[Depmix-commits] r288 - papers/jss
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Wed Jul 8 17:05:29 CEST 2009
Author: ingmarvisser
Date: 2009-07-08 17:05:29 +0200 (Wed, 08 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 288
Removed unnecessary files from jss directory.
Deleted: papers/jss/robKalman.Rnw
--- papers/jss/robKalman.Rnw 2009-07-08 15:01:49 UTC (rev 287)
+++ papers/jss/robKalman.Rnw 2009-07-08 15:05:29 UTC (rev 288)
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-%% declarations for jss.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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-%% almost as usual
-\author{Peter Ruckdeschel\\Fraunhofer ITWM Kaiserslautern\And
- Bernhard Spangl\\BOKU Wien}
-\title{\proglang{R} Package~\pkg{robKalman}: Routines for Robust Kalman Filtering}
-%% for pretty printing and a nice hypersummary also set:
-\Plainauthor{Peter Ruckdeschel, Bernhard Spangl} %% comma-separated
-\Plaintitle{R Package robKalman: Routines for Robust Kalman Filtering} %% without formatting
-\Shorttitle{R Package robKalman} %% a short title (if necessary)
-%% an abstract and keywords
- Package~\pkg{robKalman} provides ...
-\Keywords{Kalman filtering, \proglang{S4} classes, Robustness}
-\Plainkeywords{Kalman filtering, S4 classes, Robustness} %% without formatting
-%% at least one keyword must be supplied
-%% publication information
-%% NOTE: Typically, this can be left commented and will be filled out by the technical editor
-%% \Volume{13}
-%% \Issue{9}
-%% \Month{September}
-%% \Year{2004}
-%% \Submitdate{2004-09-29}
-%% \Acceptdate{2004-09-29}
-%% The address of (at least) one author should be given
-%% in the following format:
- Peter Ruckdeschel\\
- Fraunhofer-Institut f\"ur\\
- Techno-und Wirtschaftsmathematik\\
- Fraunhofer-Platz 1\\
- 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany\\
- E-mail: \email{Peter.Ruckdeschel at itwm.fraunhofer.de}\\
- Bernhard Spangl\\
- --- bitte eintragen ---
- \bigskip \\
-%% It is also possible to add a telephone and fax number
-%% before the e-mail in the following format:
-%% Telephone: +43/1/31336-5053
-%% Fax: +43/1/31336-734
-%% for those who use Sweave please include the following line (with % symbols):
-%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
-%% end of declarations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-*welche Verfahren
-*was gibt es schon an (nicht notw. robust) KF in CRAN und
- Software Kalman ähnliche Stoffer/Shumway
-*Erläuterung der Gliederung der Arbeit
--classKalman filter (nur Referenzen + correction step)
--ACM filter (nur Referenzen + correction step)
--rLS filter (nur Referenzen + correction step)
-[-rLS.IO filter]
-[-rLS.IOAO filter]
-[-rIC filter]
-[-m - *** filter]
-* utilty infrastructure
- -> elementare Simulation (to be enhanced)
- [-> spezielle plot methoden]
- [-> spezielle summary, print methoden]
-\section{Implementation Concept}
- to other packages
- sspir robfilter dse dynlm dyn???
- [to other software -> DEBI]
-*User Interface = robKalman + Argumentstruktur
-*time stamp management
-*Layer konzept
-*Klassen Konzept
- + SSM
- + methoden Klassen (inklusive control)
- + output Klassen
- / Orientierung an Demos
-* real world
-* Simulation
--> Grafiken : Boxplots + exemplarische Pfade
--> Tabellen: empirische MSE
-\section{Planned Extensions}
Deleted: papers/jss/softwarereview.tex
--- papers/jss/softwarereview.tex 2009-07-08 15:01:49 UTC (rev 287)
+++ papers/jss/softwarereview.tex 2009-07-08 15:05:29 UTC (rev 288)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-%% declarations for jss.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% reviewer
-\Reviewer{Antony Unwin\\University of Augsburg}
-\Plainreviewer{Antony Unwin}
-%% about the software
-\Softwaretitle{\pkg{Aabel} 1.5.7}
-\Plaintitle{Aabel 1.5.7}
-%% if different from \Softwaretitle also set
-%% \Shorttitle{Aabel 1.5.7}
-\Publisher{Gigawiz Ltd.\ Co.}
-\Pubaddress{Tulsa, OK}
-\Price{USD~349 (standard), USD~249 (academic)}
-%% publication information
-%% NOTE: Typically, this can be left commented and will be filled out by the technical editor
-%% \Volume{11}
-%% \Issue{1}
-%% \Month{July}
-%% \Year{2004}
-%% \Submitdate{2004-07-20}
-%% address of reviewer
- Antony Unwin\\
- University of Augsburg\\
- Department of Computer Oriented Statistics and Data Analysis\\
- D-86135 Augsburg, Germany\\
- E-mail: \email{Antony.Unwin at math.uni-augsburg.de}\\
- URL: \url{http://www1.math.uni-augsburg.de/~unwin/}
-%% end of declarations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%% include the review as usual
-%% Note that you should use the \pkg{}, \proglang{} and \code{} commands.
