[Depmix-commits] r116 - trunk/srcll

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Mar 27 23:27:52 CET 2008

Author: ingmarvisser
Date: 2008-03-27 23:27:52 +0100 (Thu, 27 Mar 2008)
New Revision: 116

Removed .Rhistory

Deleted: trunk/srcll/.Rhistory
--- trunk/srcll/.Rhistory	2008-03-27 22:26:51 UTC (rev 115)
+++ trunk/srcll/.Rhistory	2008-03-27 22:27:52 UTC (rev 116)
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-## seasonal component for quarterly data#
-dlmModSeas(4, dV = 3.2)
-x <- matrix(runif(6,4,10), nc = 2); x
-dlmModReg(x, addInt = FALSE)
-### multivariate local level -- seemingly unrelated time series#
-buildSu <- function(x) {#
-  Vsd <- exp(x[1:2])#
-  Vcorr <- tanh(x[3])#
-  V <- Vsd %o% Vsd#
-  V[1,2] <- V[2,1] <- V[1,2] * Vcorr#
-  Wsd <- exp(x[4:5])#
-  Wcorr <- tanh(x[6])#
-  W <- Wsd %o% Wsd#
-  W[1,2] <- W[2,1] <- W[1,2] * Wcorr#
-  return(list(#
-              m0 = rep(0,2),#
-              C0 = 1e7 * diag(2),#
-              FF = diag(2),#
-              GG = diag(2),#
-              V = V,#
-              W = W))#
-mod <- dmm(nsta=2,itemt=c(1,2)) # gaussian and binary items#
-fit1 <- fitdmm(dat=speed,dmm=mod)
-mod <- dmm(nsta=2,itemt=c(1,2)) # gaussian and binary items#
-fit1 <- fitdmm(dat
-    data(geyser)#
-    obs <- geyser$duration
-    ResGeyser1 <- HMMFit(obs)
-    ResGeyser2 <- HMMFit(obs, nStates=3, paramBW=list(verbose=1, init="KMEANS"))#
-    # fit a 2 states of a mixture of 3 normal distributions#
-    # for data_mixture#
-    data(data_mixture)#
-    ResMixture <- HMMFit(data_mixture, nStates=2, nMixt=3, dis="MIXTURE")#
-    summary(ResMixture)#
-    # geyser data - 3 states HMM with bivariate normal distribution#
-    ResGeyser<-HMMFit(obs=as.matrix(geyser), nStates=3)#
-    # multiple samples discrete observations#
-    data(weather)#
-    ResDiscrete <- HMMFit(obs=weather, nStates=3, dis="DISCRETE")
-        data(speed)#
-        depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()))
-mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()))
-	mod
-	# create a 2 state model with one continuous and one binary response
-	data(speed)
-	mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()))
-	# print the model, formulae and parameter values
-	mod
-	data(speed)
-	# 2-state model on the RTs of the speed data with random 
-	# starting values for the transition pars (without those EM does not get off the ground)
-	set.seed(1)
-	mod <- depmix(rt~1,data=speed,nstates=2,trstart=runif(4))
-	# fit the model
-	mod1 <- fit(mod)
-	mod1 # to see the logLik and optimization information
-	# to see the parameters
-	summary(mod1)
-# 2-state model on the RTs of the speed data with random #
-# starting values for the transition pars (without those EM does not get off the ground)#
-mod <- depmix(rt~1,data=speed,nstates=2,trstart=runif(4))#
-# fit the model#
-mod1 <- fit(mod)
-# to see the ordering of parameters to use in setpars
-mod <- setpars(mod, value=1:npar(mod))
-# create a 2 state model with one continuous and one binary response
-mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()))
-# print the model, formulae and parameter values
-# to see the ordering of parameters to use in setpars
-mod <- setpars(mod, value=1:npar(mod))
-mod <- setpars(mod, getpars(mod,which="fixed"))
-x <- rnorm(100)
-xd <- data.frame(x,1)
-mod <- depmix(x~1,ns=2,nt=100,trst=runif(4))
-fm <- fit(mod)
-rt <- speed$rt
-mod <- depmix(rt~1,ns=2,nt=439,trst=runif(4))
-fm <- fit(mod)
-rt <- speed$rt
-mod <- depmix(rt~1,ns=2,nt=439,trst=runif(4))
-fm <- fit(mod)
-rt <- speed$rt
-mod <- depmix(rt~1,ns=2,nt=439,trst=runif(4))
-fm <- fit(mod)
-resp <- c(5.52,0.202,0.472,0.528,6.39,0.24,0.098,0.902)
-mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()),trstart=trstart)
-# 	respstart=resp,trstart=trstart,instart=instart)
-mod1 <- fit(mod)
-ll <- logLik(mod1)
-# Test optimization using Rdonlp2
-resp <- c(5.52,0.202,0.472,0.528,6.39,0.24,0.098,0.902)
-mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,transition=~Pacc,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()),
-	respstart=resp,trstart=trstart,instart=instart)
-mod1 <- fit(mod)
-ll <- logLik(mod1)
-post <- cbind(viterbi(mod1),speed$Pacc)
-mod at ntimes
-mod1 at ntimes
-par(fig=c(0, 1/2, 0, 1/2), new=T)#
-plot(seq(-2,2,length=300),dnorm(seq(-2,2,length=300)),type="l", axes =#
-F, xlab="", ylab="")
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,10)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- A*B
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,10))
-mod <- depmix(list(rt~1,corr~1),data=speed,nstates=2,family=list(gaussian(),multinomial()))
-# print the model, formulae and parameter values
-x=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x1=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x2=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x1=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x2=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x1=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x1b=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),439)
-x2=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),mod at ntimes)
-x2b=lystig(mod at init,mod at trDens,apply(mod at dens,c(1,3),prod),439)
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,10))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,10))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5),byrow=T)
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,5,2)
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5))
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5))
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5))
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-A <- matrix(1:4,2,2)
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-init <- matrix(1:2,1)
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(5,2,2))
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,5,2))
-ct <- array(apply(B,1,"*",A),c(2,2,5))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(2,2,5))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(2,5,2))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(5,2,2))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(5,2,2))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(5,2,2))
-ct <- array(apply(t(A),1,"*",B),c(5,2,2))
-ct <- array(apply(A,1,"*",B),c(5,2,2))
-A <- array(1:20,c(5,2,2))
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-A <- array(1:20,c(2,2,5))
-B <- matrix(1:10,5)
-ct <- numeric(0)
-for(i in 1:5){
-ct <- c(ct,(A[1,,i]*B[1,],
-ct <- numeric(0)
-ct <- numeric(0)
-for(i in 1:5){
-ct <- c(ct,A[1,,i]*B[1,],A[2,,i]*B[1,])

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