[Distr-commits] r629 - branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples branches/distr-2.3/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Nov 3 13:38:40 CET 2009

Author: stamats
Date: 2009-11-03 13:38:39 +0100 (Tue, 03 Nov 2009)
New Revision: 629

old version of AllClasses.R for package "distr" was fetched from R-Forge - warning after merging branch 2.2 into trunk

Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples/SweaveListingUtils-Ex.Rout.save
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples/SweaveListingUtils-Ex.Rout.save	2009-11-02 17:29:56 UTC (rev 628)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/SweaveListingUtils/tests/Examples/SweaveListingUtils-Ex.Rout.save	2009-11-03 12:38:39 UTC (rev 629)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-R version 2.10.0 beta (2009-10-15 r50107)
+R version 2.10.0 Patched (2009-11-02 r50295)
 Copyright (C) 2009 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
 ISBN 3-900051-07-0
@@ -1113,291 +1113,293 @@
   [1] "setClassUnion(\"OptionalMatrix\", "                                                   
   [2] "               c(\"matrix\",\"NULL\")"                                                
   [3] "               )"                                                                     
-  [4] ""                                                                                     
-  [5] "################################"                                                     
-  [6] "##"                                                                                   
-  [7] "## utility classes "                                                                  
-  [8] "##"                                                                                   
-  [9] "################################"                                                     
- [10] ""                                                                                     
- [11] "setClass(\"Integer\", contains =\"numeric\","                                         
- [12] "          validity = function(object) all(.isInteger(object)))"                       
+  [4] "### from Matthias' thesis / ROptEst"                                                  
+  [5] "## optional numeric"                                                                  
+  [6] "setClassUnion(\"OptionalNumeric\", c(\"numeric\", \"NULL\"))"                         
+  [7] ""                                                                                     
+  [8] "################################"                                                     
+  [9] "##"                                                                                   
+ [10] "## utility classes "                                                                  
+ [11] "##"                                                                                   
+ [12] "################################"                                                     
  [13] ""                                                                                     
- [14] "################################"                                                     
- [15] "##"                                                                                   
- [16] "## space classes "                                                                    
- [17] "##"                                                                                   
- [18] "################################"                                                     
- [19] ""                                                                                     
- [20] "## virtal Class: rSpace"                                                              
- [21] "setClass(\"rSpace\", "                                                                
- [22] "          representation = representation(name = \"character\"), "                    
- [23] "          prototype = prototype(name = gettext(\"a space\")), "                       
- [24] "          contains = \"VIRTUAL\""                                                     
- [25] "          )"                                                                          
- [26] ""                                                                                     
- [27] "## Class: EuclideanSpace"                                                             
- [28] "setClass(\"EuclideanSpace\", "                                                        
- [29] "          representation = representation(dimension = \"numeric\"), "                 
- [30] "          contains = \"rSpace\","                                                     
- [31] "          prototype = prototype(dimension = 1, "                                      
- [32] "                                name = gettext(\"Euclidean Space\")"                  
- [33] "                                )"                                                    
- [34] "         )"                                                                           
- [35] ""                                                                                     
- [36] "## Class: Reals"                                                                      
- [37] "setClass(\"Reals\",  "                                                                
- [38] "          contains = \"EuclideanSpace\""                                              
- [39] "          )"                                                                          
- [40] ""                                                                                     
- [41] ""                                                                                     
- [42] "## Class: Lattice"                                                                    
- [43] "setClass(\"Lattice\", "                                                               
- [44] "          representation = representation(pivot = \"numeric\", width = \"numeric\", " 
- [45] "                                          Length = \"numeric\""                       
- [46] "### masking not possible here -> Length instead of length"                            
- [47] "                                          ),"                                         
- [48] "          prototype = prototype(pivot = 0, width = 1, Length = 2, "                   
- [49] "                                name = gettext(\"a default lattice\")"                
- [50] "                                ),"                                                   
- [51] "          contains = \"rSpace\""                                                      
- [52] "         )"                                                                           
- [53] ""                                                                                     
- [54] "## Class: Naturals"                                                                   
- [55] "setClass(\"Naturals\", "                                                              
- [56] "          contains = \"Reals\""                                                       
- [57] "          )"                                                                          
- [58] ""                                                                                     
- [59] "################################"                                                     
- [60] "##"                                                                                   
- [61] "## parameter classes"                                                                 
- [62] "##"                                                                                   
- [63] "################################"                                                     
- [64] ""                                                                                     
- [65] "setClass(\"Parameter\", "                                                             
- [66] "          representation = representation(name = \"character\"), "                    
- [67] "          prototype = prototype(name = gettext(\"a parameter\"))"                     