Deleted: papers/jss/toaddlater.tex
--- papers/jss/toaddlater.tex 2009-07-08 15:01:49 UTC (rev 287)
+++ papers/jss/toaddlater.tex 2009-07-08 15:05:29 UTC (rev 288)
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-\subsection{Mixtures of LMMs}
-The above forward recursion can readily be generalized to mixture
-models, in which it is assumed that the data are realizations of a
-number of different LMMs and the goal is to assign posterior
-probabilities to sequences of observations. This situation occurs,
-for example, in learning data where different learning strategies may
-lead to different answer patterns. From an observed sequence of
-responses, it may not be immediately clear from which learning
-process they stem. Hence, it is interesting to consider a mixture of
-latent Markov models which incorporate restrictions that are
-consistent with each of the learning strategies.
-To compute the likelihood of a mixture of $K$ models, define the
-forward recursion variables as follows (these variables now have an
-extra index $k$ indicating that observation and transition
-probabilities are from latent model $k$):
-\phi_{1}(j_{k}) &= Pr(\vc{O}_{1},
-\end{split}\label{eq:fwd1mix} \\
-\phi_{t}(j_{k}) &= Pr(\vc{O}_{t}, S_{t}=j_{k}|\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots,
-\vc{O}_{t-1}) \\
- &= \left[ \sum_{k=1}^{K} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}} \phi_{t-1}(i_{k})
- a_{ij_{k}}b_{j_{k}}(\vc{O}_{t}) \right] \times (\Phi_{t-1})^{-1},
-where $\Phi_{t} = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}} \phi_{t}(j_{k})$.
-Note that the double sum over $k$ and $n_{k}$ is simply an enumeration
-of all the states of the model. Now, because $a_{ij_{k}}=0$ whenever
-$S_{i}$ is not part of component $k$, the sum over $k$ can be dropped
-and hence equation~\ref{eq:fwdtmix} reduces to:
- \phi_{t}(j_{k}) = \left[ \sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}} \phi_{t-1}(i_{k})
- a_{ij_{k}}b_{j_{k}}(\vc{O}_{t}) \right] \times (\Phi_{t-1})^{-1}
-The loglikelihood is computed by applying equation~\ref{eq:logl} on
-these terms. For multiple cases, the log-likelihood is simply the sum
-over the individual log-likelihoods.
-Consider a mixture of two components, one with two states
-and the other with three states. Using
-equations~(\ref{eq:fwd1}--\ref{eq:fwdt}) to compute the log-likelihood
-of this model one needs $O(Tn^{2})=O(T\times 25)$ computations whereas
-with the mixture equations~(\ref{eq:fwd1mix}--\ref{eq:fwdtmix}),
-$\sum_{n_{i}} O(n_{i}^{2}T)$ computations are needed, in this case
-$O(T \times 13)$. So, it can be seen that in this easy example the
-computational cost is almost halved.
-\newcommand{\fpp}{\frac{\partial} {\partial \lambda_{1}}}
-See equations 10--12 in \cite{Lystig2002} for the score recursion
-functions of the hidden Markov model for a univariate time series.
