[Distr-commits] r411 - in branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx: . R chm man src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Mar 17 17:40:29 CET 2009

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-03-17 17:40:29 +0100 (Tue, 17 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 411

introduced new asymmetric total variation distance
(for joint work with Claudio Agostinelli and Matthias Brandl)
TotalVarDist and HellingerDist gain extra arguments 
to better control the integration range and exactness

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/NAMESPACE
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/NAMESPACE	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/NAMESPACE	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+              "AsymTotalVarDist", 

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -102,7 +102,22 @@
             prototype = prototype(r = function(n){ rgumbel(n, loc = 0, scale = 1) },
                                   d = function(x, ...){ dgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
                                   p = function(q, ...){ pgumbel(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
-                                  q = function(p, ...){ qgumbel(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
+                                  q = function(p, ...){
+                                      mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call())[-1])
+                                      lower.tail <- mc$lower.tail                                      
+                                      if(is.null(lower.tail)) lower.tail <- TRUE
+                                      in01 <- (p>1 | p<0)
+                                      i01 <- .isEqual01(p) 
+                                      i0 <- (i01 & p<1)   
+                                      i1 <- (i01 & p>0)
+                                      ii01 <- .isEqual01(p) | in01
+                                      p0 <- p
+                                      p0[ii01] <- 0.5
+                                      q1 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) 
+                                      q[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                                      q[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                                      q[in01] <- NaN
+                                      },
                                   img = new("Reals"),
                                   param = new("GumbelParameter"),
                                   .logExact = TRUE,

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllGeneric.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllGeneric.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllGeneric.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@
                function(e1, e2, size) standardGeneric("ConvexContamination"))
+   setGeneric("AsymTotalVarDist", 
+               function(e1, e2, ...) standardGeneric("AsymTotalVarDist"))
    setGeneric("E", function(object, fun, cond, ...) standardGeneric("E"))

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -13,24 +13,29 @@
         .Object at p <- function(q, ...){ pgumbel(q, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) }
         body(.Object at p) <- substitute({ pgumbel(q, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
                                      list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
-        .Object at q <- function(p, ...){ 
+        .Object at q <- function(p, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...){}
+        body(.Object at q) <- substitute({   
                         ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
+                        mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call())[-1])
+                        lower.tail <- mc$lower.tail                                      
+                        if(is.null(lower.tail)) lower.tail <- TRUE
+                        in01 <- (p>1 | p<0)
+                        i01 <- .isEqual01(p) 
+                        i0 <- (i01 & p<1)   
+                        i1 <- (i01 & p>0)
+                        ii01 <- .isEqual01(p) | in01
                         p0 <- p
-                        p0[.isEqual01(p)] <- 0.5
-                        q0 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...)
-                        q0[.isEqual01(p)] <- sign(p[.isEqual01(p)]-0.5)*Inf
-                        return(q0)  
-                     }
-        body(.Object at q) <- substitute({
-                              ## P.R.: changed to vectorized form 
-                              p0 <- p
-                              p0[.isEqual01(p)] <- 0.5
-                              q0 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = loc1, 
-                                            scale = scale1, ...)
-                              q0[.isEqual01(p)] <- sign(p[.isEqual01(p)]-0.5)*Inf
-                              return(q0)
-                               },
-                              list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
+                        p0[ii01] <- 0.5
+                        q1 <- qgumbel(p0, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) 
+                        q1[i0] <- if(lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[i1] <- if(!lower.tail) -Inf else Inf
+                        q1[in01] <- NaN
+                        return(q1)  
+                     },  list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
         .Object at .withSim   <- FALSE
         .Object at .withArith <- FALSE

