Rlstset}\n")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }
+ if(withVerbatim["Soutput"]){
+ cat("% ---- output \n")
+ cat("\\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Soutput}{Verbatim}")
+ cat("%\n {formatcom=\\color{Routcolor}\\small",
+ "\\lstset{fancyvrb=false}}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }else{#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
+ cat("% ---- output \n")
+ lstset(taglist(list=Rout), LineLength=LineLength,
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RoutstyleO}{")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{style=RoutstyleO}\n")
+ cat("\\lstnewenvironment{Soutput}{\\Routlstset}{\\Rlstset}\n")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }
+ if(withVerbatim["Scode"]){
+ cat("% ---- code \n")
+ cat("\\DefineVerbatimEnvironment{Scode}{Verbatim}")
+ cat("%\n {fontshape=sl,formatcom=\\color{Rcolor}",
+ "\\lstset{fancyvrb=true}}\n", sep = "")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }else{#### Thanks to Andrew Ellis !!
+ cat("% ---- code \n")
+ lstset(taglist(list=Rcode), LineLength=LineLength,
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{RcodestyleO}{")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{style=RcodestyleO}\n")
+ cat("\\lstnewenvironment{Scode}{\\Rcodelstset}{\\Rlstset}\n")
+ cat("%\n")
+ }
-cat("\\newcommand{\\pkgversion}{{\\tt ",pkv,"}}\n", sep = "")
+ cat(line)
+ cat("\\let\\code\\lstinline\n")
+ cat("\\def\\Code#1{{\\tt\\color{Rcolor} #1}}\n")
+ cat(fileCommand,"\n")
+ cat(pkgCommand,"\n")
+ if(missing(pkv)){
+ if(nzchar(rpkv <- readPkgVersion(package = pkg, lib.loc=lib.loc)))
+ pkv <- rpkv
+ }
+ cat("\\newcommand{\\pkgversion}{{\\tt ",pkv,"}}\n", sep = "")
+ cat(line)
+ lstsetLanguage()
+ cat(line,"%\n%\n",sep="")
+ cat("\n")
+ return(invisible())
+# readSourceFromRForge
readSourceFromRForge <- function(PKG, TYPE, FILENAME, PROJECT,
fromRForge = getSweaveListingOption("fromRForge"),
base.url = getSweaveListingOption("base.url")){
@@ -354,6 +231,9 @@
+# copySourceFromRForge
copySourceFromRForge <- function(PKG, TYPE, FILENAME, PROJECT, from, to,
offset.before = 0, offset.after = 0,
fromRForge = getSweaveListingOption("fromRForge"),
@@ -378,6 +258,9 @@
+# lstinputSourceFromRForge
lstinputSourceFromRForge <- function(PKG, TYPE, FILENAME, PROJECT, from, to,
offset.before = 0, offset.after = 0,
LineLength = getOption("width"),
@@ -448,21 +331,24 @@
if(!is.null(lR[[k]])){ if(lR[[k]]){
todo <- NULL
- ex.from <- if(length(gr <- grep("\\\\examples\\{",RL[[k]]))) gr[1] else lR[[k]]
- ex.to <- if(length(gr <- grep("\\}",RL[[k]][ex.from:lR[[k]]]))) ex.from+gr[1]-1 else 1
- cat(line) #,"\\Rdlstset\n",sep="")
- cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style=Rdstyle]\n")
+ ex.from <- if(length(gr <- grep("\\\\examples\\{",RL[[k]])))
+ gr[1] else lR[[k]]
+ ex.to <- if(length(gr <- grep("\\}",RL[[k]][ex.from:lR[[k]]])))
+ ex.from+gr[1]-1 else 1
+ cat(line)
+ cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style = Rdstyle]\n")
- cat(line) # ,"\\Rlstset\n",sep="")
- cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style=Rstyle,")
- cat("basicstyle = \\scriptsize\\color{Rcolor}, xleftmargin = 2em]\n")
+ cat(line)
+ cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style = Rstyle,")
+ cat("basicstyle = \\scriptsize\\color{Rcolor},",
+ " xleftmargin = 2em]\n", sep = "")
if(ex.to <lR){
- cat(line) #,"\\Rdlstset\n",sep="")
- cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style=Rdstyle]\n")
+ cat(line)
+ cat("\\begin{lstlisting}[style = Rdstyle]\n")
}else writeLines(RL[[k]])
Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/keywordsStyle.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/keywordsStyle.R 2009-09-01 23:44:19 UTC (rev 561)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/keywordsStyle.R 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
keywordstyles <- rep(keywordstyles, length.out = lP)
if(lP) {
- if(is.null(.numberofRequires)) .numberofRequires <<- 1
- else .numberofRequires <<- .numberofRequires + 1
+ if(is.null(.numberofRstyleDefs)) .numberofRstyleDefs <<- 1
+ else .numberofRstyleDefs <<- .numberofRstyleDefs + 1
withcomma <- TRUE
pos1 <- 0
for(i in 1: lP){
@@ -112,15 +112,15 @@