-Here the corresponding score recursion for the multivariate mixture
-case are provided. The $t=1$ components of this score recursion are
-defined as (for an arbitrary parameter $\lambda_{1}$):
-\psi_{1}(j_{k};\lambda_{1}) &:= \fpp Pr(\vc{O}_{1}|S_{1}=j_{k}) \\
- &= \left[ \fpp p_{k} \right] \pi_{j_{k}}b_{j_{k}}(\vc{O}_{1}) +
- p_{k}\left[ \fpp \pi_{j_{k}} \right] b_{j_{k}}(\vc{O}_{1}) \\
- & \qquad + p_{k}\pi_{j_{k}} \left[ \fpp
-\end{split} \label{eq:psi1}
-and for $t>1$ the definition is:
-\psi_{t}(j_{k};\lambda_{1}) & = \frac{\fpp Pr(\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots,
-\vc{O}_{t}, S_{t}=j_{k})}
- {Pr(\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots, \vc{O}_{t-1})} \\
- & =
- \sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}} \Bigg\{ \psi_{t-1}(i;\lambda_{1})a_{ij_{k}}
- b_{j_{k}}(\vc{O}_{t}) \\
- &\qquad +\phi_{t-1}(i) \left[ \fpp a_{ij_{k}} \right] b_{j_{k}}
-(\vc{O}_{t}) \\
- &\qquad +\phi_{t-1}(i)a_{ij_{k}} \left[ \fpp b_{j_{k}}
-(\vc{O}_{t}) \right] \Bigg\}
- \times (\Phi_{t-1})^{-1}.
-\end{split} \label{eq:psit}
-Using above equations, \cite{Lystig2002} derive the following equation
-for the partial derivative of the likelihood:
- \fpp l_{T}=
- \frac{\mathbf{\Psi}_{T}(\lambda_{1})}{\mathbf{\Phi}_{T}},
-where $\Psi_{t}=\sum_{k=1}^{K} \sum_{i=1}^{n_{k}}
-Starting from the equation from the logarithm of the likelihood, this
-is easily seen to be correct:
- \fpp \log Pr(\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots, \vc{O}_{T}) &=& Pr(\vc{O}_{1},
-\ldots, \vc{O}_{T})^{-1}
- \fpp Pr(\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots, \vc{O}_{T}) \\
- &=& \frac{Pr(\vc{O}_{1}, \ldots, \vc{O}_{T-1})}{Pr(\vc{O}_{1},
-\ldots, \vc{O}_{T})} \Psi_{T} (\lambda_{1}) \\
- &=& \frac{\mathbf{\Psi}_{T}(\lambda_{1})}{\mathbf{\Phi}_{T}}.
-Further, to actually compute the gradients, the partial derivatives of
-the parameters and observation distribution functions are neccessary,
-i.e., $\fpp p_{k}$, $\fpp \pi_{i}$, $\fpp a_{ij}$, and $\fpp
-\vc{b}_{i}(\vc{O}_{t})$. Only the latter case requires some
-attention. We need the following derivatives $\fpp
-\vc{b}_{j}(\vc{O}_{t})=\fpp \vc{b}_{j}(O_{t}^{1}, \ldots, O_{t}^{m})$, for
-arbitrary parameters $\lambda_{1}$. To stress that $\vc{b}_{j}$ is a
-vector of functions, we here used boldface. First note that because of local
-independence we can write:
- \fpp \left[ b_{j}(O_{t}^{1}, \ldots, O_{t}^{m}) \right] = \frac{\partial}
-{\partial \lambda_{1} } \left[ b_{j}(O_{t}^{1}) \right] \times
-\left[ b_{j}(O_{t}^{2}) \right], \ldots, \left[ b_{j}(O_{t}^{m}) \right].
-Applying the chain rule for products we get:
- \fpp [b_{j}(O_{t}^{1}, \ldots, O_{t}^{m})] =
- \sum_{l=1}^{m} \left[ \prod_{i=1, \ldots, \hat{l}, \ldots, m}
-b_{j}(O_{t}^{i}) \right] \times
- \fpp [b_{j}(O_{t}^{l})],
- \label{partialProd}
-where $\hat{l}$ means that that term is left out of the product.