- [68] "          )"                                                                          
- [69] ""                                                                                     
- [70] "setClassUnion(\"OptionalParameter\", "                                                
- [71] "               c(\"Parameter\",\"NULL\")"                                             
- [72] "               )"                                                                     
- [73] ""                                                                                     
- [74] ""                                                                                     
- [75] "## Class: ChisqParameter"                                                             
- [76] "setClass(\"ChisqParameter\", "                                                        
- [77] "          representation = representation(df = \"numeric\", ncp = \"numeric\"), "     
- [78] "          prototype = prototype(df = 1, ncp = 0, "                                    
- [79] "                      name = gettext(\"Parameter of a Chisq distribution\")"          
- [80] "                      ), "                                                            
- [81] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
- [82] "          )"                                                                          
- [83] ""                                                                                     
- [84] "### Class: DiracParameter"                                                            
- [85] "setClass(\"DiracParameter\", "                                                        
- [86] "          representation = representation(location = \"numeric\"), "                  
- [87] "          prototype = prototype(location = 0, "                                       
- [88] "                      name = gettext(\"Parameter of a Dirac distribution\")"          
- [89] "                      ), "                                                            
- [90] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
- [91] "          )"                                                                          
- [92] ""                                                                                     
- [93] "## Class: ExpParameter"                                                               
- [94] "setClass(\"ExpParameter\", "                                                          
- [95] "          representation = representation(rate = \"numeric\"), "                      
- [96] "          prototype = prototype(rate = 1, name = "                                    
- [97] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of an Exponential distribution\")"          
- [98] "                      ),  "                                                           
- [99] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[100] "          )"                                                                          
-[101] ""                                                                                     
-[102] "## Class: GammaParameter"                                                             
-[103] "setClass(\"GammaParameter\", "                                                        
-[104] "          representation = representation(shape = \"numeric\", scale = \"numeric\"), "
-[105] "          prototype = prototype(shape = 1, scale = 1, "                               
-[106] "                      name = gettext(\"Parameter of a Gamma distribution\")"          
-[107] "                      ), "                                                            
-[108] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[109] "          )"                                                                          
-[110] ""                                                                                     
-[111] "## Class: PoisParameter"                                                              
-[112] "setClass(\"PoisParameter\", "                                                         
-[113] "          representation = representation(lambda = \"numeric\"), "                    
-[114] "          prototype = prototype(lambda = 1, "                                         
-[115] "                      name = gettext(\"Parameter of a Poisson distribution\")"        
-[116] "                      ), "                                                            
-[117] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[118] "          )"                                                                          
-[119] ""                                                                                     
-[120] "## Class: NbinomParameter"                                                            
-[121] "setClass(\"NbinomParameter\", "                                                       
-[122] "          representation = representation(size = \"numeric\", prob = \"numeric\"), "  
-[123] "          prototype = prototype(size = 1, prob = 0.5, name = "                        
-[124] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Negative Binomial distribution\")"     
-[125] "                      ), "                                                            
-[126] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[127] "          )"                                                                          
-[128] ""                                                                                     
-[129] "## Class: HyperParameter"                                                             
-[130] "setClass(\"HyperParameter\", "                                                        
-[131] "          representation = representation(m = \"numeric\", n = \"numeric\", "         
-[132] "                                          k = \"numeric\""                            
-[133] "                                          ), "                                        
-[134] "          prototype = prototype(m = 1, n = 1, k = 1, name = "                         
-[135] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Hypergeometric distribution\")"        
-[136] "                      ), "                                                            
-[137] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[138] "          )"                                                                          
-[139] ""                                                                                     
-[140] "## Class: BinomParameter"                                                             
-[141] "setClass(\"BinomParameter\", "                                                        
-[142] "          representation = representation(size = \"numeric\", prob = \"numeric\"), "  
-[143] "          prototype = prototype(size = 1, prob = 0.5, name = "                        
-[144] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Binomial distribution\")"              
-[145] "                      ), "                                                            
-[146] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[147] "          )"                                                                          
-[148] ""                                                                                     
-[149] "#-"                                                                                   
-[150] "## no longer needed: this is a negBinom with size 1 no longer "                       
-[151] "#-"                                                                                   
-[152] "### !!! deprecated as of version 1.9 !!!"                                             
-[153] "##"                                                                                   
-[154] "## Class: GeomParameter   "                                                           
-[155] "setClass(\"GeomParameter\", "                                                         
-[156] "          representation = representation(prob = \"numeric\"), "                      
-[157] "          prototype = prototype(prob = 0.5, name = "                                  
