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Mon Nov 3 00:33:18 CET 2008
Author: maarten
Date: 2008-11-03 00:33:18 +0100 (Mon, 03 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 231
Modified: individual.tex
--- individual.tex 2008-10-31 21:57:34 UTC (rev 230)
+++ individual.tex 2008-11-02 23:33:18 UTC (rev 231)
@@ -344,12 +344,12 @@
-\subsection{Reponse distributions and parameters}
+\subsection{Response distributions and parameters}
% this needs some more on the design, interface to glm and similar
% other models etc.
The package is built using S4 classes (object oriented classes in R)
-to allow easy extensibility (REFERENCE to S4 methodology).
+to allow easy extensibility (Chambers, 1998).
Each row of the transition matrix and the initial state probabilities:
@@ -488,9 +488,67 @@
\subsection{Weather prediction task}
-Still to add models and data.
+%Still to add models and data.
+The Weather Prediction Task (WPT, Knowlton, Squire \& Gluck, 1994)
+is a probabilistic categorization task, in which participants learn to
+predict the state of the weather (sunny, or rainy) on the basis
+of four ``tarot'' cards (cards with abstract geometrical patterns).
+Each cue pattern is associated with a particular probability distribution
+over the states of the weather. In order to perform in the task,
+participants must predict the weather in accordance with these
+conditional probabilities.
+%The WPT has been popular in neuropsychological research,
+%particularly because amnesic patients perform this task rather
+%well, despite not being able to remember actually many aspects
+%of the task (or in some cases, even performing the task at all).
+%This has led to the conclusion that probabilistic category learning
+%depends on implicit memory, which is separate from explicit
+%memory. While this conclusion is debatable (Speekenbrink, Channon
+%\& Shanks, 2008), the finding of relatively unimpaired performance
+%by amnesic individuals remains striking.
+There are different accounts of probabilistic category learning.
+According to instance or exemplar learning theories, participants
+learn by storing each encountered cue-outcome pairing. When presented
+with a cue pattern, these exemplars are retrieved from memory, and weighted
+according to their similarity to the probe cue pattern, to form a
+classification. According to associative theories, participants gradually
+learn by gradually associating the individual cues (or cue patterns in
+configural learning) to the outcomes. In rule-learning, participants are
+taken to extract rules by which to categorize the different cue patterns.
+Gluck, Shohamy and Myers (2002) proposed a number of such rules (or strategies). A main
+difference between these is whether responses are based on the
+presence/absence of a single cue, or whether responses are based on
+cue patterns. Gluck et al. formulated all strategies in a deterministic and
+optimal manner (e.g., the multi-cue strategy corresponded to giving the optimal
+response to each cue pattern). Meeter et al. allowed for probabilistic
+responding (a small probability of giving the non-optimal response).
+Alternative non-strategy based analyses of the WPT (Lagnado et al, Speekenbrink et al)
+have estimated response strategies by variations of logistic regression.
+%associative, rule-based.
+Here, we analyze the behavior of a single individual performing the
+WPT for 200 trials. We let each state be characterized by a Generalized
+Linear Model with a Bernoulli response and logistic link function. We are
+interested in whether a DMM can recover a strategy model in line with Gluck et al.
+As we fit the data to a single subject, we must place some constraints.
+Specifically, we constrain the state transitions to be in a ``left-right'' format
+(states can only proceed to the immediately adjacent state and never back) and
+the initial state
+A single state model (usual GLM)
+We started with a 3-state model,
+ \item N=200
+ \item 4 choice data, displayed in blocks of 20 trials
+ \item optimal strategy is choosing C or D
@@ -516,6 +574,9 @@
Insensitivity to future consequences following damage to human
prefrontal cortex. Cognition, 50(1Ð3), 7Ð15.
+Chambers, J. M. (1998). Programming with Data: A Guide to the S Lan-
+guage. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Crone, E. A., \& van der Molen, M. W. (2004). Developmental changes in
real life decision making: Performance on a gambling task previously
shown to depend on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. Developmental
@@ -525,11 +586,19 @@
marker hypothesis: A critical evaluation. Neuroscience and
Biobehavioral Reviews, 30(2), 239-271.
+Gluck, M. A., Shohamy, D., \& Myers, C. (2002). How do people solve the
+weather prediction task?: Individual variability in strategies for
+probabilistic category learning. Learning \& Memory, 9, 408-418.
Huizenga, H. M., Crone, E. A., \& Jansen, B. R. J. (2007).
Decision-making in healthy children, adolescents and adults explained
by the use of increasingly complex proportional reasoning rules.
Developmental Science, 10(6), 814-825.
+Knowlton, B. J., Squire, L. R., \& Gluck, M. A. (1994).
+Probabilistic classification learning in amnesia.
+Learning \& Memory, 1 , 106-120.
Siegler, R. S. (1981). Developmental sequences within and between
concepts. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child
Development, 46(2, Serial No. 189).
@@ -542,7 +611,8 @@
(NEST). Maarten Speekenbrink was supported by the ESRC Centre for
Economic Learning and Social Evolution (ELSE). Thanks to Hilde
Huizenga, Brenda Jansen and Anna van Duijvenvoorde for the Iowa
-Gambling task data.
+Gambling task data and David Lagnado for the Weather Prediction Task
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