[Depmix-commits] r394 - in trunk: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Mar 8 19:47:27 CET 2010

Author: ingmarvisser
Date: 2010-03-08 19:47:27 +0100 (Mon, 08 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 394

Minor changes, some resolved conflicts

Modified: trunk/NAMESPACE
--- trunk/NAMESPACE	2010-03-08 16:09:22 UTC (rev 393)
+++ trunk/NAMESPACE	2010-03-08 18:47:27 UTC (rev 394)
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@
-	posterior,
+	posterior,
+	getModel,

Modified: trunk/R/depmixfit.R
--- trunk/R/depmixfit.R	2010-03-08 16:09:22 UTC (rev 393)
+++ trunk/R/depmixfit.R	2010-03-08 18:47:27 UTC (rev 394)
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
 		# check feasibility of starting values
 		if(is.nan(logLik(object))) stop("Initial model infeasible, log likelihood is NaN; please provide better starting values. ")
@@ -36,7 +35,10 @@
 		if(method=="donlp"||method=="rsolnp") {
-			if(method=="donlp"&!require(Rdonlp2)) method="rsolnp"
+			if(method=="donlp"&!require(Rdonlp2)) {
+				warning("Rdonlp2 not available, method changed to rsolnp")
+				method="rsolnp"
+			}
 			if(method=="rsolnp"&!(require(Rsolnp))) stop("Optimization requires either 'Rdonlp2' or 'Rsolnp'")

Modified: trunk/R/transInit.R
--- trunk/R/transInit.R	2010-03-08 16:09:22 UTC (rev 393)
+++ trunk/R/transInit.R	2010-03-08 18:47:27 UTC (rev 394)
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
-# for the transition models and the prior (y is missing, ie there is no
-# response, and nstates must be provided as the number of categories
-# neccessary in the mulinomial model)
-	signature(formula="formula"),
-	function(formula,nstates,data=NULL,family=multinomial(),pstart=NULL,fixed=NULL,prob=TRUE, ...) {
-		call <- match.call()
-		if(formula==formula(~1) & is.null(data)) {
-			x <- matrix(1,ncol=1)
-		} else {
-			mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
-			m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
-			mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
-			mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
-			mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
-			mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
-			x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"),mf)
-		}
-		y <- matrix(1,ncol=1) # y is not needed in the transition and init models
-		parameters <- list()
-		constr <- NULL
-		if(is.null(nstates)) stop("'nstates' must be provided in call to transInit model")
-		if(family$family=="multinomial") {
-			if(family$link=="identity") {
-				parameters$coefficients <- t(apply(matrix(1,ncol=nstates,nrow=ncol(x)),1,function(x) x/sum(x)))
-				if(is.null(fixed)) {
-					fixed <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(parameters$coefficients),ncol=ncol(parameters$coefficients))
-					fixed <- rep(0,nstates) # this needs to be fixed at some point using contraints
-					fixed <- c(as.logical(fixed))
-				}
-				constr <- list(
-					lin = matrix(1,nr=1,nc=nstates),
-					linup = 1,
-					linlow = 1,
-					parup = rep(1,nstates),
-					parlow = rep(0,nstates)
-				)
-			} else {
-				parameters$coefficients <- matrix(0,ncol=nstates,nrow=ncol(x))
-				if(is.null(fixed)) {
-					fixed <- parameters$coefficients
-					fixed[,family$base] <- 1 
-					fixed <- c(as.logical(t(fixed)))
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		npar <- length(unlist(parameters))
-		if(is.null(fixed)) fixed <- rep(0,npar)
-		if(!is.null(pstart)) {
-			if(length(pstart)!=npar) stop("length of 'pstart' must be ",npar)
-			if(family$family=="multinomial") {
-				if(family$link=="identity") {
-					parameters$coefficients[1,] <- pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)]
-					parameters$coefficients[1,] <- parameters$coefficients[1,]/sum(parameters$coefficients[1,])
-					pstart <- matrix(pstart,ncol(x),byrow=TRUE)
-					if(ncol(x)>1) parameters$coefficients[2:ncol(x),] <- pstart[2:ncol(x),] # this cannot occur ...
