[datatable-help] Can you explain what is going on???
Gerald Jean
gerald.jean at dgag.ca
Thu May 14 16:04:17 CEST 2015
the following code is extracted from a function where roughly 150 variables of a large data set are transformed using data.table.
The variable "membre" was coming out with one missing value, in trying to understand why, I extracted the code from the function, added a few "cat" statements and ran it directly in the terminal.
ttt.test.sima[, ":=" (membre = {##
+ cat(" Processing: membre", sep = "\n")
+ ttt <- membre
+ cat(paste(" Class ttt = ", class(ttt), sep = ""), sep = "\n")
+ cat(paste(" Length ttt = ", length(ttt), sep = ""), sep = "\n")
+ cat(paste(" sum(ttt == 0) = ", sum(ttt == "0"), sep = ""), sep = "\n")
+ ttt[ttt == "0"] <- "O" ## A few capital "O" are coded as zero "0".
+ cat(paste(" sum(ttt == 0) = ", sum(ttt == "0"), sep = ""), sep = "\n")
+ ttt <- ifelse(PROV != " QC", " OAO",
+ ifelse(membre == "", " Ma ", membre))
+ cat(paste(" sum(ttt == 0) = ", sum(ttt == "0"), sep = ""), sep = "\n")
+ merge.levels(factor(ttt, levels = c("O", "N", " Ma ", " OAO"),
+ labels = c(" Oui", " Non", " Ma ", " OAO")),
+ k = list(" Oui" = c(" Oui", " OAO")))})]
Processing: membre
Class ttt = character
Length ttt = 4750880
sum(ttt == 0) = 2
sum(ttt == 0) = 0
sum(ttt == 0) = 1
I don't understand why after the « ifelse» statement the temporary variable « ttt» is back with a single « 0 (zero)» in it, resulting of course in the missing value of the factor created from it.
Thanks for your support,
[cid:image001.gif at 01D08E2D.142361C0]
Gerald Jean, M. Sc. en statistiques
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