pos1 <- pos0 + length(.alreadyDefinedPkgs)
- cat("\n\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO",.numberofRequires+1,"}{style=RstyleO",
- .numberofRequires,",%\n",sep="")
+ cat("\n\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO",.numberofRstyleDefs+1,"}{style=RstyleO",
+ .numberofRstyleDefs,",%\n",sep="")
if(i==lP) withcomma <- FALSE
genKWL(pkg = pkgs[i], kwd = kwl,
kws = keywordstyles[i], withcomma = withcomma)
if(i==lP) cat("}%\n\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style=RstyleO",
- .numberofRequires+1,"}\n\n",
+ .numberofRstyleDefs+1,"}\n\n",
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
changeKeywordstyles <- function(pkgs, keywordstyles){
setkws <- function(num, kws){
- cat("%\n\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO",.numberofRequires+1,"}{style=RstyleO",
- .numberofRequires,",%\n", sep="")
+ cat("%\n\\lstdefinestyle{RstyleO",.numberofRstyleDefs+1,"}{style=RstyleO",
+ .numberofRstyleDefs,",%\n", sep="")
cat("{keywordstyle={[",num+1,"]",kws,"}\n}\n", sep = "")
- cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style=RstyleO", .numberofRequires+1,"}\n",
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style=RstyleO", .numberofRstyleDefs+1,"}\n",
sep = "")
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
keywordstyles <- rep(keywordstyles, length.out = lP)
- if(is.null(.numberofRequires)) .numberofRequires <<- 1
- else .numberofRequires <<- .numberofRequires + 1
+ if(is.null(.numberofRstyleDefs)) .numberofRstyleDefs <<- 1
+ else .numberofRstyleDefs <<- .numberofRstyleDefs + 1
for(i in 1: lP)
setkws(num = numIdx[i], kws = keywordstyles[i])
Added: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/lstset.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/lstset.R (rev 0)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/lstset.R 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+lstset <- function(taglist, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ startS = "\\lstset{"){
+ print(taglist, LineLength = LineLength, offset.start = nchar(startS),
+ withFinalLineBreak = FALSE, first.print = startS)
+ cat("}%\n")
+ return(invisible())
+lstdefRstyle <- function(Rset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = TRUE){
+ oN <- paste("RstyleO", .numberofRstyleDefs, sep = "")
+ nN <- paste("RstyleO", .numberofRstyleDefs + 1, sep = "")
+ if(add) Rset <- c("style"= oN, Rset)
+ if(!is(Rset, "taglist")) Rset <- taglist(list=Rset)
+ if(is.null(.numberofRstyleDefs)) .numberofRstyleDefs <<- 1
+ else .numberofRstyleDefs <<- .numberofRstyleDefs + 1
+ cat("\n")
+ lstset(Rset, LineLength = LineLength,
+ startS = paste("\\lstdefinestyle{", nN,"}{",sep=""))
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rstyle}{style=",nN,"}\n%\n",sep="")
+ return(invisible())
+.preOrappend <- function(SetFromOptions, NewSet, append = TRUE,
+ withRstyle = FALSE){
+# cat("%\n%",SetFromOptions,"\n%\n")
+ set0 <- getSweaveListingOption(SetFromOptions)
+# cat("%\n%",paste("%",set0,"\n"),"\n%\n")
+ if(length(NewSet)){
+ newnms <- names(NewSet)
+ oldnms <- names(set0)
+ ooldnms <- oldnms[! (oldnms %in% newnms)]
+ if(append) ret <- c(set0[ooldnms], NewSet)
+ else ret <- c(NewSet, set0[ooldnms])
+ }else {
+ ret <- set0
+ }
+ if(withRstyle) if(is.null(ret$style)) ret <- c(style="Rstyle",ret)
+ return(ret)
+.lstsetTempl <- function(set = NULL, setName = "",
+ LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = TRUE, startS = "", append = TRUE,
+ withRstyle = FALSE, withPre = TRUE,
+ withPre2 = TRUE, withAft = TRUE){
+ if(add) set <- .preOrappend(setName, set, append = append,
+ withRstyle = withRstyle)
+ if(!is(set, "taglist")) set <- taglist(list=set)
+ if(withPre) cat(ifelse(withPre2,"\n",""),
+ "%----------------\n", sep = "")
+ lstset(set, LineLength = LineLength, startS = startS)
+ if(withAft) cat("%----------------\n")
+ return(invisible())
+lstsetR <- function(Rset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = getSweaveListingOption("addRset"),
+ startS = "\\lstset{",
+ append = TRUE, withRstyle = FALSE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rset, setName = "Rset", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add, startS = startS, append = append,
