[Depmix-commits] r644 - in pkg/depmixS4: . R src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Feb 10 12:22:47 CET 2016

Author: ingmarvisser
Date: 2016-02-10 12:22:47 +0100 (Wed, 10 Feb 2016)
New Revision: 644

=C-header changes

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/depmixS4/DESCRIPTION	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/DESCRIPTION	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 Depends: R (>= 3.0.1), nnet, MASS, Rsolnp
 Imports: stats, stats4, methods
 Suggests: gamlss, gamlss.dist
-Description: Fit latent (hidden) Markov models on mixed categorical and continuous (time series)
-   data, otherwise known as dependent mixture models
+Description: Fits latent (hidden) Markov models on mixed categorical and continuous (time series) data, otherwise known as dependent mixture models.
 License: GPL (>=2)
 URL: http://depmix.r-forge.r-project.org/

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/R/allGenerics.R
--- pkg/depmixS4/R/allGenerics.R	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/R/allGenerics.R	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 # version of forward backward routine
 .onLoad <- function(lib, pkg) { 
-	library.dynam("depmixS4", pkg, lib)
+    library.dynam("depmixS4", pkg, lib)
 .onUnLoad <- function(libpath) {
-	library.dynam.unload("depmixS4",libpath)
+    library.dynam.unload("depmixS4",libpath)
 # Guess what: all generics

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/R/depmix-class.R
--- pkg/depmixS4/R/depmix-class.R	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/R/depmix-class.R	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@
 								np <- numeric(object at nresp)
 								for(j in 1:object at nresp) {
 										np[j] <- npar(object at response[[1]][[j]])
-										pars[[j]] <- matrix(,nr=ns,nc=np[j])
+										pars[[j]] <- matrix(,nrow=ns,ncol=np[j])
-								allpars <- matrix(,nr=ns,nc=0)
+								allpars <- matrix(,nrow=ns,ncol=0)
 								nms <- c()
 								for(j in 1:object at nresp) {
 										for(i in 1:ns) {
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
 				cat("Transition matrix \n")
 				pars <- getpars(object)
 				npprior <- length(getpars(object at prior))
-				trm <- matrix(pars[(npprior+1):(ns^2+npprior)],ns,ns,byr=T)
+				trm <- matrix(pars[(npprior+1):(ns^2+npprior)],ns,ns,byrow=T)
 				if(object at transition[[1]]@family$link == "mlogit") {
 					trm <- t(apply(trm,1,object at transition[[1]]@family$linkinv,base=object at transition[[1]]@family$base))
@@ -436,10 +436,10 @@
 			for(j in 1:object at nresp) {
 				#np[j] <- npar(object at response[[1]][[j]]) # this will not always work!
 				np[j] <- length(allparnames[[j]]) 
-				pars[[j]] <- matrix(,nr=ns,nc=np[j])
+				pars[[j]] <- matrix(,nrow=ns,ncol=np[j])
 				colnames(pars[[j]]) <- allparnames[[j]]
-			allpars <- matrix(,nr=ns,nc=0)
+			allpars <- matrix(,nrow=ns,ncol=0)
 			nms <- c()
 			for(j in 1:object at nresp) {
 				for(i in 1:ns) {

