[datatable-help] merge zero row data.table

G See gsee000 at gmail.com
Fri May 9 00:57:02 CEST 2014


Is the following error expected?

> library(data.table)
data.table 1.9.3  For help type: help("data.table")
> a <- data.table(BOD, key="Time")
> b <- data.table(BOD, key="Time")[Time < 0] # zero row data.table
> merge(a,b, all=TRUE) # works fine
   Time demand.x demand.y
1:    1      8.3       NA
2:    2     10.3       NA
3:    3     19.0       NA
4:    4     16.0       NA
5:    5     15.6       NA
6:    7     19.8       NA
> merge(b,a, all=TRUE) # error
Error in setcolorder(dt, c(setdiff(names(dt), end), end)) :
  neworder is length 2 but x has 3 columns.


p.s. using svn Rev. 1263

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