Added: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AsymTotalVarDist.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AsymTotalVarDist.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/AsymTotalVarDist.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+## Method: AsymAsymTotalVarDist
+## asymmetric total variation distance of two distributions
+##  newly introduced by P.R. 13 03 09 --- for use in collaboration with 
+##  Matthias Brandl, Claudio Agostinelli
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
+                                        e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1,  
+             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = 15){ 
+        ## if we have to recall this method with a smaller TruncQuantile arg:
+        mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))[-1])
+        mc$TruncQuantile <- TruncQuantile * 1.8
+        #block warnings:
+        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
+        on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration of q-cp
+        # (a) quantile based
+        low <- min(getLow(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        up  <- max(getUp(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        # (b) scale based
+        s0 <- min(IQR(e1),IQR(e2))*IQR.fac
+        low0 <- min(median(e1),median(e2))-s0
+        up0 <- max(median(e1),median(e2))+s0
+        # (a) & (b)
+        low <- max(low,low0); up <- min(up,up0)
+        #
+        # store densities to avoid dispatch
+        d1 <- d(e1); d2 <- d(e2)
+        #
+        ### integration as a function of c:
+        Eip <- function(f, c00)
+                distrExIntegrate(f, lower = low, upper = up, 
+                                    rel.tol = rel.tol, c00 = c00)
+       # positive part
+       integ.p <- function(x,c00)  pmax(d2(x)-c00*d1(x),0)
+       # negative part
+       integ.m <- function(x,c00) pmax(c00*d1(x)-d2(x),0)
+       ## function zero c(rho) of which is to be found 
+       fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
+           e.p <- Eip(f=integ.p, c00=c0)
+           e.m <- Eip(f=integ.m, c00=c0)
+           e.p*rho - e.m
+           } 
+       ## find sensible search range for c-values
+       ## goal: range of density quotient d2(x)/d1(x)
+       ## x-range:
+       x.range <- seq(low, up, length=Ngrid/3)
+       x.range <- c(x.range, q(e1)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
+       x.range <- c(x.range, q(e2)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
+       ## to avoid division by 0:
+       d1x.range <- d10x.range <- d1(x.range)
+       d1x.range <- d1x.range+(d1x.range<1e-20)
+       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
+       d2x.range <- d2(x.range)
+       dx.range <- (d2x.range/d1x.range*(d10x.range>=1e-10)+
+                   d2x.range*1e10*(d10x.range<1e-10))*.9999999+1e-10
+       ## gives range for c:
+       low1 <- min(dx.range); up1 <- max(dx.range)
+       ## in any case compare with c=1
+       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho)
+       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
+       if(tef == 0){
+          res <- Eip(f=integ.p,c00=1)
+          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+          return(res)
+       }   
+       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
+       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1
+       c.rho <- try(uniroot(fct, lower = low1, upper = up1, 
+                            rho = rho, tol = rel.tol,
+                            maxiter = maxiter)$root, 
+                    silent = TRUE)
+       ## if does not give reasonable solution recall function with 
+       #  smaller TruncQuantile
+       if(!is.numeric(c.rho)) 
+           return(do.call(getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", 
+                              signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
+                                        e2 = "AbscontDistribution")), 
+                              args = mc))             
+       ## else:
+       res <- Eip(f=integ.p, c00=c.rho)
+       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+       return(res)
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
+                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
+        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
+        on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+        supp <- union(support(e1), support(e2))
+        # store densities to avoid dispatch
+        d1 <- d(e1); d2 <- d(e2)
+        d2.range <- d2(supp)
+        d1.range <- d1(supp)
+        integ.p <- function(c00) pmax(d2.range-c00*d1.range,0)
+        integ.m <- function(c00) pmax(c00*d1.range-d2.range,0)
+        fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
+           e.p <- sum(integ.p(c0))
+           e.m <- sum(integ.m(c0))
+           e.p*rho-e.m
+           } 
+       d10.range <- d1.range
+       d1e.range <- d1.range+(d1.range<1e-10)
