[datatable-help] A good way of using data.table with a date index

Chris Neff caneff at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 20:07:26 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I often have a date index in a data frame that I don't really care to keep
as a time series because I don't do any sort of smoothing or anything, but I
prefer to keep it as a date class (or POSIXct or whatever) so I can do
things like only get data past a certain date, or so plots will format

I've found that any time I time to make a date class a key variable it
complains that it can't be converted to integer without losing information.
I've had to resort to saving them as factors and then using as.POSIXct
whenever i want them as dates, which is annoying and error prone.

Does anyone have a better way? POSIXct supports all standard equality
functions, and (I'm pretty sure) you can just convert into unix seconds
without losing anything, so why does it complain?

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