[Depmix-commits] r352 - in trunk: . R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Feb 22 14:28:34 CET 2010

Author: ingmarvisser
Date: 2010-02-22 14:28:34 +0100 (Mon, 22 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 352

Added Rsolnp support including an example in ...test6.R

Modified: trunk/R/depmixfit.R
--- trunk/R/depmixfit.R	2010-02-22 13:25:47 UTC (rev 351)
+++ trunk/R/depmixfit.R	2010-02-22 13:28:34 UTC (rev 352)
@@ -1,131 +1,208 @@
-	signature(object="mix"),
-	function(object,fixed=NULL,equal=NULL,conrows=NULL,conrows.upper=0,conrows.lower=0,method=NULL,...) {
-		# when there are constraints donlp should be used
-		# otherwise EM is good
-		# can/does EM deal with fixed constraints??? it should be possible for sure
- 		if(is.null(method)) {
- 			if(is.null(equal)&is.null(conrows)&is.null(fixed)) {
- 				method="EM"
- 			} else {
- 				method="donlp"
- 			}
- 		}
-		# determine which parameters are fixed
-		if(!is.null(fixed)) {
-			if(length(fixed)!=npar(object)) stop("'fixed' does not have correct length")
-		} else {
-			if(!is.null(equal)) {
-				if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
-				fixed <- !pa2conr(equal)$free
-			} else {
-				fixed <- getpars(object,"fixed")
-			}
-		}
-		# set those fixed parameters in the appropriate submodels
-		object <- setpars(object,fixed,which="fixed")
-		if(is.nan(logLik(object))) stop("Initial model infeasible, log likelihood is NaN; please provide better starting values. ")
-		if(method=="EM") {
-			object <- em(object,verbose=TRUE,...)
-		}
-		if(method=="donlp") {
-			# get the full set of parameters
-			allpars <- getpars(object)
-			# get the reduced set of parameters, ie the ones that will be optimized
-			pars <- allpars[!fixed]
-			# set bounds, if any
-			par.u <- rep(+Inf, length(pars))
-			par.l <- rep(-Inf, length(pars))
-			# make loglike function that only depends on pars
-			logl <- function(pars) {
-				allpars[!fixed] <- pars
-				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
-				-logLik(object)
-			}
-			if(!require(Rdonlp2)) stop("donlp optimization requires the 'Rdonlp2' package")
-			# make constraint matrix and its upper and lower bounds
-			lincon <- matrix(0,nr=0,nc=npar(object))
-			lin.u <- numeric(0)
-			lin.l <- numeric(0)
-			# incorporate equality constraints, if any
-			if(!is.null(equal)) {
-				if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
-				equal <- pa2conr(equal)$conr
-				lincon <- rbind(lincon,equal)
-				lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(equal)))
-				lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(equal)))				
-			}
-			# incorporate general linear constraints, if any
-			if(!is.null(conrows)) {
-				if(ncol(conrows)!=npar(object)) stop("'conrows' does not have the right dimensions")
-				lincon <- rbind(lincon,conrows)
-				if(any(conrows.upper==0)) {
-					lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
-				} else {
-					if(length(conrows.upper)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.upper does not have correct length")
-					lin.u <- c(lin.u,conrows.upper)
-				}
-				if(any(conrows.lower==0)) {
-					lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
-				} else {
-					if(length(conrows.lower)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.lower does not have correct length")
-					lin.l <- c(lin.l,conrows.lower)
-				}
-			}
-			# select only those columns of the constraint matrix that correspond to non-fixed parameters
-			linconFull <- lincon
-			lincon <- lincon[,!fixed,drop=FALSE]
-			# set donlp2 control parameters
-			cntrl <- donlp2.control(hessian=FALSE,difftype=2,report=TRUE)	
-			mycontrol <- function(info) {
-				return(TRUE)
-			}
-			# optimize the parameters
-			result <- donlp2(pars,logl,
-				par.upper=par.u,
-				par.lower=par.l,
-				A=lincon,
-				lin.upper=lin.u,
-				lin.lower=lin.l,
-				control=cntrl,
-				control.fun=mycontrol,
-				...