-[158] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Geometric distribution\")"             
-[159] "                      ), "                                                            
-[160] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[161] "          )"                                                                          
-[162] "### !!! end of deprecated !!! "                                                       
-[163] ""                                                                                     
-[164] "## Class: CauchyParameter"                                                            
-[165] "setClass(\"CauchyParameter\", "                                                       
-[166] "          representation = representation(location = \"numeric\", "                   
-[167] "                                          scale = \"numeric\""                        
-[168] "                                          ), "                                        
-[169] "          prototype = prototype(location = 0, scale = 1, name = "                     
-[170] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Cauchy distribution\")"                
-[171] "                      ), "                                                            
-[172] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[173] "          )"                                                                          
-[174] ""                                                                                     
-[175] "## Class: NormParameter"                                                              
-[176] "setClass(\"NormParameter\", "                                                         
-[177] "          representation = representation(mean = \"numeric\", sd = \"vector\"), "     
-[178] "          prototype = prototype(mean = 0, sd = 1, name = "                            
-[179] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Normal distribution\")"                
-[180] "                      ), "                                                            
-[181] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[182] "          )"                                                                          
-[183] ""                                                                                     
-[184] "## Class: UniNormParameter"                                                           
-[185] "setClass(\"UniNormParameter\", "                                                      
-[186] "          prototype = prototype(name = "                                              
-[187] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a univariate Normal distribution\")"     
-[188] "                      ), "                                                            
-[189] "          contains = \"NormParameter\""                                               
-[190] "          )"                                                                          
-[191] ""                                                                                     
-[192] "## Class: UnifParameter"                                                              
-[193] "setClass(\"UnifParameter\", "                                                         
-[194] "          representation = representation(Min = \"numeric\", Max = \"numeric\"), "    
-[195] "          prototype = prototype(Min = 0, Max = 1, name =  "                           
-[196] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Uniform distribution\")"               
-[197] "                      ), "                                                            
-[198] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[199] "          )"                                                                          
-[200] ""                                                                                     
-[201] "## Class: FParameter"                                                                 
-[202] "setClass(\"FParameter\", "                                                            
-[203] "          representation = representation(df1 = \"numeric\", df2 = \"numeric\", "     
-[204] "                                          ncp = \"numeric\""                          
-[205] "                                          ), "                                        
-[206] "          prototype = prototype(df1 = 1, df2 = 1, ncp = 0, name = "                   
-[207] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Fisher-Snedecor/F distribution\")"     
-[208] "                      ), "                                                            
-[209] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[210] "          )"                                                                          
-[211] ""                                                                                     
-[212] "## Class: TParameter"                                                                 
-[213] "setClass(\"TParameter\", "                                                            
-[214] "          representation = representation(df = \"numeric\", ncp = \"numeric\"), "     
-[215] "          prototype = prototype(df = 1, ncp = 0, name = "                             
-[216] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Student/T distribution\")"             
-[217] "                      ), "                                                            
-[218] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[219] "          )"                                                                          
-[220] ""                                                                                     
-[221] "## Class: LNormParameter"                                                             
-[222] "setClass(\"LnormParameter\", "                                                        
-[223] "          representation = representation(meanlog = \"numeric\","                     
-[224] "                                          sdlog = \"numeric\""                        
-[225] "                                          ), "                                        
-[226] "          prototype = prototype(meanlog = 0, meansd = 1, name =  "                    
-[227] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Log-Normal distribution\")"            
-[228] "                      ), "                                                            
-[229] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[230] "          )"                                                                          
-[231] ""                                                                                     
-[232] "## Class: BetaParameter"                                                              
-[233] "setClass(\"BetaParameter\", "                                                         
-[234] "          representation = representation(shape1 = \"numeric\", "                     
-[235] "                                          shape2 = \"numeric\", ncp = \"numeric\""    
-[236] "                                          ), "                                        
-[237] "          prototype = prototype(shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1, ncp = 0, name = "             
-[238] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Beta distribution\")"                  
-[239] "                      ), "                                                            
-[240] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[241] "          )"                                                                          
-[242] ""                                                                                     
-[243] "## Class: LogisParameter"                                                             
-[244] "setClass(\"LogisParameter\", "                                                        
-[245] "          representation = representation(location = \"numeric\", "                   
-[246] "                                          scale = \"numeric\""                        