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/R/depmixfit.R
--- pkg/depmixS4/R/depmixfit.R	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/R/depmixfit.R	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -3,231 +3,227 @@
-				conrows=NULL,conrows.upper=NULL,conrows.lower=NULL,
-				method=NULL,verbose=TRUE,
-				emcontrol=em.control(),
-				solnpcntrl=list(rho = 1, outer.iter = 400, inner.iter = 800, delta = 1e-7, tol = 1e-8),
-				donlpcntrl=donlp2Control(),		
-				...) {
+	conrows=NULL,conrows.upper=NULL,conrows.lower=NULL,
+	method=NULL,verbose=TRUE,
+	emcontrol=em.control(),
+	solnpcntrl=list(rho = 1, outer.iter = 400, inner.iter = 800, delta = 1e-7, tol = 1e-8),
+	donlpcntrl=donlp2Control(),		
+	...) {
-		fi <- !is.null(fixed)
-		cr <- !is.null(conrows)
-		eq <- !is.null(equal)
-		constr <- any(c(fi,cr,eq))
-		# when there are constraints donlp/solnp should be used
-		# otherwise EM is good
-		if(is.null(method)) {
-			if(constr) {
-				method="rsolnp"
-			} else {
-				method="EM"
-			}
+	fi <- !is.null(fixed)
+	cr <- !is.null(conrows)
+	eq <- !is.null(equal)
+	constr <- any(c(fi,cr,eq))
+	# when there are constraints donlp/solnp should be used
+	# otherwise EM is good
+	if(is.null(method)) {
+	    if(constr) {
+		method="rsolnp"
+	    } else {
+		method="EM"
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if(method=="EM") {
+		if(constr) {
+		    warning("EM not applicable for constrained models; optimization method changed to 'rsolnp'")
+		    method="rsolnp"
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+	if(!(method %in% c("EM","donlp","rsolnp"))) stop("'method' argument invalid; should be one of 'EM', 'rsolnp', 'donlp'.")
+	if(method=="EM") {
+	    object <- em(object,maxit=emcontrol$maxit,tol=emcontrol$tol,crit=emcontrol$crit,random.start=emcontrol$random.start,classification=emcontrol$classification,verbose=verbose,...)
+	}
+	if(method=="donlp"||method=="rsolnp") {
+	    # check feasibility of starting values
+	    if(is.nan(logLik(object))) stop("Initial model infeasible, log likelihood is 'NaN'; please provide better starting values. ")
+	    # determine which parameters are fixed
+	    if(fi) {
+		if(length(fixed)!=npar(object)) stop("'fixed' does not have correct length")
+	    } else {
+		if(eq) {
+		    if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
+		    fixed <- !pa2conr(equal)$free
 		} else {
-			if(method=="EM") {
-				if(constr) {
-					warning("EM not applicable for constrained models; optimization method changed to 'rsolnp'")
-					method="rsolnp"
-				}
-			}
+		    fixed <- getpars(object,"fixed")
+	    }
+	    # set those fixed parameters in the appropriate submodels
+	    object <- setpars(object,fixed,which="fixed")			
+	    # get the full set of parameters
+	    allpars <- getpars(object)
+	    # get the reduced set of parameters, ie the ones that will be optimized
+	    pars <- allpars[!fixed]
+	    constraints <- getConstraints(object)
+	    lincon=constraints$lincon
+	    lin.u=constraints$lin.u
+	    lin.l=constraints$lin.l
+	    par.u=constraints$par.u
+	    par.l=constraints$par.l
+	    # incorporate equality constraints provided with the fit function, if any
+	    if(eq) {
+		if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
+		equal <- pa2conr(equal)$conr
+		lincon <- rbind(lincon,equal)
+		lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(equal)))
+		lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(equal)))				
+	    }
+	    # incorporate general linear constraints, if any
+	    if(cr) {
+		if(ncol(conrows)!=npar(object)) stop("'conrows' does not have the right dimensions")
+		lincon <- rbind(lincon,conrows)
+		if(is.null(conrows.upper)) {
+		    lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
+		} else {
+		    if(length(conrows.upper)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.upper does not have correct length")
+		    lin.u <- c(lin.u,conrows.upper)
+		}
+		if(is.null(conrows.lower)) {
+		    lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
+		} else {
+		    if(length(conrows.lower)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.lower does not have correct length")
+		    lin.l <- c(lin.l,conrows.lower)
+		}
+	    }
+	    # select only those columns of the constraint matrix that correspond to non-fixed parameters
+	    linconFull <- lincon
+	    lincon <- lincon[,!fixed,drop=FALSE]			
+	    # remove redundant rows in lincon (all zeroes)
+	    allzero <- which(apply(lincon,1,function(y) all(y==0)))
+	    if(length(allzero)>0) {
+		lincon <- lincon[-allzero,,drop=FALSE]
+		lin.u <- lin.u[-allzero]
+		lin.l <- lin.l[-allzero]
+	    }
+	    startLogLik <- -logLik(object)*1.01
