[Desire-commits] r10 - in packages: . truncnorm truncnorm/R truncnorm/man truncnorm/src

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Thu May 15 00:55:57 CEST 2008

Author: olafm
Date: 2008-05-15 00:55:57 +0200 (Thu, 15 May 2008)
New Revision: 10

Initial checkin of truncnorm package

Added: packages/truncnorm/DESCRIPTION
--- packages/truncnorm/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/truncnorm/DESCRIPTION	2008-05-14 22:55:57 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Package: truncnorm
+Version: 0.9.0
+Date: 2008-05-12
+Title: Trunctated Normal Distribution
+  Heike Trautmann <trautmann at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+  and Detlef Steuer <detlef.steuer at hsu-hamburg.de>
+  and Olaf Mersmann <olafm at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+Maintainer: desiRe developers <desire-developers at lists.r-forge.r-project.org>
+Depends: R (>= 2.7.0)
+License: GPLv2
+URL: http://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/desire
+LazyData: yes

Added: packages/truncnorm/NAMESPACE
--- packages/truncnorm/NAMESPACE	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/truncnorm/NAMESPACE	2008-05-14 22:55:57 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@

Added: packages/truncnorm/R/truncnorm.R
--- packages/truncnorm/R/truncnorm.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/truncnorm/R/truncnorm.R	2008-05-14 22:55:57 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+## truncnorm.R - Interface to truncnorm.c
+## Authors:
+##  Heike Trautmann  <trautmann at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+##  Detlef Steuer    <detlef.steuer at hsu-hamburg.de>
+##  Olaf Mersmann    <olafm at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+dtruncnorm <- function(x, a, b, mean=0, sd=1)
+  .External("dtruncnorm", x, a, b, mean, sd)
+ptruncnorm <- function(q, a, b, mean=0, sd=1)
+  .External("ptruncnorm", q, a, b, mean, sd)
+qtruncnorm <- function(p, a, b, mean=0, sd=1) {  
+  ## Taken out of package 'msm'
+  ret <- numeric(length(p))
+  ret[p == 1] <- Inf
+  ret[p == 0] <- -Inf
+  ret[p < 0 | p > 1] <- NaN
+  ind <- (p > 0 & p < 1)
+  if (any(ind)) {
+    hind <- seq(along = p)[ind]
+    h <- function(y) {
+      (ptruncnorm(y, a, b, mean, sd) - p)[hind[i]]
+    }
+    ptmp <- numeric(length(p[ind]))
+    for (i in 1:length(p[ind])) {
+      interval <- c(-1, 1)
+      while (h(interval[1]) * h(interval[2]) >= 0) interval <- interval + 
+        c(-1, 1) * 0.5 * (interval[2] - interval[1])
+      ptmp[i] <- uniroot(h, interval, tol = .Machine$double.eps)$root
+    }
+    ret[ind] <- ptmp
+  }
+  return (ret)
+rtruncnorm <- function(n, a, b, mean=0, sd=1)
+  .External("rtruncnorm", n, a, b, mean, sd)
+etruncnorm <- function(a, b, mean=0, sd=1)
+  .External("etruncnorm", a, b, mean, sd)

Added: packages/truncnorm/man/dtruncnorm.Rd
--- packages/truncnorm/man/dtruncnorm.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/truncnorm/man/dtruncnorm.Rd	2008-05-14 22:55:57 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\title{The Truncated Normal Distribution}
+  Density, distribution function, quantile function, random generation
+  and expected value function for the truncated normal distribution
+  with mean equal to 'mean' and standard deviation equal to 'sd'.
+dtruncnorm(x, a, b, mean = 0, sd = 1)
+ptruncnorm(q, a, b, mean = 0, sd = 1)
+qtruncnorm(p, a, b, mean = 0, sd = 1)
+rtruncnorm(n, a, b, mean = 0, sd = 1)
+etruncnorm(a, b, mean = 0, sd = 1)
+  \item{x,q}{vector of quantiles.}
+  \item{p}{vector of probabilites.}
+  \item{n}{number of observations.}
+  \item{a}{vector of lower bounds.}
+  \item{b}{vector of upper bounds.}
+  \item{mean}{vector of means.}
+  \item{sd}{vector of standard deviations.}
+  If 'mean' or 'sd' are not specified they assume the default values of
+  '0' and '1', respectively.
+  'dtruncnorm' gives the density, 'ptruncnorm' gives the distribution
+  function, 'qtruncnorm' gives the quantile function, 'rtruncnorm'
+  generates random deviates and 'etruncnorm' gives the expected value
+  of the distirbution.  
+\references{ FIXME: Erstes auftauchen? }
+  Heike Trautmann \email{trautmann at statistik.uni-dortmund.de},
+  Detlef Steuer \email{steuer at hsu-hamburg.de} and
+  Olaf Mersmann \email{olafm at statistik.uni-dortmund.de}.
+  'qtruncnorm' was originally published in package 'msm' written by
+  C. H. Jackson \email{chris.jackson at mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk}

