[Distr-commits] r195 - branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R

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Thu Jul 24 16:02:31 CEST 2008

Author: stamats
Date: 2008-07-24 16:02:30 +0200 (Thu, 24 Jul 2008)
New Revision: 195

caused problems (errors) in case of affin-linear transformations ...

Modified: branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R
--- branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R	2008-07-24 11:39:08 UTC (rev 194)
+++ branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllClass.R	2008-07-24 14:02:30 UTC (rev 195)
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
             prototype = prototype(r = function(n){ rgumbel(n, loc = 0, scale = 1) },
                                   d = function(x, ...){ dgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
-                                  p = function(x, ...){ pgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
-                                  q = function(x, ...){ qgumbel(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
+                                  p = function(q, ...){ pgumbel(q, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
+                                  q = function(p, ...){ qgumbel(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, ...) },
                                   img = new("Reals"),
                                   param = new("GumbelParameter"),
                                   .withArith = FALSE,

Modified: branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R
--- branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R	2008-07-24 11:39:08 UTC (rev 194)
+++ branches/distr-2.0/pkg/distrEx/R/AllInitialize.R	2008-07-24 14:02:30 UTC (rev 195)
@@ -10,17 +10,17 @@
         .Object at d <- function(x, ...){ dgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) }
         body(.Object at d) <- substitute({ dgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
                                      list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
-        .Object at p <- function(x, ...){ pgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) }
-        body(.Object at p) <- substitute({ pgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
+        .Object at p <- function(q, ...){ pgumbel(q, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) }
+        body(.Object at p) <- substitute({ pgumbel(q, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
                                      list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
-        .Object at q <- function(x, ...){ 
-                        if(x == 0) return(-Inf)
-                        if(x == 1) return(Inf)
-                        qgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) 
+        .Object at q <- function(p, ...){ 
+                        if(p == 0) return(-Inf)
+                        if(p == 1) return(Inf)
+                        qgumbel(p, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) 
-        body(.Object at q) <- substitute({ if(x == 0) return(-Inf)
-                                        if(x == 1) return(Inf)
-                                        qgumbel(x, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
+        body(.Object at q) <- substitute({ if(p == 0) return(-Inf)
+                                        if(p == 1) return(Inf)
+                                        qgumbel(p, loc = loc1, scale = scale1, ...) },
                                      list(loc1 = loc, scale1 = scale))
         .Object at .withSim   <- FALSE
         .Object at .withArith <- FALSE

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