+	    # make loglike function that only depends on pars
+	    logl <- function(pars) {
+		allpars[!fixed] <- pars
+		object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+		ans = -as.numeric(logLik(object))
+		if(is.na(ans)) ans <- startLogLik 
+		if(is.infinite(ans)) ans <- startLogLik				
+		ans
+	    }
+	    if(method=="donlp") {
-		if(!(method %in% c("EM","donlp","rsolnp"))) stop("'method' argument invalid; should be one of 'EM', 'rsolnp', 'donlp'.")
+		if(!(require(Rdonlp2,quietly=TRUE))) stop("Method 'donlp' requires package 'Rdonlp2'")
+		mycontrol <- function(info) {
+		    return(TRUE)
+		}
-		if(method=="EM") {
-			object <- em(object,maxit=emcontrol$maxit,tol=emcontrol$tol,crit=emcontrol$crit,random.start=emcontrol$random.start,classification=emcontrol$classification,verbose=verbose,...)
+		# optimize the parameters
+		result <- donlp2(pars,logl,
+		    par.upper=par.u[!fixed],
+		    par.lower=par.l[!fixed],
+		    A=lincon,
+		    lin.upper=lin.u,
+		    lin.lower=lin.l,
+		    control=donlpcntrl,
+		    control.fun=mycontrol,
+		    ...
+		)
+		if(class(object)=="depmix") object <- as(object,"depmix.fitted") # class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
+		if(class(object)=="mix") object <- as(object,"mix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
+		# convergence info
+		object at message <- result$message
+		# put the result back into the model
+		allpars[!fixed] <- result$par
+		object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+	    }
+	    if(method=="rsolnp") {
+		if(!(require(Rsolnp,quietly=TRUE))) stop("Method 'rsolnp' requires package 'Rsolnp'")
+		# separate equality and inequality constraints
+		ineq <- which(lin.u!=lin.l)
+		if(length(ineq)>0) lineq <- lincon[-ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
+		else lineq <- lincon
+		# returns the evaluated equality constraints
+		if(nrow(lineq)>0) {
+		    eqfun <- function(pp) {
+			ans = as.vector(lineq%*%pp)
+			ans
+		    }
+		    # select the boundary values for the equality constraints
+		    if(length(ineq)>0) lineq.bound = lin.l[-ineq]
+		    else lineq.bound = lin.l
+		} else {
+		    eqfun=NULL
+		    lineq.bound=NULL
-		if(method=="donlp"||method=="rsolnp") {
-			# check feasibility of starting values
-			if(is.nan(logLik(object))) stop("Initial model infeasible, log likelihood is 'NaN'; please provide better starting values. ")
-			# determine which parameters are fixed
- 			if(fi) {
- 				if(length(fixed)!=npar(object)) stop("'fixed' does not have correct length")
- 			} else {
- 				if(eq) {
- 					if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
- 					fixed <- !pa2conr(equal)$free
- 				} else {
- 					fixed <- getpars(object,"fixed")
- 				}
- 			}
-			# set those fixed parameters in the appropriate submodels
-			object <- setpars(object,fixed,which="fixed")			
-			# get the full set of parameters
-			allpars <- getpars(object)
-			# get the reduced set of parameters, ie the ones that will be optimized
-			pars <- allpars[!fixed]
-			constraints <- getConstraints(object)
-			lincon=constraints$lincon
-			lin.u=constraints$lin.u
-			lin.l=constraints$lin.l
-			par.u=constraints$par.u
-			par.l=constraints$par.l
-			# incorporate equality constraints provided with the fit function, if any
-			if(eq) {
-				if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
-				equal <- pa2conr(equal)$conr
-				lincon <- rbind(lincon,equal)
-				lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(equal)))
-				lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(equal)))				
-			}
-			# incorporate general linear constraints, if any
-			if(cr) {
-				if(ncol(conrows)!=npar(object)) stop("'conrows' does not have the right dimensions")
-				lincon <- rbind(lincon,conrows)
-				if(is.null(conrows.upper)) {
-					lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
-				} else {
-					if(length(conrows.upper)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.upper does not have correct length")
-					lin.u <- c(lin.u,conrows.upper)
-				}
-				if(is.null(conrows.lower)) {
-					lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
-				} else {
-					if(length(conrows.lower)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.lower does not have correct length")
-					lin.l <- c(lin.l,conrows.lower)
-				}
-			}
-			# select only those columns of the constraint matrix that correspond to non-fixed parameters
-			linconFull <- lincon
-			lincon <- lincon[,!fixed,drop=FALSE]			
-			# remove redundant rows in lincon (all zeroes)
-			allzero <- which(apply(lincon,1,function(y) all(y==0)))
-			if(length(allzero)>0) {