-			)
-			if(class(object)=="depmix") class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
-			if(class(object)=="mix") class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
-			object at conMat <- linconFull
-			object at message <- result$message
-			object at lin.upper <- lin.u
-			object at lin.lower <- lin.l
-			# put the result back into the model
-			allpars[!fixed] <- result$par
-			object <- setpars(object,allpars)
-		}
-		object at posterior <- viterbi(object)
-		return(object)
-	}
+    signature(object="mix"),
+    function(object,fixed=NULL,equal=NULL,conrows=NULL,conrows.upper=0,conrows.lower=0,method=NULL,...) {
+		fi <- !is.null(fixed)
+		cr <- !is.null(conrows)
+		eq <- !is.null(equal)
+		constr <- any(c(fi,cr,eq))
+		# when there are constraints donlp/solnp should be used
+		# otherwise EM is good
+		if(is.null(method)) {
+			if(constr) {
+				method="donlp"
+			} else {
+				method="EM"
+			}
+		} else {
+			if(method=="EM") {
+				if(constr) {
+					warning("EM not applicable for constrained models; optimization method changed to 'donlp'")
+					method="donlp"
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		# check feasibility of starting values
+		if(is.nan(logLik(object))) stop("Initial model infeasible, log likelihood is NaN; please provide better starting values. ")
+		if(method=="EM") {
+			object <- em(object,verbose=TRUE,...)
+		}
+		if(method=="donlp"||method=="rsolnp") {
+			if(method=="donlp"&!require(Rdonlp2)) method="rsolnp"
+			if(method=="rsolnp"&!(require(Rsolnp))) stop("Optimization requires either 'Rdonlp2' or 'Rsolnp'")
+			# determine which parameters are fixed
+ 			if(fi) {
+ 				if(length(fixed)!=npar(object)) stop("'fixed' does not have correct length")
+ 			} else {
+ 				if(eq) {
+ 					if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
+ 					fixed <- !pa2conr(equal)$free
+ 				} else {
+ 					fixed <- getpars(object,"fixed")
+ 				}
+ 			}
+			# set those fixed parameters in the appropriate submodels
+			object <- setpars(object,fixed,which="fixed")			
+		    # get the full set of parameters
+		    allpars <- getpars(object)
+		    # get the reduced set of parameters, ie the ones that will be optimized
+		    pars <- allpars[!fixed]
+		    # set bounds, if any (should add bounds for eg sd parameters at some point ...)
+		    par.u <- rep(+Inf, length(pars))
+		    par.l <- rep(-Inf, length(pars))
+		    # make loglike function that only depends on pars
+			logl <- function(pars) {
+				allpars[!fixed] <- pars
+				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+				ans = -as.numeric(logLik(object))
+				if(is.na(ans)) ans = 100000
+				ans
+			}
+		    # make constraint matrix and its upper and lower bounds
+			lincon <- matrix(0,nr=0,nc=npar(object))
+			lin.u <- numeric(0)
+			lin.l <- numeric(0)
+			# incorporate equality constraints, if any
+			if(eq) {
+				if(length(equal)!=npar(object)) stop("'equal' does not have correct length")
+				equal <- pa2conr(equal)$conr
+				lincon <- rbind(lincon,equal)
+				lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(equal)))
+				lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(equal)))				
+			}
+			# incorporate general linear constraints, if any
+			if(cr) {
+				if(ncol(conrows)!=npar(object)) stop("'conrows' does not have the right dimensions")
+				lincon <- rbind(lincon,conrows)
+				if(any(conrows.upper==0)) {
+					lin.u <- c(lin.u,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
+				} else {
+					if(length(conrows.upper)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.upper does not have correct length")
+					lin.u <- c(lin.u,conrows.upper)
+				}
+				if(any(conrows.lower==0)) {
+					lin.l <- c(lin.l,rep(0,nrow(conrows)))
+				} else {
+					if(length(conrows.lower)!=nrow(conrows)) stop("'conrows.lower does not have correct length")
+					lin.l <- c(lin.l,conrows.lower)
+				}
+			}
+			# select only those columns of the constraint matrix that correspond to non-fixed parameters
+			linconFull <- lincon
+			lincon <- lincon[,!fixed,drop=FALSE]
+			if(method=="donlp") {
+				# set donlp2 control parameters
+				cntrl <- donlp2.control(hessian=FALSE,difftype=2,report=TRUE)	
+				mycontrol <- function(info) {
+					return(TRUE)
+				}
+				# optimize the parameters
+				result <- donlp2(pars,logl,
+					par.upper=par.u,
+					par.lower=par.l,
+					A=lincon,
+					lin.upper=lin.u,
+					lin.lower=lin.l,
+					control=cntrl,
+					control.fun=mycontrol,
+					...