-				} else {
-					if(prob) {
-						parameters$coefficients[1,] <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)],base=family$base)
-					} else {
-						parameters$coefficients[1,] <- pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)]
-					}
-					pstart <- matrix(pstart,ncol(x),byrow=TRUE)
-					if(ncol(x)>1) parameters$coefficients[2:ncol(x),] <- pstart[2:ncol(x),]
-				}
-			} else {
-				if(family$link=="identity") parameters$coefficients <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:length(parameters$coefficients)])
-				else parameters$coefficients <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:length(parameters$coefficients)],base=family$base)
-			}
-		}
-		# FIX this: do we need a switch here?
-		mod <- switch(family$family,
-			multinomial = new("transInit",formula=formula,family=family,parameters=parameters,fixed=fixed,x=x,y=y,npar=npar,constr=constr),
-			new("transInit",formula=formula,family=family,parameters=parameters,fixed=fixed,x=x,y=y,npar=npar,constr=constr)
-		)
-		mod
-	}
-	function(object) {
-		log(predict(object))
-	}
-	function(object,log=FALSE) {
-		if(log) log(predict(object))
-		else predict(object)
-	}
-	function(object,newx) {
-		if(missing(newx)) {
-			if(object at family$link=="identity") object at family$linkinv(object at x%*%object at parameters$coefficients)
-			else object at family$linkinv(object at x%*%object at parameters$coefficients,base=object at family$base)
-		} else {
-			if(!(is.matrix(newx))) stop("'newx' must be matrix in predict(transInit)")
-			if(!(ncol(newx)==nrow(object at parameters$coefficients))) stop("Incorrect dimension of 'newx' in predict(transInit)")
-			if(object at family$link=="identity") object at family$linkinv(newx%*%object at parameters$coefficients)
-			else object at family$linkinv(newx%*%object at parameters$coefficients,base=object at family$base)
-		}
-	}
-	function(object,w,ntimes) {
-		pars <- object at parameters
-		if(missing(w)) w <- NULL
-		pars <- object at parameters
-		base <- object at family$base # delete me
-		#y <- object at y[,-base]
-		y <- object at y
-		x <- object at x
-		if(is.matrix(y)) na <- unlist(apply(y,2,function(x) which(is.na(x)))) else na <- which(is.na(y))
-		if(is.matrix(x)) na <- c(na,unlist(apply(x,2,function(x) which(is.na(x))))) else na <- c(na,which(is.na(x)))
-		if(!is.null(w)) na <- c(na,which(is.na(w)))
-		y <- as.matrix(y)
-		x <- as.matrix(x)
-		na <- unique(na)
-		if(length(na)>0) {
-			x <- x[-na,]
-			y <- y[-na,]
-			#y <- round(y) # delete me
-			if(!is.null(w)) w <- w[-na]
-		}
-		switch(object at family$link,
-		  mlogit = {
-    		mask <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(pars$coefficients),ncol=ncol(pars$coefficients))
-    		mask[,base] <- 0 # fix base category coefficients to 0
-    		mask <- rbind(0,mask) # fix "bias" nodes to 0
-    		Wts <- mask
-    		Wts[-1,] <- pars$coefficients # set starting weights
-    		Wts[Wts == Inf] <- .Machine$double.max.exp # Fix this!!!!
-    		Wts[Wts == -Inf] <- .Machine$double.min.exp # Fix this!!!!!
-    		if(!is.null(w)) {
-    			if(NCOL(y) < 3) {
-    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,weights=w,size=0,entropy=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
-    			} else {
-    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,weights=w,size=0,softmax=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
-    			}
-    		} else {
-    			if(NCOL(y) < 3) {
-    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,size=0,entropy=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
-    			} else {
-    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,size=0,softmax=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
-    			}
-    		}
-    		pars$coefficients <- t(matrix(fit$wts,ncol=ncol(pars$coefficients),nrow=nrow(pars$coefficients)+1)[-1,])
-    		object <- setpars(object,unlist(pars))
-  		},
-  		identity = {
-  		  # object at y = fbo$xi[,,i]/fbo$gamma[,i]
-  		  # should become (see em):
-  		  #for(k in 1:ns) {
-				#		trm[i,k] <- sum(fbo$xi[-c(et),k,i])/sum(fbo$gamma[-c(et),i])
-				#	}
-				if(!is.null(w)) {
-				  sw <- sum(w)
-				  pars <- colSums(w*object at y)/sum(w)
-				} else {
-				  pars <- colMeans(object at y)
-				}
-			  object <- setpars(object,pars)
-  		},
-  		stop("link function not implemented")
-  	)
-		object
-	}
-	function(object,nsim=1,seed=NULL,times,is.prior=FALSE,...) {
-		if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
-		if(is.prior) {
-			pr <- dens(object)
-			sims <- array(apply(pr,1,rmultinom,n=nsim,size=1),dim=c(ncol(pr),nsim,nrow(pr)))
-			states <- t(apply(sims,c(2,3), function(x) which(x==1)))
-			return(states)
-		} else {
-			if(missing(times)) {
-				# this is likely to be a stationary model...???