-				lincon <- lincon[-allzero,,drop=FALSE]
-				lin.u <- lin.u[-allzero]
-				lin.l <- lin.l[-allzero]
-			}
-			startLogLik <- -logLik(object)*1.01
-			# make loglike function that only depends on pars
-			logl <- function(pars) {
-				allpars[!fixed] <- pars
-				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
-				ans = -as.numeric(logLik(object))
-				if(is.na(ans)) ans <- startLogLik 
-				if(is.infinite(ans)) ans <- startLogLik				
-				ans
-			}
-			if(method=="donlp") {
-				reqdon <- require(Rdonlp2,quietly=TRUE)
-				if(!reqdon) stop("Rdonlp2 not available.")
-				mycontrol <- function(info) {
-					return(TRUE)
-				}
-				# optimize the parameters
-				result <- donlp2(pars,logl,
-					par.upper=par.u[!fixed],
-					par.lower=par.l[!fixed],
-					A=lincon,
-					lin.upper=lin.u,
-					lin.lower=lin.l,
-					control=donlpcntrl,
-					control.fun=mycontrol,
-					...
-				)
-				if(class(object)=="depmix") object <- as(object,"depmix.fitted") # class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
-				if(class(object)=="mix") object <- as(object,"mix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
-				# convergence info
-				object at message <- result$message
-				# put the result back into the model
-				allpars[!fixed] <- result$par
-				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
-			}
-			if(method=="rsolnp") {
-				if(!(require(Rsolnp,quietly=TRUE))) stop("Method 'rsolnp' requires package 'Rsolnp'")
-				# separate equality and inequality constraints
-				ineq <- which(lin.u!=lin.l)
-				if(length(ineq)>0) lineq <- lincon[-ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
-				else lineq <- lincon
-				# returns the evaluated equality constraints
-				if(nrow(lineq)>0) {
-					eqfun <- function(pp) {
-						ans = as.vector(lineq%*%pp)
-						ans
-					}
-					# select the boundary values for the equality constraints
-					if(length(ineq)>0) lineq.bound = lin.l[-ineq]
-					else lineq.bound = lin.l
-				} else {
-					eqfun=NULL
-					lineq.bound=NULL
-				}
-				# select the inequality constraints
-				if(length(ineq)>0) {
-					linineq <- lincon[ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
-					ineqLB <- lin.l[ineq]
-					ineqUB <- lin.u[ineq]
-				} else {
-					ineqfun = NULL
-					ineqLB=NULL
-					ineqUB=NULL
-				}
-				# call to solnp
-				res <- solnp(pars, 
-					logl, 
-					eqfun = eqfun, 
-					eqB = lineq.bound, 
-					ineqfun = ineqfun, 
-					ineqLB = ineqLB, 
-					ineqUB = ineqUB, 
-					LB = par.l[!fixed], 
-					UB = par.u[!fixed], 
-					control = solnpcntrl,
-					...
-				)
-				if(class(object)=="depmix")  object <- as(object,"depmix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
-				if(class(object)=="mix") object <- as(object,"mix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
-				object at message <- c(res$convergence," (0 is good in Rsolnp, check manual for other values)")
-				# put the result back into the model
-				allpars[!fixed] <- res$pars
-				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
-			}
-			object at conMat <- linconFull
-			object at lin.upper <- lin.u
-			object at lin.lower <- lin.l
-			object at posterior <- viterbi(object)
+		# select the inequality constraints
+		if(length(ineq)>0) {
+		    linineq <- lincon[ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
+		    ineqLB <- lin.l[ineq]
+		    ineqUB <- lin.u[ineq]
+		} else {
+		    ineqfun = NULL
+		    ineqLB=NULL
+		    ineqUB=NULL
+		# call to solnp
+		res <- solnp(pars, 
+		    logl, 
+		    eqfun = eqfun, 
+		    eqB = lineq.bound, 
+		    ineqfun = ineqfun, 
+		    ineqLB = ineqLB, 
+		    ineqUB = ineqUB, 
+		    LB = par.l[!fixed], 
+		    UB = par.u[!fixed], 
+		    control = solnpcntrl,
+		    ...
+		)
+		if(class(object)=="depmix")  object <- as(object,"depmix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
+		if(class(object)=="mix") object <- as(object,"mix.fitted") #  class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
-		return(object)
+		object at message <- c(res$convergence," (0 is good in Rsolnp, check manual for other values)")
+		# put the result back into the model
+		allpars[!fixed] <- res$pars
+		object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+	    }
+	    object at conMat <- linconFull
+	    object at lin.upper <- lin.u
+	    object at lin.lower <- lin.l
+	    object at posterior <- viterbi(object)
+	return(object)
+    }
@@ -240,7 +236,7 @@
 		par.l <- rep(-Inf, npar(object))
 		# make constraint matrix and its upper and lower bounds
-		lincon <- matrix(0,nr=0,nc=npar(object))
+		lincon <- matrix(0,nrow=0,ncol=npar(object))
 		lin.u <- numeric(0)
 		lin.l <- numeric(0)