+       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
+       d.range <- (d2.range/d1e.range*(d10.range>=1e-10)+
+                   d2.range*1e10*(d10.range<1e-10))*.99999999+1e-10
+       ## gives range for c:
+       low1 <- min(d.range); up1 <- max(d.range)
+       ## in any case compare with c=1
+       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho)
+       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
+       if(tef == 0){
+          res <- sum(integ.p(1))
+          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+          return(res)
+       }   
+       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
+       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1
+       c.rho <- uniroot(fct, lower=low1, upper=up1,rho=rho)$root
+       res <- sum(integ.p(c.rho))
+       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+       return(res)
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
+                                    e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
+        res <- 1
+        names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+        return(res)
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
+                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){ 
+        res <- 1
+        names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+        return(res)
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
+                                    e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
+        t1 <- table(e1)
+        d1 <- t1/length(e1)
+        s1 <- as.numeric(names(t1))
+        e11 <- DiscreteDistribution(supp=s1, prob=d1)
+        return(AsymTotalVarDist(e11,e2, rho = rho, ...))
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
+                                    e2 = "numeric"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, ...){
+        return(AsymTotalVarDist(e2, e1, rho= 1 / rho, ...))
+    })
+## to avoid trivial distances (distance = 1)
+## abs.cont. distributions may be discretized
+## resp. empirical distributions may be smoothed 
+## (by convolution with a normal distribution)
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
+                                    e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
+     function(e1, e2, rho = 1, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
+             getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e2),
+             up.discr = getUp(e2), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
+             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = 15){
+        .asis.smooth.discretize.distance(e1, e2, asis.smooth.discretize, n.discr,
+                 low.discr, up.discr, h.smooth, AsymTotalVarDist, rho = rho,
+                 rel.tol = rel.tol, maxiter = maxiter, Ngrid = Ngrid,
+                 TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, IQR.fac = IQR.fac)
+     })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
+                                     e2 = "numeric"),
+    function(e1, e2, rho = 1, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
+             getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e1),
+             up.discr = getUp(e1), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
+             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = 15){
+        return(AsymTotalVarDist(e2, e1, rho= 1/rho, 
+                  asis.smooth.discretize = asis.smooth.discretize, 
+                  low.discr = low.discr, up.discr = up.discr, h.smooth = h.smooth,
+                  rel.tol = rel.tol, maxiter = maxiter, Ngrid = Ngrid,
+                  TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, IQR.fac = IQR.fac))
+    })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist",  signature(e1 = "AcDcLcDistribution",
+                                     e2 = "AcDcLcDistribution"),
+           function(e1, e2, rho = 1,  
+             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.3, maxiter=1000, Ngrid = 10000,
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+             IQR.fac = 15){
+        ## if we have to recall this method with a smaller TruncQuantile arg:
+        mc <-  as.list(match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))[-1])
+        mc$TruncQuantile <- TruncQuantile * 1.8
+        #block warnings:
+        o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
+        on.exit(options(warn=o.warn))
+           if( is(e1,"AbscontDistribution"))
+               e1 <- as(as(e1,"AbscontDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
+           if( is(e2,"AbscontDistribution"))
+               e2 <- as(as(e2,"AbscontDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
+           if(is(e1,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+               e1 <- as(as(e1,"DiscreteDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
+           if(is(e2,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+               e2 <- as(as(e2,"DiscreteDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