-				pr <- predict(object)
-			} else {
-				pr <- predict(object)[times,]
-				if(length(times)==1) pr <- matrix(pr,ncol=length(pr))
-			}
-			nt <- nrow(pr)
-			sims <- array(apply(pr,1,rmultinom,n=nsim,size=1),dim=c(ncol(pr),nsim,nt))
-			states <- t(apply(sims,c(2,3), function(x) which(x==1)))
-			# states <- apply(apply(pr,2,rmultinom rmultinom(nt*nsim,size=1,prob=pr),2,function(x) which(x==1))
-			return(states)
-		}
-	}
-	function(object) {
-		npar <- sum(!object at fixed)
-		if(object at family$link == "identity") {
-			npar <- npar-1
-			if(npar<0) npar <- 0
-		}
-		npar
-	}
+# for the transition models and the prior (y is missing, ie there is no
+# response, and nstates must be provided as the number of categories
+# neccessary in the mulinomial model)
+	signature(formula="formula"),
+	function(formula,nstates,data=NULL,family=multinomial(),pstart=NULL,fixed=NULL,prob=TRUE, ...) {
+		call <- match.call()
+		if(formula==formula(~1) & is.null(data)) {
+			x <- matrix(1,ncol=1)
+		} else {
+			mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
+			m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
+			mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
+			mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
+			mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
+			mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
+			x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"),mf)
+		}
+		y <- matrix(1,ncol=1) # y is not needed in the transition and init models
+		parameters <- list()
+		constr <- NULL
+		if(is.null(nstates)) stop("'nstates' must be provided in call to transInit model")
+		if(family$family=="multinomial") {
+			if(family$link=="identity") {
+				parameters$coefficients <- t(apply(matrix(1,ncol=nstates,nrow=ncol(x)),1,function(x) x/sum(x)))
+				if(is.null(fixed)) {
+					fixed <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(parameters$coefficients),ncol=ncol(parameters$coefficients))
+					fixed <- rep(0,nstates) # this needs to be fixed at some point using contraints
+					fixed <- c(as.logical(fixed))
+				}
+				constr <- list(
+					lin = matrix(1,nr=1,nc=nstates),
+					linup = 1,
+					linlow = 1,
+					parup = rep(1,nstates),
+					parlow = rep(0,nstates)
+				)
+			} else {
+				parameters$coefficients <- matrix(0,ncol=nstates,nrow=ncol(x))
+				if(is.null(fixed)) {
+					fixed <- parameters$coefficients
+					fixed[,family$base] <- 1 
+					fixed <- c(as.logical(t(fixed)))
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		npar <- length(unlist(parameters))
+		if(is.null(fixed)) fixed <- rep(0,npar)
+		if(!is.null(pstart)) {
+			if(length(pstart)!=npar) stop("length of 'pstart' must be ",npar)
+			if(family$family=="multinomial") {
+				if(family$link=="identity") {
+					parameters$coefficients[1,] <- pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)]
+					parameters$coefficients[1,] <- parameters$coefficients[1,]/sum(parameters$coefficients[1,])
+					pstart <- matrix(pstart,ncol(x),byrow=TRUE)
+					if(ncol(x)>1) parameters$coefficients[2:ncol(x),] <- pstart[2:ncol(x),] # this cannot occur ...
