[Diagnosismed-list] ROC function - fix AUC interval

Pedro Emmanuel Alvarenga Americano do Brasil emmanuel.brasil at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 15:18:13 CET 2009

DiagnosisMed friends,

Finally we are getting some requests about the functions available in the
package. Therefore, It would be nice if we get used to share this
informations in the diagnosismed email list.

As in earlier emails the ROC function in the packages has a error in the AUC
confidence limist. It did come to my attention in late december. This week
two emails from users came quastioning about the AUC and its confidence
limists. Tura proposed a fix. However the fix gave me some errors when I
runned the function. There goes...

# gold is the vector meneaning the reference standard e test is the test
under evaluarion

  if (is.numeric(gold)==TRUE){
  # Making test summary, overall, disease only, without disease only


  colnames(test.summary)<-c("Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd
  rownames(test.summary)<-c("Overall summary","Without disease", "With
  # Estimating the AUC and confidence limits, inspired in
  # m length(test[gold == 0])
  # n length(test[gold == 1])
  AUC <- ((as.double(length(test[gold == 0]))) * (as.double(length(test[gold
       1]))) + ((as.double(length(test[gold == 0]))) * ((as.double(length(
       test[gold == 0]))) + 1))/2 - sum(rank(test,ties.method = "average")[
       gold == 0]))/((as.double(length(test[gold == 0]))) * (as.double(
       length(test[gold == 1]))))
  AUC[AUC < 0.5] <- 1 - AUC
  X<-test[gold==1] # pag 209
  Y<-test[gold==1] # pag 209

# The same as before just with different codes in the variables

  if (is.factor(gold)==TRUE){
  # The same tests summary but with different reference standard codes


  colnames(test.summary)<-c("Min.","1st Qu.","Median","Mean","3rd
  rownames(test.summary)<-c("Overall summary","Without disease", "With
  AUC <- ((as.double(length(test[gold =="negative"]))) *
(as.double(length(test[gold ==
       "positive"]))) + ((as.double(length(test[gold =="negative"]))) *
       test[gold =="negative"]))) + 1))/2 - sum(rank(test,ties.method =
       gold =="negative"]))/((as.double(length(test[gold =="negative"]))) *
       length(test[gold == "positive"]))))
  AUC[AUC < 0.5] <- 1 - AUC
  X<-test[gold=="negative"] # pag 209
  Y<-test[gold=="positive"] # pag 209

# Here is the fix

  m<-length(X) # pag 209
  n<-length(Y) # pag 209
  D10X<-function(Xi){(1/n)*sum(Y>=Xi)} # pag 211 * I believe the error is
here* although not sure
  DO1Y<-function(Yi){(1/m)*sum(Yi>=X)} # pag 211

# pag 211
  AUC.summary<-c(AUC- qnorm(1-alpha/2)*SD.AUC,AUC,AUC+
  names(AUC.summary)<-c("AUC inf conf limit", "AUC","AUC sup conf limit")

# here is the output and the error below. the graph comes OK...

> ROC(rocdata$Gold,rocdata$test1)
Informed disease prevalence - same as sample prevalence if not informed

[1] 148

Observed prevalence by gold standard

                 Min. 1st Qu. Median   Mean 3rd Qu.  Max.      SD
Overall summary 0.056   0.102 0.1315 0.3835  0.6312 1.914 0.39349
Without disease 0.056   0.098 0.1110 0.1590  0.1330 0.837 0.15833
With disease    0.098   0.557 0.7950 0.8106  1.0490 1.914 0.35106

AUC inf conf limit                AUC AUC sup conf limit
         0.7545496          0.9540125          1.1534755

                   best.cutoff Sensitivity Se.inf.cl Se.sup.cl Specificity
Sp.inf.cl Sp.sup.cl   PLR PLR.inf.cl PLR.sup.cl
Max. Accuracy            0.365      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9278    0.8585    0.9646 12.76       4.74      34.36
Max. DOR                 0.275      0.9608    0.8678    0.9892
0.8969    0.8205    0.9430  9.32       4.13      21.05
Min. Error rate          0.365      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9278    0.8585    0.9646 12.76       4.74      34.36
Max. Accuracy area       0.275      0.9608    0.8678    0.9892
0.8969    0.8205    0.9430  9.32       4.13      21.05
Max. Sens+Spec           0.275      0.9608    0.8678    0.9892
0.8969    0.8205    0.9430  9.32       4.13      21.05
Max. Youden              0.275      0.9608    0.8678    0.9892
0.8969    0.8205    0.9430  9.32       4.13      21.05
Se=Sp                    0.356      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9175    0.8456    0.9576 11.17       4.44      28.08
Min. ROC distance        0.365      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9278    0.8585    0.9646 12.76       4.74      34.36
Max. Efficiency          0.365      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9278    0.8585    0.9646 12.76       4.74      34.36
Min. MCT                 0.365      0.9216    0.8150    0.9691
0.9278    0.8585    0.9646 12.76       4.74      34.36

Warning messages:
1: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
2: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
3: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
4: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
5: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length
6: In Y >= Xi :
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length

# Besides I would expect the interval to come closer to something like 0,907
and 0,982 as some other analsys I did way before and comparing with some
other software. It seems weird AUC conf limist wider than the upper limit 1.

Abraço forte e que a força esteja com você,
Pedro Emmanuel
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