[Coxflexboost-commits] r9 - in pkg: . R inst man

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Thu Mar 12 17:49:48 CET 2009

Author: hofner
Date: 2009-03-12 17:49:48 +0100 (Thu, 12 Mar 2009)
New Revision: 9

- improved plot.cfboost (for time-varying effects)
- minor changes for integration

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
 export(cfboost, boost_control, mstop, risk, freq.sel,
@@ -23,3 +22,4 @@
 S3method(predict, baselearner)

Modified: pkg/R/PMLE.R
--- pkg/R/PMLE.R	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/R/PMLE.R	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     ## build design matrix for currently added base-learner
-    if (attr(x[[added_bl]], "timedep")){
+    if (added_td <- attr(x[[added_bl]], "timedep")){
         xd <- unlist(grid)
         xname <- get("xname", environment(attr(x[[added_bl]], "predict")))
         zd <- get("z", environment(attr(x[[added_bl]], "predict")))
@@ -86,9 +86,12 @@
     exp_pred_tconst <- exp(predictions_tconst * nu)
     exp_pred_td <- exp(predictions_td * nu)
+    old_coefs <- attr(x[[added_bl]], "coefs")
     logLH_pen <- function(coefs){
         log_lik <- sum(delta * (fit + x[[added_bl]] %*% coefs)
-                       - integr(x[[added_bl]], coefs, desMat,
+                       - integr(old_coefs, added_td, coefs, desMat,
                                 predictions = list(offset = exp_offset, tconst = exp_pred_tconst, td = exp_pred_td),
                                 controls = list(grid = grid, trapezoid_width = trapezoid_width, upper = time, nu = nu)))
         if (is.null(pen)) pen <- 0 else pen <- 0.5 * (coefs %*% pen %*% coefs)

Modified: pkg/R/cfboost.R
--- pkg/R/cfboost.R	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/R/cfboost.R	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -72,11 +72,15 @@
     df_est <- matrix(NA, nrow = mstop, ncol = length(x)) # matrix of estimated degrees of freedom
     ## compute df2lambda which depends on the offset and on y
+    if (trace)
+        cat("compute df2lambda .")
     for (i in 1:length(x)){
         if (!is.null( attr(x[[i]], "df"))){
             attr(x[[i]], "df2lambda")(y, offset)
+            if (trace) cat(".")
+    if (trace) cat("\n")
     #### start boosting iteration ####
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@
       for (m in mstart:mstop) {
         if (trace)
-          cat("Step ", m, "\n")
+          cat("Step ", m, "; Progress .")
         ## fit MLE component-wise
         for (i in 1:length(x)) {
@@ -98,7 +102,9 @@
             maxll[i] <- dummy$maxll
             logLH[[i]] <- dummy$logLH
             if (!is.null(dummy$df)) df_est[m,i] <- dummy$df
+            if (trace) cat(".")
+        if (trace) cat("\n")
         if (all(is.na(maxll)))
             stop("could not fit base learner in boosting iteration ", m)

Modified: pkg/R/integr.R
--- pkg/R/integr.R	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/R/integr.R	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## Integration Using the Trapezoidal Rule ##
-integr <- function(x, coefs, desMat, predictions = list(), controls = list(), ...){
+integr <- function(old_coefs, added_td, coefs, desMat, predictions = list(), controls = list(), ...){
     # x             currently added base-learner
     # coefs         the current coefficients
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
     if (length(predictions$offset) != 1) stop(sQuote("offset"), " must be a single constant")
-    coefs <- coefs + controls$nu * attr(x, "coefs")
+    coefs <- coefs + controls$nu * old_coefs
     foo <- desMat %*% coefs
-    if(attr(x, "timedep")){
+    if(added_td){
         foo <- matrix(foo, nrow = length(controls$grid), ncol = length(controls$grid[[1]]), byrow = TRUE)
         predictions$td <- predictions$td * exp(foo)
     } else {