+				} else {
+					if(prob) {
+						parameters$coefficients[1,] <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)],base=family$base)
+					} else {
+						parameters$coefficients[1,] <- pstart[1:ncol(parameters$coefficients)]
+					}
+					pstart <- matrix(pstart,ncol(x),byrow=TRUE)
+					if(ncol(x)>1) parameters$coefficients[2:ncol(x),] <- pstart[2:ncol(x),]
+				}
+			} else {
+				if(family$link=="identity") parameters$coefficients <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:length(parameters$coefficients)])
+				else parameters$coefficients <- family$linkfun(pstart[1:length(parameters$coefficients)],base=family$base)
+			}
+		}
+		# FIX this: do we need a switch here?
+		mod <- switch(family$family,
+			multinomial = new("transInit",formula=formula,family=family,parameters=parameters,fixed=fixed,x=x,y=y,npar=npar,constr=constr),
+			new("transInit",formula=formula,family=family,parameters=parameters,fixed=fixed,x=x,y=y,npar=npar,constr=constr)
+		)
+		mod
+	}
+	function(object) {
+		log(predict(object))
+	}
+	function(object,log=FALSE) {
+		if(log) log(predict(object))
+		else predict(object)
+	}
+	function(object,newx) {
+		if(missing(newx)) {
+			if(object at family$link=="identity") object at family$linkinv(object at x%*%object at parameters$coefficients)
+			else object at family$linkinv(object at x%*%object at parameters$coefficients,base=object at family$base)
+		} else {
+			if(!(is.matrix(newx))) stop("'newx' must be matrix in predict(transInit)")
+			if(!(ncol(newx)==nrow(object at parameters$coefficients))) stop("Incorrect dimension of 'newx' in predict(transInit)")
+			if(object at family$link=="identity") object at family$linkinv(newx%*%object at parameters$coefficients)
+			else object at family$linkinv(newx%*%object at parameters$coefficients,base=object at family$base)
+		}
+	}
+	function(object,w,ntimes) {
+		pars <- object at parameters
+		if(missing(w)) w <- NULL
+		pars <- object at parameters
+		base <- object at family$base # delete me
+		#y <- object at y[,-base]
+		y <- object at y
+		x <- object at x
+		if(is.matrix(y)) na <- unlist(apply(y,2,function(x) which(is.na(x)))) else na <- which(is.na(y))
+		if(is.matrix(x)) na <- c(na,unlist(apply(x,2,function(x) which(is.na(x))))) else na <- c(na,which(is.na(x)))
+		if(!is.null(w)) na <- c(na,which(is.na(w)))
+		y <- as.matrix(y)
+		x <- as.matrix(x)
+		na <- unique(na)
+		if(length(na)>0) {
+			x <- x[-na,]
+			y <- y[-na,]
+			#y <- round(y) # delete me
+			if(!is.null(w)) w <- w[-na]
+		}
+		switch(object at family$link,
+		  mlogit = {
+    		mask <- matrix(1,nrow=nrow(pars$coefficients),ncol=ncol(pars$coefficients))
+    		mask[,base] <- 0 # fix base category coefficients to 0
+    		mask <- rbind(0,mask) # fix "bias" nodes to 0
+    		Wts <- mask
+    		Wts[-1,] <- pars$coefficients # set starting weights
+    		Wts[Wts == Inf] <- .Machine$double.max.exp # Fix this!!!!
+    		Wts[Wts == -Inf] <- .Machine$double.min.exp # Fix this!!!!!
