[datatable-help] aggregation error under 1.5.3

Johann Hibschman jhibschman+r at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 15:57:02 CEST 2011

Matthew Dowle <mdowle at mdowle.plus.com> writes:

> Yes that is known bug #1294. Haven't had a chance to fix it yet, but
> it's quite an annoying one. Steve's workaround is correct in the
> meantime.

Thanks; I should have checked the bug list.  Can I contribute a unit
test?  I would think something like:

  test(88.5, TESTDT[a=="d",list(MySum=sum(v)),by=list(b)],
    data.table(b=INT(6,9), MySum=INT(7,11)))

would work.  (That's based on just a few minutes of looking at the
sources, so I may have mangled something.)


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