+ withRstyle = withRstyle)
+lstsetRd <- function(Rdset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = getSweaveListingOption("addRdset"),
+ startS = "\\lstset{",append = TRUE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rdset, setName = "Rdset", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add, startS = startS, append = append)
+lstsetRin <- function(Rinset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = getSweaveListingOption("addRinset"),
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{",
+ append = TRUE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rinset, setName = "Rin", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add, startS = startS, append = append,
+ withRstyle = TRUE)
+lstsetRout <- function(Routset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = getSweaveListingOption("addRoutset"),
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{",
+ append = TRUE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Routset, setName = "Rout", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add, startS = startS, append = append)
+lstsetRcode <- function(Rcodeset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = getSweaveListingOption("addRcodeset"),
+ startS = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{",
+ append = TRUE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rcodeset, setName = "Rcode", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add, startS = startS, append = append,
+ withRstyle = TRUE)
+lstsetRall <- function(Rallset = NULL, LineLength = getOption("width"),
+ add = c("in" = getSweaveListingOption("addRinset"),
+ "out" = getSweaveListingOption("addRoutset"),
+ "code" = getSweaveListingOption("addRcodeset")),
+ startS = c("in" = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{",
+ "out" = "\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{",
+ "code" = "\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{"),
+ append = c("in" = TRUE, "out" = TRUE, "code" = TRUE),
+ withOptionsDefAppend = TRUE){
+ .prep <- function(u){
+ u <- rep(u, length.out = 3)
+ ioc <- c("in", "out", "code")
+ if(all(ioc %in% names(u)))
+ u <- u[ioc]
+ names(u) <- ioc
+ u}
+ add <- .prep(add)
+ startS <- .prep(startS)
+ append <- .prep(append)
+ cat("%----------------\n")
+ lstdefRstyle(Rset = Rallset, LineLength = LineLength)
+ if(withOptionsDefAppend){
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rallset, setName = "Rin", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add["in"], startS = startS["in"], append = append["in"],
+ withRstyle = TRUE, withPre = FALSE, withAft = FALSE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rallset, setName = "Rout", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add["out"], startS = startS["out"], append = append["out"],
+ withRstyle = TRUE, withAft = FALSE, withPre = FALSE)
+ .lstsetTempl(set = Rallset, setName = "Rcode", LineLength = LineLength,
+ add = add["code"], startS = startS["code"], append = append["code"],
+ withRstyle = TRUE, withPre = FALSE)
+ }else{
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rinstyle}{style=Rstyle}\n")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Routstyle}{style=Rstyle}\n")
+ cat("\\lstdefinestyle{Rcodestyle}{style=Rstyle}\n")
+ }
+ return(invisible())
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Added: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/taglist.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/taglist.R (rev 0)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/R/taglist.R 2009-09-03 23:07:35 UTC (rev 562)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+print.taglist <- function(x, LineLength = getOption("width"), offset.start = 0,
+ withFinalLineBreak = TRUE, first.print = NULL,
+ ErrorOrWarn = "warn", ...){
+ xc <- as.character(deparse(substitute(x)))
+ ll <- length(x)
+ LineL <- max(LineLength-2,0)
+ LineBreak <- NULL
+ mi50 <- min(LineLength,50)
+ maL <- max(3*LineLength,getOption("width"))
+ if(ll){
+ offS <- paste(rep(" ", offset.start), collapse = "")
+ for(i in 1:ll){
To get the complete diff run:
svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 562
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