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLM.R
--- pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLM.R	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLM.R	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 				fixed <- rep(0,ncol(y)) 
 				fixed <- c(as.logical(t(fixed)))
 				constr <- list(
-					lin = matrix(1,nr=1,nc=ncol(y)),
+					lin = matrix(1,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(y)),
 					linup = 1,
 					linlow = 1,
 					parup = rep(1,ncol(y)),

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLMMULTINOM.R
--- pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLMMULTINOM.R	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/R/responseGLMMULTINOM.R	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
 			return(log(rowSums(object at y*predict(object))))
 		} else {
 			nr <- nrow(object at y)
-			res <- matrix(nr=nr)
+			res <- matrix(nrow=nr)
 			pr <- predict(object)
 			# fix this loop!!!! replace with call to apply? or dmultinomial? or other vectorized version?
 			# possibly use dmultinomial in package mcd2
 			for(i in 1:nrow(object at y)) {
-				res[i,1] <- dmultinom(object at y[i,],pr=pr[i,])
+				res[i,1] <- dmultinom(object at y[i,],prob=pr[i,])
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
 			else return(rowSums(object at y*predict(object)))
 		} else {
 			nr <- nrow(object at y)
-			res <- matrix(nr=nr)
+			res <- matrix(nrow=nr)
 			pr <- predict(object)
 			# fix this loop!!!! replace with call to apply? or dmultinomial? or other vectorized version?
 			# possibly use dmultinomial in package mcd2
 			for(i in 1:nrow(object at y)) {
-				res[i,1] <- dmultinom(object at y[i,],pr=pr[i,])
+				res[i,1] <- dmultinom(object at y[i,],prob=pr[i,])
 			if(log) return(log(res)) 
 			else return(res)

Modified: pkg/depmixS4/src/fb.h
--- pkg/depmixS4/src/fb.h	2014-12-21 21:21:50 UTC (rev 643)
+++ pkg/depmixS4/src/fb.h	2016-02-10 11:22:47 UTC (rev 644)
@@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
 #ifndef FB
 #define FB 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include <R.h>    
-#include <Rmath.h>
+ * #include <stdio.h>
+ * #include <stdlib.h>
+ */
 // compute forward and backward variables, and xi
 void forwardbackward(int *hom, int *ns, int *nc, int *nt, int *ntimes, int *bt, int *et, 
 					 double *init, double *trdens, double *dens, 
 					 double *alpha, double *beta, double *sca, double *xi);
-} //end extern "C"
\ No newline at end of file

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