+           ac1 <- acPart(e1); ac2 <- acPart(e2)
+           ac1d <- ac1 at d; ac2d <- ac2 at d
+           ac1.d <- function(x) ac1d(x)*acWeight(e1)
+           ac2.d <- function(x) ac2d(x)*acWeight(e2)
+           dc1 <- discretePart(e1); dc2 <- discretePart(e2)
+           dc1d <- dc1 at d; dc2d <- dc2 at d
+           dc1.d <- function(x) dc1d(x)*discreteWeight(e1)
+           dc2.d <- function(x) dc2d(x)*discreteWeight(e2)
+        ### continuous part
+        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration of q-cp
+        # (a) quantile based
+        low <- min(getLow(ac1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(ac2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        up  <- max(getUp(ac1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(ac2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        # (b) scale based
+        s0 <- min(IQR(ac1),IQR(ac2))*IQR.fac
+        low0 <- min(median(ac1),median(ac2))-s0
+        up0 <- max(median(ac1),median(ac2))+s0
+        # (a) & (b)
+        low <- max(low,low0); up <- min(up,up0)
+        #
+        ### integration as a function of c:
+        Eip <- function(f, c00)
+                distrExIntegrate(f, lower = low, upper = up, 
+                                    rel.tol = rel.tol, c00 = c00)
+       # positive part
+       integ.p.c <- function(x,c00)  pmax(ac2.d(x)-c00*ac1.d(x),0)
+       # negative part
+       integ.m.c <- function(x,c00) pmax(c00*ac1.d(x)-ac2.d(x),0)
+       ### discrete part
+       supp <- union(support(dc1), support(dc2))
+        d2.range <- dc2.d(supp)
+        d1.range <- dc1.d(supp)
+        integ.p.d <- function(c00) pmax(d2.range-c00*d1.range,0)
+        integ.m.d <- function(c00) pmax(c00*d1.range-d2.range,0)
+       ## function zero c(rho) of which is to be found 
+       fct <- function(c0, rho = rho){
+           e.p.c <- Eip(f=integ.p.c, c00=c0)
+           e.m.c <- Eip(f=integ.m.c, c00=c0)
+           e.p.d <- sum(integ.p.d(c0))
+           e.m.d <- sum(integ.m.d(c0))
+           e.p <- e.p.c + e.p.d
+           e.m <- e.m.c + e.m.d
+           return(e.p*rho - e.m)
+           } 
+       ## find sensible search range for c-values
+       ## goal: range of density quotient d2(x)/d1(x)
+       ### continuous part
+       ## x-range:
+       x.range <- seq(low, up, length=Ngrid/3)
+       x.range <- c(x.range, q(ac1)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
+       x.range <- c(x.range, q(ac2)(seq(TruncQuantile,1-TruncQuantile,length=Ngrid/3)))
+       ## to avoid division by 0:
+       d1x.range <- d10x.range <- ac1.d(x.range)
+       d1x.range <- d1x.range+(d1x.range<1e-20)
+       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
+       d2x.range <- ac2.d(x.range)
+       dx.range <- (d2x.range/d1x.range*(d10x.range>=1e-20)+
+                   d2x.range*1e20*(d10x.range<1e-20))*.99+1e-5
+       ### discrete part
+       d10.range <- d1.range
+       d1e.range <- d1.range+(d1.range<1e-7)
+       ## bound dx.range from 0 and from maximal value:
+       d.range <- (d2.range/d1e.range*(d10.range>=1e-10)+
+                   d2.range*1e10*(d10.range<1e-10))*.999999+1e-10
+       ## gives range for c:
+       low1 <- min(d.range,dx.range); up1 <- max(d.range,dx.range)
+       ## in any case compare with c=1
+       tef <- fct(1, rho = rho)
+       ### if c=1 is already a zero:
+       if(tef == 0){
+          res <- Eip(f=integ.p.c,c00=1)+sum(integ.p.d(1))
+          names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+          return(res)
+       }   
+       # else: only have to search in c in [low1;1] resp [1;up1]
+       if(tef < 0) up1 <- 1 else low1 <- 1
+       c.rho <- try(uniroot(fct, lower = low1, upper = up1, 
+                            rho = rho, tol = rel.tol,
+                            maxiter = maxiter)$root, 
+                    silent = TRUE)
+       ## if does not give reasonable solution recall function with 
+       #  smaller TruncQuantile
+       if(!is.numeric(c.rho)){ 
+           return(do.call(getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", 
+                           signature(e1 = "AcDcLcDistribution",
+                                     e2 = "AcDcLcDistribution")), 
+                              args = mc))             
+       }
+       res <- Eip(f=integ.p.c, c00=c.rho)+sum(integ.p.d(c.rho))
+       names(res) <- "asym. total variation distance"
+       return(res)
+              })
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "LatticeDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "LatticeDistribution"),
+    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "LatticeDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
+    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))
+setMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "LatticeDistribution"),
+    getMethod("AsymTotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
+                                         e2 = "DiscreteDistribution")))