+    		if(!is.null(w)) {
+    			if(NCOL(y) < 3) {
+    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,weights=w,size=0,entropy=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
+    			} else {
+    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,weights=w,size=0,softmax=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
+    			}
+    		} else {
+    			if(NCOL(y) < 3) {
+    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,size=0,entropy=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
+    			} else {
+    				fit <- nnet.default(x,y,size=0,softmax=TRUE,skip=TRUE,mask=mask,Wts=Wts,trace=FALSE)
+    			}
+    		}
+    		pars$coefficients <- t(matrix(fit$wts,ncol=ncol(pars$coefficients),nrow=nrow(pars$coefficients)+1)[-1,])
+    		object <- setpars(object,unlist(pars))
+  		},
+  		identity = {
+  		  # object at y = fbo$xi[,,i]/fbo$gamma[,i]
+  		  # should become (see em):
+  		  #for(k in 1:ns) {
+				#		trm[i,k] <- sum(fbo$xi[-c(et),k,i])/sum(fbo$gamma[-c(et),i])
+				#	}
+				if(!is.null(w)) {
+				  sw <- sum(w)
+				  pars <- colSums(w*object at y)/sum(w)
+				} else {
+				  pars <- colMeans(object at y)
+				}
+			  object <- setpars(object,pars)
+  		},
+  		stop("link function not implemented")
+  	)
+		object
+	}
+	function(object,nsim=1,seed=NULL,times,is.prior=FALSE,...) {
+		if(!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
+		if(is.prior) {
+			pr <- dens(object)
+			sims <- array(apply(pr,1,rmultinom,n=nsim,size=1),dim=c(ncol(pr),nsim,nrow(pr)))
+			states <- t(apply(sims,c(2,3), function(x) which(x==1)))
+			return(states)
+		} else {
+			if(missing(times)) {
+				# this is likely to be a stationary model...???
+				pr <- predict(object)
+			} else {
+				pr <- predict(object)[times,]
+				if(length(times)==1) pr <- matrix(pr,ncol=length(pr))
+			}
+			nt <- nrow(pr)
+			sims <- array(apply(pr,1,rmultinom,n=nsim,size=1),dim=c(ncol(pr),nsim,nt))
+			states <- t(apply(sims,c(2,3), function(x) which(x==1)))
+			# states <- apply(apply(pr,2,rmultinom rmultinom(nt*nsim,size=1,prob=pr),2,function(x) which(x==1))
+			return(states)
+		}
+	}
+	function(object) {
+		npar <- sum(!object at fixed)
+		if(object at family$link == "identity") {
+			npar <- npar-1
+			if(npar<0) npar <- 0
+		}
+		npar
+	}

Modified: trunk/depmixNew-test6.R
--- trunk/depmixNew-test6.R	2010-03-08 16:09:22 UTC (rev 393)
+++ trunk/depmixNew-test6.R	2010-03-08 18:47:27 UTC (rev 394)
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
 allpars <- getpars(fmod1)
-allpars[2]=Inf # this means the process will always start in state 2
+allpars[2]=1 # this means the process will always start in state 2
 allpars[14]=0 # the corr parameters in state 1 are now both 0, corresponding the 0.5 prob
 allpars[c(4,8)] <- -4
@@ -69,9 +70,15 @@
 conpat[4] <- conpat[8] <- 2
 conpat[6] <- conpat[10] <- 3
-fm1sol <- fit(stmod,equal=conpat,method="rsolnp")
+# source("R/depmixfit.R")
 fm1don <- fit(stmod,equal=conpat,method="donlp")
+fm1sol <- fit(stmod,equal=conpat,method="rsolnp")

Modified: trunk/man/depmix.fit.Rd
--- trunk/man/depmix.fit.Rd	2010-03-08 16:09:22 UTC (rev 393)
+++ trunk/man/depmix.fit.Rd	2010-03-08 18:47:27 UTC (rev 394)
@@ -76,9 +76,10 @@
 	Models are fitted by the EM algorithm if there are no constraints on
-	the parameters.  Otherwise the general optimizers \code{donlp2} (from
-	package \code{Rdonlp2}) or \code{solnp} (from package \code{Rsolnp})
-	are used which handle general linear (in-)equality constraints.
+	the parameters.  Otherwise the general optimizers \code{solnp}, the
+	default (from package \code{Rsolnp}) or \code{donlp2} (from package
+	\code{Rdonlp2}) are used which handle general linear (in-)equality
+	constraints.
 	Three types of constraints can be specified on the parameters: fixed,
 	equality, and general linear (in-)equality constraints.  Constraint
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@
 	estimated to be equal. Any integers can be used in this way except 0
 	and 1, which indicate fixed and free parameters, respectively. 
-	Using \code{donlp2} or \code{solnp}, a Newton-Raphson scheme is employed
+	Using \code{solnp} or \code{donlp2} , a Newton-Raphson scheme is employed
 	to estimate parameters subject to linear constraints by imposing:
 			bl <= A*x <= bu,

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