[datatable-help] Gmane mirror

Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com
Mon Aug 16 22:43:24 CEST 2010

The history has been uploaded to Gmane now. It has been reflecting new
posts ok for a week or so.

NNTP host : news.gmane.org
Group:      gmane.comp.lang.r.datatable

A link is now on the datatable homepage to it.

The web viewer is odd. It orders threads by the time the first post in
the thread was received *at gmane*. It considers it received each post
in the history upload when that history was loaded, not the original
post time. Therefore a few recent threads are at the bottom of page 2,
followed by the history, followed by this new thread (this is the first
new thread since the history upload), if I understand correctly.

As a web viewer, Nabble is better than Gmane I think. Nabble imported
the history correctly, moves active threads to the top and we have the
ability to move around incorrectly threaded posts there too.

For NNTP though, Gmane is great. The history orders fine in a
newsreader, in contrast to the web viewer.  You can post to the list
from a newsreader too, provided your email address is subscribed to the
list in the usual way.


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