+				)
+				# convergence info
+				object at message <- result$message
+				# put the result back into the model
+				allpars[!fixed] <- result$par
+				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+			}
+			if(method=="rsolnp") {
+				# separate equality and inequality constraints
+				ineq <- which(lin.u!=lin.l)
+				if(length(ineq)>0) lineq <- lincon[-ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
+				else lineq <- lincon
+				# returns the evaluated equality constraints
+				if(nrow(lineq)>0) {
+					eqfun <- function(pp) {
+						ans = as.vector(lineq%*%pp)
+						ans
+					}
+					# select the boundary values for the equality constraints
+					if(length(ineq)>0) lineq.bound = lin.l[-ineq]
+					else lineq.bound = lin.l
+				} else {
+					eqfun=NULL
+					lineq.bound=NULL
+				}
+				# select the inequality constraints
+				if(length(ineq)>0) {
+					linineq <- lincon[ineq, ,drop=FALSE]
+					ineqLB <- lin.l[ineq]
+					ineqUB <- lin.u[ineq]
+				} else {
+					ineqfun = NULL
+					ineqLB=NULL
+					ineqUB=NULL
+				}
+				# call to solnp
+				res <- solnp(pars, 
+					logl, 
+					eqfun = eqfun, 
+					eqB = lineq.bound, 
+					eqgrad =NULL, 
+					ineqfun = ineqfun, 
+					ineqLB = ineqLB, 
+					ineqUB = ineqUB, 
+					ineqgrad = NULL, 
+					LB = NULL, 
+					UB = NULL, 
+					control = list(trace = 1)
+				)
+				object at message <- c(res$convergence," (0 is good in Rsolnp, check manual for other values)")
+				# put the result back into the model
+				allpars[!fixed] <- res$pars
+				object <- setpars(object,allpars)
+			}
+			if(class(object)=="depmix") class(object) <- "depmix.fitted"
+			if(class(object)=="mix") class(object) <- "mix.fitted"
+			object at conMat <- linconFull
+			object at lin.upper <- lin.u
+			object at lin.lower <- lin.l
+		}
+		object at posterior <- viterbi(object)
+		return(object)
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/depmixNew-test4.R
--- trunk/depmixNew-test4.R	2010-02-22 13:25:47 UTC (rev 351)
+++ trunk/depmixNew-test4.R	2010-02-22 13:28:34 UTC (rev 352)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # library(depmixS4) 
-# setwd("/Users/ivisser/Documents/projects/depmixProject/depmixNew/rforge/depmix/trunk/")
+# setwd("~/Documents/projects/depmixProject/codesvn/depmix/trunk/")
 # optimization speed profile: case 1: latent class data

Modified: trunk/depmixNew-test5.R
--- trunk/depmixNew-test5.R	2010-02-22 13:25:47 UTC (rev 351)
+++ trunk/depmixNew-test5.R	2010-02-22 13:28:34 UTC (rev 352)
@@ -85,96 +85,3 @@
-# multivariate normal mixture models
-# use function xpnd and vech from MCMCpack to convert from lower.tri to square matrix and back
-# multivariate normal response model
-mn <- c(1,2,3)
-sig <- matrix(c(1,.5,0,.5,1,0,0,0,2),3,3)
-y <- mvrnorm(1000,mn,sig)
-mod <- MVNresponse(y~rnorm(1000))
-y <- simulate(mod)
-mod <- fit(mod)
-m1 <- c(0,1)
-sd1 <- matrix(c(1,0.7,.7,1),2,2)
-m2 <- c(1,0)
-sd2 <- matrix(c(2,.1,.1,1),2,2)
-y1 <- mvrnorm(50,m1,sd1)
-y2 <- mvrnorm(50,m2,sd2)
-y <- rbind(y1,y2)
-m1 <- MVNresponse(y~1,pst=c(0,.1,1,0.1,1))