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/HellingerDist.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/HellingerDist.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/HellingerDist.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -4,27 +4,32 @@
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                      e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
-        TruncQuantile <- getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")  
-        lower1 <- getLow(e1)
-        upper1 <- getUp(e1)
-        lower2 <- getLow(e2)
-        upper2 <- getUp(e2)
-        lower <- min(lower1, lower2)
-        upper <- max(upper1, upper2)
+    function(e1, e2, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
+             IQR.fac = 15, ...){
+        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration 
+        # (a) quantile based
+        low <- min(getLow(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        up  <- max(getUp(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        # (b) scale based
+        s0 <- min(IQR(e1),IQR(e2))*IQR.fac
+        low0 <- min(median(e1),median(e2))-s0
+        up0 <- max(median(e1),median(e2))+s0
+        # (a) & (b)
+        lower <- max(low,low0); upper <- min(up,up0)
         o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
         integrand <- function(x, dfun1, dfun2){ 0.5*(sqrt(dfun1(x))-sqrt(dfun2(x)))^2 }
         res <- distrExIntegrate(integrand, lower = lower, upper = upper, 
-                    dfun1 = d(e1), dfun2 = d(e2), rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)
+                    dfun1 = d(e1), dfun2 = d(e2), rel.tol = rel.tol)
         names(res) <- "Hellinger distance"
         return(sqrt(res))  # ^.5 added P.R. 19-12-06
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                      e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
         supp <- union(support(e1), support(e2))
@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution", 
                                      e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         res <- 1
         names(res) <- "Hellinger distance"
@@ -44,7 +49,7 @@
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                      e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){ 
+    function(e1, e2, ...){ 
         res <- 1
         names(res) <- "Hellinger distance"
@@ -53,7 +58,7 @@
 ## Hellinger distance
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
                                      e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ... ){
         d1 <- table(e1)/length(e1)
         d2 <- d(e2)(sort(unique(e1)))
         e21 <- setdiff(support(e2), unique(e1))
@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                      e2 = "numeric"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         return(HellingerDist(e2, e1))
@@ -77,23 +82,35 @@
                                      e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
     function(e1, e2, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
              getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e2),
-             up.discr = getUp(e2), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth")){
+             up.discr = getUp(e2), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
+             rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
+             IQR.fac = 15, ...){
         .asis.smooth.discretize.distance(e1, e2, asis.smooth.discretize, n.discr,
-                 low.discr, up.discr, h.smooth, HellingerDist)
+                 low.discr, up.discr, h.smooth, HellingerDist,
+                 rel.tol = rel.tol, TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, 
+                 IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ...)
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
                                      e2 = "numeric"),
     function(e1, e2, asis.smooth.discretize = "discretize", n.discr =
              getdistrExOption("nDiscretize"), low.discr = getLow(e1),
-             up.discr = getUp(e1), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth")){
+             up.discr = getUp(e1), h.smooth = getdistrExOption("hSmooth"),
+             rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
+             IQR.fac = 15, ...){
         return(HellingerDist(e2, e1, asis.smooth.discretize = asis.smooth.discretize, 
-                  low.discr = low.discr, up.discr = up.discr, h.smooth = h.smooth))
+                  low.discr = low.discr, up.discr = up.discr, h.smooth = h.smooth,
+                  rel.tol = rel.tol, TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, 
+                  IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ...))
 #### new from version 2.0 on: Distance for Mixing Distributions
 setMethod("HellingerDist", signature(e1 = "AcDcLcDistribution",
                                      e2 = "AcDcLcDistribution"),
-           function(e1, e2){
+           function(e1, e2, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
+             IQR.fac = 15, ...){
            if( is(e1,"AbscontDistribution"))
                e1 <- as(as(e1,"AbscontDistribution"), "UnivarLebDecDistribution")
            if( is(e2,"AbscontDistribution"))
@@ -110,7 +127,8 @@
               dc1d <- dc1 at d; dc2d <- dc2 at d
               dc1 at d <- function(x) dc1d(x)*discreteWeight(e1)
               dc2 at d <- function(x) dc2d(x)*discreteWeight(e2)
-              da2 <- HellingerDist(ac1,ac2)^2
+              da2 <- HellingerDist(ac1,ac2, rel.tol = rel.tol, 
+                        TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile, IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ...)^2
               dd2 <- HellingerDist(dc1,dc2)^2
               res <- (da2+dd2)^.5
               names(res) <- "Hellinger distance"