Added: packages/truncnorm/src/truncnorm.c
--- packages/truncnorm/src/truncnorm.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ packages/truncnorm/src/truncnorm.c	2008-05-14 22:55:57 UTC (rev 10)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+ * truncnorm.c - Implementation of truncated normal distribution
+ *
+ * Authors:
+ *  Heike Trautmann  <trautmann at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+ *  Detlef Steuer    <detlef.steuer at hsu-hamburg.de>
+ *  Olaf Mersmann    <olafm at statistik.uni-dortmund.de>
+ */
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include <Rinternals.h>
+#include <R_ext/Applic.h>
+  ARGS = CDR(ARGS); \
+  SXP = CAR(ARGS); \
+  PROTECT(SXP = coerceVector(SXP, REALSXP)); \
+  ARGS = CDR(ARGS); \
+  SXP = CAR(ARGS); \
+  PROTECT(SXP = coerceVector(SXP, REALSXP)); \
+  DBL = *REAL(SXP);
+  ARGS = CDR(ARGS); \
+  SXP = CAR(ARGS); \
+  PROTECT(SXP = coerceVector(SXP, INTSXP)); \
+  PROTECT(SXP = allocVector(REALSXP, SIZE)); \
+SEXP dtruncnorm(SEXP args) {
+  R_len_t i, n;
+  SEXP s_x, s_a, s_b, s_mean, s_sd, s_ret;
+  double *x, a, b, mean, sd, c1, c2, *ret;
+  UNPACK_REAL_VECTOR(args, s_x, x);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_a, a);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_b, b);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_mean, mean);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_sd, sd);
+  n = length(s_x);
+  ALLOC_REAL_VECTOR(n, s_ret, ret);
+  c2 = sd * pnorm(b, mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE) - pnorm(a, mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    double t = x[i];
+    if (a <= t && t <= b) { /* In range: */
+      c1 = dnorm(t, mean, sd, FALSE);
+      ret[i] = - c1 / c2;
+    } else { /* Truncated: */
+      ret[i] = 0.0;
+    }
+  }
+  return s_ret;
+SEXP ptruncnorm(SEXP args) {
+  R_len_t i, n;
+  SEXP s_q, s_a, s_b, s_mean, s_sd, s_ret;
+  double *q, a, b, mean, sd, cx, ca, cb, *ret;
+  UNPACK_REAL_VECTOR(args, s_q, q);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_a, a);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_b, b);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_mean, mean);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_sd, sd);
+  n = length(s_q);
+  ALLOC_REAL_VECTOR(n, s_ret, ret);
+  ca = pnorm(a, mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+  cb = pnorm(b, mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+    if (q[i] < a) {
+      ret[i] = 0.0;
+    } else if (q[i] > b) {
+      ret[i] = 1.0;
+    } else {
+      cx = pnorm(q[i], mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+      ret[i] = (cx - ca) / (cb - ca);
+    }
+  }
+  return s_ret;
+SEXP rtruncnorm(SEXP args) {
+ R_len_t i;
+ int n;
+ SEXP s_n, s_a, s_b, s_mean, s_sd, s_ret;
+ double a, b, mean, sd, *ret, tmp;
+ UNPACK_INTEGER_VALUE(args, s_n, n);
+ UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_a, a);
+ UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_b, b);
+ UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_mean, mean);
+ UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_sd, sd);
+ ALLOC_REAL_VECTOR(n, s_ret, ret);
+ GetRNGstate();
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+   while (1) {
+     tmp = rnorm(mean, sd);
+     if (a <= tmp && tmp <= b)
+       break;
+   }
+   ret[i] = tmp;
+ }
+ PutRNGstate();
+ return s_ret;
+SEXP etruncnorm(SEXP args) {
+  R_len_t i, na, nb;
+  SEXP s_a, s_b, s_mean, s_sd, s_ret;
+  double *a, *b, mean, sd, *ret;
+  UNPACK_REAL_VECTOR(args, s_a, a);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VECTOR(args, s_b, b);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_mean, mean);
+  UNPACK_REAL_VALUE(args, s_sd, sd);
+  na = length(s_a);
+  nb = length(s_b);
+  if (na != nb) 
+    error("Length of a and b differ (%i != %i)", na, nb);
+  ALLOC_REAL_VECTOR(na, s_ret, ret);
+  for (i = 0; i < na; ++i) {
+    double ca = dnorm(a[i], mean, sd, FALSE);
+    double cb = dnorm(b[i], mean, sd, FALSE);
+    double Ca = pnorm(a[i], mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+    double Cb = pnorm(b[i], mean, sd, FALSE, FALSE);
+    ret[i] = mean + sd * ((ca - cb) / (Cb - Ca));
+  } 
+  return s_ret;

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