-m2 <- MVNresponse(y~1)
-m1 at parameters
-m2 at parameters
-rModels <- list(
-	list(
-		MVNresponse(y~1)
-	),
-	list(
-		MVNresponse(y~1)
-	)
-transition <- list()
-transition[[1]] <- transInit(~1,nstates=2,data=data.frame(1),pstart=c(trstart[1:2]))
-transition[[2]] <- transInit(~1,nstates=2,data=data.frame(1),pstart=c(trstart[3:4]))
-inMod <- transInit(~1,ns=2,ps=instart,data=data.frame(1))
-mod <- makeDepmix(response=rModels,transition=transition,prior=inMod)
-fm <- fit(mod)
-fmd <- fit(mod,meth="donlp")
-pem <- getpars(fm)[7:16]
-pdon <- getpars(fmd)[7:16]
-fm <- simulate(fm)
-fm <- fit(fm)

Modified: trunk/depmixNew-test6.R
--- trunk/depmixNew-test6.R	2010-02-22 13:25:47 UTC (rev 351)
+++ trunk/depmixNew-test6.R	2010-02-22 13:28:34 UTC (rev 352)
@@ -7,30 +7,6 @@
-pa2conr <-
-function(x) {
-	fix=as.logical(x)
-	x=replace(x,list=which(x==1),0)
-	un=setdiff(unique(x),0)
-	y=matrix(0,0,length(x))
-	for(i in un) {
-		z=which(x==i)
-		for(j in 2:length(z)) {
-			k=rep(0,length(x))
-			k[z[1]]=1
-			k[z[j]]=-1
-			y=rbind(y,k)
-		}
-	}
-	pa = list(free=fix,conr=y)
-	return(pa)
-# Rsolnp optimization
@@ -45,10 +21,6 @@
-# mod1 <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,transition=~Pacc,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()),
-# 	trstart=trst,respst=c(5,.5,.5,.5,6,.5,.1,.9))
-# logLik(mod1)
 # fit the model
 fmod1 <- fit(mod1)
 fmod1 # to see the logLik and optimization information
@@ -56,92 +28,38 @@
 # to see the parameters
 allpars <- getpars(fmod1)
 allpars[2]=Inf # this means the process will always start in state 2
 allpars[14]=0 # the corr parameters in state 1 are now both 0, corresponding the 0.5 prob
-lowb <- rep(-Inf,length(allpars))
-lowb[c(12,16)] <- 0
-fixed <- getpars(fmod1,"fixed")
-fixed[2] <- TRUE
-fixed[14] <- TRUE
-pars <- allpars[!fixed]
-lowb <- lowb[!fixed]
-pars <- pars+runif(9,0,.1)
-allpars[!fixed] <- pars
-stmod <- setpars(fmod1,allpars)
-fm1Rdon <- fit(stmod,fixed=fixed)
-# define loglike function
-ll <- function(pars) {
-    allpars[!fixed] <- pars
-    mod1 <- setpars(mod1,allpars)    
-    ans = -as.numeric(logLik(mod1))
-    if(is.na(ans)) ans = 100000
-    ans
-# use Rsolnp for unconstrained model
-res <- solnp(pars, ll, control = list(trace = 1),LB=lowb)
-fpars <- allpars
-fpars[!fixed] <- res$pars
-fmRsol <- setpars(mod1,fpars)
 allpars[c(4,8)] <- -4
 allpars[c(6,10)] <- 10
+stmod <- setpars(fmod1,allpars)
 conpat <- c(0,0,rep(c(0,1),4),1,1,0,0,1,1,0,1)
 # constrain the beta's on the transition parameters to be equal
 conpat[4] <- conpat[8] <- 2
 conpat[6] <- conpat[10] <- 3
+fm1sol <- fit(stmod,equal=conpat,method="rsolnp")
+fm1don <- fit(stmod,equal=conpat,method="donlp")
-eqA <- eqA[,!fixed]
-lowb <- rep(-Inf,length(allpars))
-lowb[c(12,16)] <- 0
-pars <- allpars[!fixed]
-lowb <- lowb[!fixed]
-eqfun <- function(x) {
-    ans = as.vector(eqA %*% x)
-    ans
-res <- solnp(pars, ll, eqfun = eqfun, eqB = eqA.bound,LB=lowb)
-fm1 <- fit(mod1,conpat=conpat)
@@ -154,8 +72,3 @@

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