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/Internalfunctions.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/Internalfunctions.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/Internalfunctions.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -67,15 +67,15 @@
 ## modify distributions to avoid trivial distances
 .asis.smooth.discretize.distance <- function(x, Distribution, asis.smooth.discretize, 
-        n.discr, low.discr, up.discr, h.smooth, distance){
+        n.discr, low.discr, up.discr, h.smooth, distance, ...){
     ASD <- pmatch(asis.smooth.discretize, c("asis", "smooth", "discretize"), nomatch = 3)
-    if (ASD == 1) return(distance(x, Distribution))
+    if (ASD == 1) return(distance(x, Distribution, ...))
     if (ASD == 2){
         Dx <- .smoothDistr(.empiricalDistribution(x), h = h.smooth)
-        return(distance(Dx, Distribution))
+        return(distance(Dx, Distribution, ...))
     if (ASD == 3){
         DD <- .discretizeDistr(D = Distribution, x = x, n = n.discr, lower = low.discr, upper = up.discr)
-        return(distance(x, DD))
+        return(distance(x, DD, ...))

Modified: branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/TotalVarDist.R
--- branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/TotalVarDist.R	2009-03-17 15:04:15 UTC (rev 410)
+++ branches/distr-2.1/pkg/distrEx/R/TotalVarDist.R	2009-03-17 16:40:29 UTC (rev 411)
@@ -4,35 +4,32 @@
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution", 
                                     e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
-        TruncQuantile <- getdistrOption("TruncQuantile")  
-        lower1 <- ifelse(!is.finite(q(e1)(0)), q(e1)(TruncQuantile), q(e1)(0))
-        upper1 <- ifelse(!is.finite(q(e1)(1)), 
-                         ifelse("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(e1 at q)),
-                                q(e1)(TruncQuantile, lower.tail = FALSE),
-                                q(e1)(1-TruncQuantile)), 
-                         q(e1)(1))
-        lower2 <- ifelse(!is.finite(q(e2)(0)), q(e2)(TruncQuantile), q(e2)(0))
-        upper2 <- ifelse(!is.finite(q(e2)(1)), 
-                         ifelse("lower.tail" %in% names(formals(e2 at q)),
-                                q(e2)(TruncQuantile, lower.tail = FALSE),
-                                q(e2)(1-TruncQuantile)), 
-                         q(e2)(1))
-        lower <- min(lower1, lower2)
-        upper <- max(upper1, upper2)
+    function(e1, e2, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
+             TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
+             IQR.fac = 15, ...){
+        ## find sensible lower and upper bounds for integration 
+        # (a) quantile based
+        low <- min(getLow(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getLow(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        up  <- max(getUp(e1, eps = TruncQuantile), getUp(e2, eps = TruncQuantile))
+        # (b) scale based
+        s0 <- min(IQR(e1),IQR(e2))*IQR.fac
+        low0 <- min(median(e1),median(e2))-s0
+        up0 <- max(median(e1),median(e2))+s0
+        # (a) & (b)
+        low <- max(low,low0); up <- min(up,up0)
         o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
         integrand <- function(x, dfun1, dfun2){ 0.5*abs(dfun1(x)-dfun2(x)) }
-        res <- distrExIntegrate(integrand, lower = lower, upper = upper, 
-                    dfun1 = d(e1), dfun2 = d(e2), rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3)
+        res <- distrExIntegrate(integrand, lower = low, upper = up, 
+                    dfun1 = d(e1), dfun2 = d(e2), rel.tol = rel.tol)
         names(res) <- "total variation distance"
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                     e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         o.warn <- getOption("warn"); options(warn = -1)
         supp <- union(support(e1), support(e2))
@@ -44,7 +41,7 @@
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                     e2 = "AbscontDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         res <- 1
         names(res) <- "total variation distance"
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "AbscontDistribution",
                                     e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){ 
+    function(e1, e2, ...){ 
         res <- 1
         names(res) <- "total variation distance"
@@ -60,19 +57,16 @@
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "numeric",
                                     e2 = "DiscreteDistribution"),
-    function(e1, e2){
-        d1 <- table(e1)/length(e1)
-        d2 <- d(e2)(sort(unique(e1)))
-        e21 <- setdiff(support(e2), unique(e1))
-        d21 <- d(e2)(e21)
-        res <- 1/2*(sum(abs(d2-d1))+sum(d21))
-        names(res) <- "Total variation distance"
-        return(res)
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
+        t1 <- table(e1)
+        d1 <- t1/length(e1)
+        s1 <- as.numeric(names(t1))
+        e11 <- DiscreteDistribution(supp=s1, prob=d1)
+        return(TotalVarDist(e11,e2))
 setMethod("TotalVarDist", signature(e1 = "DiscreteDistribution",
                                     e2 = "numeric"),
-    function(e1, e2){
+    function(e1, e2, ...){
         return(TotalVarDist(e2, e1))

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 411

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