-[247] "                                          ), "                                        
-[248] "          prototype = prototype(location = 0, scale = 1, name = "                     
-[249] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Logistic distribution\")"              
-[250] "                      ), "                                                            
-[251] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[252] "          )"                                                                          
-[253] ""                                                                                     
-[254] "## Class: WeibullParameter"                                                           
-[255] "setClass(\"WeibullParameter\", "                                                      
-[256] "          representation = representation(shape = \"numeric\", "                      
-[257] "                                          scale = \"numeric\""                        
-[258] "                                          ), "                                        
-[259] "          prototype = prototype(shape = 1, scale = 1, name = "                        
-[260] "                      gettext(\"Parameter of a Weibull distribution\")"               
-[261] "                      ), "                                                            
-[262] "          contains = \"Parameter\""                                                   
-[263] "          )"                                                                          
-[264] ""                                                                                     
-[265] "################################"                                                     
-[266] "##"                                                                                   
-[267] "## distribution classes"                                                              
-[268] "##"                                                                                   
-[269] "################################"                                                     
-[270] ""                                                                                     
-[271] "setClass(\"Distribution\","                                                           
-[272] "          representation = representation("                                           
-[273] "                      img = \"rSpace\","                                              
-[274] "                      param = \"OptionalParameter\","                                 
-[275] "                      r = \"function\","                                              
-[276] "                      d = \"OptionalFunction\","                                      
-[277] "                      p = \"OptionalFunction\","                                      
-[278] "                      q = \"OptionalFunction\", # extended by P.R. 28-03-06"          
-[279] "                      .withSim = \"logical\",   ## 'internal' slots => no"            
-[280] "                      .withArith = \"logical\",  ## accessor/replacement functions"   
-[281] "                      .logExact = \"logical\","                                       
-[282] "                      .lowerExact = \"logical\""                                      
-[283] "                      ),"                                                             
-[284] "         prototype = prototype("                                                      
-[285] "                     r = function(n){ rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) },"                  
+ [14] "setClass(\"Integer\", contains =\"numeric\","                                         
+ [15] "          validity = function(object) all(.isInteger(object)))"                       
+ [16] ""                                                                                     
+ [17] "################################"                                                     
+ [18] "##"                                                                                   
+ [19] "## space classes "                                                                    
+ [20] "##"                                                                                   
+ [21] "################################"                                                     
+ [22] ""                                                                                     
+ [23] "## virtal Class: rSpace"                                                              
+ [24] "setClass(\"rSpace\", "                                                                
+ [25] "          representation = representation(name = \"character\"), "                    
+ [26] "          prototype = prototype(name = gettext(\"a space\")), "                       
+ [27] "          contains = \"VIRTUAL\""                                                     
+ [28] "          )"                                                                          
+ [29] ""                                                                                     
+ [30] "## Class: EuclideanSpace"                                                             
+ [31] "setClass(\"EuclideanSpace\", "                                                        
+ [32] "          representation = representation(dimension = \"numeric\"), "                 
+ [33] "          contains = \"rSpace\","                                                     
+ [34] "          prototype = prototype(dimension = 1, "                                      
+ [35] "                                name = gettext(\"Euclidean Space\")"                  
+ [36] "                                )"                                                    
+ [37] "         )"                                                                           
+ [38] ""                                                                                     
+ [39] "## Class: Reals"                                                                      
+ [40] "setClass(\"Reals\",  "                                                                
+ [41] "          contains = \"EuclideanSpace\""                                              
+ [42] "          )"                                                                          
+ [43] ""                                                                                     
+ [44] ""                                                                                     
+ [45] "## Class: Lattice"                                                                    
+ [46] "setClass(\"Lattice\", "                                                               
+ [47] "          representation = representation(pivot = \"numeric\", width = \"numeric\", " 
+ [48] "                                          Length = \"numeric\""                       
+ [49] "### masking not possible here -> Length instead of length"                            
+ [50] "                                          ),"                                         
+ [51] "          prototype = prototype(pivot = 0, width = 1, Length = 2, "                   
+ [52] "                                name = gettext(\"a default lattice\")"                
+ [53] "                                ),"                                                   
+ [54] "          contains = \"rSpace\""                                                      
+ [55] "         )"                                                                           
+ [56] ""                                                                                     
+ [57] "## Class: Naturals"                                                                   
+ [58] "setClass(\"Naturals\", "                                                              
+ [59] "          contains = \"Reals\""                                                       
+ [60] "          )"                                                                          

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 629

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