Modified: pkg/R/methods.R
--- pkg/R/methods.R	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/R/methods.R	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@
 ## methods: plot for cfboost objects
-plot.cfboost <- function(x, which = NULL, ask = TRUE && dev.interactive(),
-                          type = "b", ylab = expression(f[partial]), add_rug = TRUE, ...){
+plot.cfboost <- function(x, which = NULL, ask = TRUE && dev.interactive(), type = "b",
+                         ylab = expression(f[partial]), add_rug = TRUE,
+                         color.palette = c("heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors", "cm.colors", "rainbow", "none"), ...){
+    color.palette <- match.arg(color.palette)
     tmp <- x$data$input
     class(tmp) <- "list"
@@ -76,7 +78,26 @@
         if (!is.null(zname) & zname != "NULL")
             ixname <- paste(ixname, " (as interaction with ", zname, ")", sep="")
         ixorder <- order(ix)
-        plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = type, ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
+        if (!attr(tmp[[i]], "timedep")){
+            plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = type, ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
+        } else {
+            iz <- get("z", environment(attr(tmp[[i]],"predict")))
+            if (!is.null(iz) && length(unique(iz))==2){ ## for time-varying effects of binary covariates z
+                sel <- (iz == sort(unique(iz))[2])[ixorder]
+                yi <- attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder]
+                plot(ix[ixorder][sel], yi[sel], type = type, ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
+                lines(ix[ixorder][!sel], yi[!sel], type = type)
+            } else {
+                if(!is.null(iz) && color.palette != "none"){  ## for time-varying effects of other covariates z (with colors for changing z)
+                    foo <- eval(parse(text=color.palette))
+                    colors <- factor(iz)
+                    levels(colors) <- foo(length(levels(colors)))
+                    plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = "p", col=as.character(colors), ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
+                } else {
+                    plot(ix[ixorder], attr(tmp[[i]], "predict")(x$coefs[[i]])[ixorder], type = "p", ylab = ylab, xlab = ixname)
+                }
+            }
+        }
         abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
         if (add_rug) rug(ix)
@@ -157,3 +178,5 @@

Modified: pkg/inst/CHANGES
--- pkg/inst/CHANGES	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/inst/CHANGES	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
   o  changed dependencies: droped mboost (as it depends on many other packages)
      and added modeltools instead
+  o  improved plot.cfboost (for time-varying effects)
   o  TODO: change integration

Modified: pkg/man/methods.Rd
--- pkg/man/methods.Rd	2009-03-02 17:24:18 UTC (rev 8)
+++ pkg/man/methods.Rd	2009-03-12 16:49:48 UTC (rev 9)
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@
 \method{print}{cfboost}(x, ...)
 \method{summary}{cfboost}(object, ...)
 \method{plot}{cfboost}(x, which = NULL, ask = TRUE && dev.interactive(),
-     type = "b", ylab = expression(f[partial]), add_rug = TRUE, ...)
+     type = "b", ylab = expression(f[partial]), add_rug = TRUE,
+     color.palette = c("heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors",
+     "cm.colors", "rainbow", "none"), ...)
 \method{coef}{cfboost}(object, ...)
 \method{[}{cfboost}(object, i, ...)
@@ -35,6 +37,12 @@
   \item{ylab}{ A title for the y axis. }
   \item{add_rug}{ logic. Determines if \code{\link{rug}}s are added. }
+  \item{color.palette}{ character. Determines how time-varying effects
+       of non-binary covariates should be ploted. A color palette of
+       "heat.colors", "terrain.colors", "topo.colors", "cm.colors",
+       "rainbow" is specified (as character). See \code{\link{rainbow}}
+       for details. If "none" is specified, all observations are
+       printed in black. }
   \item{i}{ integer. Index specifying the model to extract. See example
        for more details.}
   \item{\dots}{ additional arguments (not used a.t.m.) }

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