-These latter terms, $\frac{\partial} {\partial \lambda_{1} }
-[b_{j}(O_{t}^{k})]$, are easy to compute given either multinomial or
-gaussian observation densities $b_{j}(\dot)$
-\subsection{Generating data}
-The \code{dmm}-class has a \code{generate} method that can be used to
-generate data according to a specified model.
-\section{Multi group/case analysis}
-\code{depmix4} can handle multiple cases or multiple groups. A
-multigroup model is specified using the function \code{mgdmm} as
-mgr <- mgdmm(dmm=mod,ng=3,trans=TRUE,obser=FALSE)
-mgrfree <- mgdmm(dmm=mod,ng=3,trans=FALSE)
-The \code{ng} argument specifies the number of groups, and the
-\code{dmm} argument specifies the model for each group. \code{dmm}
-can be either a single model or list of models oflength \code{ng}. If
-it is a single model, each group has an identical structural model
-(same fixed and constrained parameters). Three further arguments can
-be used to constrain parameters between groups, \code{trans},
-\code{obser}, and \code{init} respectively. By setting either of
-these to \code{TRUE}, the corresponding transition, observation, and
-initial state parameters are estimated equal between
-groups\footnote{There is at this moment no way of fine-tuning this to
-restrict equalities to individual parameters. However, this can be
-accomplished by manually changing the linear constraint matrix, and
-the corresponding upper and lower boundaries.}.
-In this example, the model from above was used and fitted on the three
-observed series, and the \code{trans=TRUE} ensures that the transition
-matrix parameters are constrained to be equal between the models for
-these series, whereas the observation parameters are freely estimated,
-i.e.\ to capture learning effects.
-The loglikelihood ratio statistic can be used to test whether
-constraining these transition parameters significantly reduces the
-goodness-of-fit of the model. The statistic has an approximate
-$\chi^{2}$ distribution with $df=4$ because in each but the first
-model, two transition matrix parameters were estimated equal to the
-parameters in the first model (note that the other two transition
-parameters already had to be constrained to ensure that the rows of
-the transition matrices sum to 1).
-\section{Mixtures of latent Markov models}
-\code{depmix4} provides support for fitting mixtures of latent Markov
-models using the \code{mixdmm} function; it takes a list of
-\code{dmm}'s as argument, possibly together with the starting values
-for the mixing proportions for each component model. There's an
-example in the helpfiles. It fits the model to data from a
-discrimination learning experiment which is provided as data set
-\code{discrimination} \cite{Raijmakers2001}.
-\section{Finite mixtures and latent class models}
-The function \code{lca} can be used to specify latent class models
-and/or finite mixture models. It is simply a wrapper for the
-\code{dmm} function, and all it does is adding appropriate numbers of
-zeroes and ones to the parameter specification vectors for starting
-values, fixed values and linear constraints. When a model has class
-\code{lca} the summary function does not print the transition matrix
-(because it is fixed and/or not estimated).
-\section{Starting values}
-Although providing your own starting values is preferable,
-\pkg{depmixS4} has a routine for generating starting values using the
-\code{kmeans}-function from the \pkg{stats}-package. This will
-usually provide reasonable starting values, but can be way off in a
-number of cases. First, for univariate categorical time series,
-\code{kmeans} does not work at all, and \pkg{depmixS4} will provide a
-warning. Second, for multivariate series with unordered categorical
-items with more than 2 categories, \code{kmeans} may provide good
-starting values, but they may similarly be completely off, due to the
-implicit assumption in \code{kmeans} that the categories are
-indicating an underlying continuum. Starting values using
-\code{kmeans} are automatically provided when a model is specified
-without starting values. The argument \code{kmst} to the
-\code{fitdmm}-function can be used to control this behavior.
-Starting values of the parameters, either user provided or generated,
-can be further boosted by using posterior estimates using the Viterbi
-algorithm \cite{Rabiner1989}. That is, first the a posteriori latent
-states are generated from the current parameter values for the data at
-hand. Next, from the a posteriori latent states, new parameter
-estimates are derived. This is done by default and can be controlled
-by the \code{postst} argument. Provided that the starting values were
-close to their true values, using this procedure further pushes those
-parameters in the right direction. If however the original values
-were bad, this procedure may result in bad estimates, i.e.,
-optimization will lead to some non-optimal local maximum of the
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